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  • 86 weeks

    I will be opening a Patreon for those who want access to chapters early. Keep in mind its not required and I will always eventually post the chapters on here and other sites for free. But some support will help so I don't have to overwork at my second job for money.

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  • 194 weeks

    For those who wish to chat with me. I have a discord.

    9/16 th The link has been updated now.


    Anyone is free to join and invite your friends as well.

    I am going to try and use the Discord more for those who want to contact me about their original character submissions or story ideas.

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  • 209 weeks
    Broken Images/Pictures are being fixed.

    been going through the chapters and fixing all the broken links for images. So far first 75 fixed and will continue fixing more in the following hour.

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  • 209 weeks
    Looking for an Artist!

    Now that I'm back to doing chapters I need an artist. If anyone can do anthro art message me and I'll review them. Willing to do 5 to 10 dollars an image and I would be asking for tons of images.

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  • 223 weeks
    Equestrian Heroes chapter post pushed back to 2/19

    Pushing back the post a few days to proofread and add more content. Its my intent to hurry up and finish this arc so we can finally get to the end parts of season 3. I know some of you have been dying to get into season 4 so I'm working to see that a reality.

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Rarity's Profile V 1.2 · 5:52am Jan 15th, 2019

Name: Rarity

Nicknames: Radiance, Rare

Age: 23

Birthday: January 4th

Tribe: Unicorn

Height: 5’9

Weight: 144

Mane: Moderate indigo, and on the shadowed side, a gradient of dark mulberry to moderate mulberry.

Eyes: Moderate Azure

Cutiemark: Three Diamonds on her hip.

Bust measurement: 42 DD

Waist measurement: 26

Hip measurement: 42

Education: High school Graduate. Graduate of the Beauty School Ponletta’s School of Weavers.

Economic Status: Relatively well off. As Ponyville’s only seamstress she handles any and all matters of clothing issues for the town. She’s wealthy enough to afford the Carousel Boutique, finance many lavish clothing and jewelry she wishes within a realistic price range to her career as well as to provide for herself and her sister whenever she stays over. ((Spoiler: Post the discovery and recovery of the dragon's treasure from early season one as long as the gifts and offers of random citizens as a result of her increasing fame post the Discord incident Rarity like the others have come into a fair amount of money. Enough to live fairly comfortable with semi-lavish spending for a few years.))

Wealth – While her work keeps her busy for so much of her time, I've come to discover that she is able to easily sustain her own lifestyle and to take care of her little sister without assistance from her parents for the rest of her life with having to spend minimal time working. This is due to a spell she discovered as a young mare that lets her find gems to which a good haul would net her an extensive pay day in bits, it's also a testament to the quality and quantity of her work.

Career Occupation: A Fashion Designer, Shopkeeper, and Seamstress.

*Rarity owns her own shop within the town of Ponyville as its solo worker for the most part of the year. For a good deal of time Naruto worked as her assistant doing a series of tasks such as doing chores, retrieving supplies, or helping her dig up gemstones. She single handily design and makes her own product as well as sell them.

Notable Skills: Gemstone Finding, Sewing, Designing, limited combat ability.

Rarity has fine-tuned her own version of the gem finding spell to find gemstones she used purely for her craft. She also manages her finances, do all the trademarks of managing a boutique, and has limited training in terms of combat.

After an incident in the mountain to which Naruto was involved Rarity began training with the assistance of the former. This training has been going on for about six months now to have led to hints of noticeable muscle volume as well as limited weapons training with a dagger. Rarity also uses her magic as both a tool of her craft and combat. Her ability to be remarkably precise allow her to make both quick and sharp movements as well as levitating multiple objects of varying weights. ((Rarity now has a rapier with a wave edge design reminiscent of large blade types. This style and cut was formed in a way to maximize the slicing and cutting potential of the blade. Like its wielder it was decorated with a beautiful arrangement of jewels, but what powered these gems held had yet to be shown. ))

Accessories: Regular uses earrings, diamond necklaces, and other fashionable items as such to emphasize her outfit or appearance.

Illnesses/Allergies/Injuries: Rarity has no notable injuries and she is in perfect health. Her only notable allergy is a seasonal allergy she tends to have in regards to certain plants. Her most noticeable reaction was to plants such as redtop grass and sweet vernal grass. As such it’s likely that Rarity has an allergic reaction to the pollen grass carrying species.

