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    Potentially The End

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  • 155 weeks

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  • 234 weeks
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    Ladies. Gentleman.

    Non-binary entities.

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  • 235 weeks
    It Started With An Idea

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TMToA: Dark Star · 6:37am May 25th, 2019

Name: Twilight Sparkle

Dark Star

Ascension: None

When Twilight and her friends confronted and unleashed the Elements of Harmony on Nightmare Moon, the parasite that controlled Princess Luna saw the way the cards were falling and decided to jump ship while she could.

She jumped straight to the exhausted form of Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight managed to fight the parasite itself off mentally, but the very act of hosting the parasite, even for a moment, had an effect. Physically, Twilight’s coat had darkened a good deal, though is still recognizable as violet in color, and her eyes gained slit-like pupils. Mentally, while Twilight is, at her core, still the Twilight Sparkle we all know, she no longer suffers idiots easily, and demands much of those who work for her. She also rewards them handsomely for accomplishing the tasks she sets out, as Spike would attest.

“She’s probably two or three steps at all times away from being a tyrant, but the fact that her demands are both doable and she goes out of her way to make sure there are limits on her eases things. It helps that she genuinely cares, even if it’s not always clear.” -Spike

Twilight insists she’s not a battle-junkie, but the fact of the matter is that she has developed a great fondness for fighting, which has on more than one occasion put her at odds with Celestia’s pacifistic views. Luna, inversely, comes from a time when battle was considered honorable. She often fights Twilight for fun.

Due to her growing experience with battle, as well as her prowess with combat magic, this Twilight gave Discord a run for his money before he managed to finally invert her, took Chrysalis down in a brawl of pure power, and bucked Sombra in the face. Twice. She went toe to toe with Tirek without the aid of all the Alicorn Magic in Equestria, and scarred Starlight Glimmer for life with her ferocity.

However, she also lacks what it takes to be a True Element of Magic, locking the Alicorn Ascension beyond her reach. She appreciates her friends and cares for them greatly, allowing for the more basic functions of the Elements of Harmony, but Twilight understands that being a leader means putting the many before the few. Her friends did not initially agree with this, but have in time come to accept that this is simply how Twilight views responsibility.

In time, a mixture of her new personality, excessive use of Dark Magic, and growing tired of Celestia’s pacifism, Twilight made the decision to conquer Equestria and instill herself as Empress of Ponykind.

And succeeded.

To be clear, Twilight did not make this decision lightly, nor did she do it out of greed or a lust for power. She truly believed Celestia was leading Ponykind down the path of eventual conquest by another nation.

Due to this choice however, Twilight has permanently estranged her Ponyville friends, who all disagree with her. This lead to Twilight surprising them by making them her Council. Her logic was that they have no desire to bow to her whims, and therefore will not hesitate to say something when they think she’s making a mistake.

This has earned Applejack and Rarity’s respect, if not their friendship, and they have agreed to act as her conscious, as Applejack put it. The rest declined and returned to Ponyville, though not quite as hostile with Twilight as before.

In time, as Equestria remained safe due to Twilight’s actions and flourished with her in the hot-seat, her old friends were forced to acknowledge that Twilight had made the correct decision, especially when the Storm King very briefly tried to invade.

They will never be completely comfortable with how far Twilight will go to protect Equestria, but they have at least tried to rekindle their friendship. Unfortunately, the Elements of Harmony have already gone dormant due to the shattered friendship, and await the day another group of friends awakens them.

Celestia herself has come to accept her position as Twilight’s Secretary of Diplomacy, her experience in politics and kind nature making her ideal for the position. She had initially been horrified by Twilight’s seeming betrayal, but seeing her ponies not only flourish under Twilight’s rule, but sleep soundly knowing Twilight would fight to the bitter end for them, she has sworn herself to her once student.

Luna was instated as the Secretary of Defense, a position she gladly took up. She eagerly carries out her duties as needed. Her vast experience in battle as well as battlefield politics and honorable combat has made her a valuable asset when it comes to diplomatics relations with war-like races.

Cadence and Shining Armor initially sequestered themselves within the Crystal Empire and closed all diplomatic relations with Equestria, but seeing how their Twily had actually fought hard to protect and guide Equestria, they have tentatively reopened communications and trade. Shining still refuses to directly speak to Twilight, his sense of loyalty to Celestia putting him at odds with his sister, whereas Cadance has found herself unable to stand near Twilight due to the Dark Magic that gently wafts from her at nearly all times, her sensitive empathetic senses making her queasy just to be near her sister-in-law.

Blueblood, surprising everyone including Twilight, took to his new position as Head of Court with both grace and skill, showing a surprising aptitude for keeping ponies in line as they presented their cases to Twilight.

You have discovered a hidden file in the system. It is of Twilight, but... not.

You find this interesting.

Comments ( 4 )

pretty interesante, but what in tarnation does TMToA stand for

you cheeky maudstard...


Excellent file on one of your alternate Twilights. The background detail is excellent and I especially like how she IS smart enough to take steps to AVERT She Who Fights Monsters, thus keeping the Extremist portion of Well-Intentioned Extremist thankfully downplayed.

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