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"I am the Aloof Hermit, the Lord of the Empty Seat. I am the Alpha and the Omega"

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Creative Writing: Smash Reveal Trailer · 7:28am Feb 16th, 2019

Saw MythrilMoth's little project and decided to give it a go, enjoy!

Two Rare Inclusions

We open with a tag team battle where Mario and Donkey Kong are fighting Bowser and King K Rool. The former enemies are having trouble against their arch foes who are more in sync in this tag team match. Interspersed through it all, there are brief clips depicting a silhouette with a noticeable blue backpack piecing together golden puzzle pieces onto a wall. The last clip has the figure, who is shown to also be wearing shorts and has a necklace, finishes his work and stands on a puzzle piece-like platform.

As Mario and DK are on the ropes, just about to be defeated, this figure descends from the sky and lands between the four. Mario and DK are surprised while Bowser and K Rool are confused. The audience is able to see this figure, standing triumphant and facing the villains, can tell he’s a bear. A brown bear with a blue backpack.

And then a red bird suddenly emerges from the backpack. “Hey, this is a tag team match after all. Nothing illegal about this!” She comments with a text box, just before a title finally appears.


“That’s your best effort at a title? Lame.” Kazooie snarks as Banjo facepalms.

“Now’s not the time, Kazooie, we got some villains to face!” The bear said in his own textbox, before rushing into battle.


Neutral Special – BREEGULL BLASTER - Here's a move that's a load of fun, now use Kazooie as a hand-held gun! Banjo reaches back and grabs Kazooie and holds her like one would a rifle. If "B" is held, Kazooie will change Egg types- when "B" is released, Kazooie will fire an egg from her mouth. While "B" is held Banjo can move left or right and can even jump- but cannot change directions- much like when handling the super scope.

* Blue Egg: Blue Eggs travel at medium speed and deal DMG on impact- little knockback.
DMG: 7%

* Fire Egg: Fire Eggs travel at a fast speed and deal DMG on impact with a 50% chance of setting foes on fire dealing additional racking DMG to them for a short period of time- Medium knockback.
DMG: 12%

* Ice Egg: Ice Eggs travel at medium speed and deal DMG on impact as well as Freezing foes solid- like a Mr. Freezie - Medium vertical knockback.
DMG: 12%

* Grenade Egg: Grenade Eggs travel at high speed and deal DMG on impact creating an explosion dealing big knockback to foes.
DMG: 21%

Side Special – BEAK BOMB - Kazooie lifts Banjo and herself off the ground, Banjo scrunches up and suddenly the two explode forward at high speeds leaving a trail of red feathers and sparkles in their wake. though this move deals high knock back, it can be difficult to maneuver. when the duo collides with a foe or object they will rebound off the target a bit. This move is good for horizontal recovery too. This move can also be directed to an extent by moving the control stick in the direction you want Banjo & Kazooie to blast off in- this should be done as Banjo is scrunching up before takeoff.
DMG: 14%

Down Special – BILL DRILL - very similar to the Bowser Bomb, if performed on the ground, Banjo will jump into the air a bit and flip upside-down- Kazooie will then sprout from Banjo's backpack and the two will drill downward drilling into foes dealing racking DMG if used in the air, Banjo & Kazooie will not gain any additional height and will slam downward a bit faster than if used on the ground.
DMG: 1%-13%

Up Special – FLIGHT - When performed on the ground, Banjo and Kazooie will lift off straight into the air- at the height of their leap, Kazooie will extend her wings dealing slight DMG and knockback to foes- at this point the duo gain the ability to fly for about 3-4 seconds in any direction- however in this state they cannot attack, when the move's time limit is over Banjo and Kazooie will enter a helpless state. This move can be activated in the air as well but the duo will not gain additional height from it. as Kazooie flys red feathers will fly out of her body randomly- these can deal DMG to foes as they fly out of her body- but once they start to drift downward they are just for show.
DMG: 10% (expanding wings) 5% (feathers)

Final Smash – THE MIGHTY JINJONATOR - the stage rumbles as at its center a large statue of the Jinjonator rises. The statue cracks and crumbles like an outer shell, within standing the Mighty Jinjonator- a god-like entity of the Jinjos. Slowly at first, the Jijonator hovers off his pedestal and then with a mighty and deep voice she says: "JINJO!" and flies into the sky. At this point, the Jinjonator will dive across the screen dealing DMG and massive knockback to anyone who he rams into. After 11 dashes across the stage, the Jijonator comes to a stop at the center of the stage and vanishes into a burst of multicolored sparkles.
DMG: 35% (per strike)

Kirby Hat - Kirby gains a hat that resembles Banjo's face and a backpack with a stuffed Kazooie in it.


