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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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SEASON 9 (Review) · 4:20pm Apr 1st, 2019

For those unfamiliar with my review system, I do it in the style of YUGIOH: The episode starts with a score of 8000 LP, and every time they do something that displeases me, I deduct points. How many points depends on the severity of the situation.

-Something I consider minor, but still annoying: -200

-Something that is more annoying, or even constant- 500 (Anytime someone says "ANYPONY/EVERYPONY to Non-Pony creatures is an automatic penalization)

-Something that really aggravates me: -1000

-Something that pisses me off SO INTENSELY to the point of a rage breakout: The Current Score will be halved!

And once the LP is gone, IT'S GONE. They never go back up. (Things that don't piss me off or please me, simply get no penalty)

At the end of the episode, the rating stand thus...

-7000 or higher: "Okay, I'll admit, this was a great episode"
-6000-4000: "Not bad... I guess"
-4000-2000: "This episode sucked!"
-2000-0: "Whoever made this episode should DIE!!!" (Just blowing steam, I don't really wish death)

and that's about it.


No matter how much you try, you just can't prepare yourself for how sick you're about to be...

LP: 8000

Celestia retiring, I read the spoilers, but handing it all over to Twilight and friends... UGH!! Now Twillight really IS going to be a real princess, and worse, she and her friends run the show...?!?!?!


LP: 8000 -----> 7000

Heheheh! Twilight actually looks cute when she's hyperventilating.

-No Damage

Wow, Discord's actually expressing the same dismay real people have-- predicting the outcome.

-No Damage.

Grogar huh? A new villain... let's see how much this bad guy will suck..

Ugh!! Sombra's voice is terrible! It used to be strong and fearful, now he just sounds like Stanley Adams (The guy form Star Trek who sold the Tribbles)


LP: 7000 -----> 6800

Applauds Grogar for chastising the so-called "Villains" (Though I'm sure he himself is no different)

-No Damage

Oh, yeah... I predict an argument among these villains. (I'm sure even Discord would see that coming)

Since I cant prove it, its just a guess...

-No Damage

Running a School and Running a Country are two different things... but running a whole Star-System, and the planets beyond... HOO-HOO... (Starfleet thing)

-No damage

Ah, here we go... Torture time...!

YEAH!!!!!! WAY TO GO SOMBRA!!!! This is why I deemed him one of the best MLP villains there was... (even if he still failed)

-No damage (I'd give him LP back if I could)

Ha! Discord lost his horns in that shot...!

HAHAHAHAHA!! My evil anti-bronism is enjoying this! Sombra's really at the top of his game now (Though I know he's gonna flunk. I'm just enjoying the moment)

-No Damage

and there's his flunk...!

*Sighs* Not like I didn't know it was coming...


LP: 6800 -----> 6300

Well, look at that... The Elements have been destroyed, like I KNEW THEY COULD BE ALL ALONG EVER SINCE I MADE STARFLEET SEASON 1 SEVEN YEARS AGO!

...You lose, Haters!

-No Damage

Oh, Twilight, how quickly you are to lose your mind... like the narrow-minded pony I call you out to be. You forget you already talked about not needed the elements at some battles.

Heck Lightning and his crew faced a few battle unmorphed, and they got out of it just fine...


LP: 6300 -----> 6100

Yeah, Twilight... you're a loser! You always have been!

-No Damage

Ugh! First Rarity doesn't like to dig (Dog and Pony Show) Then she's seen in later seasons Mining and dirty, and now she claims she doesn't like it again... CHOSE ONE AND STICK WITH IT!!! (MAN... this character depth sickens me)


LP: 6100 -----> 5600

Still... all this emotional trauma, all the pain... I'M LOVING IT!!!

-No Damage

!!!! YOU SAID "EVERY PONY!!!!!!!" (to non-ponies)

-Automatic 500

LP: 5600 -----> 5100

Applejack, this is exactly what my Starfleet teaches you... Who SAYS you're supposed to handle things on your own? you may HAVE been able to handle things on your own before, but sometimes...

even the very best
need aid from the rest


LP: 5100 -----> 4900

I still say Discord's powers are lame and even a mortal can overcome them.

-200 (Just for annoying me)

LP: 4900 -----> 4700

Ha! He's not dying! No one ever dies in this show, (That's why it's up to me and Starfleet to fill in the gaps)


LP: 4700 -----> 4500

Like I said... the villians are beaten far too easily. At least Sentai villains last the whole season...


LP: 4500 -----> 4000

Yeah... PRETENDED... you miserable mules. You are so gullible


LP: 4000 -----> 3800

Well... at least now we know what to expect at the end of this season... and like I said at the top, I can brace for it all I want... it won't make it any easier on my stomach! UGH!!

Hmmm... Grogar... could it be... a villain that will last longer?

this could be interesting!


This ep sucked!


Well, let's see how sick this one will make me...

LP: 8000

Huh! And here I thought Discord could only do stuff like that.

-No Damage


-Automatic 500

LP: 8000 -----> 7500

Hmm... I detect Chrysalis is behind this, but I could be wrong.

I am however pleased to learn the Students didn't know about the Tree being destroyed, because it craps on my haters' whining ("You should tell people when there's danger or something serious afoot)

...Well, I guess even MLP follows the, "You don't always have to, and not everyone knows" thing.

-No damage

Smolder actually wishes Sombra back, and risking danger. Not a very smart thing, but she is just blowing steam

-No damage.

