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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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The Last Laugh/A Friendship is Magic Season 9 Review · 3:47pm Aug 7th, 2019

Hey, paesanos! It's the 'Super Party Pony Super Show'! Cue the music!

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, and Occasional Singer, keeping you up to date with the latest news for the final season of MLP! The long hiatus is over, and the season continues as we roll on through the second half before the much-anticipated finale where all good things come to an end. Up till now, the season has had quite a strong start with a few solid additions to the series and a few episodes that were, well… Just slightly above the ‘average’ mark (Though the recent special wasn’t quite up to par in my book). Hoping to continue the trend of hopefully some solid stories, if the image wasn’t enough the latest installment of Season 9 reunites the MLP fandom with one of the most popular guest stars in MLP history: Weird Al Yankovic a.k.a. ‘Cheese Sandwich’.

Keeping it weird and groovy since 1976!

For those who don’t know, Weird Al Yankovic was a popular singer-songwriter best known for his humorous songs making fun of popular culture, often parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts (Even using ‘Polka’ in his music). While I admit I’m not as big a fan of his music compared to most people, there are at least one or two songs of his that I do enjoy (‘Everything You Know is Wrong’ being one of my favorite guilty-pleasure tunes). Some fans may know him as the voice of Milo Murphy from ‘Milo Murphy’s Law’ (Pretty fun show for all the ‘Phineas and Ferb’ fans), but the moment fans heard he’d be on MLP as a Party Pony whose energy and antics nearly rival that of Pinkie the fans were in an uproar of glee and excitement. While it’s been five seasons since we had a Cheese Sandwich episode, the matter is whether Cheese’s return to the series will give us the Pinkie Pie story we want… Or if this episode turns out to be ‘Yakety Sax’ levels of bad (*Shivers* So bad….). But with no further delay, let’s dive right into the episode appropriately titled:

The Last Laugh

Warning: The following review contains spoilers. If you haven't seen the episode, please skip now!

The Story:

As bored as mice in Cinderella's castle during the sequel (I wouldn't watch it).

The opening to this is clearly a reference to how the fandom anxiously wait for a new episode to release, though I’ve known a few who just can’t wait and decide to watch the Chinese release before it comes out to America (You know what you did!). Anyways, the Mane Six are gathered in the castle because Pinkie Pie has some urgent news that she needs to share. Of course, I don’t blame the group for feeling this way because she’s sure taking her sweet time.

Pinkie Pie: Terrible, isn't it? She should know better than to keep her friends waiting.

Exactly… *Sees Pinkie* WAH!!!! *Nearly falls over* Sheesh… Can never get over that. *Clears throat* While the episode doesn’t specify how Pinkie relayed a message to call the group over (Though I won’t be surprised if its anything like she did in Season 1), there’s a matter of the ‘important’ news worth looking into. Yet it’s how Pinkie shares the news that would leave her friends understandably baffled.

So what, is that cinnamon or honey or...?


WAH!!! *Falls back*

*Picks himself up* Knew I should’ve packed a pillow for this review. Anyway, it turns out Pinkie has been cordially invited to Cheese Sandwich’s newly opened “Amusement Factory”, not “Park” but a “Factory” … Just let it sink in. But the bigger news is the return of Cheese Sandwich himself, whose desire to spread joy and laughter to ponies has officially mass-produced (Like MLP merchandising that almost completely overshadows Lauren Faust’s original intent… So sorry, Mrs. Faust). Yet it’s this one episode where we realize that Pinkie has discovered an existential crisis.

Is this the real life or is this just a fantasy of positivity and cupcakes?

It’s interesting to note that only now does this season decide to give us a ‘deep’ story centered on Pinkie Pie, which in itself is a rarity amongst fans. But understandably so, its no wonder Pinkie feels left out when nearly all of her friends have discovered their own calling and realizing their own dreams. With Twilight ruling Equestria; Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt; Fluttershy running her Sanctuary; Rarity expanding her business; and Applejack… Well, she’s clearly not leaving the farm.

You're not letting this go, are ya?

