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Sunset Shimmer and The Grey Jedi · 6:50pm Aug 21st, 2019

So alot of people have been asking me since the story was published to make Sunset Shimmer a "Grey Jedi" and to have her be "Balanced in the Force.

So I am going to just nip that right in the bud. I personally dislike the Grey Jedi as an idea and "Balance" doesn't make sense to me. Keep in mind I am ignoring ALOT of Disney Canon in this story unless it's something I particularly like (Such as Kylo Ren's freeze ability.)

I am using old interpretations of the dark side and the Force as a whole. In the Original Trilogy, the Prequels and the EU up until the death of said EU the dark side was seen as something unnatural, something that corrupted people just by it's use. Their were places strong in the dark side true, but those places normally bore witness to tragedies or great feats of the dark side.

I don't believe in Balance. the most Balanced Sunset will be in this story is like Qui-Gon if i decide to go that route.

To answer some other questions, the story will go where I want it to go, and right now the only goal Sunset really has is to get home, not to interfer in galactic politics.

Comments ( 18 )

So.... What's your stance on the Jedi is what needs to be asked? There methodology of suppressing all emotion etc... Also people like Revan and the light sided sith who used emotion without falling to the darkside which is canon even before disney. For reference they are most easily found in the book of Sith and Jedi that were published a while back.

Artistic license is fine but a crossover where you stick totally or nearly to the letter of canon means I might bow out of reading because i've read enough stuff that is basically just regurgitating the story with one or a small number of extra players.

You could make her like one of the Je'Daii, who, under twin moons, harnessed both the light and dark sides

i agree, I'm generally going to make her out to be more like Luke's order in the old EU. she's going to be light with almost no Dark Side abilities but she won't suppress her emotions. It's kind of hard for me to explain over text

In my book there are:
a) dark Jedi:
b) light Jedi:
c) dark Sith:
d) light Sith:

Grey force users are just people who stuck between a) and b) or c) and d). (Not good not terrible, but not ideal ether)

I don't know which side of the force Sunset Shimmer is going to pick in your story but there are only two ways that I can see. She is ether going to be a champion of the light or the champion of the dark.

What's wrong with balance?

But seriously I don't think you sould make Sunset either a jedi or sith.

I suggest you have her use the jedi teachings to accessvthe force. Then have her use Celestia's teaching the force in ways neither Darth Vader nor Darth Sidious could comprehend.

I suggest that you have Senset use Yoda's Jedi training to access the force the use Celestia's magic training to use it in ways neithet

It is possible to use some dark side powers with more positive or neutral emotions. Hence light sided sith. Or like Mace Windu use others emotions. That's what most people mean when they say dark side. After all even luke choked a few people. And the jedi version of Force lightning are two examples off the top. Although it's more of a beam than lightning. I'd love the more rare arts here. Like force science/alchemy.

So your going to have to enlighten me what is a "light side" sith give me examples

Grey Jedi were in the EU too and even implied in the movies via Qui-Gon himself. Kreia was one for a long while up until the Jedi banished her from the council due to not preventing Revan from leaving for the Mandalorian Wars where she went to Malachore V and the pure dark side energy that was there corrupted her very being into becoming Darth Traya but up until her death continued to spout the wisdom of a Grey Jedi which even was seen in the KOTOR II game as she spouts about how both the Jedi and Sith were corrupt in their own ways and to truly have balance was to use both sides of the force in their own ways.

This is further elaborated on in BioWare's KOTOR themed MMO Star Wars The Old Republic that holds a World of Warcraft Esque Dual Faction system in that you can play as a Sith or Jedi and make both Light Side choices for Sith and Dark Side Choices for Jedi and NOT change your allegiance. Now the Jedi have been a bed of corruption for decades so Dark Side Jedi is nothing too surprising, but the ability to play as a Light Side Sith was something mind-blowing because it confirmed that Kreia was right and that the Force was not black and white and that it's actually messy and is actually a spectrum of grey than black and white as most people thought it was up until KOTOR II and SWTOR.

Something that was in the books for a while. It is a major point in the Bioware MMO Star Wars the Old Republic. And while the events aren't necessarily canon Lucas and Disney have them having existed as Canon. Yoda has little notes about them in the book of Sith that was published. All kinds really. Basically Sith who were light leaning, or simply realized only using the lots of the dark side all the time led to bad things. Like force rot and the decay of your body. This is where Grey Jedi sort of came from. A lot of them were simply Sith who gave in to there emotions but not the bad ones. They interpreted the Sith code as mastering the force and not letting it master you. For the more dark leaning they thought the whispers of the dark side must be ignored. Kind of like the Void elves in Warcraft right now. For the light leaning they just learned to use some dark side abilities with more neutral or positive emotions. Or like Mace Windu use the dark emotions of others as fuel for the ability.

I really liked the code that the Sith Inquisitor companion Ashara Zavros chants. Who is a Jedi Padwan you capture/recruit . "Passion, peace. Strength, knowledge. Power, serenity. Victory, harmony. Freedom, the Force." So it's not really a grey philosophy. One might call it Harmony with the force.:raritywink:

And of course they didn't trust the Jedi because they suppress emotions and were still loyal members of the sith empire,

I'ma be honest, if I recall correctly, Kylo Ren's 'freeze' ability isn't actually 'just Disney canon'. I believe it was an active ability mentioned here or there in a few books, as well as utilised in couple fan favorite games. Also, it could arguably just be an augmented ability of Tutaminis, which, if you need a good example, is what Satele Shan utilised to catch Malgus' blade with her bare hand in the Fight or Coruscant cinematic.

Yeah Energy absorption or something. Rare to be really good at it like Force Meditation but a known ability. I see Sunset being a bit like Revan who was taught by the Jedi Librarian. Someone who learns different ability's so she/he understands the mechanics even if there is never any intention to use it in action.

Something something I once put together a character that was effectively a Force Wielder that almost solely focused in augmenting their speed, strength and durability with the Force, a'la Mace in the 2d Clone Wars when he just punched a bunch of B2's to death, while learning to utilise Tutaminis exceptionally well.

Tutaminis is one of thee most under-rated abilities.

I've heard learning to force wield your sabers like Kreia is better, but the force manipulation and power, as well as concentration for that is monumental.

Comment posted by Shalifi deleted Aug 22nd, 2019

One bit of trivia I like. Force users user to have it so that the button to activate the lightsaber was hidden in the device. So it was harder for opponents to use and less dangerous if non force users got a hold of them. The saddest thing is the loss of knowledge do to hoarding of knowledge on Sith and Jedi parts. The ability to learn or teach a language by going into the minds others was lost. So was the ability to make holocrons just to name two. They used to be very commonly known.

And the answer to the age old question of 'why not just turn off your opponents lightsaber' is ultimately, the wielder is in tune with their saber. They can feel when another attempts to use the force on it. Which requires concentration. Concentration oft used in the 4d chess game that is lightsaber combat. So attempting it /could/ work on the untrained, but to a trained duelist they'd immediately realise your attentions are divided and press that.

There's a lot of information on stuff like that. Both are true. The hidden button is just a cool thing that I like that use to be very common. Makes sense. Many force users can take apart the lightsaber and put it back together with the force. Makes sense they'd keep tweaking it over time.

Finally remembered what I was thinking about. The original Jedi code.
The Je'daii Code
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no fear, there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness.
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force.

Back when they were on the planet Tython. The planet itself over time rebels against anyone too far on the light or dark spectrum if I remember right.

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