Hahaha! You really think you can make something come true like that just by dreaming? You kids are whacked!


LP: 7500 -----> 7300

Oh, it's "Thorax" who knows how to do anything except be destroyed like he should've been,

-200 (Just because I don't like him)

LP: 7300 -----> 7100

Hmm... well, I suppose sometimes you have to earn even the smallest things (A permission slip)

-No damage

How can you remember the tree if it's Gone?!

This is the part on Gilligan's island where I would Look at the skipper and he's CLUNK Gilligan's head with his hat.

Memories don't disappear just because an object does.

-500 (for such stupidity)

LP: 7100 -----> 6600


-Automatic 500

LP: 6600 -----> 6100


-Automatic 500

LP: 6100 -----> 5600

(Some folks don't ever learn!)

Oooh... tension because of different ideas. I smell a falling out (even if it will only be a few minutes)

-No damage

Called it...!

And the worst of it is... just like MLP always does, they are FORGETTING how to work together, FORGETTING to respect one-another's ideas, and really kicking friendship out the door.

I would like to give it no damage, but since this is MLP's most repetitive thing and the characters STILL never learn and repeat these stunts over again...


LP: 5600 -----> 5400

Ocellus is being rather insensitive. True, it would be nice to remember the tree... but the way he's going off about it-- shoving all those falsehoods and those perky displays. That's not the way to do it.

That would be enforcing painful memories of what you had but now you lost and will never get back or replace. Nobody wants memories like that (That's why I hate memories... even good ones. They do me more harm than help.)

-200 for being insensitive.

LP: 5400 -----> 5200

(UGH!! the emergency broadcast warning of a thunderstorm is cutting over the audio)

Oh, Gag! Memories of the heart can't always help you get through. In fact, Terra wanted Beast boy to forget about her period... head... heart... soul, and everything... which is more painful.


LP: 5200 -----> 5000

The song... GAAAAAAAAAG! I'm not very fond of songs like that (Too much positiveness) A little is okay, a lot not so much


LP: 5000 -----> 4500

Oh, no... They're not!!

...They are!!

A new tree castle!!!



LP: 4500 -----> 2250

Oh, boy do I feel sick...!!!


this ep was even worse than last week's eps, and what's worse it triggered my anger at THINGS CHANGE badly.



LP: 8000

I notice Grogar and co aren't showing up, (I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up)

-No damage

Oh, sibling rivalries, you can't stop it no matter what, and I approve of this scene showing how very young spike is which adds to how old he actually is (at least 17)

-No damage

Ooh... another Royal Problem is it.

-No damage

(Hmmm... this ep doesn't seem to be pissing me off so far... but let's go on)

Wow, Shining Armor's defense system is TRES LAME (For me)

Lightning could bust through all that in a heartbeat.

-200 for being lame

LP: 8000 -----> 7800

*chuckles* Twilight and her obsessions, and predictability EXACTLY as I portray her in my fics (Take that haters)

-No damage

Rarity, and a plan? The Pony who would take first place in a stupidity contest... this can't go well.

-No damage... yet.

Um, Pinkie Pie... you're EQUESTRIAN PONIES. You have neither the tech nor the resources to make it into space.

-200 for being dumb

LP: 7800 -----> 7600

(Still a high score though)

"Down to Earth!" Applejack, I know Earth means GROUND, but I'm docking for this anyway... THIS ISN'T EARTH.


LP: 7600 -----> 7400

Apple Core, huh? Looks like it's been FORCED WRITING on Applejack, but then again, I do that all the time in my own series, just like everyone else does (Take that Haters)

-No damage

Spy Spike? too bad he didn't do James Bond style...

-No damage

AH YUCK!!!! Pinkie spitting in her helmet like that... I wanna puke!!!

-500 just for that

LP: 7400 -----> 6900

"This whole operation may just be a giant flop."

It is... especially since RARITY of all ponies, thought of it.


LP: 6900 -----> 6700

UGH!! Fluttershy and the geese... it wouldn't work like that in real life.


LP: 67000 -----> 6200

And this is exactly WHY I deem Spike the only member of the MANE CAST who actually has a BRAIN and SENSE (He's the fewest slip ups of anyone)

-No damage


Well, not too bad I guess...

Would have had this up yesterday if I weren't out of country...

Still, trip is over, time to be real again... REAL SICK that is...


LP: 8000

Memories... I hate them, even good ones, they bring me more pain than comfort.

-200 for making me feel bad.

LP: 8000 -----> 7800

Using magic in everyday chores... and this is why my Space Ponies are human-shaped.

-200 for annoying me with magic for everything.

LP: 7800 -----> 7600

That's it...? Twilight's gonna panic over an overdue book?

This ep sounds like it's gonna crash and burn her,

But No damage... yet.

A-huh, she's getting panicky over something so trivial and small. Some ponies just NEVER learn.

-500 for being repetitive

LP: 7600 -----> 7100

Eeyep... Twilight has lost it already.

-No more damage in this field... for now

but I will give damage for the stupidity Twilight has shown... it's been several years... surely things have changed.

-200 for not thinking

LP: 7100 -----> 6900

Ugh! Moondancer... the Failure.

I have never forgiven her for having so close to being a good character in my view, and she threw it all away...


LP: 6900 -----> 6400

Much as I should damage the stupidity in this whole leaving the library and shame stuff... we don't know the whole story yet

-Damage pending.

"No Sales Ponies" Huh... almost like something out of my Friendship is Failure.

