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An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

More Blog Posts94

  • 102 weeks
    If I Could Delete This I Would

    I know, I'm sorry in advance. I hated writing this but I'm in a real pinch and don't know what else to do. Explanation below, please read this if you have the time.

    I dunno, it's really hard to put all of your personal information out there like this, but I suppose the only way I can ever expect anyone to understand is to share what's been going on, so let's get into it...

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  • 168 weeks
    Signal Boost for B_25

    Hey gang, wish this was a story update coming to you right now but I've got one in the works so keep your eyes peeled—however I've noticed my friend B falling into dire straits over the last couple months and after he's helped me multiple times in the past with my own issues, I thought it only fitting I give a shout out to him when he's having trouble.

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  • 178 weeks
    A Reading of Giantdad with B_25 and Greyson, Along with a Short Addendum

    Hey guys, hope everyone's enjoying their early 2021 and had a great new years!

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  • 182 weeks
    Fighting Depression and Stress: The 'I'm Fucking BACK' Edition

    Yup yup, you read it right, I'm actually returning to this website, finally! It's been so much of a mental battle and uphill climb to get to this point after what was easily the worst and most potent burnout period and financial stress of my life, but I can safely say at this point that I'm beginning to see a way to get back on the horse, but it involves all of you.

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The Blog Post I'm SO Much Happier to Write · 9:38pm Feb 2nd, 2019

As I begin this blog, know that while we're not completely out of the woods yet—me and my family—things are already looking up so, so much. Below, I have an update for you on the whole situation and what you've managed to help us all accomplish so far, as well as a personal thanks written by my mum for all of your kind words and generosity!

But first, let me give you a little of my perspective:

When I published this blog a few days ago, I had no clue what to expect. I didn't know if I'd be ridiculed. If no one would pay any attention to it. If it'd go largely ignored.

All of those worries were completely ill-founded. What this community—what you rose up and did in response to me and my family's situation, what is still happening, to some extent? It's fucking astounding. Incredible. I have no words for it. Support has gone way up, and I still need to speak to my new donors and find out who wants what—if anything—from me! I promise I'll get to that soon. People sent me messages offering me someone to talk to, telling me of their own situations, offering money, offering, offering, offering... the capability of all of you to give is utterly heartwarming, beyond anything I could have imagined, more widespread than any dream I could have conjured as to how this would pan out.

And I... I won't lie, I was on the verge of tears at points. Certain messages that hit a little harder than others. Donations that were utterly insane, paired with messages that made me laugh, made my smile, made my heart ache... And the level of people that signal boosted the original blog? The amount that were happy to see things begin to go well, that cared for me, my parents, and my situation altogether?

It was shocking. Shocking isn't even a strong enough word. Astounding is what it was. I haven't even had a chance to respond to everyone yet—that's one part being in shock, one part crazy home life, one part crazy uni schedule—but I promise I have something to say to every single one of you. You diamonds that took a chance on a little British family going through a particularly rough patch, on a writer who needed a pick me up and didn't know where else to turn. I didn't know if I'd ever deserve anything like this, and still don't feel as if I do, but my parents? They deserve every penny, and they've received everything that's come in so far via Ko-fi, that I can say for sure.

And... what has that meant, particularly for my mum? Well, how about I let her tell you?

Dear Friends/fans/supporters of my son,

I am just writing to say thank you for your exceptionally kind donations. I think (to be honest) I will find it difficult to put into words just how grateful I am. But I will have a go at trying to express it.

Yesterday when I was sitting down for an evening I asked …. a very simple request which was to pass me a pair of nail clippers. Due to the fact that there are two of us studying in the house plus my two younger children things tend to get lost easily, that and the fact that we are all constantly running around like lunatics with a busy routine. As he gave them to me he looked at me and said “Mum I have the money for your treatment.” I was like “what????” he then explained that he had raised the cash, all of it to get me thyroid treatment privately. I looked at him astonished. Tbh at first I did think that he was having me on, but his voice was rather shaky and then he showed me what had gone through kofi.. To which I responded “bloody hell.” There was quite a lot of excitement and I was not sure what to say for a while after this, but he informed me that people had kept on donating and that he was now hoping to get enough to give some money to his father who has been having a very tough time of late to say the least!!

Anyway as we sat there money kept on coming in. This seemed very odd to us as we had never done a fundraiser or had anything like that happen before and were not really sure how to respond, although I must say our response was most definitely positive!! In fact it took me a while to come back to my senses and decide that I should really order myself and the younger children some dinner, as it was getting late. So I ordered McDonalds with Ubereats and then sat there stunned for another hour and realised it had not turned up. Apparently the driver could not find us (uber eats are rubbish). Anyway, disaster was averted in the end and we managed to have dinner albeit a late one!!