Taunt 1 – Kazooie will get bored and peck at the back of Banjo's head a couple times. Banjo will moan in frustration as he reaches back grabing Kazooie by the neck- tugging on her neck a couple times before letting her go and chuckling to himself as Kazooie coughs.

Taunt 2 – Banjo Jumps up and down holding a Jiggy. Kazooie looks at the Jiggy- and grabs it with her beak- placing it within Banjo's backpack.

Taunt 3 – Banjo and Kazooie take out their instruments and play a short piece of the Banjo-Kazooie theme.


VIRIDI: Oh wow! It's Banjo & Kazooie!

PALUTENA: A Rare sight indeed!

PIT: Uh, who?

VIRIDI: The Bear and Bird, numskull. Honestly, what do they teach you in angel school?

PIT: Archery, mostly.

VIRIDI: I suppose it's not THAT strange for you not to recognize them. They've taken other forms before including a bee, an ant, a pumpkin... even a washing machine!

PIT: R-really!?

PALUTENA: Banjo and Kazooie are quite the formidable duo and have managed to keep their home, Spiral Mountain, safe from the clutches of the evil witch Gruntilda. It looks like they've dusted off most of their old moves and are bringing them into the battle, but that's not all.

PIT: What is it Lady Palutena?

PALUTENA: The duo have a magical item with them: the Magic Wrench.

PIT: ...Uh, O-Okay.

PALUTENA: Kazooie will use its powers to grab you. Be careful of that wrench, Pit. It has a really long range to it; if they grab you, Banjo can really lay a smackdown.

PIT: There's more to these two than meet the eye! Let's put em to the test!



SNAKE: Is it.... customary for a bird to live on a bear’s back?

MEI LING: Oh! You must be talking about Banjo & Kazooie.

SNAKE: No, I'm talking about the large bear and the bird he is carrying around in his backpack.

MEI LING: Yes, that is Banjo the Bear and Kazooie the Breegull.

SNAKE: ...Oh, named after instruments, I see.

MEI LING: Banjo and Kazooie are inseparable, Snake. They are always together. While Banjo is mild-mannered and typically quiet, Kazooie is impulsive and often sarcastic.

SNAKE: Huh. Opposites attract, I see. They appear to make quite the team.

MEI LING: They certainly are! They have saved their home a couple of times now so they know how to bring the hurt to their enemies. Intel says they have fought against the witch Gruntilda on multiple occasions and have come out on top every time.

SNAKE: Well, let’s see how the Bear and Bird handle a Snake.

MEI LING: ...Aren't Bears and Birds predators of Snakes?

SNAKE: ...


This is a transition stage. Home to the Bear, the Bird, and the Witch, Spiral Mountain rests on the Isle O' Hags not far from where King Jingaling resides over the Jinjo's in Jinjo Village.

When the battle begins players find themselves battling on Spiral Mountain itself, at its base, the mountain is surrounded by water. The mountain has three “platforms” making up the mountain that stands in the center of the camera and at the top, there is a rickety old bridge that stretches from the mountain's peak to Gruntilda's Lair.

Eventually a platform will rise to the top of the mountain to “pick up” players this platform is flat and decent in size, there is one other platform that moves horizontally back and forth above the first larger platform as the platforms move around the Spiral Mountain area.

The platform will touch down at its next location: Banjo & Kazooie's house. In the BG players can see the home of the Bear and Bird the stage itself has a raised section on the left-hand side where it appears farming has been done with a small cliff to help players reach that area. the right side of the stage is flat.

Again the platform will whisk players away to a new destination: The Tree Stumps it appears once large trees grew here, now only stumps and one felled log remain. players can walk on these stumps there are also two indentations in the cliffside with platforms for players to move around on.

The platform returns and brings players to: The Waterfalls. this section of the stage has flat land on both left and right, and at the center is a river and above it was once an arched stone bridge that some time ago was destroyed, the center of the bridge is opened allowing for players to fall into the water below. the platform will return and place players back on spiral mountain.


