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Amalgam'verse Profile: Sara Ross (Species) · 1:52am Jul 27th, 2019


Not linking her look in her true form in full due to it being NSFW. And yep, Species is kinda canon. For all the fan service, it's a pretty good monster series... last one withstanding. So more or less the events of Species I, II, & III happened with only a few changes. Sara is from the 3rd movie if you ever want to check, but I didn't change all that much. Posting this because she's gonna be in a future Tales Of special taking place on Terra. Should have chapter done by weekend.


Title: the Endangered Species
Alias: The purebreed, Specimen 04 (MARS Corp), Succubi giger (Tiptree’s designation)

"Leave me alone."


Species: Alien Species 94, Unknown Origin - Human Splicing

Height: 1.9 meters

Weight: 80 kilograms

Eye Color: Green (human form), blue without pupils or whites (true form)

Hair Color: Blonde (human form), dark gray blues (true form)

Skin Color: Light tanned pale (human form), dull blue (true form)


SETI Recreation Project - Origin of Maternal line
Colonel Patrick Ross - Father, deceased
”Eve” - Mother, deceased
S1L a.k.a “SIL” - Same genetic template as mother, deceased
Patrick Ross’ human born offspring - Half siblings, deceased
Dr. Abbot - Adoptive father, deceased
Paul - Companion and sterile mate, deceased

Allegiance: None, wants to join GDF possibly but content as a future veterinarian

Morality: More instinctual, but overall good. Extremely intelligent, she rarely lords or over others and is content to make a splash by her merits and not her abilities. She is inherently untrusting and reclusive, but for extremely good reason. Then again, if someone trying to take her out on the town thinks they can force themselves on her, they got something else coming. She isn't very emotive, but she cares far more than she lets on.

Appearance: Two forms, human disguise and her true form. Her human disguise is very fetching to the eye, resembling a tall Caucasian woman with hip length straight blonde hair, lightly tanned skin, and green eyes with a lean build.
Her true form is far more monstrous despite her even temperament. Six large dorsal spines fan out from her back and shoulders, her digits become tipped with claws with spines on her elbows and knees, spines grow out of the bottom of her heels which gives her the appearance of wearing stiletto shoes, and her hair is replaced by several long, spike tipped tendrils resembling dreadlocks. Her skin molts off to reveal a blue tinted, almost biomechanical looking exoskeleton as blue lenses cover her eyes. The teeth are also replaced by double rows of sharp fangs.


Physical Prowess:

In her human disguise, Sara is roughly twice as strong as a conditioned adult man and can lift three times her weight. In her true form however, she is far stronger; capable of easily throwing a fully grown human across the room and punching through walls without injury. On one instance she easily blocked a blow from another hybrid, whom was strong enough to throw himself through a plexiglass wall and break a 2x4 between his fingers. In their contest, Sara easily overpowered him without outside interference. Her lifting strength is likely somewhere between two and four tons with ease. She is roughly eight times stronger than a conditioned human and slightly exceeds most Mysterian hybrids.


Sara’s strength is also present in her reflexes and legs, making her far faster in a sprint than a majority of humanity. In a sprint she can exceed 80 km/h and her reflexes are strong enough to perceive, dodge, and block most melee attacks by human antagonists. This puts her on par with some higher end Xilian soldiers.


Sara’s exoskeleton is exceptionally strong and can become stronger due to her adaptive ability. At base it is resistant to many kinds of stabbings, blunt force impacts, and slashing wounds from handheld weapons as well as small caliber rounds. A .22 bounces off her skin whereas a close range 9 mm round would likely just punch into the first layer and get pushed out. She can be hurt by sufficiently high caliber rounds, but her regeneration, biology, and resistance means taking multiple assault rifle rounds to the gut will likely just slow her down for a moment or two. Her bones are also exceptionally tough and multiple cases attempted headshots have bounced off her skull unless they hit at the right angle.



Simply put, unless starving Sara almost never gets tired. She barely ever sleeps and exhaustion is based more of her food intake and stored energy than mental use like in humans. Sara was once recorded running around town, at one point outpacing a train, for hours on end and then continued to act and function for another two days before she got tired. 



Rapid Regeneration - Sara Ross can recover from almost any injury so long as most of her body remains, including but not limited to loss of a limb, decapitation, and impalement. She can rapidly regenerate from wounds like gunshots, gashes, or broken limbs in a matter of seconds. This remarkable healing ability can only stop by being overtaxed by mass bodily harm such as large explosions or continuous, large amounts of fire. SIL, whom had identical powers, was only finally killed by taking a grenade launcher shot to the face and being dunked in a vat of burning crude oil.