-No damage

The damage for Twilight's stupidity is still impending... this is getting super ridiculous!

Eeyep... I called it, now for the damage...

2000 points...

Two sets of 1000 for all this stupidity in libraries and late books, and Twilight's ridiculousness.

LP: 6400 -----> 4400


Ugh! Despite this ep is half and half... it was truly dumb.

I just had lunch, let's see how much of it I lose...


LP: 8000

Saying somepony to a pony... I can let slide

-No damage

sniff-sniff, I smell a bozo here, pretending to be something he's not...

-200 points,

LP: 8000 -----> 7800

Hmmm... a spoiled, bratty filly too...

I can't stand those kind


LP: 7800 -----> 7600

Oh, brother, I was right-- he's just trying to make a good impression. That old cliche never works.

But I've already damaged him for it

-No damage (Right now)

How could you not know who Rainbow Dash is? How could you not know who ANY of the Mane cast are?

Still, can't penalize due to young ignorance.

-No damage

"Every Pony has a sporty-side." If Rainbow means "Everyone has some sport in them"

...I actually think she's right on that, but then again, she's still going about with the charade, and now she's trying to actuall CHANGE a someone into something's he's just not!


LP: 7600 -----> 7100

Oh, brother! A montage of failed practices, you can see all the flops coming straight at you.

-200 for being predictable.

LP: 7100 -----> 6900

How is that even possible?! It takes great skill to run in place, but to actually run in place when you're not even trying?! That's super ridiculous.


LP: 6900 -----> 6400

Oh, Rainbow Dash! When will the lies end!!


LP: 6400 -----> 5900

*Head desk*

Oh, Rainbow!! Now you're getting home involved, KNOWING he's not that good at sports? Seriously, somebody get this pony to wake up.


LP: 5900 -----> 5700

Now the team is deliberately flopping to make this lie go farther...!! WHAT NEXT?!!!


LP: 5700 -----> 5300

Ah, huh... runs off scoffing, girlfriend disappointed... saw that coming 100 miles away, and it's serves Quibble right!

-No damage


Okay, the episode wasn't too-too bad, but all those LIES... Come on... and trying impress someone by pretending? Even I knew long ago that would never work.

When I met Tara Strong in person, (and the other MLP actors) I told them flat out I didn't like MLP, yet... I like THEM. They do other shows I like, and I was just being myself (I love to voice act, make pictures and sing) We have more in common than I knew...

And what do you know, I actually threw up (Fighting an illness actually)

It's important to be yourself. If you try to be something you're not... you begin to lose sight of who you really are.


Well, at least my cold is better, but that doesn't stop MLP making me sick (Sigh)


LP: 8000

30 seconds in and you already said EVERY-CREATURE

-Automatic 500

LP: 8000 -----> 7500

Wow! Someone FINALLY GETS IT ("Yona Not Pony") so don't say "Ponypal"

-No damage

Of all the ponies to ask for advice, she's asking Rarity (Aka: Would take first prize in a Stupidity Contest.)

See what I mean (She can't come up with how to sugarcoat what she means)


LP: 7500 -----> 7300

Oh, joy... now they're hitching off "MY FAIR LADY"


LP: 7300 -----> 7100

Rarity, you are the LAST teacher I'd want (I even hold Twilight in better authority than you)

-200 for annoying me.

LP: 7100 -----> 6900

Despite this, I do wonder what the Young Six would look like in Equestria Girls.

Fluttery's forgetting Yona is a yak! she can't follow in horse steps!


-500 for sheer stupidity.

LP: 6900 -----> 6400

Aw... she's talking Rhyme (Just like her husband on Starfleet Magic)

-No damage

Pinkie Pie's special ability: She can do certain things, or get to places mysteriously fast, but I doubt even a yak sneeze would blow the flour all over like that.

-No damage

Eeyup... MY FAIR LADY.

-200 just because...

LP: 6400 -----> 6200

?!!... That's the second time EVERY-CREATURE was said! You know the rules!


LP: 6200 -----> 5700

Sniff-sniff... I smell a train wreck on the approach...

-Holding damage...

?!!! UGH!! THREE TIMES "Every Creature!"

LP: 5700 -----> 5200


-No damage yet...


-Damage about to come!!

...Saw that coming 100 miles away

-500 for being cliched and predictable.

LP: 5200 -----> 4700

Ugh! That tree house still ticks me off (Because the Tree of Harmony was resurected)


LP: 4700 -----> 4500

UGH!!!! Now their saying ANY CREATURE!!!


LP: 4500 -----> 4000

"Yona not make very good pony" Um yeah... BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT A PONY!!! (Never try to be something you just aren't)


LP: 4000 -----> 3800

Oh brother... I sense a new Shipping within the Fandom (Yona-Sandbar)

-No damage

Every-pony and Every creature both said!!!

That's 1000 (500 for each)

LP: 3800 -----> 2800


This ep sucked!

I think I'll watch Jeff Hyslop dance...


LP: 8000

Fluttershy, excited to go to the Dragonlands, instead of cowering and running away?! She's way out of character here.


LP: 8000 -----> 7500

I'm docking Spike for judging before actually understanding. (should've asked who Smolder's brother was)


LP: 7500 -----> 7000

A plot make people see you for more than what you are? Tried, failed, don't believe in it anymore... I'm docking you


LP: 7000 -----> 6500

See what I mean, it's failing already, and in real life it doesn't always do the big switch-a-roo at the end.

Eeyup, you see why I don't like character development. she is Flutter-SHY... not Flutter-Big Brave and Bold.


