More Blog Posts97

  • 61 weeks
    I ain't gonna fight it anymore, but it's been fun y'all!

    This note will, as well, be on my profile's page just to get it out there.

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  • 179 weeks
    New year? Already? Really? Happy new year!

    Nah I'm kidding, but 2020 really is coming closer to ending. I want to start up the new year by working on my van. Gonna try and make the damn thing more livable lmfao, I'm kidding. I'm converting an ol' Ford '89 Econoline into a minicamper and I wanna see it through!

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  • 180 weeks
    Gotta lil something in the works for you guys

    I'm a horror enthusiast, I love a good spine tingler. Obviously I'm reaching out on the genre spectrum and aside from Equine Isolation, I hadn't furrowed into it much.

    That's all gonna change with an upcoming one-shot! apparently fucking multichapter story! I wanna try and delve into darker bits just as much as I wanna dive into romcoms, legit!

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    3 comments · 182 views
  • 181 weeks
    so i lost my job, im homeless, but i gotta van!

    Hey doods, twilightsmile speaking but of course.

    So, sometime earlier I'd mentioned I'd say why I'm back with a more fuller-time approach. I'd recently been let go from my last employer and have been kinda struggling to land back on my feet. It's all fine though! I don't mean to say I'm worried or anything, or that I'm even fearful for the matter.

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    2 comments · 202 views
  • 181 weeks
    okay, so ah, while i'm ahead, i wanna let you guys know

    So! With the new year comes new me, yada-yada, all that bs. I thought that, since I'm actually trying to write a tid more seriously--I'll explain my reasoning on why I'm even back to a fuller extent later--I might, eh, might as well drop the alias "Lack of Tact," finally.

    I mean, not like I'll never not have a lack of tact. I'm that, but personified.

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To Err is Human · 7:49pm May 5th, 2019

This isn't a sappy blog reminiscing on me, way back when, no. This is just a blog to serve as a reminder that, at one point, I cared.

I cared about upvotes, downvotes, comments, and favourites. I cared about how my works came across to others. And it was that caring that made me realize I shouldn't.

It was my first story on the site, long removed now, "Class of Equestria," a shitty fanfiction featuring an equally shitty main character. My first OC, Cake Mix. I come from another site, plenty of you already know that, and that story was my biggest over there. When I first posted it over on this site, it got swamped with downvotes and thus, I removed it. Embarrassed, I didn't want to write it anymore and took it down on both sites.

God, that was so long ago, now. At times, I think about it, wondering if I should ever try again, try and rewrite that story from the ground up. However, those thoughts are often times fleeting; there for a moment and then gone the next.

Never did, and honestly, I doubt I ever will. It was from the mind of a more immature, me. New to writing, but not. Before that, I wrote plenty of stories based on MLP, over on fanfiction dot net, all featuring the same shitty OC. I thought I was a godsend to literature.

How wrong I was. And, honestly, I'm glad to have been. That summit I reached? That amount of narcissism? It wasn't good for me, I got cocky and then proceeded to write just about the worst things ever and I fucking hated that. The metaphorical slap in the face I got, moving over here, was just about the best thing to ever happen to me.

After seeing all of those downvotes, I think it was like 2 - 10 on the ratio, I'd removed it. The story, the idea, all of it. I know I already iterated this fact, but there's a reason. After I did, something got to me. A new sense of sorts. I wanted to prove to myself and others that I can write. I've been improving every time I put my fingers to the keyboard. I'm not good, but I'm getting better.

I still make mistakes, I still have errors in my writing and that's all I care about. I can and will continue to improve as an author. I stopped caring about everything else.

That's why I accept criticism, I take it to heart and try my best to work on what needs to be, well, worked on. Criticism and improvement. That's what I go by now. Not likes, dislikes, follows, favourites, none of it.

Sure, I appreciate those that I do receive and they make me a happy man. But in the end, I just want to get better and show younger me what a dumbass he was. So yeah, at some point I cared about the niceties and hated the negatives. Now, I just appreciate it. Everything that comes with being a writer. Though, to be honest...

I care more about proving me, then, wrong.

Thank you, for reading,

Lack of Tact

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