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Admiral Biscuit

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Vote! · 2:44am Nov 6th, 2018

Seriously, go vote tomorrow. And if you already have, thank you.

Source (Derpibooru, ‘cause the tumblr’s dead)

I thought it would be useful to put in a link where you could find out where you’re supposed to vote; as it turns out, if you google ‘where do I vote,’ Google comes up with a little search bar and if you put in your address it tells you. Well, it worked with my address, anyway. Which is both useful and also a bit creepy, although really, you can say that about a lot of things google-wise.


I suppose no matter how things turn out tomorrow, we’ll finally stop seeing campaign ads, so that’s a plus. Something to look forward to, am I right?


Report Admiral Biscuit · 781 views · #PSA #Vote
Comments ( 40 )
Dan #1 · Nov 6th, 2018 · · ·

Voted early two days ago. With a clean conscience, I think. Unsure of the Dem state AG candidate, so voted for the Legal Marijuana Party candidate.

Despite what John Oliver said, IMO state AGs are pretty toothless and unimportant in any case.

I voted early last week.

And yes, no more ads will definitely be an improvement!

I sent in my absentee ballot a couple weeks ago while I was in the hospital because I didn't know if I'd be out by Election Day. Now I just hope it'll get counted properly.

Some people on YouTube that I watch have promoted https://www.vote411.org/ as a good site for that info and more. Also, just looking up your local government websites is a good strategy, and several states have official mobile apps put out by the state government that will show you everything you need to know.

Voted early, voted for those who I thought would do the best job and those who had the interests of my state in mind, not the head of the party....no lap dogs got my vote if you know what I mean.

Voted early with my parents. (Getting my father through it in a wheelchair was a chore.) I'm personally confident what will happen. I don't expect a Civil War after tomorrow, but with how deranged the Left-wing side of politics has been, I believe there will be some riots in a couple cities tomorrow evening or the day after like what happened with the "Not My President!" thing in 2016. Still whoever wins or doesn't, it's going to be interesting watching everything happen live. ☕

My state is a bit of a mess who our senators are. You couldn't get more diametrically opposed candidates unless it was a staged theater. The Lefty seemed like someone I'd vote for 10 years ago, that is until a bunch of leaked footage came out with his staff saying things I really disliked. The Righty is like Trump in both the good and bad spots and is a bit of a die-hard Conservative. Huh. :ajbemused:

2020 is going to be a crazy year.

Thanks for the reminder!

Now to bug out before the fight starts...

Didn't know about that, but I did have the right one.

And yeah, I thought about saying something about making sure you're on a legit and secure site, but I figure people can use some common sense. None of the government ".gov" sites will ask for too much personal information. The app I got from my state, which I made sure was actually from them, only asks for your name and zip code to look up your ballot in the Registrar of Voters database, or you can use an address instead.

It gets tiring preaching data security. Luckily there's always someone else to do it. :derpytongue2: Thanks.

I wish America could pass a law that political ads could on constitute less then 45% of the ads during election season. I cannot stand many of the candidates and made some choices because attack ads started 3 months ago.

"How deranged the left side has been"

We're not the ones sending bombs in the mail and shooting up synagogues.

Heading straight to the polls after work tomorrow. I don't watch anything that could possibly have political ads, but hey, I did receive a huge dump of 18 garbage local political texts tonight, all at once from the same (probably spoofed) number. I'm not sure if they were for who they claim, or from the opposition, but I will be happy when it's over.

My dad and I are voting before I go to school

Always vote.

Even if I don't think I am qualified to vote all the stuff on the ballots. Like the ones for who is on the MSU Board of directors.... and no idea who they even are so I just go by who's name sounds the coolest anyways. Same with the drain commissioner and other oddball things. Though, where I live usually the little township stuff has no other people running against them.

I just wish that no matter who wins or loses they finally remember they are supposed to fucking work together to get shit done. Not our way or the highway thinking most all of these political fuckwits have been doing for years, but compromise until shit is god damned done.

I'm not voting tomorrow. Nothing anyone says to me will get me in a polling station, no bribe will get me one nor threat.

Buuut my country isn't having its election tomorrow so that's all fine and dandy.

Remember kids, vote soon and vote often... well, maybe not that last one.

Voting is important, it is always disheartening to see that you’ve just got yourself a government with the majority of the parliament but with actually about one quater of the population who did vote for them.

Is... is that an actual party? :rainbowhuh:

:rainbowhuh: :ajbemused:

Don't say you didn't want this rant.