1 - Spiral Mountain - Banjo-Kazooie [REMIX]
2 - Jinjo Challenge - Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts [ORIGINAL]
3 - Grunty's Final Challenge - Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts [ORIGINAL]
4 - Bonus Round - Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts [ORIGINAL]
5 - Isle O' Hags - Banjo-Tooie [REMIX]
6 - Breegull Beach - Banjo-Kazooie Grunty's revenge [REMIX]
7 - Mumbo's Mountain - Banjo-Kazooie [REMIX]
8 - Click Clock Woods - Banjo-Kazooie [REMIX]


ENTRANCE - A metal silo sits on the stage. Suddenly, its green lights flash and the top splits open. From within, Banjo backflips out of the silo and lands as Kazooie pokes her head out of his backpack. Banjo "Guh-huh"'s and the silo closes and buries itself into the stage. Banjo & Kazooie enter fighting stance.

Victory Music - Getting Jiggy With It - Banjo-Kazooie Series


BROWN - Bird and Bear Brown
RED - Breegull Red
BLUE - Blue Bear
YELLOW - Honey Bear Yellow
GREEN - Dragon Green
WHITE - Boggy White
PURPLE - Tootie Purple
BLACK - Grunty's Curse Black

Banjo and Kazooie finish defeating Bowser and celebrate a job well done. However, a shadow looms behind them to reveal a mad King K. Rool. The alligator raises his claw up to strike the bear and the bird…

...only for an orange tornado to come from nowhere and slam into him. As K. Rool is sent flying away, the dust soon clears to reveal an orange bandicoot wearing shorts and a pair of sneakers. This bandicoot smiles at the bear and bird, his mouth making up most of his face.


“So, what, they’re letting anyone in now?”



Side Neutral – WUMPA FRUIT BAZOOKA - Pressing “A” while also holding “left” or “right” on the directional pad, will cause Crash to perform the special move: Wumpa Fruit Bazooka. Crash takes out a Bazooka and fires 3 shots from it - BOOM-BOOM-BOOM! - this sends Wumpa Fruit horizontal, diagonal and upwards in one attack! The fruit explodes on contact with items or foes coating them in Wumpa Fruit juice but deals little DMG.
DMG: 8% (per fruit)


Up Arial – DEATH TORNADO: Pressing "Down" and “B” in mid-air will cause Crash to start spinning much faster than his natural Cyclone Spin, propelling himself upwards and damaging any unfortunate foe that get in his way.

Down Arial – SUPER BELLY-FLOP: Pressing "Down" and “B” in mid-air will cause Crash to crash down upon his opponents, creating a short-ranged shock-wave to damage opponents.


Neutral Special – CYCLONE SPIN - Pressing “B”, will cause Crash to perform the special move: Cyclone Spin. Crash will spin around creating a cyclone of hurt to anyone nearby, this can deal racking DMG but will most likely only deal a few hits before knocking foes away. If used in the air, the Spin attack can slow Crash from falling giving him a glide-like ability. The Cyclone Spin attack is tied to Crash’s Special Ability- See Special Ability: Suction Cyclone Spin.
DMG: 4%-12%

Side Special – HOG RIDE- Pressing “B” while also holding “left” or “right” will cause Crash to hop on his motorcycle from Warped, moving faster on the ground. The bike can be used to ram into opponents, similar to Wario's.

Down Special – CRATES A PLENTY - Pressing “B” while also holding “down” on the directional pad, will cause Crash to perform the special move: Crates A Plenty. Crash will look as if he just remembered something and reaches into his pocket and pulls out - A CRATE!? Quickly Crash tosses it forward. Like other crates in the game, once the crate lands on the stage can be picked up by players to throw or attacked to be broken open. If the crate connects with a foe before it touches the stage it will act as if it was thrown dealing DMG and breaking on contact. There are three types of crates Crash can produce. The first type of crate is the Basic Crate. Every time a Basic Crate is broken it has a 3 out of 10 chance of producing a lone Wumpa Fruit, these tasty treats will recover 3% DMG to anyone who nabs it. The second type of crate is the TNT Crate, as its name suggest this red painted crate is stuffed with TNT. When this crate is attacked it will explode, but if it is picked up or just touched it will begin to flash and count down from 3-2-1 then explode. The third and final crate Crash can produce is the volatile Nitro Crate, this glowing green crates have large hitboxes and explode as soon as they touch anything. The crates Crash produces are random with the odds of getting a Basic Crate being 70% of the time, a TNT Crate being 20% of the time, and a Nitro Crate being 10% of the time. It should be noted that should Crash use his Special Ability (See Special Ability: Suction Cyclone Spin) the crates would be susceptible to its effect.
DMG: 5% (Basic Crate) 23% (TNT Crate) 34% (Nitro Crate)

