• Member Since 25th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen June 10th

Undead Equestrian Writer

But would I be a good Messiah with my low self-esteem? If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy? - Bloodhound Gang; Hell Yeah

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Writers block · 8:51am Jun 15th, 2019

Does anyone have anyways to get rid of writers block?

Comments ( 38 )

I have a five subject notebook that I will just scribble random ideas into. It's my way of throwing things at that wall and seeing what will stick. Usually it takes a few days of scribbling before the block finally clears out.

Music often serves as good inspiration. :twilightsmile:

I do that with my phone :P
I've been listening to music since last night... Everything from Korn to Imagine Dragons and beyond
That's somehow really fun to watch... and thanks

That's good. Any ideas spring up from that?

Problem was I was asleep for most of it

5074836 I actually sent you a wrong video. Sorry about that. Here's the one I wanted to send you:

Whew, I'm glad it was a safe-for-work video I posted by accident and not one of the tentacle galore kinds.

I'm alright with one of those videos... Wait shit... uhm... nice weather we're having :facehoof:

I like this guys voice... it's somehow soothing when he says "Garbage"

5074848 I'm sure you are, it's just that I could have gotten myself banned by accident, and I'm glad I didn't.

I like the message of the video. If I ever think to myself that I can't write anything, I can always prove myself wrong by writing garbage.

Yeah... well, now it's case of my writer's block is gone I just don't know what to write...

Maybe just have some background music playing while you're doing things in the day?

I already do that... all I listen to is music

Oh. Have you tried switching up what kind of music you listen to? A bit of change never hurts.

I listen to everything... rap, classical, techno, pop, country

Yeah... But I have an idea for story... But I need a name for a barber pony

I was thinking that, but sounds more like what a butcher woulf be called, but thanks :P

I wrote a new story... and I think it's actually garbage...

Aw, don't say that. Let's see it!

I post a link to it once it is submitted

It's a Sweeney Todd crossover, that's just disguising a Cupcakes fanfic

It's a really good horror drama musical released back in 2007 about an insane barber and baker, the barber kills his patrons and the baker cooks them into a meat pie, I recommend watching it

Perhaps. I'll read your story now.

Pinkie Pie, The Demon Baker of Ponyville

Tell me what you think, and please don't sugar coat it, tell me what you truly think of it

Don't worry, I'm reading right now. :twilightsmile:

I've always found that a good way to break a block is to (briefly) forget trying to write well and throw down some nonsense. Five lines of dialogue that lead to a bad pun, a description of a fantasy weapon without context, throw together metaphors that make no sense, whatever floats through your mind. Don't even bother with capitalization or punctuation, drop proper grammar if you have to, just pour it straight from your head to the page.

Half of writer's block is focusing on the fact that you're blocked. Writing just any old nonsense helps distract from that. It's like how if there's a word on the tip of your tongue, the harder you try to remember it the more elusive and frustrating it becomes. So you sing a song or two or do some mental sums, and now that you're not focusing on it, the answer (or in the case of writing, inspiration) comes much more easily.

Hope this helps. And remember, never give up! The muse of inspiration is a flighty mistress, but she is loyal, and will always eventually return to those who seek her.

I'm good now but thank you, I'll try it the next time I get stopped by writer's block

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