Character: Rather artistic and beautiful Rarity is something who strives for high standards. She has a high appreciation for beauty and highly values the virtue or Generosity, but also tends to force herself in the spot light and can be rather critical. Leading to her to accidentally insulting others and can come off as vain or showing a deal of distaste for certain tasks. (The last bit of information reluctantly contributed by Naruto.) ((Rarity has grown and mature as time past being more sensitive to other feelings and less critical of others.))


Father: Hondo Flanks

Mother: Cookie Crumbles

Sister: Sweetie Belle

Aunt: Emerald Gem

Uncle: Treasure Finder

Additional traits attributed to Rarity as her core character overall, but not part of the biography. My reasoning for deciding Rarity's birthday is on January.

Ambitious and serious
Loves to teach and be taught
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses
Likes to criticize
Hardworking and productive
Smart, neat and organized
Sensitive and has deep thoughts
Knows how to make others happy
Rather reserved
Highly attentive
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love
Easily jealous

Characterization and Background

Action Fashionista: A skilled fashion designer who is as deadly as battle with her weapons as she is skilled with a sew and needle who won't hesitate to get into a fight to protect her loved ones.

Action Girl: After the incident with the Satyrs Rarity has been training under Naruto. Her performance during the Nightmare attack and similar skirmishes shows off her ever developing skills. ((Her one on one fight with her anti-thesis counterpart shows how far she has come.))

Action Girlfriend: Being Naruto's Marefriend later on Fiance she serves this role.
Affectionate Nickname: "Rare" a nickname that some of the other members of the herd will occasionally use, also "Treasure" which Naruto exclusively uses.

Adorkable: Rarity shows vast knowledge of gems and fashion and sometimes wears glasses when she makes dresses.Attention Whore: Rarity is a benign example, as she enjoys being in the spotlight, and loves ponies admiring her appearance, but then, she's a fashion designer, so it's part of her job. Her generosity and kindness make this more of a quirk than a negative trait most of the time. Most prominent in "The Sonic Rainboom" , where she overshadows Rainbow Dash while showing off her magic butterfly wings. Her shame and chagrin after she realizes what she's been acting like is proportionate to her previous attention whoring, and she is suitably apologetic. ((While Rarity still enjoys being center of attention she notably far more attentive to other feelings before.

Badass: Don't be fooled by her feminine appearance. She's as willing to get into action as Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
Beauty Equals Goodness: She's as beautiful as she is generous.

Berserk Button: Best not to threaten anyone she cares about in her presence.
Especially her sister Sweetie Belle.

Break the Cutie: On a few occasions. Her first fashion show with Hoity Toity is a great example of this.

Break the Haughty: Her "fall from grace" when her temporary wings melt high in the sky right before Rainbow Dash saves her life.
Catch Phrase:"It-Is-ON!"
"Darling" when she talks to people she likes and "Ruffians!" when she talks to people she doesn't. Sometimes she mixes them for sarcastic purposes.

Character Development: From her initial appearance as a somewhat vain, judgmental social climber she has so far changed into a more thoughtful and loving individual who so far is serving the role of Team Mom as far as the herd is concerned.
She is more willing to get dirty as shown by "Sisterhooves Social" event.
Following the incident with her super powered evil side/Radiance Rarity has further grown into a more mature individual.
Cultured Badass: Rarity is a fasionista with hand to hand, magic, and swords art training.
Cute but Cacophonic: She's pretty and she's a talented designer, but her voice when she's whining is the most grating thing you'll hear in all of Ponyville and she knows it. She uses it to invoke Pity the Kidnappers in "A Dog and Pony Show", after which her abductors let her go with crates full of jewels.

Crazy Cat Lady: Rarity does indeed own a cat, Opalescence, but she does not fit the stereotype as she is usually fairly levelheaded and sociable. However, the trauma from her first fashion show being a failure leads to her becoming a recluse.

Drama Queen: Prone to histrionics when she's under stress, the girl can summon a fainting couch as she desires.

Doing It for the Art: Implied by her career as a fashion designer and clothier.