Up Special – SPRING CRATE - Pressing “B” while also holding “up” on the directional pad, will cause Crash to perform the special move: Spring Crate. Like Sonic, Crash will produce an Item for his Up Special Move. A Spring Crate appears below Crash and he bounces into the sky. This Spring Crate has the same properties and weight as a standard crate. So players can pick this up and toss it. However getting it to land right side up again may be an issue - if the bounce box lands upside down, it will continue to bounce into the air now having the properties of a thrown item - dealing DMG to anyone who touches it - including Crash - and break! If it falls on its side it will bounce players away from it like a Bumper! Just keep an eye on that arrow!
DMG: 4% (if Crate lands on foes)

Final Smash – THE INVINCIBLE AKU AKU - Aku Aku spins around Crash and then in blast of Energy Aku Aku begins to shimmer with golden power - spinning, Aku Aku descends to Crash's face and Crash then bursts with the same golden energy - sparkles fly off the bandicoot. In this form, Crash runs across the stage and into foes dealing DMG and knockback to them. Aku Aku's powers have also triggered crates to fall from the sky landing randomly on the stage - each with Aku Aku's face painted on them. If a foe should touch these crates, they will be sucked into the crate. Those crates will then gain the face of the foe who touched it painted on the crate instead of Aku Aku. These crates can be destroyed by anyone by lifting and tossing them, but if Crash touches one of the crates, the foe within will receive DMG and HUGE knockback. Players trapped inside the crates can button mash to break out. Eventually, Aku Aku's mighty magic wears off and all crates break if they weren't destroyed already: this will deal DMG but less knockback to foes trapped in boxes.
DMG: 14% (Per hit from Crash touching Foe) 32% (Crash destroying Crate of captured Foe) 11% (Other Player destroys Crate of captured Foe)

Kirby Hat - When Kirby swallows Crash, Kirby will don an Aku Aku mask while also gaining the Cyclone Spin Ability.


Taunt 1 – Crash will take out a Wumpa Fruit and spin it on his finger tossing it upward Aku Aku quickly spikes it down at Crash covering him in purple Wumpa Fruit juice, Crash performs a Cyclone Spin and cleans himself off, re-entering fighter stance. (it should be noted that Crash's spin can deal DMG same as the Cyclone Spin Special Move.)

Taunt 2 – Crash takes out his Yoyo and tosses it forward but as it returns to him, he loses control and the yoyo flies back at Crash tangling him in its string, Crash performs a Cyclone Spin and detangles himself from it, re-entering fighter stance. (it should be noted that Crash's spin can deal DMG same as the Cyclone Spin Special Move.)

Taunt 3 – Crash will break out into the "Crash Dance" when the dance is completed Crash will perform a Cyclone Spin and re-enter fighter stance. (it should be noted that Crash's spin can deal DMG same as the Cyclone Spin Special Move.)



SNAKE: What's the deal with the wombat?

COLONEL: That's Crash Bandicoot, Snake. He's a Bandicoot.

SNAKE: ...

COLONEL: Crash was once a normal Bandicoot going about his life until a Doctor by the name of Neo Cortex captured him to use in his experiments. Crash was one of the first to be exposed to Cortex's Evolvo-Ray.

SNAKE: An Evolvo-Ray? what will they think up next?

COLONEL: Crash was to become one of Cortex's generals, aiding him in taking over the entire world. However, Crash was deemed a failure and as fate would have it, Crash would thwart Cortex's every move for global domination.

SNAKE: Heh, some failure huh?

COLONEL: Rumor has it Snake that secretly, Crash enjoys a good fight every now and then.

SNAKE: Better not disappoint him. Snake out.


PIT: Whoa! Is that - Crash Bandicoot!?

VIRIDI: The one and only.

PALUTENA: I guess you really never know who will show up in Smash Bros.

