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Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree ranking · 9:34pm Jan 17th, 2019

0/10 - AWFUL (unsalvageable, nothing to be gained from watching it, never should have been made, wouldn't recommend to anyone, completely butchers an important subject/teaches a horrible and downright toxic moral)
1/10 - HORRIBLE/BORING (tedious to sit through, hurts to watch it, a bore, no reason to watch it, whatever positive things about it are tiny and not enough to save it)
2/10 - VERY BAD (slightly less terrible, maybe it had that one character you liked or one/two jokes you laughed at that kept it from being a 1 but still very painful)
3/10 - BAD (the kind of bad where you're checking your watch over and over to see how much time is left before it finally finishes)
4/10 - MEDIOCRE (not awful but not really that good either)
5/10 - EH (average, didn't love it or hate it but you feel like you could've done something better with your time)
6/10 - DECENT (the first positive rating on this list, fine overall, you wouldn't watch it again but you are glad you saw it once)
7/10 - GOOD (enjoyable enough that you'd maybe watch it again in future, had some noteworthy flaws but is overall a worthwhile sit-through you'd recommend to someone)
8/10 - GREAT (a solid, enjoyable episode, very entertaining)
9/10 - EXCELLENT (very engaging, awesome, you really recommend it to anyone)
10/10 - MASTERPIECE (extremely engaging, teaches a valuable moral perfectly, definite must-see for anyone)

Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree GOOD


Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Equestria Girls
Season Four
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
Season Five
Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
Season Six
Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree (you're already here, you pinhead)
Season Seven and Equestria Girls: Magical Movie Night
My Little Pony: The Movie
Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship
My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever
Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown
My Little Pony: Rainbow Roadtrip
Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass
Season 9
Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrapped
Friendship is Forever

Comments ( 5 )

A perfectly understandable score. It's good but not great, watchable but nowhere as quality as others have been.

Yeah, on the negative side, the pacing can get a little slow in places, the final battle ends pretty abruptly when Sci-Twi easily taps into her powers, they spend way too much time on Sci-Twi feeling sorry for herself (even more so than Sunset in Rainbow Rocks), and Sci-Twi and Timber's romance isn't engaging (I commend them for trying to give Timber a personality and chemistry with Twilight, it just so happens his personality was mildly irritating).

With that said however, I like that they moved away from the school setting for this movie, Gloriosa was a really good villain, I like four of the songs (Embrace The Magic, Stand For Everfree, Legend of Everfree especially, and Hope Shines Eternal was decent enough), Flash got some development, Sunset is amazing (as always) especially since her empathetic power links to her confirmed Element and her growth (changing from a bully who cared little about how others felt to being able to understand/feel their emotions and help them), the final battle was pretty cool and the story has plenty of twists and turns to keep the target audience interested. And it's definitely the funniest of the four Equestria Girls movies, especially when the Humane Seven are unlocking their new powers.

At first, I found the whole lack of communication thing annoying, with Sci-Twi not wanting to tell anyone about her nightmares. But looking back at it, I came to realise that friendship IS still a foreign concept to her, she is a teenager (teens do suffer in the lack-of-communication-and-asking-for-help department) and this ISN’T the same Twilight from the show with six seasons of character development, so I can give it some leeway.

Good points all around.

And you especially make a good point about Sci-Twi's personality and problem with communication. It's actually one of the things I like the most about EG (besides Sunset of course XD) is how you have a Twilight Sparkle who is both obviously similar to and yet demonstrably different from the canon Twi. When Sci-Twi was offered friendship, she leapt at it. Pony Twi had to take some time to get to the point of realizing that making friends was something important.

I enjoyed watching this film but I'm not really all that fond of Timber. I don't hate him enough to pull a Die For Our Ship on him though.

Yeah, I can't say I like him but he'd definitely not in my top 10 least favourite MLP characters.

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