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A JD Review - Captain Marvel (2019) · 6:48pm Mar 10th, 2019

I'm not sexist, so don't even try it (it's sad that I even have to mention that before this review).

Where DC succeeded in bringing a true crowd-pleasure to the DCEU with Wonder Woman, Marvel stumbles with their first female-led film. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty in this movie to enjoy... and plenty not to. Let's get into it.


Ignore the controversy. Ignore every stupid thing Brie Larson ever said prior to the film. Go into Captain Marvel with no expectations and you'll come out probably like me, thinking that was an all right superhero flick. By no means is Captain Marvel the worst MCU film, but in comparison to the rest of Phase 3, it's probably the least exciting one. I mean, sure, it's a standalone superhero story, and that's fine! Avengers: Endgame is the big one we all care about, but this was just an appetizer to the main course. Not great, but not horrible, either.

Captain Marvel suffers from boring fight scenes, an emotionless protagonist, and an uninspired story. The people who carry this film are the supporting cast, such as Talos and Nick Fury. People raved about the cat being the show-stealer... it's not. I mean, it was good, it had like three funny scenes and two really cool ones... but that's it. The supporting cast, the villain... they steal the show.

Despite being an Oscar winner, we don't really see that level of commitment or emotion from the main star. I get it. Carol Danvers is meant to be this supposed badass soldier, and they're not supposed to express any emotion (which is completely false because plenty of soldiers are just normal people, unless the Kree soldiers are meant to be that kind of emotionless super soldiers idk). Really hoping the Russos fix the hell out of her Endgame, make her an actual character with human emotion and flaws.

Overall, it was a pretty good movie. Pretty all right. 7/10. What were your thoughts (keep it civil, please)?


Oh, boy, where do I begin?

Marvel Studios, Disney, Kevin Feige... stop. I see where you're going, and I really, REALLY think it's a bad idea. Look at Star Wars as a clear example. When you bring in politics into your movies, you DIVIDE your audience instead of bringing them together. Aside from the flat performance from Brie and the boring aspect of the film, the only other thing I really disliked was the political focus of the film. "Oh, but JD, Marvel comics has always been political! Marvel films always had the political aspect to it!" Yeah, but never once did the films ever call out a specific group of people and demonize them. I can't speak for all the comics but the X-Men and Black Panther comics were actually trying to call out TRUE discrimination and bring REAL diversity into entertainment.

For Captain Marvel, many of us saw this one coming... the message is that women need to break away because the patriarchy is holding them back. The YouTuber Computing Forever makes this point a lot clearer. It's completely false. Fabricated. Women are NOT being held back by anything. None of their rights are being taken away. They have the SAME amount of rights as men, and that's what the message should have been about: EQUALITY! Instead of blasting Yon-Rogg in the chest when he wanted to fight her in hand to hand combat--finally see if she is ready to stand against him as his equal--she should have done just that. Prove to him she can be his equal, that women can be men's equal. Sure, she doesn't have to prove anything to him, it's just my personal opinion and felt it would have been a lot more empowering for women to see Carol finally best her teacher on equal ground.

Also, the Captain Mar-Vell from the comics is in this movie. Yes, the original Mar-Vell... and they changed his sex. Why, exactly? Would the story have been any different if it was the comic-accurate Mar-Vell? No. I had nothing against the Ancient One being a woman. I didn't care about that. But this is the original Mar-Vell! Ah, it doesn't matter. Who cares, anymore? Mar-Vell is an old woman that just dies. Cool. :ajbemused:

Also, get rid of these awful writers and directors, Marvel. They ruined the possibility for Secret Invasion with how they handled the Skrulls. They're not the bad guys in this movie, the Kree are. In fact, the Skrulls are actually really good, which contradicts how they're depicted in Secret Invasion. If Marvel ever does intend to make a Secret Invasion film, there better be some extremist Skrulls or something because I don't know how else they can pull it off.

