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The Arcane Papers: Cutie Mark Guild · 9:14pm Dec 1st, 2018

By Thoughtful Irony

As we discussed last time, the Equestrian government was left in disarray following the deaths of the Royal Sisters. They’d been young and hadn’t expected to die so soon or so suddenly. The politicians were completely unprepared to rule on their own, half unused to thinking for themselves and half only thinking of themselves. Monsters began emerging from the unexplored Wild Zones, and without strong leadership, civilization would collapse entirely. We all of our opinions about the Council of Many, and which parts of the world get to order around which other parts, but that’s not what I’d like to talk about today. I'd like to discuss the foundation of the Cutie Mark Guild.

Now, before the Rekindling, Earth Ponies were only connected to life in the general sense. They could make things grow well, they were a little stronger and possessed a good instinctive understanding of what their Cutie Marks were for. Now though, that connection was turned on itself, empowering their Cutie Marks in unpredictable ways. A post worker would never be late for an appointment, no matter how long they took to get there. A vet could always see what was wrong with an animal, but never what was wrong with something that could talk. The more abstract, the more powerful. As much as ponies like to cast suspicious looks at Unicorns nowadays, back then these caused many more problems.

The most immediate problem was food. Ponies with Cutie Marks in farming could still do their job, but a town that depended on the local dentist or a few scribes to give their crops the boost they need to live were in for a hard winter. It was well into the second year after the Rekindling before something productive was done. An Earth Pony named Cinnamon Apple with a Cutie Mark for organization was able to keep her town running smoothly all through the winter. One day she got a letter from some family that lived a town over, wondering if there was anypony who’d be willing to help with crops. They’d even be willing to offer somepony of theirs as a trade if there was anypony Cinnamon Apple needed.

That gave her an idea.

Cinnamon Apple began a new business called the Cutie Mark Guild. She’d hire ponies to work different jobs in different towns, changing as the needs of each town changed. Many of the towns were desperate and paid very well. It was a slow start, but by the fifth year since the Rekindling, the Cutie Mark Guild stretched out across Equestria. Ponies loved it, loved her, and never wasted a moment to tell Cinnamon how much they appreciated her saving Equestria from doom.

There’s nothing so dangerous as people telling you that you're a good person.

After a few years, Cinnamon suffered losses. A monster attack killed one of her groups, including her husband. Outraged, she stepped up her efforts to control things, growing increasingly militant and even attempted to press-gang certain ponies against their will. The government disapproved, but by that point, the two sides were equally matched. They circled and snapped at each other, looking for an opening.

Eventually, Cinnamon overreached. A town under her protection was nearly overrun by monsters and saved by the Royal Guard. Public opinion turned against her and ponies began pressuring her to make a deal with the Council of Many. She fought with every scrap of power she had, but eventually, the Cutie Mark Guild was absorbed into the government. Cinnamon was forced out and, while not destitute, died angry and bitter.

Nowadays, the Guild likes to push its positive elements. Meeting new friends, seeing new places, adventure and such. I’ve always found it interesting how afraid it is of scrutiny. It operates with very little oversight, obstinately because it’s not very powerful. Ponies have to sign up for it and leave whenever they want. But they also have the records of nearly every single being on the continent, as well as a detailed explanation as to how their magic works. A clever person— an idiot with delusions of grandeur, even— could do a lot with that kind of knowledge. But of course, I suppose there’s no point in distrusting the government. They’re only doing what they think is right, and when has that ever led anyone astray?

Comments ( 5 )

We all of our opinions about the Council of Many

There seems to be something missing here.

They’d eve be willing


if there was a that

Something missing here.

I hope you don't mind me pointing those out, i'm always a little nervous to do so because i'm not sure it's my place and i don't want to seem rude.

These are really interesting and give some good backstory on the story's AU. Curious to see how this all unfolds...

The name of the council is The Council of Many. I'm not sure about it, but I guess I sorta committed to it now.

I appreciate you helping me find those typos, I'll send you the next one before I publish it. Where's the last one, I can't find it.


The most immediate problem was food. Ponies with Cutie Marks in farming could still do their job, but a town that depended on the local dentist or a few scribes to give their crops the boost they need to live were in for a hard winter. It was well into the second year after the Rekindling before something productive was done. An Earth Pony named Cinnamon Apple with a Cutie Mark for organization was able to keep her town running smoothly all through the winter. One day she got a letter from some family that lived a town over, wondering if there was anypony who’d be willing to help with crops. They’d even be willing to offer somepony of theirs as a trade if there was a that Cinnamon Apple needed.

In hindsight, this should have been about the new Cloudsdale. Oops.

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