• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
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Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.

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  • 16 weeks
    The last research paper I worked on has published at last.

    The process is REALLY slow. I finished all my work on this 3 years ago.


    This one uses a lot of my histology and in-situ hybridization with RNAscope results.

    But no more science for me. Now I build houses and driveways... and rip them apart too! It's a sort of yin-yang thing I've got going here.

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  • 22 weeks
    A comedic scene from a new Clouseua story I'm fiddling with...

    I just came up with this, and imagining Peter Sellers delivering the line had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.

    Clouseau, "For you see, the murderer was... the bullet!"

    Guy in room, "The bullet?"

    Clouseau, "Of course, no one would suspect the bullet of firing itself!"

    Woman in room, "But that... that's madness!"

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  • 40 weeks

    Only the Pirate King could do it...

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  • 41 weeks
    Last call for Bronycon items up on Ebay!

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  • 46 weeks
    Last Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items at the end of the summer to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP! Around Sept 1 is when the MLP items are

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Ocasio-Cortez on powerful committees... WTF... · 1:50am Jan 24th, 2019

Ok, so a brand-new, severely inexperienced, demonstrably unintelligent junior Congresswoman gets on TWO of the most powerful House Committees...

The House Oversight and Reform Committee (doesn't one actually need to know how law works before trying to enforce it?)

The House Financial Services Committee (she knows NOTHING about finances... just look at her answers to any financial questions for absolute proof of her over whelming ignorance)

Her credentials? She hates Trump and white men in general, apparently. She has no other qualifications.

Same with Rashida Tlaib... who accepted her seat with the eloquent and enlightened declaration "we're going to impeach the M'fer." Such enlightened and wise progressives.

Ladies and gentlemen on the left, congratulations. You've elected the sort of people Nicholas Maduro stocked Venezuela's government with. You have failed as hard as is possible. Given the absolutely undeniably 'fake news' we've had this weekend and how gleefully every Demcorat leapt upon them, I suspect the next two years shall be one attempt at fraud after another by this House filled with unmasked communists.

Comments ( 39 )

Sounds like my homeland.:trollestia: Only reverse-gendered.:rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:

*Rebel Yell intensifies*

I'm pretty sure these women are the sort that most of the country will flat out ignore to the best of their ability, and violently resist when forced. They can tell whatever lies they want as long as they don't actually do anything that affects anything.

Ok, so a brand-new, severely inexperienced, demonstrably unintelligent junior Congresswoman gets on TWO of the most powerful House Committees...

Democrats describe Trump the exact same way, and he's in power for the exact same reasons. People are upset with the establishment at the moment and are looking for radical candidates even if they're come with significant downsides. She's just the populist the left elected instead of the populist the right elected.

To be clear I don't like Trump or Ocasio-Cortez. I'd have to say I prefer the establishment politicians, although nobody in politics is clean and there's no one who's a perfect candidate I'd love to have in power.

5001776 Trump has run large businesses for decades. He's interacted with government officials, every level of media, and foreign diplomats for the same length of time.

What has Cortes done? What experience does she have at running ANYTHING?

This is not a difficult question to answer (it's exactly ZERO).

Apples and oranges (NPC "Orange Man Bad?") :trollestia:

5001669 I was listening to the Dems 'explain' why she and Tlaib were chosen... they said it was because they would 'aggressively' go after the Trump Administration.

In other words, they're admitting there is implicit bias and a foregone conclusion of guilt.

This is not justice. It's a lunch mob mentality. In fact, going with that notion... recall the furor when a racists won the nomination in some Midwestern state? Now, let's assume this guy won. And then Republicans decide to have him on this same committee looking into Obama's possible wrong doings.

Tell, me, do ya think the left and the media would have any problems with the obvious biases in that case?

The presumption of guilt for purely political/ideological motivations is EXACTLY what went on in the Inquisition, the French and Russian Revolutions, the Third Reich, Maoist China, Franco's Spain... all the way up to modern Venezuela. EVERY SINGLE DISASTROUS REGIME has been run this way!

Naturally, they were all based in some derivation of socialist philosophy. Group-think tends to lead to the same ends every time. :raritywink:

*head banging against wall intensifies*


This is not justice. It's a lunch mob mentality.

Mmmm...lunch mob...

5002263 Well socialists do feed on productive members of society to survive. Then they starve once they've stripped everything bare.

Accidentally perfect analogy!

(They're like locusts... they're moving from country to country. And when they've consumed every productive citizen, they move on...)

We need Randy Quaid to crash a fighter jet into the DNCs death laser.


Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted Jan 26th, 2019


How dems acted when trump was elected


Stupid knows no gender, it merely manifests in different ways. Dare I ask which homeland you speak of?

Guatemala... and just look up the debacle with the CICIG going on here. We're one step short from returning to tyranthood by military boot.

EDIT: And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Well... you shouldn't be too hard on yourselves. Yes, you should fight them on this, but you have to have realized the allure the concept of socialism has. And they certainly dress it up.

I don't know all that much about Guatemala, but let me guess how it started... they played too your sympathies, not as a person, but as ones you all share. The wide eyed shivering orphans in the snow, though I don't think you get much snow there, the poor and hungry, the old and broken of body. Not that you or all of you should take care of them, no! It should be they, the government, who should. To see that matters were properly attended too.

And whose going to argue with them? How could you, would have more then likely been the cry. How can you protest the tending of the wide eyed orphan grand elder attack helicopters shivering in all that terrible awful whiteness!?

I'm a fucking moron. I can still see where this shit is headed.

Nope. The clown currently in power was surreptitiously supported through different channels by the US embassy here as they didn't like the attitude of the one who was going to be the winner - he preferred to make deals with Russia and continental China than he did with USA. The contender was a parasitical ex-Guerilla that proved her thirst for power and money through her now ex-husband, currently in jail. This clown was 'a surprise choice', literally.

Tellingly enough, the same politician that was prognosticated to win ended up in prison for corruption - same corruption as the entirety of Congress here, and yet he's the only one in jail for that. Hell, he tried to escape to USA and was sent back in chains. The reason why? Here they have the tendency to murder people inside the prisons by availing themselves to the established criminal groups that are both inside and outside them and making them look like riots.

As for the 'socialist siren-call'... considering how here wealth is deeply focused on a small population that does not care for anything but themselves and are thirsty for power and money, corruption widespread and systematic theft a matter of culture (there is even a saying that goes as this that exemplifies this theft culture: if you don't steal, you're a fool.). What this means is this: people feel entitled to steal because 'the other has more than I, and that's unfair', legal means to attain goals be damned.

We have the Spanish 'conquistadores' attitudes that they brought from Spain and their descendants' slavery against the natives that caused the problem from the start. The story is morbid, dark, horrid, and a classic show of culture never moving forward. Here, we still live like the colonialists did in times long past.

I'll leave it at that.

Add to that a 'paternalistic state' (which goes in parallel lines with Socialism, only from a far-right perspective) to make people dependent on the State, and you have a population of prideless beggars and self-righteous soul-sucking thieves with a minority that only wants a good country to live in - yet powerless to do crap - watching in horror at the chaos and madness unfold as the country slowly submerges into darkness.

The ones running away to your borders? They are the desperate, yet hopeful ones that believe that by illegal means they'll manage to gain root elsewhere. IF they applied to 'refugee status' at your embassy here - and there are records of people trying - they would get rebuffed without much explanation as to the why.

The only thing that'd solve the issues here would be a French Revolution... but I'm certain that the USA would interfere in that as well to prevent changes. They did that before, just because a CIA leader and some blokes didn't want their investment in the Fruit Company gone when a democratically elected reformer tried to address the land distribution issues going on here. Even funnier, a military tyrant, later on, did the same action that this 'elected president' on German-descent people investments during WW2. From there came the Beer company Gallo. Talk about hypocrisy there.

That interventionist policy from the Cold War without regard for righteousness resulted down the line - in the 80's civil war - in all capable leadership that saw the issues here and wished to solve them in the long-term dead, and the fools and thieves to go rampant from both sides, Socialist Guerrilla hungry for money and power and Right-Conservative Military with their backers with the same hunger.

So you see, it is a deeply-entrenched issue going here. And I'm certain that the same patterns of 'paternalistic state' are the reason why Latin-America seeks out Socialism.

They are the same crap, sought after by people that wish the same benefits without regards to what reality consists of.

In short: I hate my country and about three-quarters of the people that live in here. If I had the means, I'd leave in a blink.

Sucks to be learned, yet without stable income and a stable job.

Again mate, fucking moron here. So...

'the other has more than I, and that's unfair'

That's pretty much communism

Eeeyup. Communism and 'Right-Wing Paternalistic State' are siblings.

And don't put yourself down my friend. People barely know their own history, much less other people's unless they study it. I simply elaborated as to the why of my statement.

I apologize if I gave a different impression to you in that regard.:twilightsmile:

Well, I am aware of my own countries history, painfully so, so it helps to get others perspective on matters

I apologize if I gave a different impression to you in that regard.