LP: 6500 -----> 6000

Any-Dragon huh? Well, she got it right, she didn't say "Any Pony" so I'll spare her.

-No damage

Well, well... Fluttershy DOES like Poetry, I guess Rhymey was an ideal match for her in Starfleet.

-No damage

You said "Every-Pony!" (In the wrong manner)

-Automatic 500

LP: 6000 -----> 5500

UGH!! And Take another docking for "Any Creature!"

LP: 5500 -----> 5000

And worst of all, "don't be afraid to be who you are" I would praise that, but it doesn't always work, and people still get rough with you just BECAUSE...


LP: 5000 -----> 4800

UGH!! Spike said "Some-Pony!!"

-500 (They just never learn)

LP: 4800 -----> 4300

Despite Smolder's speech being profound, the fact that my haters would tell you differently, not to mention Fluttershty's OOC is strill driving me nuts!


LP: 4300 -----> 3800


Not liking this episode... nothing but a network of lies and false hopes.


Well, let's see how much of this episode I refuse to tolerate. (After all, if my haters can whine, bullshit and bellyache about my stories and other people's stories, I can do the same... and they way they tell me

"Get over yourself"

"F you... just F you"

Looks like I got under their skin,

(Paybacks are the sweetest) what goes around comes around.

LP: 8000

"Helping Hoof" you said it properly

-No damage

The Great Seedling?


-No damage, holding it... (I smell a falsehood)

Hmm... Well, Applejack's right, both ways (And I don't like going both ways even if I have to) It's okay for Applebloom to have fun (and be a kid) but she can't neglect her duties.

And excellent comeback, Granny. (Makes me kind of regret having her passed in Starfleet 8)

-No damage.

(So far, not so bad, maybe this could be a good one)

"Every pony at their best"

Here's a thought, GET EVEN MORE HELP!!

-200 for stupidity. (And I deem AJ the sanest of the mane ponies)

LP: 8000 -----> 7800

(Goldie giggling) Ah huh... I thought I smelled something fishy.

-Still holding the damage (Waiting to see how serious it is)

Hmm... Applejack's being a little too much of a spoiled sport here, then again I would be too if I suspected I was being tricked. Still, wanting to destroy Applebloon's illusions and scar her, that's not cool.


LP: 7800 -----> 7600

Ah, Bright Mac and Pear Butter (Buttercup) I'm actually really glad I brought them back In Starfleet 7. They make great story plots.

Much as I still think this is all a setup, I applaud Applejack for realizing the evidence could suggest otherwise. Not all proof is concrete enough.

-No Damage

Ah huh... I thought so... total setup

-Still holding the damage (Because I'm sure I know what's coming next)

Ah huh... the old Cliche, "If you didn't do it, who did"

1000, for all the holding in a did and all the flaws and cliche's I've seen

LP: 7600 -----> 6600


All in all, this ep wasn't bad.

None of that overbearing friendship talk
No over-development of character growth.



LP: 8000

Well, well, Pinkie feels a bit unaccomplished eh? Well, I know the feelings, but I don't care about it (Accomplishments mean nothing to me unless I'm pleased with them) Besides, I already accomplished enough to not want much more from it anyway. (I'll mention in another blog)

...Still, at least Pinkie is showing that a Cutie Mark once again isn't all THAT special. It may tell you what you're good at, but that's as far as it goes.

-No Damage.

Oyi! Pinkie Pie and her special abilities (To eat non-edible things)

Well, I always did call the ponies "Monsters" heh-heh!


LP: 8000 -----> 7800

Oh, boy! Taking from Willy Wonka huh? I hate it when things get ponified, just like those who attack me hate it when things are turned into Sentai scenes, and then they go off and say I have no right to use this or that...

...Too bad!


LP: 7800 -----> 7300

Hmmm... Cheese lost his laugh huh? Interesting.

-No damage.

I suspect that WORK once again is responsible for killing the spirit (As it usually does depending on the profession) I've seen tons of people who, after they get jobs, lose their smiles and turn into grumps, witches, and miserable people.

-No Damage.

Well, I must admit, Pinkie's gags are making me smile slightly, but no... I prefer this kind of stuff...

Or who could forget those INCREDIBLE Niles VS CC burns...

Those are my kind of inspiration for Mykan and Rarity's Love-Hate friendship in Starfleet.

-For once... No damage

Can't blame Pinkie for trying, but at least it's not her obsession to be friends with someone (A FRIEND INDEED)

-No damage.

so far, this ep isn't so bad...

-Good for you Cheese, and after all Laughter isn't a necessity or essential for life, it's just a pleasure you can have/want, but don't really need.

-No damage

I hate to admit it, they are right, much as Pinkie is annoying, and has Batter For a Brain, and despite she doesn't make me laugh (A non-evil laugh) she is the funniest

-No damage.

You can't believe it's gone, Pinkie? Well, "Things Change, the guy you want him to be is just a memory"

Yep, that's how I treat it when things Change NOT for the better.

-No damage

A-huh, called it! He's been working for so long in that factory, that he fell into a rut and bored the laughter out of him, and WORK does it again.

-No Damage.

Well, as much as Pinkie still isn't making me laugh, I must say, I am impressed... this episode has gotten one of the highest scores I've ever given.


Well done!

But I will say, the only thing I approve of Cheese Sand-which, is his Cutiemark, and how it shows they're not always accurate.

