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I have no faith in G5 MLP · 11:55pm Mar 27th, 2019

I have no faith in G5 MLP. Judging from the leaks and how some certain butthurt people are celebrating the death of G4 MLP FIM and don't care about any of the garbage in the leaks being implemented in G5 MLP, I can safely say that G5 MLP is going to be a SJW cringefest that will send the MLP franchise becoming a joke like it was before G4 MLP FIM came along. I don't want Twilight Sparkle to be Earth Pony who identifies herself as a Unicorn and Applejack being the female ponified version of Fat Albert. If Hasbro wants G5 MLP to have any chance being successful like G4 MLP FIM, then they must not implement any of the garbage from the leaks. If G5 MLP does become a SJW cringefest, then the Brony community will be torn apart beyond repair. And all those who are right now blindly cheerleading G5 MLP and happy about G4 MLP FIM's demise later this year deserve the garbage from the leaks and they will the only ones watching G5 MLP. Take these very wise words from a very wise man from Youtube called Hollywood God "You don't need to see garbage to smell it. And you find a dumpster that smells, don't be surprised to find the dumpster filled with garbage if you dive inside it." And man the leaks for G5 MLP smell like a landfill.

Comments ( 45 )


Given that G5 isn't slated to start for another year and there are so many "leaks" out there, I'm not going to believe anything until the official promos are released.

I hope that Hasbro scrapped everything from the leaks and give us something good instead.

I'm still gonna check G5 out first before calling it "cringey". We've still got awhile to go before then, and for all we know, those are just concepts of it. Not final stuff

The concepts in the leaks were cringey and I hope that Hasbro never uses them.

I'm going to ask you one more time:

First' where did you find the info about Twilight identifying herself as a unicorn? It isn't in any of the other rumors I read - just that she was going to be an earthpony.

Second - can you please give some examples of which shows you are referring to as "SJW cringefests" and what is wrong with them?

Changing Applejack from white farm girl into a black girl from the inner city ghetto for starters because G4 Applejack resembles too much of a Donald Trump Supporter. So therefore there is a good chance that G5 Applejack is going to be a Orange Earth Pony Lives Matter activist who kneels every time the Equestria's national anthem is played. And companies love to pander to SJWs lately and SJWs are obsessed with gender issues. So it is not far fetch to have G5 Twilight as a Earth Pony who sexually identifies herself as a Unicorn.

Firstly, AJ would be a never-Trump Republican - or more likely, one of those folk who doesn't even vote because she see all politicians as a pack of liars.

And I don't see Hasbro as likely to directly involve such sensitive issues in the show.

And just because it "isn't farfetched" in your opinion doesn't make it something that's going to happen.

From the leaks, It seems that Hasbro was toying with ideas to address the complaints from SJWs about G4 MLP FIM being "too white" and "homophobic." And yes SJWs did call G4 MLP FIM "too white" and 'homophobic." Other companies have pandered to SJWs like Disney and Cartoon Network.

Well, cartoons have changed - society has changed - in the past decade. I don't see the problem with having minority representation (like those Indian ponies from Spice Up Your Life) or same-sex couples on the show. It's not any kind of pandering - just reflecting reality.

You do realise that there is a whole world outside of Tumblr, Starbucks, and gender study classes at college and universities, right?:unsuresweetie:

Erm, yes? It's called the real world, and it's full of all kinds of different people, just like Equestria has all kinds of ponies, and donkeys, and cows, and who knows what else?

Well guess what, Trump is in the White House fair and square. No Russian collusion. Deal with it. You SJWs should get over the fact that your candidate Killary Rotting Killington lost the 2016 election and should stop shoving your propaganda into everything. I don't want the G5 Mane 6 be fighting an evil Orange Alicorn who wants to protect Equestria from an invasion from Yakyakistan, the pre reformed Changelings, Saddle Arabia, the Storm Kingdom, the Crystal Empire under King Sombra, the Dragons, the Diamond Dogs, and Griffinstone.

One could debate whether an electoral system where one can win despite receiving fewer votes is actually "fair and square", as you put it, but even if he is there legitimately people are allowed to wish - and vote - for his legitimate removal. And I certainly wouldn't want him to appear in pony either - honestly, gone and forgotten is best.

(How would you write G5 to reflect the Trump-led age of society?)

Well Equestria in G4 MLP FIM does resemble Trump's America since it is one of few places in Planet Equus that is not a shithole. And yes Princess Celestia has said that all other countries are shitholes. Just look at Griffinston, the Storm Kingdom, and Yakyakistan.

I would agree that Equestria is a pleasant, functioning superpower... and I would say that that is down to Princess Celestia being a very different kind of ruler than Donald Trump. But somehow I doubt you would agree.