The Empath: She is the holder of the Element of Generosity for a reason. Not only can she perfectly read the rest of the cast most of the time (Minus her inability to pick up on Naruto's feelings earlier in the story. Though that might have been because she was trying to ignore her own feelings) but she is ready to throw everything away to help them or a stranger in an instant.

She was perfectly happy to help find gems for the Diamond Dogs (despite the fact that they kidnapped her and dragged her underground) but became extremely irritated when they wanted her to dig them up, lug them around in an extremely heavy cart with a rusty and tight harness, and generally were abusive slavedrivers towards her.
She put up with quite a few mistakes from Sweetie Belle before losing her temper completely and even then, she regretted it hard and fast.

Etiquette Nazi: A more benign one; while she can get exasperated by ponies being "rude", she can move from this and maintain civility and friendship with relative ease and she honestly believes it is for their own good.

The Fashionista: Played with in that Rarity is never seen gushing about shopping or poring over fashion magazines. Instead she's written as a (somewhat haughty) professional artist whose medium happens to be clothes. When she's working, her demeanor changes entirely: She's overjoyed to be in her element and won't stop or cut corners until the customer has exactly what they want no matter how hard she has to work.

The Finicky One: Being a perfectionistic Neat Freak with Super OCD tendencies, she qualifies. Though when the situation is serious she can overcome this...for the most part.

Femme Fatale: A benign example but she's not above seducing other ponies to get what she wants.

Gem-Encrusted: Half the clothes she makes glitter with the stuff.
Invoked in "A Gem Stone Hunt", when Sapphire Shores specifically requests that her outfits be this way (each with a different color scheme.

Girly Bruiser: Rarity is very classically feminine and dainty, but she's also very tough. She is also surprisingly physical in a fight, and is in fact usually one of the first of the herd to get ready to fight.

Good Feels Good: She is really truly happy when she helps other people. This is exemplified when she goes to extreme lengths to design dresses for her friends to their exact specifications even though they are incredibly tacky by the final revision.

Greater Need Than Mine: There's a reason she bears the Element of Generosity.

Heroic BSOD: She suffers a breakdown after being chewed out by Hoity Toity.
Hidden Depths:

Her initial introduction to Twilight in Equestrian Heroes sets her up as very concerned about fashion and personal appearance. Then in the Everfree Forest, she defies Beauty Is Never Tarnished by lopping off her own tail and giving it to a very depressed sea serpent to cheer him up. Promptly Lampshaded by Twilight's stunned reaction at having her first impression shaken so suddenly.
Ironically, considering her line of work, she's probably the most physically-inclined Unicorn outside of the Royal Guard seen in the fic. For instance, she kicks a manticore during the first Nightmare Incident.
Has gone on to show impressive martial arts skills throughout several other points in the story as well.
((During one of the next Nightmare Incidents the Nightmare Forces choose her as the easiest of the bearers to break emotionally and transform into a second Nightmare Moon. The Nightmare Forces lampshade that Fluttershy seemed an easy target, but the Nightmare implies that Rarity has crippling self-esteem issues over her place in the herd and being the least useful of the seven.

Large Ham: Whenever she goes into histrionics. Which is to say, a lot of the time she speaks early on in the story.
Manipulative Bastard: A non-evil version; Rarity has a good heart but when faced with something she wants but does not have, she's not afraid to use her charm to get it.
After being marenapped by the Diamond Dogs, she went from their abject slave to their pampered queen in the space of a few minutes. Granted they weren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed, but still...
During the gala incident she casually flirts her way into getting two stallions to pull her carriage to the Grand Galloping Gala. She does the same thing during Fluttershy's flashback about her assertiveness training to some passing nebbish who'd taken the last asparagus.

Mr. Vice Guy: Her vice is vanity. She often displays humorous superficiality and fusses over neatness and can sometimes get carried away by her love of attention. Still, far from being perpetually self-centered, she can be very considerate towards others and her caring for her friends is perhaps the strongest motivation she displays.

Neat Freak: Obsessed with cleanliness and keeping things in order.

Nerves of Steel: Played with. Rarity goes into amusingly over-the-top histrionics over the most minor of things, and she's as vulnerable to Heroic BSOD as any other mane cast member. However, in the face of actual danger, she's often unflappable.
Nobody Touches the Hair:

Noblewoman's Laugh:

No Sense of Personal Space: Most of the time she has a pretty good grasp on this but when she's excited or agitated, she can get rather close to the person she's talking to.