Attack Tendrils - Sara has multiple spear tipped, sharp tendrils making up her ‘hair’ and dorsal spines. The tips to her ‘dreadlocks’ are smooth and spear-like whereas her backspines are jagged and barbed. These can extend several meters at high speed, more than enough to run a human through unless they have on armor. The tendrils can be both flexible and yet also stiffen into lances. When wrapping around someone, she can yank up to 50 kilograms off the ground per tendril.

Tongue Harpoon - Sara's strongest tendril extends through her body and has the exit port concealed inside her tongue. This 'harpoon' has a range of several meters and can hit with enough force to burst through someone's skull or shatter a window. A really powerful blow is indicated by her arching her back, dropping open her jaw, and her tongue splitting open like a flower to reveal the spike inside it.

Limited Psychic Abilities - While not a true telepath, Sara had some psychic abilities. This is most often used in the form of psychic ‘cloaking’, which makes her imperceptible to psychic probing or searches; handy for hiding. This also makes her resistant to mental suggestion or speech. One common, unique ability is an odd ability to rapidly absorb knowledge. After flipping through a book once, she can effortlessly memorize the contents. In years past she could used mentally reach out and find others of her own species, but this ability is now completely useless as she is the last of her kind left.

Adaptive Ability - Once exposed to a poison, tranquilizer, venom, or drug; Sara becomes extremely resistant if not totally immune to it in a short person of time. This also extends to physical trauma, at least for awhile. If shot and wounded, Sara can rapidly remodel her body to reinforce her exoskeleton or grow tissues that simulate kevlar to absorb the rounds no problem. These adaptations can fade with time, but can mean any attacker will have to change up their plan eventually.

Alien Biology - Sara is capable of breathing underwater for extended periods of time and has an abnormal endoskeleton. While sterile, she still has the ability to open her ribcage to unleash more tendrils; as this is where her kind gives birth.
While she doesn’t like to use them, Sara has the fangs and talons of a predator and they can tear through plywood with relative ease. Between her enhanced strength, durability, and talons; she has managed to defend herself very viciously and with lethal force.



- Sara Ross, while taking some self defense training and experience, is not a seasoned fighter and mostly acts of self preservation since she has matured. She has mostly fought normal humans and relies on raw ability to overpower them.

- Prolonged damage can begin to drain her internal glucose stores and deprive her ability to regenerate. To replenish herself, she often has to scarf down massive amounts of calories shortly after sustaining heavy damage.

-Hydrochloric gas can knock her unconscious unless she is exposed to small amounts.



In the 1990s, SETI finally got a non-Mysterian alien signal. Responses were made to the responses and contact with a seemingly friendly alien race of unknown origin was made. While secretive, the messages contained two codes. The first was a means of synthesizing helium as well as a means of making it into an energy source. The other was a means of a ‘genetic upgrade’, combining an alien genetic code into the human DNA sequence. The result would be a highly adaptive, physically powerful, intelligent hybrid with abilities exceeding the parent species.

Eager for the potential for more agents and supersoldiers, as the Mysterians logically were only producing so many offspring at once, it was accepted. Three hybrid embryos were made, the lead researcher Dr. Xavier Fitch choosing to make them all female in an attempt to make them “more docile and controllable”. Dr. Xavier Fitch likely didn’t talk to women often. Two of the embryos were put on ice and the third, S1L or “SIL” was allowed to grow. And grow she did.

While apparently human in appearance, SIL grew up at an extremely rapid rate and this worried the researchers. In the span of a few months, she had the appearance of a young teenager girl and showed remarkable abilities as well as an extremely high amount of hormones. This worried the researchers, and they decided to euthanize her. SIL, terrified and confused, broke free of her confines and escaped. It’s implied the physical damage she suffered caused brain damage that triggered her survival instincts, more or less making her less "human" mentally. After an extended chase as SIL matured and left a trail of bodies in her path, he was finally killed by government agents.

Another embryo, genetically identical, was defrosted and allowed to grow, this time raised with hormone treatments to suppress her instincts and not allowed any male exposure. Named “Eve”, she was kept to learn any weaknesses the species had, should they return and become hostile; similar to how deadly diseases are kept in containment to learn about them. The main worry was the species were explosive breeders, more than expected. SIL managed to create a son in a matter of hours and there was a worry if a male was created, it could go on a mating spree and potentially make dozens of offspring in a matter of days with likely lethal consequences for the human mothers.