*Nods* Mmm-hmm. All joking aside, this is rare to see a pony who’s typically cheerful and happy touch on anything serious. Sure, Pinkie has saved Equestria like her friends, sure she teaches, bakes, plans parties, occasionally foal-sits, and makes every pony happy… But what about her? Is that truly ever enough for a pony who usually perks up at all the stress. Or has all her friends truly missed the subtle hints that maybe Pinkie truly has issues that she typically doesn’t share to just any pony.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, there's an empty place in my bones...

Now I can go over Pinkie more thoroughly in the ‘Characters’ section, but the audience can relate to Pinkie’s dilemma. That she feels unfulfilled as much as she casually plays it off as no big deal, but speaking from experience its all just an act attempting to convince folks we’re doing okay when that’s far from the truth. That’s why she feels a reunion with an old friend may provide an opportunity to discover her true purpose and holds this feeling that the challenge will be worth it.

Or it's her stomach's violent reaction to the Styrofoam.

So, Pinkie trots her way to the factory excited to reunite with Cheese (Cue the shippers knee-jerk reaction), given the last adventure they had together no wonder he’s got a big fanbase. But she barely makes it to the gates when she’s stopped by the factory’s two security guards.

Guard 1: Nopony ever goes in...
Guard 2: And nopony ever comes out!

Now this is where I find some fault with the writing at this point. While it’s a nice subtle reference to a certain ‘Chocolate Factory’ (NOT the remake), there’s this matter of ‘choosing’ your words carefully. Such words would question how delivers are made from the factory, if the employees ever get to go home… Or for the matter if they get a lunch break! I mean come on, you can’t take one look at this face and tell her no.


*Pause* Buck, they are good! Fortunately, Pinkie manages to get the guards up to speed by showing proof that Cheese Sandwich personally invited her with a ‘partially’ eaten cupcake containing the invite.

Guard 2: Oh crud, we better let her in or he'll deduct our pay... Again!

Okay, that didn’t happen in the episode but if Cheese found out they shoved the pony who saved Equestria multiple times… They should just let her in. We finally get to see a bit of the factory and…

Well-secured… Prison-like… Very gray… Yep, it’s the ‘Chocolate Factory’ remake.

Kind of disappointing for a Gag Factory, I'd at least expect the walls to be as bananas as Cheese's shirt. Pretty gloomy set-up for what’s supposed to be a fun episode. Hopefully the reception is better than with the guards…

Dah!!! ‘Monster House’ has expanded to a ‘Monster Factory’!!!

*Eerily* Welcome...

Dear god, I’m getting images of the ‘Rainbow Factory’ videos… But Pinkie seems happy to be warmly welcomed by Cheese Sandwich… Patience shippers… Yet, something about him seems ‘off’ at a glance.

Pinkie Pie: Did you get a haircut since our last episode?

No, you silly twit!

Oh great, it’s another ‘Svengallop’ pony… Actually, this straight-faced fancy suit pony is Sans Smirk, the Vice President of Amusement Integration! While Sans doesn’t look like a bad guy, dear God does he have the warmth of a snow pea. Even his cutie mark being a ‘Wet Blanket’ says everything about his character. But nevertheless, he’s there to present Pinkie a tour around the factory and…

Come on! Willy Wonka's factory was less boring than this... Both of them.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it faithful readers, if the assembly lines weren’t boring enough Sans goes on how they believe in promoting the ‘Science of Comedy’. Okay, with me I find mashing ‘serious’ and ‘comedy’ together sounds like an oxymoron waiting to happen. But as someone once pointed out to me: Comedy isn’t just chaotic silly nonsense, its about igniting a response, what works and doesn’t work, and comedic timing (Which I can understand). But to be fair, Sans does give Pinkie a chance to share her opinions on all the gags they are making.

Pinkie Pie: What if the flower was part of a shirt, but the shirt squirts!

Pinkie Pie: What if instead of slipping, the banana peel sticks!

Sans Smirk: And what about this whoopie cushion?
Pinkie Pie: Sir… A friend told me that was a ‘joke’ shortcut.

Nevertheless, Sans is visibly impressed by her innovative comedic insight and the expression alone speaks for itself:

When you realize your job is in serious jeopardy.