After all, people keep saying I miss the point of Cutiemarks and how they're supposed to be symbols of what you're good at, and what you could spend your life doing.

...But... what does a grilled-cheese sandwich have to do with partying, or jokes and gags?

Again, I stick with my pride-- I think cutiemarks are silly!

2-4-6- GREEEEAT!

LP: 8000

Hmm, another sports episode, and school VS school. Might be interesting...

-No Damage.

*sighs* Fluttershy and her character flipflop... does she ever keep to just one side of the coin?


LP: 8000 -----> 7800

Uh-oh... I'm smelling Rainbow Dash's ego is going to cause problems...


LP: 7800 -----> 7600

Twilight is sure, RAINBOW DASH, the athletic pony is perfect for cheerleader coaching...? BONE-HEAD! BONE-HEAD!


LP: 7600 -----> 7100

Ugh! I;m docking this because in real life, I hate cheerleaders. Reason, because I compare them to GARY'S cheerleaders from pokemon, always cheering for that jerkoff while taunting the others.

Or in Yugioh, those cheerleaders for Duke Devlin and being bad to Joey.

Not to mention, they act so snobbish in real life, and like to tease nerdy students and put them down. Typical Stereotype!

Yep, I see cheerleaders more as PESTS than confidence.


LP: 7100 -----> 6100

!!! You said "Every-pony" in the presence of NON-ponies, like yourself!

-Automatic 500

LP:6100 -----> 5600

Eeyup, when Twilight makes a decision, to put THE WRONG PONY in charge, you know things don't go well.


LP: 5600 -----> 5400

2... 4... 6... 8...
This is a show I really hate.

Hahahaha!... had to do that.

-No damage.

Rainbooooooow... Tut-tut...!

Dishonesty, disinterest, and dereliction of duty... that's a lot of Ds on this test...

and d is also for DROP in score...


LP: 5400 -----> 5200

And take another 500 for saying "Every Pony" to NON-ponies... AGAIN!!


LP: 5200 -----> 4700

I've never seen Snips so intelligent before. I', impressed by it only slightly... but not pleased by incorrect character growth on the wrong character, at least Snails is being his weirdo self.


LP: 4700 -----> 4500

All the friends' advice and suggestion... and people wonder why I rate them like this for their bad choices and lack of judgement...


LP: 4500 -----> 4300

Ha! This looks like a job for Rhymey. He'd be able to help the squad with cheers easily.

-No damage

And again, Rainbow's Ego and neglect is staggering, but not unexpected.


LP: 4300 -----> 4100

*sIgsh* You said "Every pony" to incorrect creatures again... *Tapping my foot*

Your score is dwindling....!


LP: 4100 -----> 3600

Headmare Twilight knows... how to screw things up with the WRONG pony! that's why everything is falling to bits. But then again what can you expect from the one pony who's just above Rarity's stupidity level.


LP: 3600 -----> 3400

Uh, reality check Smolder... Pinkie Pie is the most enthusiastic, even when Rainbow is at her fullest, she falls behind Pinkie's stance.

-200 for stupidity.

LP: 3400 -----> 3200

We are gonna Dance...
We are gonna cheer...
We are gonna make the best pony-Pyramid Equestria has ever seen...

...And you're going to lose more life points for using the term PONY for NON-PONIES... for the AGAIN!!! URGH!!!


LP: 3200 -----> 2700


Celestia's voice... Be still my Cartoon Crushing Heart. haha!

-No damage.

?!!! Did... Fluttershy just say... "every... One"

I... I...!!! *wipes away tear* I can't believe it!! IT'S HAPPENED!!! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENED!!! THEY'RE IMPROVING THEY'RE VOCABULARY!!!!!!!!


-No damage!


I can't believe she set the whole thing up.

Still, lesson well learned, but it still makes me sick.


LP: 2700 -----> 2500




Dragon Dropped


Amazing! Rarity invites Spike out, and he's not even phased.

-No damage

!! You said Any-pony... to a Dragon. (I don't care what you think or flame me more, I'll penalize it if I want

-Automatic 500

LP:8000 -----> 7500

I still don't approve of Rarity being in caves like this, in-spite of her special ability, I prefer to treat her like the diva she is (Unable to stand "The filth, and the mold" and whine and complain about everything)


LP:7500 -----> 7300

Well, at least Rarity and Applejack keep their soft rivalry going on.

-No damage

Yep, there's Rarity's proper attitude-- couch and all-- as is proper to me.

-No damage.

*Sighs* That's it... I'm docking them for NOT ASKING QUESTIONS and just assuming again.


LP:7300 -----> 7100

Still, at least Rarity's being her PROPER overly-dramatic (As well as "Would take first prize in a stupidity contest") self!

-No damage

Oooooooohhhh... Trouble in shipping paradise huh? Spike and Gabby and Rarity's not looking too good. Heh-heh-heh!

-No damage

Poor little Rarity, is she really starting to realize her true feelings for Spike? (I doubt it)

-No damage

Wow, a musical montage number without singing. I don't believe there are many of these in MLP.

-No damage

Good idea, Fluttershy (For ONCE) Rarity may have done a few nice things for Spike over the seasons, but she's never actually shown or said it directly. (Not even SECRET OF MY EXCESS is good enough)

-No damage

Oh boy! HAHAHAHA!! Now she's snuck up on him in bed, like he did with his mustache. (I expect MEMERS are going to have fun with that little scene)

-No damage

(Hmmm... so far, so NOT so bad)

Dereliction of duty and promise. Very bad, Spike, and shame on Rarity too.