VIRIDI: Crash was experimented on by the vile human Dr. Neo Cortex, now look at him.

PIT: ...He... He seems okay to me?

VIRIDI: You would think that.

PALUTENA: For better or worse, Crash is now a super marsupial, and with a title like that Crash naturally has a few abilities he wouldn't have if it weren't for his past run-in with Cortex.

VIRIDI: You mean like his Cyclone Spin.

PALUTENA: Right. While the Cyclone Spin can dish out damage, it can also pull in items and cause them to orbit around Crash. Just remember to allow adequate room around Crash during his Cyclone Spin.


Located between N. Sanity Island and Cortex Island lies Wumpa Island and it just so happens that on this day is Wumpa Islands Synchronization Celebration! Trees, pillars, torches, plants, even plain old rocks bop to the islands rhythmic vibes of the island. Players find themselves in the ruins of the infamous Choir Statues.

The center of the stage is made up of a large flat platform, and at its center recessed into the ground are two large drums: one rimmed in vibrant pink, the other a bright teal color. Surrounding the perimeter of the center platform stand a total of 10 Choir Statues. Above the Choir Statues on both the left and right side of the stage are staggered platforms that allow players to move out over the pit on either side of the center platform. Two slated platforms reach out towards each other at the center of the stage but do not meet.

And one final flat platform rests at the very top of the stage. It appears that the ruins are experiencing some bad vibes, green energy consumes the stage, the torches burn a blue color, everything looks pretty depressing. The Choir Statues will eventually light up in a pattern glowing pink or teal releasing a chant of "OOH!" or "AHH!" at this point the recessed drums will pop up out of the ground.

Using the drums players can jump between them should they replicate the chanting of the Choir Statues, they will expel the bad vibes and restore the rhythmic vibes causing the green energy to dissipate, the flames of the torches return to normal, the sun begins to shine, and four sets of platforms activate that will jut in and out of their locations allowing players to use them, following the rhythm of the Choir Statue's “OOH!”’s or “AHH!”’s. Unfortunately, the bad vibes will eventually return and players will have to wait until the Choir Statues perform their chant again before they can expel the bad vibes once more. If players do not expel the bad vibes, they will begin to take racking DMG as long as the bad vibes stay in play.


1 - N. Sanity Beach - Crash Bandicoot (N. Sane Trilogy ver.) [ORIGINAL]
2 - Warp Room - Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (N. Sane Trilogy ver.) [ORIGINAL]
3 - Main Menu - Crash Nitro Kart [ORIGINAL]
4 - Tawna Bandicoot - Crash Bandicoot (N. Sane Trilogy ver.) [ORIGINAL]
5 - The Time Twister - Crash Bandicoot: Warped (N. Sane Trilogy ver.) [ORIGINAL]
6 - Cortex's Peril - Skylands Imaginators [ORIGINAL]
7 - Thumpin' Wumpa Islands Battle Accelerated - Skylands Imaginators [ORIGINAL]


ENTRANCE - A stack of Basic Crates stand on the stage when suddenly Crash falls through all of them, belly-flopping to the stage, he picks himself up as Aku Aku floats down by his side, Crash enters fighter stance.

Victory Music - Win Race - Crash Team Racing


ORANGE - Crash Orange
RED - Evil Crash Red
GREEN - Trash Crash Green
YELLOW - Make-Anotherator Yellow
BLUE - Ripper Roo Blue
PURPLE - Viscount Purple
BROWN - Pinstripe Brown
WHITE - Carbon Crash White


Hog Ride

Mind Over Mutant


The Cyclone Spin also has a Special Ability tied into it called: Suction Cyclone Spin. If a Player repeatedly taps “B” Crash will continue to spin, but will also then cause a suction effect that pulls in smaller items slightly before causing them to revolve around him in a sort of orbit. When “B” is not tapped Crash will stop spinning causing the items sucked into his cyclone to fly outward as if he has thrown them. Of course items in orbit around crash can simply slam into foes while in orbit.

As Crash does his victory dance, he briefly trips over himself as he's hit with a powerful guest of wind. Looking around, he scratches his head in confusion... and looks upwards to see a rainbow-colored streak soar across the sky and out of sight...

Special thanks to my friend for help setting up their movesets, stages, costumes, Palutena's Guidance and Codec Conversation segments!

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