Other than making a few dickhead white guys catcall Carol, one tell her, "They call it a cockpit for a reason derr herr herr", I didn't really see any other place where the men were portrayed as "evil". As I said, ignore the politics. Try to enjoy this film for what it is, a pretty entertaining popcorn flick.

7/10. What were your thoughts (keep it civil, please)?

Report JDPrime22 · 613 views · Story: Infinity Era ·
Comments ( 37 )

I enjoyed it for the most part (many of my complaints line up with yours), but I'm really not looking forward to discussing the movie further. As a refugee from r/StarWars, I'm just done watching every other conversation devolve into a political argument. I don't want that to happen to the MCU. Even if I had fun watching Captain Marvel, I'm hoping it's not a sign of things to come.

I actually enjoyed this film as it was. In my opinion, it may not be the best of the MCU (since it does has some flaws like you mentioned), but its definitely not the worst. When I watch a movie of my own will, I just tend to ignore these political debates and agendas and do it purely for entertainment value even if my expectations are not met.

And besides, it was a decent warm-up for Avengers: Endgame coming next month, and I can't wait to see how Captain Marvel's role will tie in to it.

On its own, I thought it was a good film, it’s a hard act to follow after films like Black Panther and Infinity war, but I still had fun. The hate people were bringing into this movie was completely out of proportion to the point of me being discussed by my fandom’s reaction. But I think it’s getting better now that the film is actually out. I liked Larson in this and wooden did not come to mind. When I think wooden, I think Jessica Alba in fantastic 4 and silk specter in watchmen. But I’m still looking forward to see what captain marvel can bring to the table and I trust the Ruso brothers with endgame. But I’m just trying to enjoy entertainment culture and I don’t need a bunch of people crying about what hurts their feelings. Over all it was good and I’d see it again.

Not seeing the spoiler part of the reviews, but what I’m getting from a lot of people is that this is kind of an overall meh film and I’m getting this from the non spoiler review. Would you say that’s right?

I’ll say this, it’s like a phase 1 marvel movie. It just hard to feel as pumped after comparing it to the early phase 3 films before it.

I had my doubts about this movie before I thought of seeing it by other reviews, but if you think it's really not truly good good then I'm happy to just pass

As far as secret invasion, Perhaps a being of higher power forces the Skrulls into doing their bidding by conquering planets for them. After all, they do end up on the other side of the universe. Who knows whos waiting for them?

*cough cough galactus cough Annihilus cough*

I have heard that from some people as well.

Due to all the shots being fired outside, I didn’t have amazing expectations from this film. Though, I just watched it yesterday and I was satisfied! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Some things could be changed to make Carol Danvers seem more in-universe but I enjoyed it a lot! :twilightsmile:

I think the Reel Rejects said it best, “I don’t mind a feminist angle in the movie. What I don’t like is poor storytelling, poor writing overall that it sacrifices good movie making to push a message.” That’s completely different from saying “I don’t want feminism or politics in movies because it hurts my pride so I’m going to launch a smear campaign on the actors and people in charge of the movie.” The former is about making sure you push a good message without it being handled badly , the latter is just being a jerk.

I wouldn’t call Captain Marvel emotionless she did have emotions and has shown them when she keeps recovering her memories it’s just the emotionless thing was the result of the harsh Kree training of shutting off her emotions she’s forced to endure under the lie she’s on the right side of a war and I thought that is part of the point of her character development that despite what she has gained she needs to take back what she had lost and was robbed from that is her Humanity, plus I think she already proved herself to be an equal of men while she was growing up on earth before she got her Space Stone powers.

honestly, I didnt want to really see this movie in the first place, after Brie smarted off and they said its gonna be a "SJW PC Feminist movie", I said Im never gonna watch this one, and now that its out and everyone says its meh, Im not gonna go see it cause I want to spend what little money I have on something that isnt gonna bore me.
all Im gonna say cause if I say anything else, I get hate filled comments

I thought the movie was alright. I’m just glad we have something where Carol is semi-likable again after the past few years of the comics. Hopefully this helps changes her comic portrayal for the better like what happened to Iron Man after his own movie (and Spider-Man after Homecoming but that’s another can of worms).