LP:7100 -----> 6900

Look, Rarity is Mane-I-ac... and it suits her right for the way she's behaving, trying to pull Spike away from Gabby.


LP: 6900 -----> 6700

Wow, even I've never made Spike look that depressed...

-THUMBS UP (No damage)

A-huh, that's Rarity's proper character. She does something REALLY wrong, and now has to make it right again, which could take a bit of doing (Still, it won't absolve her to me... because she never learns)

-No damage

Oh, for crying out-- Rarity, you've always shared spike among the others (UGH, you are stupid, Rarity)


LP: 6700 -----> 5700

Yes, she does apologize a lot. But her sincerity has the hollowness of a lie.


LP: 5700 -----> 5500

The bats should've woken when Rarity shouted.

-200 for misdirection


Okay, not bad, not bad...


LP: 8000

Trivia Trot?

Well I suppose Equestria would have gameshows... (That's what it seems like)

Heck I've made two game shows with the EQGs in the them

-No damage.

HAHAHA!! What did I tell you, Twilight's nusty cuckoo.

-No Damage

*Sniff Sniff* I smell trouble in partnership headed Twilight's way....

-No damage

Spike you took the words right out of my mouth. It's no wonder I deem you the sanest character in the entire show who THINKS more than anyone else does (Not because he's a guy, but because he uses his head properly.)

-No Damage

But as usual, Twilight doesn't listen, and she of all ponies should know the values of "Just a game meant for fun"

-1000 for EXTREME lack of judgment, her overall stupidity (in the entire series and she still doesn't get it)

LP: 8000 -----> 7000

CALLED IT!! NAILED IT!! Twilight's not pleased with her partner.

-No damage

TWI-PIE!!! HAHAHAHA! That's cute... I bet all the Twilight and Pinkie shippers are going gaga at the name by now.

-No damage (Can't damage that)

Oh boy... I can see it now... Twilight's going to LET IT OUT, just like she did about Celesita's bad acting from HORSE PLAY.

-No damage (Yet)

Heheheh! I'm enjoying watching Twilight freaking out.

clock is ticking Twilight...

-No damage

?!! She ate the tray as well!

Pinkie Pie has another special/ridiculous ability

-Stretches like rubber
-Walks on thin air
-can appear in almost anyplace
-Can devour non-edible things.

...I'm dizzy, but I can't damage that.

-No damage.

Eeyup, Twilight's ready to crash, and I;m going to damage her for being a spoiled sport (More desperate for her win she'd stoop to calling other players out)


LP: 7000 -----> 6800

BANANAS!! I expect that will become a meme.

-No damage.

Sorry Twilight, I'll still dock you 500 points, for realizing your lesson too late, as well forgetting it in the first place.


LP: 6800 -----> 6300

Well, this episode was boring...

Okay... but boring.


A horse shoe-in

LP: 8000

She's starting to sound like Rarity and a bit of Fluttershy. That's not character depth to me, that's stupidity. (Kind of depth I refuse to tolerate)

I don't care if you don't care. My world, my rules... and I say...


LP: 8000 -----> 7800

*Sighs* Right, Twilight's accension to the supreme throne... I am dreading it, and while there will come new ideas I can make for "Friendship is Failure"

-500 for making me sick.

LP: 7800 -----> 7300

Heh, heh, heh... Starlight's nervousness/excitment is a depth I CAN tolerate.

-No damage

(Still, I'll know what to do with her when I put her in Starfleet Season 10)

Oyi! Trixie as Vice-Headmare?

take this...!


LP: 7300 -----> 7100

Well, at least Trixie is sticking to her proper character-- boastful, big-headed and pre-judgmental.

-No damage

It still confuses me how non-magical ponies can play such musical instruments due to lack of disposable digits.

-No damage

Trixie...! You're lucky you're sticking to your boastful self, or I'd dock you for this.

-No damage

Poor Starlight, she's feeling lonely so she talks to plants. Still, it's not the kind of characterism I expect in her.


LP: 7100 -----> 6900

*Sighs* Even I'm with Starlight on this one... "Pretty lame, Dr. Whooves"


LP: 6900 -----> 6700

HAHAHAHAHA!! Yep, that's Trixie's proper character alright, clumsy as well! AAAAAAAAH HAHAHAHAHA!!"

_No damage

?!!! Despite the right for Starlight to yell like that. You said "Every creature, you know my rules.

-Automatic 500

LP: 6700 -----> 6200

Save your typing, my decision is final! Go home!

*sighs* another quick-to-forgive... BLECH!!!


LP: 6200 -----> 5700

Alright, not too bad an ep...




Hmm... What's Grogar and crew up to now?

Double crossing from the minions? This can't be good, but I am intrigued.

-No Damage

"I occasionally Freak out." That's no joke Twilight, I'm gonna have to dock you for denial.


LP:8000 -----> 7800

Delegating and trusting others, huh Twilight? Too bad I refuse to trust you NO MATTER WHAT

-200 (Just because)

LP:7800 -----> 7600

Oh joy, more talk of the retirement, and leaving TWIT-LIGHT and FIENDS in charge.

-500 for making me sick at the thought.

LP:7600 -----> 7100

Ugh! Discord... always a displeasure.


LP:7100 -----> 6900

Well... what do you know, "Character growth is so boring" Even MLP acknowledges it. Now that's what I call "Improvement"

-No damage.

Well, Pinkie would definitely be the sin of Gluttony for the way she wharffs down all those sweets . hahaha!