The Perfectionist: Played With over the course of the series. Her dresses have to be perfect, but this plays to her generous nature rather than ego – she desires to please her clients (like Sapphire Shores) and her friends, and tries to fit their definition of perfection.

Personality Powers: Her special talent involves working with gems, and her personality lines up with that by having aspirations of class and a love of beauty.

Pride: In her appearance, making it an easy target for anyone looking to bring her down a peg. Taken Up to Eleven in "Sonic Rainboom" where she receives a temporary enchantment of gossamer wings. Of course, Pride goeth before a (literal) fall...
Proud Beauty: Rarity is confident enough to persuade stallions to help her with various things through her beauty and charm.

Proud Beauty: Rarity is confident enough to persuade stallions to help her with various things through her beauty and charm.

Self-Made Man: Rarity didn't grow up wealthy and refined; her parents are middle-class at best. She got that way by working hard to improve her skills (she made five elaborate costumes using a sewing machine at the pony equivalent of 11 or 12), getting her own shop in Ponyville. Now she sells clothes across all of Equestria. She doesn't have any employees; all her work is done by her.

Silk Hiding Steel: Underneath her silky lady-like appearance is a formidable mind and steel will.

Skewed Priorities: While she won't let her friends down, Rarity will sometimes put her fashions or her love of gems above other concerns, including her own life.
In "Not So Dragonshy", she's much more interested in acquiring a dragon's treasure then she is in stopping him from blanketing Equestria in smoke.

Social Climber: A more benevolent version. She aspires to be "a lady" and become popular in the higher spheres of society. Not through any unsavory means, but through her merits as an artist and person of good taste.

((Temporarily a Villain: Being possessed by the Nightmare Force and becoming Radiance!))


Baby Got Back: While not as blessed as the Princesses or Fluttershy, Rarity has one of the most prominent rear-ends in the story,getting overall the most focus or notice during the course of the story.

Buxom Is Better: She has many admirers because of her features and has no qualms of using her attractiveness to get something she wants.

Color-Coded Wizardry: Objects affected by her magic have a pale blue glow.
Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Her cutie mark shows it, and use of gems is part of her special talent/trademark.

Gem-Encrusted: Loves jewels and gems and can use her horn to detect them. She has a penchant for covering her designs with jewels started when she was young. It's suggested that most jewels are so common in Equestria they're considered nothing more than pretty rocks. Spike eats them by the bowlful.

Graceful Ladies Like Purple: Her mane and tail and several of her outfits. She is the most feminine character and has a violet mane and tail and even her white coat had slight lavender tint to it. Her choices in outfits for herself also tend to be biased towards purple and blue.

Innocent Blue Eyes: Her eyes represent her kind and generous personality, albeit having a few jerk traits.

Meganekko: She wears what appears to be some sort of reading glasses while she's designing clothes. It should be noted that reading glasses are basically magnifying lenses, and many people in professions that require a high degree of manual dexterity, such as tailoring, will wear reading glasses even if they have good vision.

Nerd Glasses: Of the cat-eye variety, and with bright red frames. Of course, on her they look fashionably retro.◊

Nice Hat: She enjoys making and wearing a variety of very nice hats.

Rapunzel Hair: The only one of the mane six whose mane and tail can challenge Fluttershy's in length. However, since hers is usually curled, it's hard to say whose is longer.

Regal Ringlets: Her tail as befitting someone with high class.

She's Got Legs: Has appealing and eye catching legs often shown off thanks to her skirts or dresses with slits she often wears.

Sleep Mask: She sleeps with one.

True Blue Femininity: Her magic aura, as well as the gems in her cutie mark, her eye color, and her choice of eyeshadow.

Tsurime Eyes: Highlighted by her blue eyeshadow.

Twitchy Eye: Whenever she gets stressed.

Unlimited Wardrobe: Has a wide assortment of pretty dresses, hats, and accessories... all self-designed.

Woman in White: Her extremely-light-grey coat color, emphasizing her refined nature as well as her cleanliness.

Action Fashionista: For a prim & proper dress maker, she sure isn't afraid to get in a fight.