Anyway, I should try and explain a little what the money will mean for me. Basically, I am a Postgrad student and a single parent to three children including my eldest son. I don't have any family support whatsoever and ill health has not only put me behind in my course, but it left me without student finance this year for various silly legislative reasons. I have also had a struggle to try and get the NHS to prescribe Liothyronine or T3, I understand this treatment is common in America and Europe but here our NHS is using a supplier called Advanz Pharma (also known as Concordia) who increased the cost of these pills by 6,000 percent, meanining CCGs, Clinical Commissioning Groups refused (and still refuse) to prescribe them to patients in their area. Owing to this, many people like myself continue to be sick and suffer horrible Chronic Fatigue like symptoms as they are not being optimally medicated. The situation has been raised in both Parliament and the House of Lords but progress to challenge the NHS on prescribing and sourcing of this drug is extremely slow.

Your money has basically meant for me that I can now go to a reputable clinic in Central London and get my thyroid looked at and assessed properly and be supplied with T3. I am currently arranging an initial assessment and to be started on medication and speedily too. I have also been informed by the clinic today (via the receptionist who seemed very genuine) just what a difference they generally see in their patients who are out on this medication. So on that front this is excellent news for me. I will also be able to reduce some of the debts that I have ran up over Christmas due to not being able to apply for the dreaded welfare benefit Universal Credit (which would have cut off all support for 5 weeks and left me unable to manage). Being without student finance this year has left me with an £11,000 funding gap and although I am looking to apply to educational trusts for help it is the wrong time of year, the University have also offered little financial relief. So this money to me will act as a lifeline to start to clear some of my debt, but just as importantly (if not more so) I will be able to start to improve my health.

I cannot even start to tell you how tiring it is to live with the fatigue and various aches and pains that go with hypothyroidism when it is not properly treated, nor the massive impact it has on my work. To me to be able to work and do excel at my University course is everything. I started Undergrad degree at age 35 and worked incredibly hard in a very difficult situation to further my prospects. To now gain this further degree in order to enter the profession which I want to enter will be the icing the on the cake and also a gateway to a better life for all of us. Anyway, to summarise the money which you have been kind enough to donate may not cover all of the expenses which I currently have, but what it is is a huge financial boost to finally get me on my way to better health and a better future and for that I cannot thank you enough.

So anyway I will finish by saying that yesterday I sat on the sofa waiting for my son to pass me a set of nail clippers, I got a whole lot more than I bargained for and it's great, so great. Thank you so much..… Mum

P.S: for those who hear me holler in the morning in a loud frustrated London accent I promise sincerely I will not change!!! Well I could try but that would require all three of my children to understand subtlety… Never gonna happen :)

Okay so a) she wrote it on mobile and I didn't want to edit a thing in case it lost her voice, and b) anyone who's ever been in a Discord call with me will understand that post script!

But... yeah! Look at that! Mum's getting her treatment! Hooray! It's because of all of you, too! You wonderful, spectacular, amazing human beings. I could go into a thesaurus and fetch every synonym for 'awesome' there is, and it still wouldn't sum up all of you. And to those who donated large sums? I wish I could write entire paragraphs about each of you incredible people, but for anonymity purposes, I can't. And to those who donated small sums? I wish I could write entire bloody paragraphs about each of you beautiful people too. Giving what you had spare, helping where you could... I wish I knew all of your names. I wish I could hug all of you and cry on your shoulders. I'll PM as many of you as I can, reply to your comments, but if I miss you, or anything like that, DON'T hesitate to poke me over it. You all deserve my time whenever I can spare it. Honestly, you deserve so much more than that.

But, like I said, this doesn't put us out of the woods yet. Mum still has a large gap in her finances, and is still below the poverty line. Like before, I still have to help support her financially to the best of my ability, and a lot of credit has been ran up. As it is, she's worried she may have to try applying for universal credit, despite the fact it'd cut her off for a while, but there's a good chance they could refuse her on the basis that she switched from doing her masters full time to part time at the end of last year so she could do it over two years, rather than one. (Health reasons forced this decision.)

This may be a sobering and perhaps too realistic thing to mention, but it's the situation I'm going to be continuing to live with. Only, as it's looking, as things are going, everything's looking up. Everything's so much more positive. It feels like there's hope again. The raised support is going to make being a supportive and productive family member easier. The donations on Ko-fi are going to keep going towards improving my home life. The continued support and signal boosts of these blogs are going to keep a smile on my face.

I haven't even had a chance to mention dad yet. I'm going to cover him more properly in a later update, but I can say that I've been able to give to him. He's received a fair amount of money so far, an amount that's going to help change things for him, and he's incredibly grateful for it. Honestly, the amount I've been able to give to my parents is staggering, and it's all due to how insanely generous and kind each of you have been up until now.