-No damage

-Hahaha, good shot, Tirek. Perhaps you are improving (Or it could just be a trick)

-No damage

Hmmm, so Cozy glow is not that well known to all Equestrians for her crimes, huh? Tisk-Tisk!

-200 (For being dangerous) after all, people expect me to be aware of EVERYTHING.

LP:6900 -----> 6700

"We are the most powerful ponies in the land" Actually... alicorns are even stronger.

-No damage

Eeyup. Like I keep saying, "Even the best plans can go awry"

-No damage.

Uh-huh... going back on the lesson of honesty, eh?

-500 points for repetitive forgetfulness/negligence.

LP:6700 -----> 6200

Hmm... Dr. Pinkie Pie... I could actually picture that. I like it. (Actually made a couple of drawings like that long ago)

-No damage.

And this is why I deem Applejack the SANEST of the Mane Six ponies. Despite her own flaws here and there, she uses her head way more than the others.

-No damage.

Mm-hmm... Acting OOC, not good character growth that I will tollerate.


LP:6200 -----> 5700

"I don't know what to say..."

I do...

-200 for making me sick with the new holiday.

LP:5700 -----> 5500


Okay, not too bad.


Oh, just hurry up and end this series already.

LP: 8000

Fluttershy settling animal disputes... that's fine.

-No damage.

What kind of a noise is that for a Rabbit? Sounds like a squirrel.

-No damage.

Only eat Vegetables? and Fluttershy's supposed to be an animal expert. Some animals have a strict diet, they can't just eat greens.


LP: 8000 -----> 7800

What is with angel? He's acting so out of character. He's not supposed to be mischievous. I sense there could be an ulterior motive, so until I find out...

-No damage (For now)

Ah-huh... Angel feels neglected, that's why. Very understandable.

-No damage

Clock is ticking... I sense angel may run away (That's usually what happens in eps like these)

-No damage.

Uh-oh... using magic or a potion to solve problems...? This can't end well

-No damage.


Just like my TWI-LIGHTING ep from Starfleet season 3... they've SWITCHED! I like it, mainly becuase it uses the same idea I used, which proves my ideas CAN work for M:P regardless of how people bitch about it for whatever petty reason.

"Wah-Wah... Not written well enough"

"Boo-hoo... flat cardboard characters."


-No damage.

UGH!!! Seriously all this out of characterness. Angel was always understanding and respected of Fluttershy's work.


LP: 7800 -----> 7300

*Sighs* Why do they never just scratch it down in the sand "I AM (INSERT MY NAME)"

-200 for being stupid.

LP: 7300 -----> 7100

*Sighs* tut-tut-tut... shameful neglect. The way angel is behaving is really starting to irritate me. Living with Fluttershy all this time and seeing and helping her at work, he would know better.


LP: 7100 -----> 6900

Well, no damage for the rest of the ep, since they learn, but still... I would have prefered it if Angel had run away instead.



LP: 8000

Hmm... this is either a betrayal of secrets, a plot to bring Daring Do down, or Rainbow's going over the top again.

-No damage.

*Sighs* more whining critics that can do nothing but bitch all the time. There's a difference between Criticism and being a jerk.

"You're as much of a fake as Daring Do." (Jerk)

Only coming to bitch rather than the actual signing (Double jerk)

-500 for being jerks where I don't approve. (And yeah, I know, this riffing I'm doing is"Jerk" too. If that's all people understand or do, that's all I'm going to give them)

LP: 8000 -----> 7500

A huh... plot to bring Daring Do down it is. Cliche, but I see nothing too wrong.

No damage

Despite this being a plot to bring Daring Do down, Rainbow gets penalized for jumping the gun and not listening to both sides, as well as thinking everything said is a lie without bothering to get evidence.


LP: 7500 -----> 7000

*Sniff Sniff* I smell a rivalry coming...

...or maybe not.

-No damage.

There Rainbow goes again, jumping the gun and making assumptions without getting evidence first (She's as trigger-happy as I portrayed her in Starfleet Season 2)


LP: 7000 -----> 6800

"Have you ever tried just talking to them?"

UGH!! Ridiculous...


LP: 6800 -----> 6300

Fluttershy being blinded by her own kindness (Her greatest strength is also her weakness)


LP: 6300 -----> 6100

"Stone and Magic, not alive"

I approve, big time, reminds me of how a lot of the MOTWs I make in Starfleet are also not truly alive, but just objects cursed by magic. (It is what it is, and there is no difference "You're Lazy" or "They know how to do it better") Nope, it is what it is... (Period)

-No damage.

Fluttershy actually has a good point for once, and like I said, her kindness is her weakness but her strength as well.

-No damage.

*Sighs* Despite his alibi, I think this creature is pathetic... and the friendship thrown in with it.



LP: 6100 -----> 5600

Despite the high score, I find this ep ridiculous.


Yes, it certainly is... especially if you don't like what comes with it.

LP: 8000

Heh-heh-heh! Like I keep telling people, event he best thought out plans can go awry.

(The Core: 2003) "The core is an engine! Throw a tiny wrench into a large engine and you can still stall it."

-No damage

I can't believe it, I just don't believe it. The ponies are finally teaching LEGITIMATE LESSONS about priorities, obligations, and responsibilities. If only they'd do that more often instead of going about all this friendship nonsense we might have gotten along better.

