• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

More Blog Posts357

  • 1 week
    Massive Beyblade update!

    So, I just watched the Beyblade: Metal Masters movie, featuring the likes of Helios and his Bey, Sol Blaze V145AS, and after a lot of thinking and planning out...I have an official storyline/plotline for the events of Metal Masters - New Harmony. This might have spoilers, as I am going for a general overview of how things will go moving forward.
    Arc 1 - The World Tournament Begins!

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  • 1 week

    So, I’m back in the saddle in terms of getting rid of my writer’s block. I have a chapter in progress for Days of Danger, and another for Echo Solace.

    Stay tuned, and one or the other should be out later today!

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  • 11 weeks
    An update and some personal notes.

    So, I guess it’s been a while since Christmas and my last blog post. Well, I do have good news for you. I am now employed at my local wellness center after a year and two months of unemployment. Not only that, I have updates in the works for multiple stories.

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  • 23 weeks
    State of the Author/X-mas post.

    Hey, everyone. I guess I owe you all an apology.

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  • 34 weeks
    Star Wars Update

    So, I do have Chapter 12 in the works for Star Wars - Hope in the Force. It should be out today or tomorrow. For those that are interested, here's a sneak peak/synopsis.

    Darth Vader, having caught onto the trail of Kyris Marchen and his troops, sends his assassin, Starkiller, alongside Captain Eclipse, Proxy, and two Imperial officers, to eliminate the lost Jedi.

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Creeps from the Deep · 1:53pm Nov 13th, 2018

So, I suppose you know that I posted a new Destiny/Destiny 2 crossover the other day. I'm working on it, I just wanted to give you guys and all my readers a sneak peek of the first enemy the Guardians face when they arrive on Equis.

Just so you know, it involves the Hippogriffs/Seaponies, Skystar, and Novo.

And a mysterious chasm south of their kingdom that it said to be the home of terrible monsters.

Except these monsters aren't fictional...they're real. And they're coming to the surface.

Princess Skystar was, suffice to say, horrified. Several of her best guards had been sent to the Chasm of Blackness to investigate reports of magma flares in the area. Dealing with subterrene activity was a routine task for the twelve guards sent...

Only, to Queen Novo's fright, one had returned, heavily injured and near death. As he lay in a bed, recovering, Skystar asked him what happened.

"I don't know." the guard said. "We had just finished the sweep when I saw something strange. It was a small white and black orb, burning with eerie flame. I touched it, and it disappeared with a ghostly noise."

The guard sucked in a deep breath.

"Then, there was chaos. Half of my unit went down in seconds, dead. They were swift and strong. I remember one wielded a sword so large, it cleaved through Captain Depth's armor and chest like nothing."

Skystar flinched. Seapony armor could resist even the intense pressure found at the bottom of the sea. For such a weapon to exist...

"What wielded such a blade?"

Queen Novo came in, annd gently sat next to her daughter. The Guard sighed again, and spoke.

"It wasn't a fish, nor anything I have seen before. It was bipedial, with slimy, chitinous skin formed like armor. Its head had two crests. But what I remember most were its eyes. They were searing green, and they burned into my very being."

The guard fell back into a resting position, sweat pouring down.

"I escaped because they assumed I was dead. They took the bodies of our deceased, and took them into the chasm. I heard them speak in a guttural language before I fled. But I understood a word they spoke."

"What word is this?" Novo asked.

"Savathun." the Guard said. "It said "Savathun". What that is, I do not know. They disappeared in a pool of green light, and I was alone."

"Rest now." Novo said. "I expect you to rest and recover until I deem you fit to return, if at all."

The soldier nodded gratefully as the Princess and Queen departed.

"So, what do we do now?" Skystar asked.

"We have only one choice." Novo said in reply. "We must speak to the Equestrians of the land. Maybe they know what foul abominations are breeding down there."


Deep below in the chasm, a Hive Knight walked through the feeding grounds of the Thrall with a snort. The beings who lived above them had intruded in their territory, and the dead were used as the Thrall's newest meal.

However, one escaped.

The Knight knew that failure in the eyes of his master and God knew one thing.


As he planted his sword in the ritual center, a ghostly voice spoke.

"What news from the chasm, Knight?"

"My master." the Knight replied. "The Thrall have been fed. Twelve beings intruded and disturbed one of the defensive wards. I and my forces engaged them, but one escaped. The others are dead. Forgive my failure."

"It is of no concern." his master said. "You have not failed. We have learned something from this. Our enemy is weaker than us. And we must consume them. Prepare our forces. In five cycles, we march on their city. Are my experiments ready?"

"Yes." the Knight said. "We have successfully adapted Acolytes and Knights to your standards. We know them as Devoted and Berserkers. They can swim through the water faster than any creature."

"Good." the voice replied. "Rally them, and report to me when you are done."

"Yes, master."

As the voice faded, the Knight picked up his sword and returned to his tasks, for the Hive never slept nor rested.

They only consumed, and grew stronger.

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