• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2015
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Average brony obsessing over the main cast with an unhealthy desire to see them in a dark fantasy setting.

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An Update to Life · 2:54am Nov 6th, 2018

:ajsmug: Evening everyone. This song always makes me think of November.

:applejackconfused: Geez, it's late. I should've been asleep an hour ago, but whatever, I sad a thing, so I will keep to it. Guys. Winter is coming. but I live in Texas, so some days that is up for debate. Today is one of those days. A man can't even wear his pajama pants without sweating in freakin' November. I love this state, but come on. I am ready for it to be cold again.

Good news! I finally got a real job. as of the 19th, I'll be working for a trucking company as a dispatcher and nearly doubling my current salary from 24000/yr to 43000/yr. With this, I'll have my school loans paid off by the end of summer if all goes well, but it certainly will be gone by this time next year. My sister whom is 30 in two weeks (eww, spooky), still hasn't finished paying off her own school loans for... some reason, and my brother married his debt, so he's still paying off his loans too, but I shall be loan free. I will owe no one anything, and I can just... do whatever. I am excited, honestly. I'm not super clear on what all my new job will entail, but you know what? for doubling my current salary, I'd do a lot of things, so let's be happy that I've gotten myself a desk job instead of more manual labor.

In Super news, I've started on the next segment of the chapters leading up to Kaiju 4, and it looks like I can have this done by next Monday if I keep up with it this week. I will hold myself to it, so unless something strange happens, the last chapter before Kaiju 4 will be out on Monday the 12th. It would be good of me to get there by then anyways because I'm going to spend the weekend with my cousins on the 16th, and since I have to drive, there's no way I'll be working on the story then. I start the new job on the 19th, so we'll see how the workload is.

Excuse me while I get on top of my [Soap box]. clears throat

If you haven't registered then this will do you no good now, but please go vote tomorrow for those of you in the US. I will make it clear, I have a right wing bias, and if you're current on Super, that should be easily apparent. I live in Texas after all, were it not for those California people who fled from the failing large cities of California still voting for the things that made San Fransisco awful, there probably wouldn't be a blue presence here to begin with. The democrats are running on "Trump is a big meanie," and they want to destroy the country I love by turning it into an open borders socialist paradise... just like Venezuela. You know, the place where everyone is starving to death and people are eating dogs in the streets. Don't let America become Venezuela. Don't let the democrats take any power anywhere. You can hate Trump all you want, but the truth is; Trump is a Republican, but not all Republicans are Trump. Look at what the parties are actually saying and make a decision that benefits the country and your local area. Don't buy into the progressive fantasy that life would be easy if everyone would just do what I we say. Because that is just that. A fantasy. We read fantasies, we live in reality, and in reality, this matters.

Steps off [Soap Box]

:derpytongue2: Anyways, that's all from me. New Super on Monday, and I'm making real money now.
Until Next Time~

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