-No damage

Wow! Even Twilight agrees with me while everyone else keeps scoffing at the facts of life (and this doesn't happen every day)

"Grown ups can do lots of things children can't, shouldn't do, but the many obligations and responsiibltiies that COME with growing up can get in the way of things."


-No damage

Much as I've always wanted to see the girls grown up... why are Scootaloo's wings still puny?

-No damage.

(So far this ep aint so bad)

Forget it girls, being big doesn't excuse mistakes. People expect/demand you make FEWER mistakes, and expect/demand you to know better.

-200 for ignorance.

LP: 8000 -----> 7800

Heh-heh-heh... this old Cliche, you think you have it all thought out and it falls flat on your face.

-No damage

Well well, only 200 points, this is highest ranking episode ever, and mainly becuase they taught PROPER LESSONS ABOUT REALITY instead of Friendship.

Very well... I place this episode at #1


Still, there's a lot about growing up that I hate, and what little or nothing to do with, so I chucked it out, and even if I have to do them, that doesn't mean I'm happy, proud, nor should be. (They're things I don't like or approve of, why should I be happy about that?)


If I don't like it, don't watch it? Then how am I supposed to observe it so I can later smash it? And don't tell me "You don't" no one has the right tell me what I cannot write about

"Who died and made you king of kamehameha?"

LP: 8000

Hi Chrysalis... just as sneaky as ever I see...

-No damage.

Suuuuure, then you'll end up fighting each other for total control (So predictable)


LP: 8000 -----> 7800


-1000 (any and all respect I had for the villain is GONE, he's as pathetic as the rest) I should know better than to hold my breath thinking MLP can make PROPER villains instead of these weak pansies.

LP: 7800 -----> 6800

Rarity knocks on the door...

"Put the bits in the slot!"

THAT'S an improvement, finally someone acting angry and miserable and refusing to come out.

-No damage

Another Improvement: That unicorn slinking about and quickly ducking indoors or out of sight when someone he doesn't want to be around is near... I LIKE IT!!

-No Damage.

if you call what's coming "ULTIMATE" I wonder what you call "Easiest" Battle. you're Patehtic Twilight, and the more I bash you, the better my stomach feels.


LP: 6800 -----> 6300

*Sniff Sniff* Cozzy Glow strikes again... like the new look, but once again, not holding my breath.


LP: 6300 -----> 6100

See... Lame villain, didn't even last 30 seconds.

10 pts for Cozy Glow! HAHA (But no LP)

-No damage

Oh, it's Star-Swirl... no wonder I'm getting nauseous


LP: 6100 -----> 5900

Yes!! YES!!! The ponies are finally SUCKING in battle (Not that they did before)

-No damage



-No damage

"You forget to use your brains!"

YES!! YES!! YES!!!

-No damage

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Yes... finally you villains are starting to SEEM like proper villains will all this chaos and destruction. Sadly I'm just enjoying the brief moment, because I know they'll flop.

-No damage

I know they're not dead, nobody really dies in MLP (Except the Storm King) and he was lame.


LP: 5900 -----> 5700


(Now the episode I've been dreading, I gotta bit e the bullet to get what I need)

Tut-tut... stalling in killing the potential threat, and arguing with each other again. Lame villains


LP: 5700 -----> 5200

*Sighs* Pinkie Pie... still as lame as ever


LP: 5200 -----> 5000

The Windigos. Don't like 'em, even though they are making bad things happen. (Because I don't like Hearth's Warming)


LP: 5000 -----> 4800

Well well, they finally get the idea of BELIEVING, only I prefer believing in ONES SELF than friends.

-No damage

And people complain to me about Dues Ex Machina...


-No damage

Yawn... all these speeches of non-nonsensical friendship.


LP: 4800 -----> 3800

Nice Rainbow magic... too bad I'll just write it off as weak in my stories.


LP: 3800 -----> 3300

Well that's a relief, not having to see the coronation...

THAT I was dreading most of all...

-No Damage

Still, this ep is weak


One left, come on... I can do this... gotta bite the bullet.

Or is it...? I think not.

LP: 8000

Wow, distant future huh? I wonder how old they are?

-No damage

"I don't wanna make friends."

Hmmm... I am intrigued...

-No damage

"Just because Things Change doesn't mean you leave everything you love behind."

...Um, Teen Titans would beg to differ with you "Your Majesty" (Terra told Beast boy to leave, that she doesn't to see him, know him, or anything. No try to reconcile, no trying to at least be friends... IT'S OVER... FINITO!!)


LP: 8000 -----> 7000

Of course you never thought about it like that, Spike. And this was my main problem with you guys. You spent so much time thinking of only the brightside and the better view of things, you failed to realize ALL possibilities.

Nothing lasts forever... not even Friendships.

I learned this a long time ago, and why I decided to stop making friends. I preferred to be alone anyway.


LP: 7000 -----> 6800

Change, change, that's all I hear is "Change"

and the more I hear it, the angrier I get because it reminds me constantly of Beast boy and Terra... knock it off!


LP: 6800 -----> 5800

*Tearful goodbyes* Pathetic...


LP: 5800 -----> 4800

I have to watch the coronation anyway...!!!

Score halved!

LP: 5800 -----> 2900

How old are they?

-No damage

Sorry, but I still treat changes like BB and Terra... lose it all and no replacing.


I'm just gonna take all their life points now


Worst ep ever... even Canterlot Royal wedding is only #2 now.

Well, FIM is over, but my starfleet continues... it may as well because it's only way I can best cope. (And it's better than having a social life or an active one)

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