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Pineapple Love. Beloved Mare. Follow me on Discord: Godfrog#4197 Support me on: My patreon https://ko-fi.com/nailah

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Interview with Phoenix Heart 20 · 6:36pm Aug 17th, 2019

“Alright, now tell me my dear friend, what inspired your username?

Your response: Well that's a good one! Well unsurprisingly, this is my....3rd or 5th username that I've used for this site. Considering I originally went by "AlphaWolf97100" back in 2014, sometime in mid 2017 I felt it was time for a change. What better way to exemplify this than by the literal definition of rebirth: a Phoenix. My heart and personality are firey, hence the "heart". The 20 was simply because I entered my 20s that year.

“What drew you into Mlp?

Your response: Honestly? I have been a fan of the My Little Pony franchise since I was a little girl (during G3). When I heard in 2010 that a new show was gonna be released, I jumped at the chance to watch it (of course under the guise of watching it with my niece)! It's been a loving relationship ever since!

“Who is your favorite pony and why?

Your response: Easy. Pinkie Pie. She's been my favorite since G3! She's so full of life and crazy! Just like me IRL! But she also knows when to be...remotely serious. Again, like myself. Perhaps I relate too much to her, but I digress.

“Favorite episode and why?”

Your response: Hmmm...a tough one. Let's see...I'd most likely say "Baby Cakes". I know? How odd, right? Well in this case I related to Pinkie so much due to a shared experience. I became an aunt at too young an age and therefore had to figure out how to handle being left alone with a baby quickly. Yes I had struggles, but for the most part, I handled it (albeit with hilariously bad results most of the time). Just like Pinkie Pie did with the Cake twins.

“What inspires you to write?”

Your response: Honestly? It varies. For the most part, I take inspiration from real-life events. This is true in some of my stories such as "Silent" and "EDM and Wubbz". Others seem to come to me in dreams. Like with "Love (and other things) in Prance". One night of dreaming about Paris not only gave me a story idea, but also an art piece!

“Tell us about your favorite story, and why it inspires you to write. It doesn't have to be mlp specifically!”

Your response: Okay, my all-time favorite story is "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. Yes I am aware it's book 1 out of 4. But the pure synopsis and even after reading it about a hundred times or so, I still can't get over the amount of world-building and the essential message of that story! It truly taught me the value of storytelling and building a world through your written words. I first read it in 2nd grade and since that first reading, it was like a spark had been lit in my brain. I wrote my very first book in 3rd grade and a series of short stories by 6th grade.

“Give us the background of the author! Tell us all about you. Well in a short summary.”

Your response: Okay. I am a 21 year old lady. I have Asperger's Syndrome. Although I am "high-functioning Autistic", I do still have some small issues. I am a college student, currently studying Culinary Arts at a non-traditional 'college' for people with "disabilities" (I only quoted that because I personally hate that word). I am a fairly easy-going laid-back person who loves to show the world her talent.

“With Mlp coming to an end, tell us one thing you have learned from your experiences, and how it has helped you to grow?

Your response: Alright. Gosh this show has shown me so many things! If I were to choose just one, it would be to accept and love each other's differences. Acceptance is the one thing that I've struggled with my whole life and with this show and...well this community as a whole, I finally found something close enough to that! I don't judge people by anything but their character and morale. To me, this show took that notion and upped it by like 1,000,000! That's what I love about it most. These small, pastel colored equines show a world of difference and how to comprehend it all. That's something I try to teach my nieces and nephews even now. I'm forever grateful for that.

“Is there anything else you'd like to say?

Your response: Just this: Just because the show is ending, don't think of this as "oh it's the end! What to do now?". Think of it as "I know it's ending. At least we had some great times and hey! We got some pretty cool stories out of it too!". Keep that in mind when the series finale happens people.

Comments ( 1 )

(I am aware this response is very late)
I would like to thank you for taking the time and effort to place an interview with me.

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