I don't know if people are going to share this blog, but I'd hope so. I want people to know what they, what everyone here has managed to accomplish. I didn't feel like I was throwing myself to the wolves when I finally plucked up the courage to make the last blog, I felt like I was bringing myself towards good people, and my suspicions were not only answered, but answered by tenfold. You people are amazing. Share this if you can. Show people how amazing what this community's doing is. Show them the working class mum that's going to get the treatment she needs now, the son that can't fucking believe how wonderful you all are, and the world you've all managed to begin change for me and my entire family.

Is this a first step? Yes. Is it a fucking glorious first step that I never would've imagined taking if it wasn't for all of you? Also yes. The signal boosts, donations, kind words, comments... I may be repeating myself at this point, but thank you. Thank you so much. thankyouthankyouthankyou!

I'm going to leave a Ko-Fi link at the bottom here. I don't want to feel like, well, a whore at this point, or anything like that, but the truth is that while what we've received is amazing (and I mean amazing), there's still a lot that needs to be done. Honestly, I didn't expect anything like this, but you've all gone on to surprise me yet again, my wonderful, wonderful fans, peers, and any kind, lovely stranger that found themselves to my last blog and shared a penny, a word, a thought, a prayer.

And now you're all in my prayers. I hope a karmic reward finds each and every one of you soon, for the wonderful work you've done. You've helped me not to feel pathetic about this, not to feel immeasurable guilt, not to stop myself from going ahead when I've felt scared, and you've given me the enthusiasm to pick up writing again, so I'd hope to say you can all expect more work soon! I'll try my absolute hardest. One thing I'd like to say I feel inspired to write more of since all of this is Emotional Support Pony. It's my small, completely insufficient way of paying everyone back, I think.

So, yeah, Ko-fi, which you can donate to with either a card or a PayPal account rather easily. Anything anyone chooses to send me helps more than you can imagine, either a donation or a tip.

And finally, let me share something with you. Someone (who I haven't yet had permission to name) sent me a piece of art they made for me, something to cheer me up from everything that'd been going on lately. It made me smile. Made me grin like an idiot, actually, so now I'd like to share it with all of you!

(Look at this! I fucking love it. It'll have to go up on my page soon! Thank you, to the creator!)

Keep being awesome, guys. I love you all, so so much, and promise to respond to each of you as soon as I possibly can. We're well over halfway now. I only hope I'll stop feeling so terrible for having to ask for any of this, even if it's mixed with the kind of warm heart that only this community can truly bring about.

- A Son. A Big Brother. A Happy Disguise.

Comments ( 63 )

I’m so happy that you got the support that you needed!

- A Son. A Big Brother. A Happy Disguise.

You missed out "cheeky cunt who owes Greyson poker money."

Good to see the situation improving drastically. We're all here for you, you whore.

I’m glad things are getting better! I still can’t give you any money, but I will spread this post too, just like the last one. I hope everything continues to work out for you! :twilightsmile:

You have no idea how stoked I was to hear this good news man. Keep doing the best you can with what you got and know you have my full support.

Im glad its goin well but im not stopping im still gonna share this

Glad to see everything is looking better. I hope it just keeps getting better for all of you.

Cheers bro!

This is wonderful news! I am so glad for you.

That's wonderful. I wish I could help you dude. However I don't have job or penny, but I was praying for everything be alright. And that's great to see how much you see we value you, because you are one of the best writers over here. And your family really deserved every penny. I will still pray for your family be well over this year as app my friends as well. You are awesome XD

Happy to hear things are going as well as they are! Hoping for better stuff in the future for you and your family! Still got a handful of commissions I'm going to be getting down in the next few weeks to raise a bit of money for ya.:yay:


It's so nice of this update on your situation Intricate. I can only hope things keep going on up for ya man, and remember if you ever need our help again we're here for you. 1.bp.blogspot.com/-nuaBSE0v1F0/TbeNGIZ5eRI/AAAAAAAAAG8/_mUMsmax2m8/s1600/kuuga_thumbs_up.jpg

Woohoo! Glad to hear thongs are looking up for you amd your family. I expected your community to spring to the res ue, but nowhere near this fast! Focus on them and your own health, too, though. I think HOPE I speak for all of us when I say we can wait a little while for horse words while you get things under control.

Truly, the magic of friendship is at work here. And it's friggin' beautiful.

I am happy that I at least could spread the word.

Happy we all could help. That's what I love about this community/fandom, ready to help each other as it's sadly rare these days. Anyway, I wish, you, your siblings and mother all the best!

