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Crack-Fic Casey

Presenting the best version of the weirdest idea!

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2019 March Update · 9:56pm Mar 6th, 2019

Okay, so: January/February was not particularly productive. Some of that was adjusting to a slightly tougher work schedule, but I've also just generally had trouble concentrating. But I've had money problems lately, and I don't think I can stay at my current jobs as long as I thought I could. I need to get serious about something, and writing is a something that I feel called to do.

Now, through March and April is something called Lent Season. Put simply, it's a Christian Holiday that lasts forty days leading up to Easter. The idea is that you sacrifice something you like for God. People give up certain kinds of foods or habits and spend that time praying or serving God. I intend to use this Lenten season to get serious about writing.

I realize that writing fanfiction on the internet is not the most spiritual pursuit, but we work with what we have.

I've always personally believed that people are made with some kind of ultimate purpose in mind (though I don't want to insult anyone who believes otherwise) and writing is something that's deeply important to me. I love stories, more than I love any other task or pursuit. So I'm going to allot the next forty days to becoming good at that.

But that's not what you're here for, you're here for that actual update! I actually have Fifty-Two followers now, which is a lot more than I thought I'd ever have. Not only that, but most of them are incredibly talented! And two of them are Permabanned, but I try to focus on the positives. I'm honestly stunned to have these many people interested in me, and it's more than a little humbling how smart you people are. Thank you all so much.

Now, Mystery of the Arcane Train will be updated by either Friday or Sunday. Following that, I intend to put the story on hiatus while I finish writing the rest of it. I'm glad I started it when I did, but I can't publish stories one chapter at a time as most people do. I've already had to stealth edit most of the first chapter, and there's at least one scene in the second chapter I'd like to re-write completely. I can't do that to the people who already started, but I want the rest of the story to flow more smoothly, so I'm going to go finish the whole thing at once.

While I'll still be working on it and the Arcane Papers, most of Lent is going to be focused on another story/rewrite based on Iron Man. I published the original under the name Under my Iron Skin after like, two weeks of work to get it out before Infinity War. I was never super happy with it, so I'm going to take the story down tomorrow and begin serious work on it. I would like it to be publishable by April 18 at the earliest and April 27 at the latest. This story will be fully completed when I start publishing it, so hopefully, that'll make up for the wait.

I also want to strip the more confusing and convoluted components from Equiforce (ie, two-thirds of the story) as well as work on a secret project that might lead to actual money, depending on X factors that may not pan out. I'll publish a more detailed plan after I finish the Iron Mage story.

I also intend to publish more blogs over the next forty days, though I'm not sure what I should talk about. This is the first time I have an actual audience, so I guess I'll leave it to you guys. Is there anything I do that you want me to do more? I can review comics, I have a Magic Systems I can talk about, I can try talking about the bible if there's a market for that? Let me know in the comments.

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