Instead of blasting Yon-Rogg in the chest when he wanted to fight her in hand to hand combat--finally see if she is ready to stand against him as his equal--she should have done just that.

I feel like no hero should accept any “honorable” challenge an antagonist gives them unless it’s to help others besides them so for me this was a breath of fresh air to see. Plus she has nothing to prove to someone like him anyway.

there better be some extremist Skrulls or something because I don't know how else they can pull it off.

Considering Marvel’s about to get the rights to use Super-Skrull soon, expect something like this to happen in a few years. This is the same franchise that had a few Spider-Man villains sell tech from Avengers movies unnoticed for a few years once Sony agreed to the deal after all.

5026157 I’m hoping the MCU doesn’t become that.

5026172 Hoping the Russos rub some of their Russo magic and make Captain Marvel a badass like they did Cap.

5026189 Yeah, pretty good film overall.

5026209 Above average. Pretty good. An all right film.

5026218 It’s all right, but if you just want to see Endgame you are not obligated to see this one.

5026224 REALLY hoping for Anihillus and Nova down the line.

5026227 And that’s okay! :twilightsmile:

5026271 I agree with the first point.

5026295 Honestly, just save your money for Endgame.

5026307 In a way, I can see where you’re coming from. I just thought it could be a pretty memorable moment for her to beat him on equal grounds.

I thought it was great, people are being way too hard on it. Honestly the only bad thing about it is that it's an origin film happening right before the big finale. I mean would it really have been so bad to bring this one out before infinity war?

I would rather avoid rant videos on the movie, because the comments are littered with Social Justice S**tdicks who use the political aspect and flaws of the movie as stupid excuses to disseminate their pointless agenda and dislike bomb the movie, and no exceptions for butthurt sexists and white supremacists. I would rather watch this movie as a pretext to Avengers: Endgame and see how it works, despite that Brie performed rather godawful in emotional bearing. And there are even Skrulls who are superheroes in the comics, like Kl'tr.

WTH Marvel? You got bombarded by SJW wannabes because of your dick move. You better make it right on Endgame or so help us.


its either that or just spend my money on Bumblebee in a few weeks

So, the only question now is, will Captain Marvel be the same in your story, or will you change her up a little?

5026356 Depends on how the Russos represent her. I'll try and change her up a bit.

Bumblebee. Go with Bumblebee.

Haven't seen it yet, but I'm still betting it's better than Shazam. And out of all phase 3 movies, it's probably better than Dr. Strange.

I personally liked how they took things and tried to change things up. Especially from making her origins different than the comics. I like that Marvel has been doing that, trying to make original ideas or at least as original as you can get.
As for her being emotionless weren't the Kree trying to make her suppress them so she was weaker?

Full agreement there

5026804 Yeah, but even then I didn't really get much out of her human side. I mean, sure, she smiled and laughed a lot more after beating Yonn-Rog and really started to interact with her friends new and old like she used to before she was captured, but I was hoping for a bit more. Maybe in Endgame.

Give it a chance
Who knows she might grow just much as Tony and the other original six

Just saw the movie today, and I really liked it.

I know there's been a lot of controversy about this film, and I am vaguely aware of Brie's comments, but I didn't let those things affect my opinion. I've done that in the past with movies I had been looking forward to seeing, and it soured the experience. So, this time, I ignored the comments, the reviews on YouTube, and more or less went in with neutral expectations. And it was very entertaining for me.

