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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Nightmare Eclipse's (failed) attempts to give Tirek a brush off death · 6:36am Oct 23rd, 2018


During the Dark World Saga's endless time loops, For the record, Nightmare Eclipse, likely intended to 'deal with' other villains in other world lines after she was 'done with' Discord and had created her 'golden world.' Of course, there was one villain who never cowered before her.

She also tried to give Tirek a 'brush off death' many, MANY TIMES, wanting him neatly and swiftly disposed of so she could get back to business, seeing him as not even a nuisance... or at least what she's SAID. In truth, Tirek was the one being Nightmare Eclipse feared.

I imagine in one encounter, Tirek ate Nightmare Eclipse's magic (like Discord, her own power worked against her, as she couldn't even comprehend her magic being stolen as being possible).

In another she sent the other Nightmare Gallery (all five of them), and he just ate their magic instead and used it force his way into the Nightmare Stables, requiring them later to rebuild half of it.

Another involved her just teleporting him to another galaxy, taking an atomic bomb, and dropping it on him... turns out he survived.

Then there was the time she teleported him onto Pluto and assumed she could just leave him there to freeze for eternity, she was wrong. Tirek is a good shot when he had nothing else to do with himself.

THEN there was the time she separated him from his magical essence and dropped his body in a black hole... his magical essence possessed Spike who teleport breathed his body right into the Nightmare Stables (again).

THEN THERE WAS the time she dropped him on the moon... and he manipulated the deer into helping him get back to Equestria, 'promising' that he was just interested in ruling the world, and the moon had nothing for him to conquer. Yes, he managed to convince the friggin' Tree of Harmony "I can't eat your magic, so there's nothing here that interests me, so I have no reason to come back here." Of course Tirek intended to blow up the moon later.

AND THEN THERE WAS the time Nightmare Eclipse trapped him in a self-contained time loop one nano-second long, resetting after each instance. She had Granfalloon hold a party she was so sure that would be the end of her troubles with him that she had "gotten rid of him" ... he literally exploded himself free.

I imagine if Tirek face the Sirens (and might have in the endless cycles) ... it would result in a feedback loop between them... but Tirek would EVENTUALLY (I said EVENTUALLY, fighting against three separate wills, an three horrors that FEED on hatred, which Tirek has plenty of, it would be a LOONG time) prove that his hunger for power, was greater than theirs. The sirens are OLD, but Tirek is even older, he remembers when the sirens ancestors were dumb fish. But it would still be a surprisingly even struggle (I imagine it's been a LONG TIME since Tirek met anyone with as much apologetic greed for power as himself). Any outside meddler could easily tip the scales in either direction.

But the time Tirek came the closest to defeating Nightmare Eclipse and the entire Nightmare Gallery and Flutternice all at the same time, was when he was armed with a Concept Killing Spear of his own, and had become ONE with the Rainbow of Darkness, truly reaching a zen-like symbiosis with it. This was also the only Tirek that considered (repeat, <i>considered</i>), co-existing with the universe rather than enslaving it.

It should be said that EVERYBODY was worried what would happen if Tirek WON in a fight against Nightmare Eclipse.

It's possible she BLOCKED OUT Tirek's existence except when she actually had to deal with him, since he was that speck on her perfect record she couldn't stand. And ALL OF THE NIGHTMARES and Flutternice, and Discord, all knew better than to speak his name in her presence.

Comments ( 1 )

So we know for a fact we do have one canon way of defeating him. Good ol’ tree of Harmony and it’s 10/10 plot conven- I mean “functioning story device” of the seed box. That means that Harmony DOES work on Tirek. Tirek can’t absorb it (or chooses not to) when Twilight and co blast him so he must be incompatible with the special harmony magic. Mind you he had his own, all of Equestria’s, and all alicorn magic and was STILL defeated. Yet I know that authors can change characters on a whim and I don’t know how your “Tirek” works. All I know is that he’s nigh immortal and very cunning. Until further is learned, BLAST HIM WITH HARMONY DAMN IT!

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