Eve thankfully proved calmer and agreeable, given she also wasn’t abused. She even mutually regarded Dr. Laura Baker, lead researcher, as her mother and Baker regarded her like a daughter.

Unfortunately a 1998 expedition to Mars investigated recently discovered fossilized ruins revealed the contacting species had been on the red planet before it was leveled by the Ghidorah, and some of their remains were dormant in one particular canister the astronauts brought back with them. It infected two of the astronauts onboard while they were asleep, dormant until they landed. One died from the infection but the captain, Colonel Patrick Ross, had his DNA rewritten into a hybrid; effectively a male version of Eve or SIL.

Patrick Ross didn’t discover this until transforming while intimate with his fiance, resulting in her death after an accelerated pregnancy and birth that destroyed most of her biomass. Horrified, Colonel Ross tried to take his own life via shotgun to the head. But, his alien genes wouldn’t let him die. What’s worse, his reproductive, aggression, and paternal instincts had been exhaggerated to monstrous degrees. Later speculation had it that his strain of alien DNA was potentially based off a strain meant to repopulate the planet in the event of a catastrophe. If this race once existed on Mars, be it native or introduced, they might have been present when the Ghidorah raised the planet eons ago. In a desperate act, this strain might have been a measure to try and restart the race in the event of such a disater and had been laying dormant all this time. The alien side completely hijacked Patrick Ross’ mind so the once noble man he had been was destroyed. Only thing left was base instincts in a sapient mind capable of planning to save his species, find ideal mates, and protect his offspring; lethally if needed.

He left a blood trail of unfortunate groupies and prostitutes in his wake, taking the rapidly growing children back to his remote home to protect them and let them mature. The government as well as the weapons development techgiant, the MARS Corporation learned of this. MARS had previously tried to capture SIL, and sought to do so now with Patrick Ross or any of his offspring. A dozen armed men were sent to the Ross homestead in the dead of night. None survived the attack by a transformed and livid Patrick.

The government however had a different idea, as they were unaware of his location or how many offspring he had. Eve could subconscious detect Patrick, so the thought was by letting her become “more alien” and transform, they could use her to find where he was going and stop him. The plan was to expose Eve to just enough toxic gas to make her adapt and trigger a brief, minor change, something she consented to. Unfortunately sabotage by an unknown party (later suspected to be former BIOMajor employee Lewis Dodgson, now working for MARS) caused too much gas to be emitted and to save herself, Eve briefly transformed in full for the first time. This caused Patrick to sense her too and instinct told him she was the perfect mate, her instincts returning the thought. Ross feigned remorse and allowed himself to be taken in, but sabotage allowed he and Eve to get into the same room; causing both of their instincts to go nuts from each other as well as the room getting pumped full of gas in an effort to kill them both.

Both hybrids transformed into their most powerful state and fled together back to Ross’ ranch. A desperate clean up team, having discovered Ross had a genetic defect in him due to his strain of the alien DNA not being able to handle certain viruses, weaponized it into a spray. Having just done the act with Eve, and wanting to protect his offspring, Patrick took on a more monstrous state and went on the attack. Dr. Baker managed to get through to Eve, who turned on her mate to protect the humans but was seemingly killed defending them.

Exposed to his weakness, the Ross monster was killed along with a vast majority of his offspring. He was later given a funeral, remembering him as the man he was and not the monster he was cursed into becoming.

Eve was carted into a containment truck, the driver Dr. Abbot unknowingly pursued by a MARS van. What did distract him however was the screams of pain in the back and glimpsing Eve moving. Pulling over, he was met with another surprise when he found one of Patrick’s hybrid offspring, a juvenile, hiding in the back alongside a dying but still alive and in labor Eve. Seeing other drivers coming and fearing the ominously glaring hybrid, Dr. Abbot quickly helped deliver Eve and Patrick’s daughter. The birth was too much for Eve and she died from the effort, unable to heal. Feeling remorseful and worrying the child could be hurt in experiments, Dr. Abbot spirited her away after stunning her half brother when he demanded the child.

The MARS jeep that stormed up behind the truck however preoccupied the hybrid enough for Abbot to escape.

He raised the child in secret, finding she had a perfected genome and was totally immune to the viral vulnerability her father had. At first named Sara Abbot, after his late niece, she spent several years happy in a careful secrecy. She was made aware of her alien side, but careful hormone treatments and learning kept her mostly calm. Mostly. She did end up killing a man who tried to force himself on her when she reached adulthood.