But delaying the visit long enough, Pinkie is finally treated to the real reason for being at the factory: To reunite with her popular shipping partner... The 'other' popular partner.

HIYA, CHEESE!!! *Insert applause here*

*Gloomily* Hi, Pinkie... *Insert cricket noises*

I’d make a joke about the ‘sitcom’ tropes, but this is a side to Cheese Sandwich we don’t typically see. Cheese Sandwich, sitting in the dark and speaking with an overly serious tone. This can only mean one thing:


Actually, besides looking like a beatnik coffeehouse pony, more than a business chap, it turns out Cheese Sandwich has completely lost his sense of humor. And since Pinkie Pie’s comedy is equivalent to his own, he invited her here to… Wait…

Is that a Pinkie Pie doll? Cheese, we need to talk about this.

Okay, okay, moving on… For Cheese to lose his laugh (If that’s even physically possible), its like an artist losing their sense of wonder to paint or a writer who can’t come up with strong material (Like a TTG writer). That just because Cheese ‘can’ tell whether a joke or gag is funny, his inability to laugh at them has left him with such a huge creative block that he can’t come up with new ones (So would that be ‘Laughter’s Block’?). But Pinkie finds it hard to believe and decides to test this theory for herself.

Pinkie use Peanut Brittle Gag!

*Insert comedic sound effect here*

We're doing 'Pokemon' references, now?

Hey, I’m doing the best I can with what I got! *Clears throat* Anyways, I don’t blame Pinkie for remaining skeptical about Cheese’s plight (Even how tear-jerky he is and his choice of mane style). Which calls for an epic flashback sequence…

Cheese Sandwich: To laugh or not to laugh, that is the question...

Or... We can do that.

Fun fact: The candy came from the bat instead of the piñata! Boy, Cheese had fun!

As it turns out, during Cheese Sandwich’s travels across Equestria as a party pony, eventually all the parties he’d throw to bored children and all the fun gags he gave suddenly became profitable.

I see Amethyst has been busy with Mr. Fancy Tie.

Eventually, Cheese Sandwich decided to invent more gags to bring to other ponies. The problem is: Alone, the work became exceedingly overwhelming even by Cheese’s standards.

This must be how Kris Kringle felt in "Santa Claus is Comin' To Town".

Just when it seems there was no way for Cheese Sandwich to meet the demands of his customers, hark an angel appears from the doorway…

But she cancelled... So we hired 'this' guy.

The two ponies eventually get together and concoct an idea of opening a factory to keep up with the increasing demands and so Cheese Sandwich can keep creating great ideas. It sounds like a breath of fresh air, but…

Even with the Rainbow, the factory still feels uninviting.

Yet despite the factory’s great success and though Sans Smirk is clearly at home, it doesn’t take long for Cheese Sandwich to lose his laughter. Granted, the episode doesn’t just say that it happened in the span of a week… A month… Maybe a year… But it’s just ‘turned off’ like a light.

Cheese Sandwich: What is life worth living if there's not a speck of joy to be traced?

Whoa, got a little deep there for a second. Anyways, seeing the state Pinkie’s friend is and how he’s been cooped up in his own factory out of shame, Pinkie makes a vow to help him get his laugh back. Though the episode really missed out on applying the ‘Pinkie Promise’ gag… Come on episode, least try to make this funny. But sure enough, that’s just what Pinkie does: ‘Try’.

So, with a little assistance from Sans Smirk, Pinkie attempts the most popular form of comedy known to pony-kind: Physical Humor.

Pinkie, I appreciate the shout out. But even I don't find this funny.

Okay, now you're just forcing the joke.

Pinkie: Oh, there'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!

All right, I realize I used this in the last ‘blog’ but for me its funny to see the straight-face pony be the butt of jokes. And how does Cheese Sandwich feel about this?

Like a guy who recently broke up with a girl and can never be happy again.


Calm down, Pinkie… There are children reading this. *Clears throat* But give credit to Pinkie Pie, she’s determined to get Cheese to smile.

Hey Cheesy, does your face hurt? Because it's killing me!

To be fair, this isn't the worst I've seen Pinkie do to ponies ('Cupcakes', 'Smile', etc.).

