• Member Since 30th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Sunday

Sage the Ero Harem Kami

"It is my sworn duty to protect the harmony of the Haremverse but if ones so salty try to disrupt this harmony in any way, THO SHALL GET RIGIDITY WREAKED BITCH BOI!"

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A Shoutout to my friends and 150 Followers!! Thanks for sticking by me all this time!! · 7:26pm Nov 28th, 2018

Guy's I've been on this site for about a year and a half now and I've just gained my 150th follower for my account!! This makes me so happy that I've only been here for only a short time and I gained so many people to follow me and the stories I make which I'm very grateful and happy for. When I first came to FIMFiction on May 20th of 2017 I was just here to read and enjoy the stories that you guys and others worked so hard to make for me and other users to read and enjoy. Now, look at me, nearly 2 years of being on this site and I've already made 5 stories with my newest one Daydreamer's Bimbo Harem already gaining some rising popularity only after being released for about a week!!

But I couldn't have gotten here on my own without my friends. I'd like to give a shoutout to my longest friends and people I've talked to the most on this site for nearly 2 years. They are PuzzleMaster98, Lightning Ace, The Great Derpsby, masterblotart, GrandNECROM1998, Israel Yabuki, Saiyan of the North Star, CrimsonRose97, SonicBlitz18, Nocturne Hurakan, SuperSonicGoldenKirinGod, Viper Pit, and Dusk Star Shine.

Thank you guys for being there for me for helping out with my stories, giving me ideas for said stories, and for just talking with my crazy ass in general. But most of all, thank you for being my friends on this site, it makes me really happy motherfucker. Anyway, I'm done now as I said my piece, so once again thank you for the follows or just reading my stories in general and I hope to bring you more good stories in the coming new year. See ya on the flip side my little eros, SAGE OUT!! *A portal ups under me and I give a two finger salute as I fall into it as it closes.*

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