• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2014

Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!

More Blog Posts136

  • 492 weeks
    Forthcoming and Current Projects/Fanfic Updates :)

    Well, now that the ole account's back, I think it's best that I use it for good and not for evil this time. Over the past year I've been involved with another fun lil project, but I'll get to that in a bit. First off, my plans for fanfictions :).

    Legend of the Titans

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  • 492 weeks
    So I'm Back O_o

    Well yeah. A year after being banned and I'm back, it seems. And the truth is: I deserved it. I not only acted like a douchebag and got what was coming to me, but worst of all I let the people who I hoped to bring entertainment to down. The things I said and did were rotten, immature, stupid, and unnecessary, and for that I apologize to everyone who they affected, sincerely.

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  • 555 weeks

    As a war against a mysterious foe rocks Northern Equestria, Ponyville begins to suffer from its fatigue, especially the friends of Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and everypony else who have been called to arms. Luckily, with surplus supply of cider and a bar in need of an owner... Applejack may just have a place for everypony to get away from life as they've come to know.

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  • 556 weeks
    The Sound of Thunder - Being Taken Down For the Time Being

    Pending re-release :).

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  • 556 weeks
    What Should Bobbo Work On (A Vote)

    Not this Bobbo: he hasn't done work since the 70's.

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To Challenge a Star: Brand New Fic in Planning · 7:01am Nov 8th, 2012

So yeah, had a pretty cool idea I think for a fic while in the shower, which is pretty much a massive spawning pool for them. It's one I plan on working on after The Nightmare Before Christmas Nightmare Night. Anyway, the basic premise is that ancient aliens went and took a bunch of ponies, zebras, gryphons, changelings, blah blah blah off of Equestria's planet a few thousand years ago. The usual cliche. They happened to place the ponies on a planet with a treasure trove of ancient tech and they became quite advanced. However, they ended up fighting a war with a pretty powerful dickish alien race from beyond the galaxy. And to make matters worse, there's a Black Hole heading right for their home world. They can't evacuate easily thanks to a massive alien blockade surrounding their system of the same dickish race.

So what do they do? Jack shit.... except....

Well, one crazy Captain who still believes in those crazy rumors of their 'true' homeworld and its celestial body moving princesses decides to go against orders and send his stealth frigate on a mission to run the blockade and get them to help. Unfortunately, it's a five month journey, and shit gets fucked up during that time. The crew's cryopods malfunction and can't be opened, and the whole damned thing ends up crashing into Canterlot and everyone goes 'what the fuck buck?' Luckily, their databases are still intact, and their predicament is found out.

Anyway, so Luna, being the coolest princess ever says 'fuck what Tia says Ima go try to move that black hole out of the path of the alien planet,' forms a crew with a bunch of awesome characters (Elements of Harmony for various reasons, Spitfire and Soarin because their keen reflexes allow them to pilot the ship was ease, blah blah blah). Naturally, the international community finds out about the ship and says 'hey, Equestrian assholes, you should totally like... let us on your starship. Please.' So they end up getting a changeling (Chrysalis having made amends with the Equestrians), a zebra, a crystal pony (if shit works out fine for them this Saturday), a gryphon, and whatever races I think of. Luckily, the ship has sort of a training manual to help the newbs along, but it's written in Ancient Equestrian, which only Luna, Celestia, Twilight, and an OC who I want to make like Daniel Jackson ('ZOMG ANCIENT ALIENS') know how to translate.