If that's how Cheese made his masks, I'd be terrified.

Clearly the old-fashioned method of comedy just isn’t working, like every millennial’s reaction to the old-school comedy. Which leads to Pinkie Pie doing the last thing she’d ever think to do: Apply “Real” science to comedy!

Pinkie Pie: Science rules!

While fans argue that the studies on ‘funny’ isn’t perfectly conclusive, that humor is more of a ‘personal’ ordeal, believe it or not there are legit studies to comedy (Course I would never consider that). Not to mention this episode does introduce us to the various forms of comedy: Situational, slapstick, dark jokes… *Hears a commotion* What? *Pause* They didn’t apply a ‘Dark’ joke? *Pause* Huh, well I guess that’s no big loss.

Anyways, while we know Pinkie for organizing and strategizing the best party for her friends, this is an opportunity for the party horse to effectively communicate complex ideas around a topic that interests her. And being that she’s a ‘teacher’ at the School of Friendship, using those talents to further teach the staff to make effective comedic gags.

Pay attention class, Pinkie's School of Laughter is about to begin!

Let me guess, Cheese walks through the door and...

And the water comes from the rug and not the bucket? Okay, that's clever.

But not very effective.

Disappearing-reappearing ink? I suppose Roger Rabbit would be impressed.

It’s at this point that Pinkie’s reduced to uncovering the formula for ‘toast’.

Sadly, despite all her efforts with various gags, props, and comedy styles (She has a list), everything she delivers to Cheese ends in utter failure. Since it’s obvious Pinkie can’t break a smile from her favorite stallion and resigning himself of a life devoid of laughter, Cheese Sandwich immediately calls it quits and it really hurts to watch.

Cheese Sandwich: If you can't make me laugh, no one can.

Oooooh… Yep, still hurts. You know I joke that Sans Smirk looks more like the grumpy old pony yelling at foals to get off his lawn, but seeing Cheese Sandwich this forlorn practically takes the joy out of this episode. That feeling that he’s exhausted his last resource, his only two living, constant friends failing to make him happy…

Well, buck you too!

You watch your mouth! Great, I’m talking to plastic chickens… Anyways, as it turns out Cheese’s inability to laugh isn’t the only conflict. Turns out Cheese’s factory is going out of business with the pony of the hour unable to come up with new jokes or gags potentially putting every pony out of a job!

Pinkie Pie: This is awful! The horror; the horror!!!
Sans Smirk: Yes… I’m afraid it’s true.

Despite Sans’ offer to let Pinkie Pie take over the factory in Cheese’s place, even though her creative mind would be perfect, Pinkie feels that this is not what her life purpose is all about. That no pony can ever truly be happy cooped up in an office and not being able to see the joy your work brings to people. The same goes with comedy, whether if it’s the running point of a series or part of the background, even if some fans ask what’s the point of laughing over unfunny bits like ‘toilet humor’ (TTG does A LOT of it).

Pinkie Pie: Laughter doesn't have to have a point; that's why it's funny.

Which brings me back to Sans Smirk. At a glance, I among many others assumed he’d be just another ‘Svengallop’ pony, a guy who takes the joy out of comedy with ‘science’ hence why the entire factory is as gray as ‘Halloweentown’ during Kalabar’s revenge (Yeah, I’ve seen the movie). But the more we get to know the guy, even though his poker-faced demeanor doesn’t come off as breath of fresh air, nevertheless he truly cares about Cheese Sandwich. Even looking back on how happy Cheese used to be when he saw the joy his gags brought to ponies’ faces in his early days… HOLD THAT POSE!!!

Okay, not literally!

Suddenly, the reason behind Cheese’s lost laughter is clear, if all the flashbacks leading up to this moment didn’t make it clear enough.

Pinkie: Cheese, we don’t need you to laugh! You just have to make ‘us’ laugh!
Cheese: Pinkie, are you proposing to me?

Okay, that didn’t happen but I’m hoping to imagine how fans would react. Anyways, while the factory brings joy to Equestria, no pony can ever be satisfied unless he witnesses that joy first-hoof. In comparison to this, I can never tell if customers enjoy the books I receive while sitting in a cubicle (But I still enjoy the work). So, Pinkie attempts to test this theory once more using Sans Smirk as a test subject and…

Yeah, Pinkie should've used herself even if she laughs at 'everything'.

