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Purple Patch


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    I Need To Make Something Clear

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If You Need To Relax About Article 13 · 8:55pm Mar 26th, 2019

For all my European friends out there.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Always remember, copyright is a complicated business and the legislators on this article must know that. If not, they're going to spend a looooooong time finding out, in which time, we can carry on as usual while preparing. Youtube is kind of flip-flopping on their stance on this but I understand. This kind of thing can throw spanners in a lot of loops.

But remember, apart from a few exceptions, copyright violation refers to making money from works of media that aren't your own.
I'm always trying to point out my go-to for references in my fics and other stuff. But most of the time, I don't worry because I don't make any money from it.
I think you'll still be able to use them. I'm not certain. But then no-one is.

So I ask you this; If you're not certain that nothing will change, why seem so certain that the Internet is going to die?
It takes more than a new copyright rule to kill the Internet. This is not the first time it's happened and it won't be the last.

Regardless, keep calm, be mindful and wherever you can, be prepared. Double-check anything you're not certain of

In any case, speaking as a British citizen whose government is tying itself in knots trying to formulate something they grossly underestimated the complications of (Which is all I will go into) very little has changed for the common man and I expect that when it does, it will be slow and careful. That's how these things come about. In a government like Europe's, politicians are careful with laws that will affect the middle-class because a large majority of them belong to the middle-class (Upper-classes are off doing their own thing) In four years, articles can be drafted and re-drafted so we don't even have a guarantee this thing is permanent.

I doubt Fimfiction's going anywhere.
For clarification; if fanfics violated copyright, there'd be no fanfics based on anime as, according to TheMysteriousMrEnter, Japan doesn't have any official Fair Use laws.

I sincerely doubt the Internet is any real danger. There will always be loopholes for things like this as there are now. Google, Youtube, Facebook, Reddit, etr. are powerhouses of technology and information and I reckon they'll come up with something. It's easy to imagine internet-users as the underdogs but they're really not. This is the Information Age and the people behind this article will be very careful with it as they know there will be hell to pay if they don't.
Think how quickly someone can turn people against politicians or celebrities using only the Internet. Now that's something that concerns me.

So all I'll say to you is that, while it may be too optimistic, not to say indifferent, to think this won't ever affect anyone, it's not worth losing our minds over.
Take a step back, a deep breath, a good look at a neutral website explaining this and reflect.
The legislators should be careful on this.
And so should we.

Comments ( 22 )

A good attitude, lets hope for the best. And Brexit, well, let's see how that will end. Kind of ironic how the elder generation wants this.

Well, things must change even to ensure things remain the same.

Hey look! A brit that is speaking about something political that isn't Brexit!
But in all seriousness, Youtube blew Article 13 way out of proportion. It'll still affect creators - they will have to be more careful in the future - but it's hardly going to destroy the internet. It is a serious issue, and we should be paying attention to it, even if it supposedly won't affect us brits.
So we do need to relax; but don't ignore it, eh?

...Why do I bother with politics? I keep on getting involved in these discussions, and I immediately regret it...

Yes, it just silly to hear how the elder people block the way for the younger people. No offense, but if your family ever joins the Brits wanting to go to Germany because of this, I doubt you have trouble adapting.

Anyway, best of luck for you with the Brexit!

Well, apparently there might be a second referendum to come soon.
Honestly though, I'm not sure I like that.
We shouldn't take advantage of being able to vote for stuff. I think once is enough, even if I am against it. If we re-vote on this occasion, what'll stop people re-voting for other things. Where will we be then?

I guess they're hoping by the time the next vote comes around, the generation that voted for Brexit will be dead.

I think British politicians should just look at it from a practical stand-point, grow a spine and know when enough is enough. The press will crucify them but what else is new?
In the words of Nick Fury 'I understand that you've made a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I'm electing to ignore it.'
Regardless, I don't think there's any way our current MPs are getting out of it with their dignity intact but hey, it's not the worst thing the House of Commons have raked through.

To be honest, Brexit already feels like old news.
Either, it'll just keep on going and going until everyone forgets about it or it'll get thrown out in the next reshuffle under the old excuse of 'Not Currently Applicable'.
It's one of those things that'll end not with a bang but with a whimper.

I couldn't agree more. Given your Oc politics, better hope a Trottingham politician hasn't a familiar idea, or poor PIp and Tungsten they want to visit friends. Although I think both Blue and Nancy would vote against that for their childrens' sake

Well, who's to say? Equestria is a monarchy after all.