Since you want to play this game, I too can point to horrific events and people, and paint it as representative of the entire Left-wing and Democrat side of politics.

Exhibit A: The shooting and attempted assassination of Republicans at a charity baseball game.

Exhibit B: Don Lemon, a news anchor at CNN, saying in the same breath how we shouldn't dehumanize people, followed immediately by "white men are the biggest domestic terror threat".

Exhibit C: Democrats associating themselves with, and the media silent about, Louis Farrakhan, head of The Nation of Islam. He is very well known for being a black nationalist, an open anti-Semite, is very racist against white people, and recently chanted "Death To America" in a recent visit to Iran.

Exhibit D: Portland, Oregan's mayor is a supporter of Antifa, an organization that's officially recognized by the United States government as a terrorist organization and has been associated with Communism and terrorism since its inception in 1930's Germany.

Exhibit E: Promoting degenerate, abnormal, and unhealthy behaviors and practices such as Fat Acceptance, promoting Socialism, being pro-pedophilia, pushing transgenderism onto children, allowing women to have more rights at the expense of men, treating black people like they're mentally inferior children, and treating all white people as if we're total garbage in universities.

So let me be clear: You can try to pull out this "anybody that doesn't support Democrats are evil" shtick, but you will notice that normal people don't trust either side. However, I and a lot of other people have a bigger reason not to trust the Left and many of the little ideologies it protects. I voted for Obama, I was in favor of his healthcare bill (before really finding out it was hurting me more than ever helping), I considered myself a Liberal and maybe a Feminist 10 years ago. I am not voting for anyone remotely related to the garbage like the stuff above. You may not believe that and ascribe that I'm some super dogwhistling Nazi in disguise, but I didn't sign up to support the insanity of the last couple years either.

Already voted! And yeah, everyone in the USA who hasn't get out and do it!

I have STRONG OPINIONS about this election and people's reactions to current politics, but I'm glad this didn't turn into a fight. We won't convince anyone arguing here.

We've got tomorrow and the rest of the week to fight it out :rainbowwild:

Dan #21 · Nov 6th, 2018 · · 8 ·

Ha. I thought you were serious for a moment there until you mentioned that antifa dogwhistle stuff.


I suppose no matter how things turn out tomorrow, we’ll finally stop seeing campaign ads, so that’s a plus. Something to look forward to, am I right?

I had some random person walk up to me and start tying to convince me to vote a certain way. They literally walked up to me while I was eating lunch, in a restaurant, with my earbuds in, and started talking to me. And then they wen't to the next table when I told them to leave me alone. They got kicked out after that lol.

Okay I'll bite.

Exhibit A was admittedly bad Praxis. Lenin writes about this: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1902/sep/01.htm

Exhibit B: Don Lemon is right. https://www.theroot.com/are-white-men-americas-biggest-terror-threat-we-checke-1830175112

“WSEs [White Supremacist Extremists] were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks,” said a May 2017 joint brief from the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. “[M]ore than any other domestic group.”

Exhibit C: Most leftists distance themselves from Louis Farrakhan's antisemetic, homophobic, sexist views. However I agree with him on the Death to America part.

Exhibit D: Antifa stands for Antifacists. Where there are fascists, there will be antifa fighting them. That simple. Saying you stand with fascists is a bad look, to me atleast. I myself am a member of antifa, so if you want to fight antifa, you're welcome to find where I live IRL.

Exhibit E: There's a difference between saying obesity can be unhealthy in certain ways and fat shaming.

I'm not sure how socialism is degenerate and unhealthy. Please tell me more.

Almost no one on the left supports pedophilia, and those who do are shunned. That said I believe in getting treatment for non-offending pedophiles rather than just ostracizing them.

Lifesitenews is reactionary rightwing blog. Accepting trans kids and letting them transition leads to happier kids and less suicides.

Let's break down your article about women's rights:
1. Infant Genital mutilation is wrong for both genders. Most leftists are against infant circumcision
2.You really think leftists support the draft?
3. Women have the right to choose what to do with their body.
4. I thought conservatives wanted women to be the caregivers of the family? Whole family values thing? At any rate, it sounds like we need a better legal system, not to cancel feminism.
5. This is a problem with the legal code, not feminism.

White liberals are generally trash. Much of the suffragist movement for example was incredibly racist. We're not talking about liberals though we're talking about leftists. That said, many voter ID laws are racist in nature.

All white people are racist. Be it explicitly or internally, we all have to deconstruct and unpack our whiteness.