But while unintentionally spouting ‘spoonerisms’ (And that ‘is’ a real word), Cheese discovers that his humor does cause some of the factory workers to laugh. Don’t believe me, see for yourself:

Cheese Sandwich: EUREKA! I'VE DONE IT!!!

Now THAT'S the Cheese Sandwich we've waited for.

Through the episode’s title song, which I’ll go over later, Cheese Sandwich rediscovers the joy of spreading laughter to ponies and not through a factory.

Props to whomever can guess this film reference.

Sure enough, Cheese Sandwich manages to do the unthinkable: Making Sans Smirk laugh!

I don't know if I should be pleased... Or scared.

And the moral of the story is: Life is short, quit the job that makes you unhappy. *Pause* Fine, that wasn’t quite it. But all joking aside, Cheese Sandwich decides to go back to be a traveling party pony again and he doesn’t feel bad about his honesty to quit. It’s not so much what he felt needed to be done, but its because he got his ‘life purpose’ quest all wrong. And since Pinkie made it very clear she has no interest in running the factory, Cheese decides to leave the factory in very capable hooves…

So... Is the pony 'behind' Sans Smirk?

I’m kidding! Cheese gives the job to Sans not only because the whole factory was Sans’ dream in the first place, but because they’ve grown to be very good friends in an unknown period of time (Seriously, I don’t know how long it’s been since the factory opened). This way every pony can do what they love: Cheese can go out into the world creating new gags and experiences, all the while he can deliver his ideas to Sans to mass-produce his products.

Sans Smirk: By jove! It's so absurd it just might work!

Now that his own life’s purpose has been rekindled, only then does Cheese remember that Pinkie Pie had her own ‘crisis’ coming to the factory. Some would say the fans had forgotten by this point, but others would point out that the similarities Pinkie has seeing Cheese in his state sort’ve foreshadows what she herself needs to do. Although to be fair, she does miss out on this big moment:

Cheese Sandwich: Pinkamena Diane Pie, would you do me the honor of being my second travel buddy?

Pinkie Pie: Hmm... Ask me again by the finale, then we'll talk.

Eventually Pinkie Pie returns home to her friends to share her experiences at Cheese Sandwich’s factory (Hopefully minus the bland appeal of the architecture). As far as figuring out her life’s purpose, Pinkie was already bringing joy and laughter to others and just needed to remind Cheese what he needed to do.

Pinkie Pie: If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.
Applejack: Whoa… Pure poetry…

*Dazed* Tell me about it… *Clears his head* So yeah while it seemed like there was no point for Pinkie to learn something about herself, that the whole episode was all for the sake of filling in space, in a way there was a ‘tiny’ bit of enjoyment from this episode. Maybe not as overwhelming as, oh I don’t know ‘Pinkie Pride’, but for a Pinkie Pie episode I can be content if this is how her story ends. Maybe not as big as I hoped, but at least she made some laughs…

Who wants Peanut Brittle?

*Eyes widen* GET DOWN!!!!!!! *Ducks*

Clean-Up in the throne room!

The Characters:



Well, I wouldn’t say ‘surprising’ but yes, this episode was clearly a better ‘Pinkie Pie’ episode than the ‘Yakety-Sax’ dilemma. Even though her journey of self-discovery wasn’t entirely as deep as we hope and while the episode in general wasn’t as heavy on humor, this was Pinkie’s chance to help an old friend rekindle his joy in comedy. The various moments that Pinkie does put together and her creative interpretations of humor I admit were enjoyable. Because rather than being the ‘source’ of a problem, she’s helping to confront the issue another pony is having, and this is a Pinkie episode I love to see. Of course, she only fills the first half of this list.

Together again, for the first time!