Not at all my good man^^

5002779 People have very short memories in general... socialists apparently have no memories, along with a lack of perception of what's occurring all around them.

I suspect it has to do with all the drugs. :raritywink:

5002808 I find it quite interesting that the left wing in the USA, who have hated the CIA and FBI since the 50's... now suddenly all love them.

At least we Constitutionalists are consistent and have ALWAYS felt these massively powerful and unaccountable federal agencies are dangerous and need to be reigned in or done away with altogether.

More to do with lack of education, food, and a particular desire to change for the better. Notice that is different from desiring to change the society one lives in.

That's why the Venezuelan farmbois don't care what happens to the country since they have always lived poorly and wished for the same crap that all others do: for Daddy State to provide for its multitude of destitute and rapidly-multiplying children. :facehoof:

On the other hand, this same crap allows for an abundance of cheap, worthless labor ideal for menial tasks and for growing up agricultural exports.:trollestia:

This always happens to Latin-American countries that have a large population of uneducated and poorly fed folk. And of course, the drug-lords will 'provide' as long as the people support them. Now that's an ouroboros!

The drugs are more an American thing, just look up how the whole shebang started in Vietnam that involved a military man and the use of non-regulated and checked transports to import cocaine to the States if memory serves me right. Cut the customer base in the USA, and you'll see how the 'drug lords' panic messily. :pinkiegasp:

Local consumption is truly minimal in comparison, we simply aren't good customers.:pinkiecrazy:

It was right-winged people in the government that abused their posts for their own benefit back then, and now it is left-winged, right-winged, and moderates. Selfishness does not care about political affiliation, is what my experience has taught me.

Trust me, I know.:fluttershysad:

EDIT: The same thing happened here, coincidentally. It had more to do with 'Human Rights' and European activists pulling off shit.

5002982 I mean Constitutionalists, not simply Republican. Parties are corrupt from their initiation.

Theodore Roosevelt was made Vice President to keep him out of the way of the elite monopoly trusts' henchman McKinley. He was too popular and honorable to attack directly, so they put him in a position which, at that time, has effectively no political power.

They never banked on McKinley's assassination.

The corrupt engineered their own downfall and President Roosevelt went on to break up the trusts and monopolies.

Those of us who seek true reform need only wait for the wicked to hand us the opportunity to destroy them. And then seize it with both hands.

Here there is no such thing as 'constitutionalist'. Or 'decent human being', for that matter.:trollestia: It is only predator and prey. User and used.

As for that tidbit of history you shared, now that is both interesting and unexpected. What could have prompted the assasination? Will have to look that up.:twilightsmile:

I fully agree with you, the wicked usually destroy themselves with their actions. The bad part is we must endure until they self-destruct.

5003075 The assassination of McKinley was by a disgruntled anarchist and socialist (oh wow, another one) named Leon Czolgosz who felt he was the answer to injustice. It was easy to walk up to government officials in those days. People were not as sociopathic in general. Assassination attempts were fairly rare.

Interestingly, McKinley would not have died had he suffered the same gunshot today. He died from sepsis 8 days after the shooting when the wound became gangrenous. Basic sanitary protocols and surgical techniques were still horribly primitive. His doctors were... utterly incompetent. They would not even allow the use of an early X-ray machine to find the bullet, from which the infection originated.

It was this assassination that drastically increased protection of the President and the full-time employment of the Secret Service as the President's personal guards.

And, relatedly, it was the backlash against anarchists connected to Czolgosz which led to the formation of anti-anarchist surveillance groups which were incorporated in 1908 as the FBI.

Again, as with the 'shot heard round the world' by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, one man's action totally altered the course of history.

Interestingly in that case, the assassination of Ferdinand was a freak opportunity itself, as the Archduke was only present in the location where Princip just happened to be seated at a nearby cafe was total happenstance. The Archduke had intended to visit victims of an attempted assassination by grenade earlier that day, but a change in itinerary led to his cavalcade being turned around. They had difficulty turning on the narrow side streets and this gave Princp his opportunity.

It was though fate itself had conspired to set the events in motion which led to both World Wars, the emergence of the Soviet Union, Maoist China, and every single piece of modern history.

Too many people ignore the power of ripple causality, to their own peril.

Thanks for the lesson, I appreciate it.:moustache:

And yes, I agree with that - how from one action a cascade of disaster can unleash and reverberate until this day.

She graduated cum laudefrom Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, she launched Brook Avenue Press, a publishing firm for books that portray the Bronx in a positive light. In the 2016 primary, Ocasio-Cortez worked as an organizer for's 2016 presidential campaign. Also worth noting that while being on two important house committees is important, it's not nearly as important as being President. She's getting experience right now.