Unfortunately, her half siblings were less than moral, growing up diseased and in a cruel isolation. Seeing Sara as the only hope to save their kind, as they were rapidly dying from viruses, Sara’s life was upended by their ploys. From half sisters attempting to trick her to a half brother who tried to do a lot worse. It cost Sara her secrecy, adoptive father, and in the end, her half siblings. Wanting none of this and figuring it removed her potential as a threat, Sara allowed Abbot’s assistant to sterilize her before she left. Using some of Abbot and Baker’s old equipment, and not wanting her to be alone, he used the lab to create a sterile companion for Sara; a kind male named Paul.

Adopting a new surname, Sara Ross and Paul Ross departed to live happily ever after….

… Sadly, they were still chased. The government, GDF, MARS, all came after them at one point or another. In one particularly nasty confrontation, MARS agents surrounded Sara and Paul's car in the Arizona desert, forcing it over the edge of a steep road. Both transformed and engaged the agents but backup was called in. Paul perished drawing attention away from Sara, who escaped by jumping into a river and staying underwater for days on end. Alive but, leaving her alone again. She's had to kill to protect herself more than once and has come to regret some of it. For an alien, she's become surprisingly human over time. She did manage to finally, finally shake her pursuers in a small town in Idaho. Things managed to stabilize again. She got a job as a bartender, managed to save up enough for a rental, and has been putting her learning abilities to use taking night classes to become a veterinarian one day. Her heart had hardened, she's the last of her kind, but she won’t give up.

Knowing she can’t stay hidden forever, even if most think her dead, she had considered reaching out to the GDF for help...

Tonight though, she has a date. Nice fellow named Dodgson.




"Line secure."

"You have eyes on Specimen 04, Dodgson?"

"Eyes on her and hands on every knock out drug I can get. Stay close just in case Tiptree, can't underestimate this type."

"Trust me, I know full well how dangerous this species is. And remember, we don't need her alive."

"Already packed the elephant gun."

Report Tarbtano · 1,258 views · #amalgam'verse #species
Comments ( 21 )

Yay! Loved this series, sexy cenomorph supermodel shows even hot monstergirls can be badass and scary! Truly inspirational

so what series is this from?

A film trilogy called Species.

Nice fellow named Dodgson.

...Be straight with me. Was sparing Dodgson in the RPG truly the best choice?

Deadass the next species and movie(s) to be added to the Amalgam'verse will be The Predator!
Man, as if I hadn't been introduced to enough movies by you already.


Tem's right, more specifically she is from the third film.

we'll see won't we? And even if it was there's never too late to correct a mistake

i wont lie i jumped when i saw that

What’s this from

Wow. Never expected THIS series to make it into the 'verse.

When one stops focusing on the T&A, it's actually got a very interesting, simple story with a very unorthodox alien invasion. Basically Science fiction versions of a succubus and incubus.

what movie sires is this from?

Was kinda sporadic but on the discord, been chattering with folks on which series could fit into Amalgam'verse without changing much about them or the setting. Species actually fit in nicely.


Though I do have a question: given how much larger and more powerful the male Ross was than the females, was Paul capable of putting up a major fight before dying in that case? Interesting to think about.

Very likely, given Paul was made from 'cleaned' DNA from several of Patrick Ross' hybrid offspring to patch the vulnerabilities. Paul wasn't able to become as mosntrous as I Headcanon'd Patrick's version was a modified strain meant for re-population as a means by the Martian colony's attempts to try and counter the ongoing attacks by Ghidorah. Hence why the reproductive and paternal instincts were ramped up to 11/10 (Patrick wasn't choosy with his mates, SIL and Eve were). But he still woulda been extremely capable. And given he was less bestial than Patrick was, he likely had no aversion to using weapons. So in the MARS ambush that killed him, Sara and Paul likely picked up dropped weapons and were firing back.

Given MARS is still chasing Sara and they want that alien samples badly with an intact specimen, whatever they had to do to take down Paul meant there wasn't much left of his body when he held them off for Sara to escape. Likely dude got taken down by a large amount of fire and explosives similar to SIL. I would say given her experience and what the films imply, Sara is the strongest of their kind yet given she is Patrick Ross and Eve's daughter.

What are Sara Ross's thought about Terra's Kaiju?

Dodgeson, Dodgeson we got Dodgeson here....nobody cares.

Where can I read the RPG that ties into this? I love Species 2!

Mostly same as a human. Knows some are good, some are bad, just doesn't wanna get squished. Given how much she gets chased around, she kinda hopes some of them draw away the GDF and MARS' attention.


Poor Sara.

So, we ever getting a BRIDE OF GODZILLA!!! profile?

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