When I first heard that ‘Cheese Sandwich’ was making a comeback for this season, I was curious to see what entertaining bits he’d throw into this episode. Then we see Cheese go from Party Pony to Pity Pony and well… This was definitely Weird Al’s chance to be ‘serious’. Now to be fair, while the initial character he gave throughout the story was severely different from the Cheese we are used to and perhaps not as funny as we hoped, I hold nothing against the character as far as he was portrayed. In a way, the issue he’s dealing with is a relatable issue amongst artists who lose their joy when they don’t see others enjoying it and this almost gives us some perspective if even a prodigy like Weird Al might lose his joy in music. But when we do get to see him back to his old self once his problem’s been tackled, it all pays off nicely and it’s always fun to see Cheese Sandwich at his strongest.


Sans Smirk: That’s not the picture I asked for!


*Clears throat* It’s no secret coming from me that I wasn’t a big fan of Sans Smirk’s character during this episode. While I’m grateful that he wasn’t an exact ‘Svengallop’ copy and that he meant well, I’m just not a big fan of the ‘Seriousness of Comedy’ topic and angles. While it’s important to know how comedy works and what gets a huge reaction, for me he was just that straight pony made to be the butt of jokes by the more insane cast (Like ‘Felix Ungar’ in ‘The Odd Couple’). Plus, the whole ‘Joke Factory’ element to me just felt a ‘slight’ bit out of place even though they ‘tried’ to justify this and Sans place for the sake of story progression. But if you ask me what my favorite part about the entire episode was… Chances are it’s not going to be this guy.

Pinkie Pie: Don’t worry. We’ll get him in his sleep.

You got a problem with us pally?

Well, aside from the fact your time is much shorter than even the Mane Six (Hence why neither Twilight and his friends are included), we never see you two again after the beginning, and the way you treat Pinkie was a slight uncalled for… Yeah, I needed to fill some space. To be fair, these two would make a decent mixed tag team in wrestling and they do keep the place secured. While not as intimidating as the ‘tinker’ in ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’, yet they are just there to prove no pony can just walk in. Plus, I don’t think they have names… And for those reasons I had to ‘Chop’ you. *Pause* Sorry, wrong show.

The Music:

Cuz’ I’ve got a golden cupcake…

No Pinkie, that wasn’t in the episode.

Aw, you're no fun anymore.

Sorry about that folks. Can we move to the next slide, please?

*Cue '80's Music Video' reference here*

While I admit it may not be one of Cheese Sandwich’s strongest musical numbers, being it’s the only song in the entire episode, I will admit as far as serving as a realization of what he needs to do the song accomplishes moving the story along. Taking homage to other factory related musical numbers like ‘Toot Sweet’ in ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’ and some of the brief gags included, it does make for a fun sequence that makes the episode worth watching. It may not have the same energy as some of Weird Al’s other contributions to the series, but I say the song is passable enough. Plus, any sequence that has Pinkie and Cheese performing together would make it worthwhile to have Andrea Libman and Weird Al sharing an episode. And if that’s more than enough for all the fellow readers, I’d be cool with it.

Now that would make a solid movie poster.

Overall, while ‘The Last Laugh’ may not be as hilarious as the last Cheese Sandwich episode, there are a few elements that make the episode ‘somewhat’ redeemable. It’s not as deep as far as that self-discovery story I sought for and some of the humor might feel ‘forced’ at times, but the topic of trying to find a joy in your hobbies is a life lesson audiences can feel sympathetic for. If anything, this episode was merely to add in ‘Cheese Sandwich’ to a show reaching its end and a redemption story after Pinkie’s disastrous account with that yovidaphone dilemma. Though the majority of the story’s plot is as bland as a backdrop for ‘Rainbow Roadtrip’, the bits that Cheese and Pinkie share somewhat make up for the grey atmosphere (Even if most of it is trying to get a smile off Cheese). Least the fans will be happy to see their favorite ‘Cheekie’ pony-pair reunited for one last run (I couldn’t think of a more appropriate pairing name for these two).

But the big question remains:

What did YOU think? Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until next week’s review faithful viewers, this is the Dramamaster829… And boy can I use a pick-me-up after this review.


Double-Chocolate Chip if you please.

Thank you my dear. *Picks up the muffin, sniffs the aroma* Oh yes, now this was worth it… *Takes a bite*

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is 'Mud'.

*Plops to the ground*

Remember kids: 'Mud' spelled backwards is 'Dum'.

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