We still have plenty love and tolerance left to give, big man. It was great reading a much more uplifting blog. We'll be behind you every step of the way! :twilightsmile::heart:

Author Interviewer

I was a little slow on the draw, but I'm glad to hear this is working. :)


Awesome and wonderful news! I am so happy for you:pinkiehappy:

It's honestly very heart warming to hear things have turned to a brighter side pretty quickly for you and your family. Reading the message from your mother made me smile; thank you for sharing.
Gonna stay a Patreon for a while to show a little support in the long run, and I hope things start to look even better in the near future for all of you. :twilightsmile:




>We're glad things are looking up again!
>And if you ever need someone to talk to, talk at, or just need to rant a bit, we're here for you
>Same goes for who know how many others

Damn...it brings me to tears every time this community unites together behind one of our own.

Brony for life.

Very glad to hear that things are getting better!

I am glad that I helped and don't worry I will continue to help for as long as I can.

YAY! "hugs you" :heart:


Darn it! How is a sarcastic, Polish bastard like me supposed to feel when blogs like this are shattering his ‘the world is a dark place, and all humans are bastards!’ viewpoint?! Now, I’ll have to search for some bad news online to recharge my negativity pool - I hope you’re happy :duck:

Jokes aside, I’m glad we could help - I should be able to send some more coffees your way soon :raritywink: I hope it will all work out in the end for both your mom and dad.

One thing though… does your mom knows what kind of stories do you write here :unsuresweetie: ? Just curious… Because if not, then one day you may get a funny reaction if/when she learns that, and realize who the supporters were :trollestia:

That's a good way to start a day - some good news!
Congratulations, dude, and everyone who responded to your call! You're awesome and stay awesome!
It's really heart warming to hear that there are still so many good people in this world of greed and duplicity.

Those are good news.

I am glad it turned out as it did.

Dubious Patreon reassurance time: I just checked their Twitter feed. Everyone is having pledge collection problems.

So... at least it's not just you?

This fanbase is a wild weird lot, divisive about much, far too enthusiastic about other, and amazingly helpful when needed.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Don't you dare say you don't deserve the money. You are a hard working 20yo putting your family over yourself, a thing you can be proud of. Biggest respect from me in this regard. You are a person people like me should be looking up to.
Mc for a meal is not a thing I can imagine beeing good in any way. I get it that you have no time to prepare anything, but I'll try and find some good recipies tomorrow that can be cheap, prepared quickly and healthy.
If not for it beeing 2am I'd be jumping from joy right now
Edit: very busy lately, will get it done this week, pinkie promise

Truly a unique community we have. I don't think people realize the variety of people we have, many would never assume a large portion of us to be in the fandom. Nor how we can band together like this to uplift someone within our community.

Really glad to see things looking up for you and your family! I wish I could help out more but I'm not in work right now, I'm on your Patreon though so I hope the extra couple of £ a month helps out :twilightsmile:


Sharing the heck out of this :3 super happy for you and your folks. Now the thoughts and prayers are for this luck and positivity to continue.

Always good things,

Im really happy that your families situation has improved, it warms my heart to see things get better, it really does. As for the gifts saying thanks? I personally don't need anything. Just knowing I was a part in helping you is good enough for me, honestly. And as I said in an earlier comment, I'm always going to be behind you giving support, and I have a good feeling that I won't be the only one. Stay strong, friend, and know that if you need anything, myself and so many others will be here for you.

It's wonderful that you and your family are doing better, even if the battle is not over. :twilightsmile: I'm sorry I didn't contribute more.

Thank God for this rebound. I hope you are victorious in the end, and may the Lord watch over and keep you.


I'm glad to hear the good news. :)
(And I've shared it on.)

I can't donate, but knowing how plainly and genuinely happy you are reading this post, it made me feel happy too. Good luck, my brony buddy.

Excellent news. Know that I am supporting you every step of the way.

Very glad to hear things are improving for you and your folks! :yay:

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy if you need more support we’ll always be here for you always

A supporter

this just goes to show that complaining about your problems DOES make things better, as long as you complain to the right people. a lesson more people could stand to learn.

I am so happy to hear things are looking up for you and yours! :pinkiehappy:

I’ll be getting paid in a few days and, this being a free paycheck, I should be able to donate some, finally. I’ve felt bad ever since the first blog came up and I wasn’t able to do any more than signal boost, which I will be doing with this one, as well! :raritywink:

Huh... Well, I guess that blog post I made about the issue was almost pointless... Nevertheless, you'll get $1,000.00 once I get my beefy job. I made a promise, and I intend on keeping it.

One step closer to being in the clear. I hope you can get all the money you need,

Keep striving, Dust. Your friends across the big pond here are cheering for you. You're in my prayers tonight.

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