Equestria under Princess Celestia has stricter immigration policies than Trump's America. In some ways Equestria has the same strict and healthy immigration policies that North Korea has. So therefore Princess Celestia is a mash up of both Donald J Trump and the Great Leader Kim Jong Un.

Erm, is this another of those things you've just come up with in your head? I don't recall any depiction of Equestria's immigration policy (and the movie sure proved that they can't have much in the way of border control).

Well their military is not strong, but the forces of the Storm King did not came to Equestria as immigrants. Not many foreigners in Equestria. And yes Princess Celestia did invented the hayburger.

Can you tell the foreigners (ponies can be too, like Maretonians) from the natives? Certainly we haven't seen those who wish to enter facing any obstacle or opposition. And yes, given her age she may well have.

Have you seen ponies in burkas inside of Equestria? Also Princess Celestia does not poop.

Not burkas, maybe, but I believe Somnambula counts as Equestria?


And what evidence do you have for that non sequitur?

No that shithole is in Saddle Arabia, not in Equestria. And it was the state own news agency in Equestria that said that Princess Celestia does not poop.

That's actually my own headcanon, but officially it's "Southern Equestria". And I don't recall this news broadcast - can you shoot me a link?

It was established that South Equestria is not part of North Equestria. They are two different countries that don't like each other. Watch this.

Where was this established? Going by your use of that video, you seem to have a somewhat tenuous grasp on which statements are official as opposed to fan-made...

So says the guy who thinks that Princess Celestia is based on Hillary Clinton. It seems that Southern Equestria is part of Saddle Arabia, according to this.


It's on the way, and as I said I personally fold it in, but the name would suggest that it lies within Celestia's borders, (And if it doesn't, then you definitively can't tell if background ponies are native or immigrant.)

And I never said Celestia was like Clinton.

You can tell easily by the way they dress. Princess Celestia has more in common with Trump than with Clinton. Southern Equestria is right by Equestria's borders.

It's true that the styles of dress are distinctive - however, that's also the case for different towns within Equestria. And I don't see Princess Celestia as being on the same level as any modern politician - she governs for the benefit of all her subjects, not just the ones who contributed to her campaign.

Equestria has one cultural standard set forth by Princess Celestia who is a Goddess.

Seems plausible - although I'd say more that society aspires to her as a model.

(Not quite sure what you mean by "one cultural standard", though - no two towns seem to come from anywhere similar.)

All the cities and towns under Princess Celestia are based on Western Culture while the village of Somnambula is a different country where she has no control over.

Rather different facets of western culture - and I say again, that's just our headcanon.

And what about where the Tasty Treat owners come from?

They definitely did not originated from Equestria. They may have immigrated from another country that Princess Celestia has good relations with or possibly they came from a colony of Equestria.

Well they said they'd moved halfway across Equestria to Canterlot... Perhaps Coriander came from farther away in the past and Saffron is first-generation Equestrian -born.

"sigh" well all I can say is that if G5 cannot convince me that it is good in the same time-frame as the first episode in G4 did, then it would most likely lose me already.

I get a lot of backlashes defending myself when watching this series as it is. I don't intend to support this new one if I don't absolutely love it if it has even half as much heartache with it...

I hope that things change soon, or else Hasbro studios will see what I have seen with my very own eyes,

a massive failure that will ruin them.

unfortunately, I too don't have much faith in G5 ether...

oh well, guess we need to be move directors and do sum-thing about it:ajsmug:

:eeyup: If G5 MLP is trash that disrespects G4 MLP FIM, then we are not obligated to support it just like the fans of Batman 89 and Batman Returns are not obligated to support Batman Forever and Batman & Robin and the fans of both the Star Wars Original and Prequel Trilogies are obligated to support the Sequel Trilogy and the new spin off movies.

By rejecting G5 MLP if it turns out to be garbage, we'll be honoring G4 MLP FIM. We became fans of G4 MLP FIM not because of the brand name only, but because it is a good show.

a-man to that brother!!!:yay:

:eeyup: And that is what separate real fans like us from the fake bandwagon fans who only care about brand name and not about quality.

Although I'm not sure if it counts if you reject it for political reasons rather than quality ones...

Politics does affect quality especially if it is the kind of politics that does not resonate with most people. For example the SJW politics being inserted into the new Star Wars movies from Disney ruined the quality of that franchise. Star Wars is now seen by most people as a cringey SJW PSA on par with Captain Planet And The Planeteers rather than then the science fiction epic fantasy adventure that it used to be.

Really? Because I didn't like that movie. and i don't remember it being for any kind of social or political reason - it was because it was a longer rehash of A New Hope with no style of it's own like the prequels. If there had been any kind of social message, I think i would have noticed just because it would have been original - no such luck. (I was actually just discussing this with someone else.)

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