HAH! 'Old news' - could not be more appropriate. And yet, it's still somehow relevant.
Honestly, someone is going to have to push for this to happen. Both Article 13 and Brexit. They're both split, having a sort of 50:50 ratio of for and against. No one knows what's going on. I learned not to question it back in late 2017. It's just not worth the time, brain power or effort in general. I just want either something to happen, or nothing whatsoever. Not this ridiculous teeter-totter over the edge. I'll admit that I voted in Brexit - it's important, and I have a right to say my part in it. But was it worth it?

I don't know, and don't particularly care. Not any more anyway. Seesh, why do we bother?

I know, but if there's a pony version of mister wall, there could be one of, you know who too. But still, despite belonging to the elder generation, I think both Blue and Nancy would vote against that for their childrens' sake.

Hey, it's always important. Remember, the common man having the decision to affect the laws of their nation is a privilege not everyone yet possesses, even today.

But keeping a level head is key.
No fire without smoke after all.

I mean, it all depends on the reasoning.
These things are never simple in theory and even less so in practice.

Though once, I came up the names of the pony equivalents of Trump and Farage.

Wind-Bag and Lick-Spittle.

Indeed. Someone tried to make a wall once and you know how that ended

I agree with you completely - it jsut gets to the point where the politicians are blatantly just putting off what they are meant to do, eventually - as you pointed out - being laid off under the excuse of 'not currently applicable'. I think the question is no longer 'what, how and why', but rather; "when?" That's what's slowly starting to become the problem. In my eyes, anyway.

Too right.

Qin Shi Huang.

Their walls were monuments to ego that crumbled just as easily.
And this is no different, if a great more desperate.
All it takes are hard times for walls to fail and the wall in Mexico has already caused such times.
If their best estimate is 55 miles by 2020 (The Mexico-US border is just under 2000 miles for perspective) then Trump is unlikely to live long enough to see its completion, let alone still remain in office.

True enough.
Ah, well, if we keep on fussing for them, they'll never learn to do it themselves.
They clean up their mess, we'll clean up ours.

All of this requires the EU to actually DO something, so obviously we should be nervous because they are an organization known for swift action and little time wasting.

According to the news, they haven't really chartered down anything concrete yet.
Also, they're leaving the whole legislation system in the hands of technological companies which may not be quite so swift.
I expect they'll give us time. The outcry from this has let them know to handle this carefully.

I desperately, desperately hope you're right. Unfortunately I just have so little faith in humanity left that I still can't help but be convinced that - in the very best case scenario - Europe is basically going to end up with its own insular, disconnected, highly regulated and censored internet like what China has.

I'm too used to people in power screwing over the populous without a single care because they think they can get away with it with no consequences. Whether that be old, rich, out-of-touch Eurocrats deciding that they know how best to handle something they barely understand... or big tech companies outside the EU who decide not to lose the revenue from their European userbase by making a new, blanket set of rules that applies to everybody and everybody gets screwed over.

I hope that in the intervening years between now and its final implementation they can soften the effects... but I just don't have much faith in that anymore.

Indeed, though i meant the Berlin wall

Don't be too cynical.
Think about it, how powerful a force is the internet nowadays. It can make or break someone.

The real problem is finding out more about the article. When it comes to rules about the internet, looking it up on the internet is a problem because everyone's biased.

They won't kill the internet. The internet has a better chance of killing them. The hatred and disdain of an entire continent coming at them through their computer and phone? Bigger men have fallen through less.

I don't know how true this is but I read on Quora that what this will do to Youtube is almost nothing because Youtube already has laws that more or less confirm to Article 13's guidelines.
I can't be certain. Everyone has different opinions and expectations.

The EU isn't going to seize or monitor anything. What it means is that internet powerhouses will have to take responsibility for overseeing copyright. Youtube and other sites pretty much already does that so it's unlikely it will change drastically.

I'm an art student and in a recent talk, copyright was a big problem. Art studios could receive your work, refuse it but secretly copy it market it without needing to give a penny to the artist. It happened to my uncle.
Maybe this Article is aimed at that in which case, great. It's almost impossible to tell on the internet with everyone yelling at either side.

Regardless, keep a level head. Be prepared. Find out more about this from neutral sources and if possible, voice your concerns to your local politicians.
They don't get where they are by not caring or indeed stay long.

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