5003499 I know a number of people who graduated very high in their class... and didn't really amount to much. Especially if they had some 'slush' degree where brown-nosing was the fastest way to straight A's. Given Cortez' lack of knowledge on almost every topic she's been questioned on... I'm guessing her lips are extra-polished from all the rump-smooching. I could answer questions she's had posed to her more eloquently and factually right out of high school. (What DO they teach them at these schools these days?) Opening a small publishing company doesn't mean much either, especially since it didn't amount to anything. It's incredibly simple to open a small business, entirely a different matter to be successful at it. I know over a dozen private publishing companies personally, all but one of which failed after less than a decade.

Being on a campaign is meaningless. That's the same 'community organizer' background as Obama... and he was SO popular that Democrats lost both chambers of Congress and then Trump got elected partly due to the backlash.

So, yeah...


disgruntled anarchist and socialist

Wait... what? How can you be... no. That's stupid. That's just... dumb. And anyone who argues otherwise is dumb and should feel dumb and go back to eating crayons and making sjws cry because they can't color in their coloring books anymore.

And yes, isn't it funny how that works? How there's always some otherwise dull and stupid twerp in the rafters like a particularly uninteresting bat willing to turn tragedy into opportunity, no doubt farting out some bit of academia like some particularly ill informed parrot from writers whose eloquence their desperate to have rub off on them, minus of course those pesky plebian concepts of, ugh, morality and ethics and actually thinking, and more so done in as taken out of context as humanly possible coupled with as lack of understanding in the material as one can achieve.

Hey, what do they call such actions as aforementioned parrot in Guatamala? No doubt there, in Europe I mean, its something about grasping history or taking a stage or something equally atrocious.

Here in Yokelberg, if your interested ... we call it standing on corpses:ajbemused:

5003824 I have met a person who claimed to be an anarchist communist.

At least if you're a 'socialist', you can claim anarchy as 'pure' socialism would simply be people sharing everything equally, not necessarily with a government (naturally this is utopian fantasy nonsense). But communism REQUIRES centralized control and distribution by an overseer government. There's no way to rectify the cognitive dissonance in that case.

And how, pray tell, do they suppose people would share? Socialism implies theres some manner of force

Apologies, I don't seem to understand what you mean by 'parrot' though we have plenty of ticks that claim to serve the population. May I request a clarification?

As to how would 'socialists' share... it is impossible, as humanity as a whole is selfish in nature.

Selfish and competitive, as 'ambition' and 'greed' form part of our very make-ups.

This is one reason why 'religions' based on mercy make so much of a deal in 'helping one another' instead of pushing forward 'each to his own'. Ironic how socialists and communists don't like religions despite their cores being in those lines. Heh, that is ironically one reason why Adolf Hitler wanted to eliminate Christianity and Judaism from the face of the earth - he postulated that people should be merciless, proud, and above all without any hint of empathy for its neighbor if memory serves me right.

Imagine how that view would have turned out if they had won. *Shudders*

Parrot: meaning to repeat the words of others much the way a parrot does.

Of course its much worse when humans do it. A parrot at least doesn't think itself oh what a smart bird am I and think itself well rounded and oh so worldly for its regurgitations. It does it for mangoes and because it likes its human.

With your clarification, I've now grown depressed as most of the population here are indeed parrots.:fluttercry:

The worst of it is they usually do it with even less understanding then a parrot. Parrots are actually very smart creatures. They just talk.

Your morons and ours do so believing they are smart for doing so and do so with, as said, less knowing then a bloody bird of the words themselves:facehoof:


... You have my sympathies there, man.:rainbowlaugh:

The lowest common denominator is indeed a bloody parrot!:pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:

5003950 Oh, they never have an answer for that. They just sort of mumble and then default to the NPC REEEEEE.exe program. :trollestia:

5004014 Parrots can also take care of themselves without needing to tax anyone. :raritywink:

So... cortez green plan... she wants to build high speed rails to replace airlines. My God, we're goin Atlas Shrugged all up in this bitch:pinkiecrazy:

5012030 I can barely keep up with all the stupid coming from the left these past couple weeks.

At this point anyone eagerly voting for them is either utterly shielded from every media source other than MSNBC, or they are completely brainwashed and as such must be purged during my uprising as World Emperor For All Eternity. :trixieshiftright:

Oh god, my sides! That's hilarious!!:rainbowlaugh:

And accurate.:trollestia:

...Pffft. Hahahahahahahahaha!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

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