But yeah,

-Should feature Pinkie as the ship's lead chef.
-Rainbow piloting one of the ship's only four fighters with a snarky AI who is going to act like the computer from Courage the Cowardly Dog and have a lust for calling people twats.
-Scifi Chliches.
-Luna being awesome in general and eventually pulling some crazy 'Keye's Loop' type shit in a space battle.
-Tense crew relations thanks to the whole international thing.
-A gryphon with a scottish accent who will work as the engineer.
-Applejack managing the ship's biodome.
-A crazy AI who's going to eventually say 'I'm afraid I can't do that, Princess Luna.'
-Spitfire as the frigate's pilot, who's personality I want to sort of make like Joker's from Mass Effect. (Yeah, don't try to say anyone knows what her true personality is. She's only said like ten lines.)
-Soarin on the gawnz of the ship.
-Space pirates.
-Twilight as science officer and translator.
-Sarius from Lightening the Load being being one of the changelings on board. (though Lightening the Load didn't happen in this. Same ole Sarius, different universe.)
-Doctor Whooves sneaking aboard to keep an eye on things (nobody knows he's a timelord). Still a little iffy about this, let me know what you think.
-Rarity as navigator (I figure her eye for detail would allow her to be top shit at this. The ship can handle most of the work for her though she'll need a bit of training.) She also keeps their uniforms looking sexy.
-Someone screaming 'YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE LAWS OF PHYSICS.' And then have Pinkie do something that kicks the laws of physics in the balls.
-Space pirates. Oh shit, did I say that already?
-Lots of boldly going where no pony has gone before, save for the space ponies.
-Down to earth, fun dialogue and characters not acting like boring assholes.
-Vinyl or Octavia as the ship's entertainer.
-Fluttershy as... shit, I can't think of anything. Any ideas? Seriously? I mean... she could be a Doctor, I guess. But... there'd be much more qualified people then her. Maybe a nurse?
-A snarky lead doctor named Doctor Caux who will have a love for calling Fluttershy 'newbie' if she becomes a nurse.
-Lots and lots of cool side trackings on their way to the alien pony planet.
-Space pirates.
-Rainbow Dash bothering Twilight about something, only for her to say 'Can it wait a bit, I'm in the middle of some Calibrations.'
-Quarian space crystal ponies or something along those lines of a nomadic race.
-Luna developing a habit of saying 'make it so' eventually and gaining a love for Earl Gray Tea, hot.
-Captain Jack Harkness... will not be in this fic. :(. BUT HE'S GONNA HAVE AN EXPY, BAHAHAHAHA.
-MAC Guns (Magic Accelerator Cannons)
-Space pirates.
-Space ninjas.
-Space pirates fighting space ninjas (yes, I'm kidding. There will be no space ninjas... but if there are, they'll enter the story... when you least expect them to. DUN DUN DUN)
-Cool space battles with a mix of magic and technology involved. The space ponies have it pretty well integrated into their tech, sort of like the Flim Flam Bros and their machine, though much more advanced. However, they aren't as good at magic as the Equestrians.
-Cool alien planets filled with ancient wonders, evil monsters lurking in the dark, eldritch abominations, mysteries, and fun.

But yeah, I don't want to have TOO many characters in it, though there's going to be a lot, so it's probably just going to end up being the foreigner OC's, the Main Six, Spike, Luna, Gilda(?), Gryphon engineer who I'll call 'Talsi' or something else referencing Tali, Spitfire, Soarin, Octavia or Vinyl, the Daniel Jackson guy, and maybe Doctor Whooves (maybe... maybe not. He'd probably make the trip too easy, but if he is in it I'd make him not know anything about the pony galaxy, him being from a different universe so he can't play the know-it-all-guide.)

It's not going to take itself too seriously, I hate shit like that. I want it to be fun and have a lot of humor even when shit's hitting the fan. I'm shooting for Stargate-SG1 type Scifi, not Battlestar Galactica. That doesn't mean I won't try my best to play philosopher and explore the nature of man pony and whatever (if I can actually do so and not just come off looking like a tool.) But yeah, mainly, it's supposed to just be a fun scifi adventure. It's going to poke a lot of fun at it(scifi), but still show its love for it in general as well as reference shit every god damned opportunity I can get.

Anyway, I welcome and will use ideas, and when the ball gets rolling I definitely want to hear more! Tell me what you guys think of this shit!

Report Silent Bob · 246 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Sounds moderately insane. I'd love to read it.

As for Fluttershy hmm I imaging she'd be completely refusing the lead medic position with all the volume of a church mouse, too quiet to be heard as she's crammed into an unstylish bland uniform. Only realizing she can't get out of the medic position when they are half way through a hyperspace jump.



just oneeeee thing, don't throw in so many reference that you'll have to label it as a Star Trek crossover, but I'm probably getting worked up over nothing.

Also IF you're gonna do references also do Dr. Who, Star Wars et. al. Keep it mixed. Also, flutters as nurse (possibly linguist / diplomatic envoy?) Just some ideas.

This... Sounds just about epic enough to make my head explode. That long list of things you have there also sounds a lot like the sort of thing I do when I plan a fic. Let it go on long enough and the story starts to write itself.:pinkiehappy:

Hrm... Ideas. Celestia using ancient tech/ magic to communicate with Luna and the crew? Also, if you have a Daniel Jackson type, you have to have counterparts to the rest of SG1. I can see Spitfire pulling of Sam Carter. ... Big Macintosh as Teal'c. Well, maybe. Or an alien. Or better yet, gryphon. Have him or her say "Indeed" all the time. As for Jack O'Neil? Soarin? Well, I'm tapped for ideas a the moment. I'll let you know if I think of any more.

That sounds cool! :pinkiehappy: I'd like to read that.

Totally Excellent idea, but there's one thing missing. There needs to be somepony, be they alien or not, who says, "Can't let you do that (Insert name of Luna's group of interstellar ponies here)" I'm looking forward to it. (It doesn't really need that, though it would be awesome if someone would say it. :pinkiehappy:)

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