Now, when it comes to comic book/super hero movies, I rarely (if ever) look at the source material. I'm not that big of a comic book person. So, I've basically gone into each of these Marvel movies, with little to no prior knowledge. And, I guess, in a way, that's sort of a good thing, because any let-downs or disappointments that die-hard Marvel fans might have, don't have as big of an effect on me, if any at all.

I have enjoyed all the movies that the MCU has put out, and Captain Marvel was no exception. I'll definitely add it to my movie collection when it becomes available. Like you, JD, I'll give it a 7/10!

5027124 Awesome! Yeah, it was a pretty good movie! Definitely found some enjoyment out of it! :twilightsmile:

Now that I've actually seen the movie, I have to say...I don't understand where you're really coming from. Where'd you get the whole patriarchy idea? I didn't see any of that. I saw a person who was breaking away from the institution that lied to and manipulated her for their own personal goals. Blasting Yon-Rogg instead of fighting him was a good move, because she literally had no reason to prove anything to him, outside of some honor crap. I don't see a connection between the Kree and the patriarchy. There are a handful of female Kree, like that sniper chick. Heck, the Supreme Intelligence takes the form of a woman for the entire movie.
I kinda guessed that the Kree would be the main bad guys before seeing the movie, and while it does kinda suck that we won't see the Skrulls in any major villain role, I'm not really a fan of Secret Invasion, so for me, that's a small loss.
Another thing is, I don't see how Carol was an undeveloped protagonist. She was funny, she was determined, she got rightly pissed off when we got to the big twist. I don't know anything about Brie Larson as a person, but I thought she did just fine.
Now, it's not a perfect movie. There was no real reason to include the Tesseract, the fact that her suit just changes color is out of place, Talos getting shot served no purpose, since he didn't even die, and the origin of Nick Fury's eye patch is kinda dumb. Plus, it really doesn't make that much sense that all the Avengers movies before Infinity War didn't count as emergencies bad enough for Nick to call Carol. But as a whole, I wasn't disappointed. I'd give it an 8.5/10.

5030076 Check out the YouTuber Computing Forever and his aftermath video of Captain Marvel. That's how I kind of saw the movie.

He’s also a climate change denier and against gay marriage. So you might want to take his views with a grain of salt.

When handling a huge multi-movie universe where everything ties together, one movie's fuck up can have a ripple effect on the rest of the universe.

It's like Disney did Marvel: Civil War, and now they want another one with the fanbase, and... oh...

Oh my God, I just had a realization.

The reason why they fuck around with Star Wars and are starting to do it with Marvel is because that dumb shit is easy to write, and the diehard fanboys will eat up the slop. They do it because they can make a shit ton of money while doing the bare minimum at the same time.

Oh fuck

The flashbacks. Her Father put her down saying she couldn't be as good as the boys playing baseball. Her drill Sargent was against her saying she'd never fly and making fun of her because she can't climb a rope. Jude Law telling her she'll never be good enough. And the cartoony dude-bro making a stupid joke about "why they call it a cockpit".

Annnnnnd some guy telling her to smile. You know. The 'toxic masculinity' that modern feminists tend to complain about.

Besting her mentor, eh? Kinda like Kill Bill.

I’d say it’s a good film but compared to the newer films it doesn’t stand out as much. It’s a very middle of the road MCU film.

The main actress’s does ok but doesn’t do quite as well as actors like Robert Downey Jr. or Chris Evans does.

I will admit I didn't notice too many “girl power” moments at compared to other stuff with them. So it didn’t bother me too much.

I’m fine with the Skrulls because we only got to see a group of them. I imagine there are evil skrulls around especially with the inevitable introduction of the fantastic four. They’ll probably introduce Super Skrull too.

I can definitely see the Russo brothers giving Carol a good jumpstart she needs.

5048206 I really want to like Carol Danvers. Maybe the Russos can pull off another miracle. :scootangel:

I like her alright just a bit too plain.

I really liked her friendship with Fury, Mariah, and her daughter. If we could have more of that with the other Avengers I think we would be fine.

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