• Member Since 12th Sep, 2011
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Professor Donger

Imagine not writing about ponies in the current year

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Chapter 6 Progress Report. · 9:39am Aug 12th, 2019

So It's been Nearly 3 Weeks since Chapter 5 was Published and Chapter 6 hasn't been posted yet, so I wanted to let you all know how that's going.

So I won't lie, Chapter 6 hasn't even been started yet. These last three weeks have been hectic for me with my job throwing five eight hour work days each week. I work Nights so basically what ends up happening is I work from 2:30pm-10:30pm, get home around 11pm and try to catch up on anything I need to, and then sleep around 2, only to wake up at 12 and head out to do real life things until 2:30 and then just repeat.

The nights after work would normally be where I try and write newer chapters but I am trying not to do that anymore. Not only does the quality of the chapters drop when I do, It also screws with my sleep schedule and isn't healthy.

With that said, Chapter 6 should be written and done on Thursday if everything goes well. If not I'll update you all and I thank you for your patience.

For those of you interested my Pateron is still a thing, and any support I can get will help extend the amount of time I can spend writing and doing other content for you all. I am thinking about starting a Lore Channel for Star Wars in general, and if anyone is interested comment and tell me what you'd like to learn about and I'll start working on it along side this story.

Also Join the Discord so I can keep you all up to date more often as that is my preferred platform.

Comments ( 5 )

Take all the time you need!

Make your time HA HA HA.

take your time man. (gives me more time to finish the picture for chapter 8!)

You get home at 11? Awww.....
I usually sleep around 200 but up at 930 1000. Unless my ac is broke


I usually sleep around 2/3 and get up around 12, i used to be able to get up at 9 but health issues are screwing me over right now

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