• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Being a Better Writer’s Summer of Cliche Writing Advice: Stop Planning and Start Writing · 8:37pm Jul 29th, 2019

Hello readers, and welcome to the third installment of Being a Better Writer’s Summer of Cliche Writing Advice! Where each week this summer we’re taking a different look at some of those oft-heard, easily repeated sayings of writing advice that seem to swarm young writers (and even some veteran ones) wherever they go. The quick, off-the-cuff sayings that just seem to crop up like flies.

Because while they’re numerous and oft-repeated, are they really that useful? Or have they, in being cut down to something that’s bite-sized and easily digestible, lost some of that functionality we’d like them to bring, or even perhaps become harmful, like last week’s “Show, don’t tell?”

Or are they distilled wisdom that, while curt, is really quite useful? Well, that’s what Being a Better Writer is figuring out this summer with this series. Is the saying really that useful? What sort of knowledge or advice can we take out of it? Should we be repeating it? Or is it something we shouldn’t use because it’s likely going to cause more stumbling than smooth sailing for a new writer?

Enough pontificating! This week’s quick quip of choice?

Stop Planning and Start Writing.

Continue reading →

Comments ( 3 )

Thank you for the article...I apperently needed some basic "just do it" advice more then I thought. The relevance this has to my self induced situation is more then a little jarring. A "reality check" as some might say.

You're welcome! Glad to hear it helped, and good luck getting going on the writing bit!

Keep poking around on my site if you hit any stumbling blocks. There's a lot of content on there for writing!

Noted, should I need further aid I will give the site a few look overs!

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