Cute Bruiser: Despite being the most lady-like of the herd, each time she's seen fighting she relies more on physical attacks in her fighting style. Going far as using the very gems she uses for her craft as projectiles or using a dagger to fight off griffons.

Guile Heroine: Rarity can be pretty crafty when she wants to be.

I Have Boobs, You Must Obey!: She's good at sweet-talking males into doing things her way.

Kung-Fu Wizard: In a fight, she's primarily physical in contrast to Twilight Sparkle, even though both are unicorns with natural magic ability.

Lady of War: Her gracefulness and maturity are near constant .

She first showed this during the trip into the Everfree Forest her first reaction to a manticore leaping at her was to kick it in the face.

Mind over Matter: No other unicorn, not even Twilight, has displayed the ability to telekinetically manipulate multiple small objects with as much precision as Rarity does with her dressmaking supplies.

Pintsized Powerhouse: Unicorns are not known for their physical strength, but Rarity is capable of dragging large carts of gems with ease thanks to her training.

Prehensile Tail: Her tail curls can be used to transport objects.

Talking the Monster to Death: She escapes the Diamond Dogs by talking them into submission. She almost did it to the red dragon but was foiled by his treasure hoard.

With Great Power Comes Great Perks: She uses her magical abilities for fashion.


Affectionate Nickname: "Dearest" for Naruto after there relationship continues to develop. Which soon involved into 'Beloved.'
Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Rarity's parents are kind and carefree but they look and behave like a couple of middle-class hicks. Among other things, they dress in gaudy clothes, enjoy eating disgusting food, and don't have even a sliver of Rarity's (or Sweetie Belle's) class.
Belligerent Sexual Tension: For a good while she and Naruto had this before both finally got a clue about each other's feelings.

Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic – work-focused and obsessed with detail.
A Friend in Need: While she might stray every now and then but nothing will stop her from helping her friends when they are in need.

Friend or Idol Decision: Nine times out of ten, she will choose friends. (Only nine? She's not perfect.)
The Friends Who Never Hang: Given that the story is slowly going the lengths of Loads and Loads of character its just an inevitability.

Her interaction with Rainbow Dash being a key example. It takes until chapter 94-95 of Equestrian Heroes for them to have any prolonged interaction with each other. Even the Young Flyers incident which revolved around Rarity's attempts to support Rainbow, barely required them to have a single conversation together.

Kindhearted Cat Lover: Her cat's name is Opalescence or Opal for short. She loves her dearly even if the feeling is not reciprocated.

Love Confession: Chapter 50 she confesses along with Fluttershy.

The Matchmaker: So far has served this role for the members of the herd. Only time will tell if she will serve this purpose for others.

Official Couple: Took quite a while but finally achieves this with Naruto.

One True Love: What she has with Naruto.

Unresolved Sexual Tension: Quite a bit with Naruto early on.

Women Prefer Strong Men: Naruto's compassion, loyalty, dependability, and loving nature was what won Rarity over, but him being strong did not hurt either.

Your Favorite: Serves as this among the herd. While Naruto is doing his best to love and treat all the mares to the best of his ability he admits to Ditzy that Rarity holds a special place in his heart.

Damsel in Distress: Typically defied. It was the fact she was put in this situation once by the Satyrs led to her requesting training to avoid being put in this spot again.

Happily Ever After: As her fantasy during "The Ticket Trouble" shows, she dreams of meeting her Prince Charming and experiencing her very own.

Oh, Crap: She gets one at the end of "Suited for Success" after Hoity Toity asks her to make a dozen of each dress she just showed to him before next Tuesday. That makes 72 hand-made dresses right after she was pushed beyond her limits to make "only" 11.

Again at the start of "Gemstone Hunt": after Rarity spends all her gem supplies on one dress, Sapphire Shores orders 5 more dresses of the same type.

Weaksauce Weakness: Competent as she is in a jam, she tends to flee in panic when her physical appearance is messed up, which was how Trixie was able to best her.

Comments ( 4 )

And this attention to the details is what makes me a fan of your story

That is very nice detailing you put here. Impressive. :twilightsmile:

HOLY SHIT:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

I love that your using the actual trope names in the profiles. Man I love reading that site.:rainbowkiss: Hope to see updated versions for the others.

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