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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

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  • 7 weeks
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Differences of THIS and THAT · 5:53am Dec 20th, 2018

I noticed my haters are doing a pathetic job of mocking my ENDS OF ENDS 2017, and a very peculiar mock strikes me as odd

They seem to think THERE ARE no differences from ONE thing and ANOTHER.

Most preferably, "There's a difference between LETTING GO and MOVING ON"

Well, let me Explicate, Elaborate, Educate, and Enunciate the differences not just in THAT but in other situations for those of you whom DO have the capability to understand that a shit poster doesn't and refuses.

Letting Go and Moving on

In my fanfic, Beast Boy miserably respected Terra's wishes and left her in peace. He didn't stalk her, he quit trying to contact her... he plain just left her in peace and stopped bothering her, and that's all she really wanted.

...That's LETTING GO. (He let Terra go, and let her live in peace)

But he didn't stop thinking about her, moping over her, grieving in heartbreak, and he refused to keep on going (Not that he had much to go on with or for)

...He didn't MOVE ON.

And that's the major difference, just because he Let Terra go doesn't mean he's moved on (I don't wish him to do so, I prefer he be put through Hell)

...he didn't look back at the past, but he didn't move forward either!

Case Closed... There's a difference between LETTING GO and MOVING ON.

And as for Beast boy supposedly not giving Terra her space... that's a lie!

He respected her wishes, he left her in peace, he kept out of her way. SHE was the one who kept seeing him. SHE was the one who felt guilt and remorse for her actions (Like a real person would/could)

Point is, he gave her space and he left her, and he was demanding she do the same.

"I gave you your space... now you give me mine." (He's basically telling her to stay away from him)


Completely different.

Beast Boy may have done a mature thing (that people keep thrusting down my throat) in letting Terra go and letting her be happy-- I suppose it is, but even still, just because you did something mature doesn't mean you feel happy about it. (And it also doesn't mean you HAVE TO or SHOULD BE either)

Being mature is not the same as being happy, not if it means giving up EVERYTHING to let someone else be happy. In my view, Terra gets all the happiness and BB gets nothing (Then again I think he deserves nothing... but SHIT for letting her go)

"Yes, HOW DARE he let her go to live a normal life. I want him and Terra to be together; no ifs, ands, or buts"

That's how I treat it, and that's all I really care about.

In fact that's how sometimes I feel in real life. No, I'm saying people have to be miserable, I'm not TRYING to make people as miserable as me, but you cannot force me to be HAPPY over something MATURE that I did... that I don't like. Stop TELLING me how I should feel!

"Don't tell me to put on a big happy face, smile all the time, and pretend everything is okay!"

(1:07 - 1:36)

I'm with DANIEL all the way, and that's what inspires me to make Beast Boy act like when he calls Terra out for breaking his heart the way she did. I'm not wrong.

Case Closed... Being Mature is not the same as Being Happy (Just because you did something mature for someone doesn't mean things will go right for you)


The two are not quite synonymous...

Happiness is an emotion...

Fun is situational...

Fun only lasts so long, and then when it ends, you go back to how you were before.

Then again, you can have fun and STILL not be happy about it. I play my video games, I have fun a little, but I know for a fact that I'm not truly happy.

And this is not just my opinion, I've seen these statements on other websites (Surf the net and you'll see)

so again... FUN and HAPPINESS, there's a difference between the two.


Vastly different...

Just because your all alone most of the time, doesn't mean you feel lonely. I practically WELCOME most forms of solitude, and I often spend most of my days by myself, whether it's here on the computer, or in my room playing my video games. Point is, I'm often alone.

even with other people in the house, we all tend to keep to ourselves (We watch TV in different rooms, we keep out of each others ways, don't talk too much to one another... we usually haven't much to say.)

I'm cool with it most of the time, but the point is, Just because I'm Alone doesn't mean I automatically feel Lonely

Let's do One more... one that my haters mocked very badly...

running away and letting go

this was refereed to Terra in Things Change.

They (My haters) and many others have tried to ram down my throat that Terra is merely trying to LET GO of her past.

I don't think so...

-Wanting to FORGET her past, and everything... too scared to face the Titans again... can't bring herself to reconcile with Beast Boy-- that's running.

"I'm not running from anything. Go Home!" (Things change Quote)

But she IS running, she's trying to ERASE her past.

No, she's not trying to not let it pull her down... she's trying to IGNORE IT, as in RUN from it, which is very foolish because as the old saying goes.

"Those who do not learn from their past are doomed to repeat it."

Much as I myself don't follow that saying as often, I can enforce it in the fics.

You can't just MAKE your memories go away, (I should know, I still remember things back when I was 3 years old) The past may be gone, but the memories remain and will NEVER disappear. They may fade for a while, but they will always resurface again.

And even another lesson, I don't exactly follow in real life, but enforce in my fics is something I learned from Yugioh, that I think Terra needs to be told...

"It's our past that make us who we are today. You must remember what happened before so you can LEARN from your past. You can't ignore where you came from. Don't you know... it's our HISTORY that shapes our future!"

Even though it's only slightly possible Terra was LEARNING from her past, but trying to erase it the way she did...

...No, she was RUNNING AWAY, not LETTING GO.

you're trying to weight a feather (Letting Go) against a rock (Running away) the scale leans ALL towards "Running away"

So, at least now YOU know some differences. What differences can you think of in philosophies? Whatever they are, I'm sure my haters could never comprehend them.

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