So no, I don't think you're a Nazi, but I do think you're garbage.

Class dismissed.

Yes. Please vote, even if it seems futile. It is not.
Not voting means voting for those you want the least.
Also, the future of our planet may hinge on this election. But no pressure. ;)

If you decide that there are no valid candidates to vote for. The best thing to do is still to go out and vote, even if it's only to turn in a blank ballot.

Socks For Everybody has my vote


Lenin writes about this

“So,” he said, “we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban — you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no white-guy ban. So what do we do about that?”

Don Lemon was right.

I agree with him on the Death to America

I myself am a member of antifa

I'm not sure how socialism is degenerate and unhealthy.

I believe in getting treatment for non-offending pedophiles

Accepting trans kids and letting them transition leads to happier kids and less suicides.

Let's break down your article about women's rights

White liberals are generally trash

All white people are racist.

......... You're either fucking with me here or you might as well admit you're a member of ISIS too.

ISIS wants to behead religious infidels. I just want to behead recalcitrant billionaires and reactionary government officials. Big difference.

P.S. violence against the ultra rich and ultra-right is self-defense. Capitalism is literally killing the planet.

Dan #31 · Nov 6th, 2018 · · 1 ·

While "fiscal responsibility" is as much a meaningless buzzword as "job creator," I'd be the first to say the government can be wiser in spending. Starting with legalizing and taxing various substances, reforming campaign financing (fuck Citizens United) and hunting down and crucifying corporate tax cheats and the "Too Big to Fail" bankers and CEOs that Obama gave a free pass to.

Funny how the right is so terrified of socialism and yet still think it's the government's responsibility to create jobs. We need a New New Deal. Or would it be the third?

And done, voted.

Still don't think I was qualified to vote for the MSU regents and stuff, but oh well. lol.

Capitalism is still better than the alternatives, and violence is abhorrent in all forms. You just proved yourself no better than any ISIS member out there.

Same instrument, different tune.

Also, understand the difference between Capitalism vs Crony Capitalism.

"Crony Capitalism"
Crony capitalism is an economy in which businesses thrive not as a result of risk, but rather as a return on money amassed through a nexus between a business class and the political class. This is done using state power to crush genuine competition in handing out permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state intervention[1][2] over resources where the state exercises monopolist control over public goods, for example, mining concessions for primary commodities or contracts for public works. Money is then made not merely by making a profit in the market, but through profiteering by "rent seeking" using this monopoly or oligopoly. Entrepreneurship and innovative practices, which seek to reward risk are stifled, since the value-added is little by crony businesses as hardly anything of significant value is created by them, with transactions taking the form of "trading". Crony capitalism spills over into the government, the politics and the media,[3] when this nexus distorts the economy and affects society to an extent it corrupts public-serving economic, political and social ideals.

The term "crony capitalism" made a significant impact in the public as an explanation of the Asian financial crisis.[4] It is also used to describe governmental decisions favoring "cronies" of governmental officials. In this context, the term is often used comparatively with corporate welfare, a technical term often used to assess government bailouts and favoritistic monetary policy, as opposed to the economic theory, described by "crony capitalism". The extent of difference between these terms is whether a government action can be said to benefit the individuals rather than the industry.

I hate politics and democrats like communism witch means we lose everything to the government and only people the government likes get rich and have money.

Voted early this morning. Now to sit back and wait to see what happens.

Communism only lets the people in power have anything the state owns everything you get only what the government lets you get people without a political position have nothing but what the state lets them have if you believe in communism you are lost to the world because communist countries tent to have bad economies and people have very little freedom.

The interesting thing about today is the way that most candidates are closing out their otherwise relentlessly upbeat messaging with, to paraphrase slightly, "In closing, my opponent is Satan incarnate, so vote for me, or spend the rest of eternity enslaved mining Hell-salt in their brimstone pits."

I'm pretty sure they're all absolutely correct, except for that self-serving middle clause. So what's a chap to do?


Do like I did. Vote straight Whig. :twilightsmile:

Okay, I voted! I wrote Mayor Mare in on her Socks for Everypony campaign. It's win-win!


  1. Socks on ponies for higher adorability factor, duh!
  2. Increased textile manufacturing means more jobs for ponies
  3. Creates new markets for sexy ponywear++
  4. Warmer ponies in winter means happier ponies
  5. Ponies are more adorable in winter than ever (see point 1)

I hope she wins. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Dan deleted Nov 8th, 2018
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