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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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Starfleet Magic Characters: (Raven) · 11:14pm Oct 7th, 2018

Raven was spiteful Demoncorn (Former Unicorn pony) the murderer of Twilight Sparkle and the Secondary Antagonist of "My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic Season 3" She is determined to murder Queen Celestia, and anyone else who gets in her way of that. She is voiced by Tara Strong, and her appearance is based heavily off of Raven from "Teen Titans" another Character voiced by Strong. Because of her incredible elusiveness and high power levels, Raven is considered one of Starfleet's most deadliest of enemies


-Unicorn (Formerly)
-Genetically Altered Demoncorn


-Canterlot, Planet Equestria (Formerly)
-The Dark Dimension (Formerly)



-Moderate Dark Blue

-ModerateAzure with dark streaks of Navy Blue (Formerly)
-Dark Purple

-White (Formerly)
-Pale Light Gray

Magic Aura:
-Light Cornflower Blue (Formerly)
-Black with white streks

- Unnamed Husband (Deceased)

Cuite Mark:

-Tara Strong (English)


Prior to the Series...

Raven was once a normal Unicorn, with a rare golden horn. She had no cutie-mark, and felt no need for one as she felt so happy in her life while married to her husband (Whom is unnamed)

One day, while returning from from having a picnic in the fields, a great chase was on... Thieving ponies had robbed Princess Celestia's royal carriage with valuables and treasures being donated to an armory. Celestia and her guards gave chase, and they skidded heavily around a corner just as Raven and her husband were passing by (Not knowing of the chase) The carriage slammed hard into the couple. Raven was thrown clear, but her husband lay critically injured with the heavy carriage tipped over on top of him.

Princess Celestia leaped out of the carriage to peruse the thieves herself, not knowing about Raven's husband (She had not seen him) and she had already flown too far away to hear Raven shouting out to her for help. Raven tried to ask for help from the guards, but they ignored her completely and pursued after the princess. In truth, Raven husband was lying on the other side of the carriage where they did not see him, and they believed Raven was merely trying to get in the way, and by the time they learned of the truth... it was too late!

Raven's husband died, and with him when Raven's sanity! Overcome with outrage and grief, Raven had changed completely. Infuriated by Celestia and her negligence (Feeling her husband could have lived if she or her guards had helped) Raven vowed bloody vengeance on Celestia, and was sworn to kill her, but knowing fully well she wouldn't stand a chance against Celestia's superior magic, she decided to get stronger, which lead her to discover a portal leading into the Dark Dimension where the Crystal Empire lay dormant.

While in the dimension, Raven never aged nor experienced hunger or fatigue. She just existed, as the only moving creature while all around her remained dormant, suspended in limbo. While wandering the dormant empire, Raven gained access to the royal library where she devoted all her time to reading up on magic and sorcery to develop super powers and greater strengths.


For 1,000 years she trained in fighting and perfected her magic, but the more her magic increased, the more insane she became. Raven's spirit and personality long since faded away as she was corrupted by darkness and hatred, and she became a demonic version of herself. She remained in the Dark Dimension even long after the Empire was reawakened in "The Crystal Empire".

Durring the great war, when Equestria was obliterated, Raven remained safe within the Dark Dimension. It was only a few years after United Equestria was formed that she decided to finally venture out and seek her long awaited revenge on Celestia.

Despite her confidence in her new powers, Raven wished to test them, as well as Celestia's resourcefulness. So she remained in hiding and sent numerous threatening letters to Celestia, sometimes even playing word-games which ultimately lead to her plans to kill her.

Raven's super dark magic rendered her completely untraceable by any of Starfleet's technology. she also did not appear on camera, and force fields could not detain her either (Her powers allowed her to pass right through almost any form of shielding) Her altered fingerprints could not ID her, nor could any traces she left behind. Starfleet was powerless to even try to look for her (As they didn't even know whom or what to even search for)

Througout the season, Raven would continuously send Celestia threatening letters to intimidate her, followed by her sinister plot to destroy her. All her following plots had failed thanks to Starfleet's interference, or by some stroke of luck.

1: Her fist plot was she reprogrammed Robot-Fratellol by installing an enchanted chip into his circuitry, ordering him to destroy Celestia. (Foiled by Cadance; her voice recognition stopped the Robot from attacking)

2: She tried to shoot at Celestia with a crossbow as she was peeked out her window. (She was distracted by the guards and missed only by by a few inches)

3: She poisoned Celestia's tea hoping she would drink it. (Shining Armor, mistaking his teacup for Celestia's, got the poison instead)

4: Hypnotizing one of Sombra's monsters so it would attack Celestia (The monster was defeated by Starfleet and help from Spike whom had awakened his Dragon Knight Powers.)

5: Brainwashing the residence of New Canterlot into an army of Zombies marching and chanting "Kill Celestia" (Celestia and Grand ruler Celesto used a spell to counteract the magic)

Apart from her wicked actions and terrorism, Raven only seemed interested in killing Celestia and initially had no desire to harm anyone else (With the exception being of those who sought to get in her way)

After the 5th failed attempt, Raven finally revealed herself (In a holographic image) and told everyone the story of Celestia being responsible for her husband's death, and that she would never cease until Celestia was dead! She also revealed that she was in possession of the 8th and final fragment of the Crystal Heart which the others sought.

Realizing the business Raven meant, and seeing already what she was capable of doing (Also the fact she could still not be detected) Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia ordered against anyone the temptation of confronting Raven in person, out of fear that fighting her would result in certain death. (This theory later proved to be true)

After teaming up with Harkin (Whom had betrayed/resigned from Sombra's services) Raven managed to sneak into the palace to give Harking 4 more heart shards, and took time to try and zap Celestia to death with multiple magic spells. She was spotted and forced to flee, but Twilight Sparkle (Defying all and previous orders not to) pursued after Raven in attempt to defend Celestia's honor. Lightning Dawn was ordered to go after Twilight and try to stop her.

Raven stopped and did battle with the two ponies, having revealed her golden horn, and that she too was able to tap into the power of the Uniforce. Raven blasted at Twilight hard, just missing her, giving her the opening to charge at her and SLASHED her right through the heart with her claws, killing Twilight Sparkle, much to Lightning's devastation. As Lightning lay mourning over Twilight's dying body, Raven let him live, but warned him that she would kill him or anyone else who dared to get in her way again.

Celestia finally agreed to meet with Raven and settle the score once and for all. Raven cast them both into the Dark Dimension where she believed she would have the advantage, and while she had plenty of opportunists to finish Celestia off, Raven preferred to drag out the battle and prolong Celestia's pain and suffering as long as she could.

After overusing the uniforce, Raven began to weaken and lose her edge, allowing Celestia attack her full force, leaving Raven badly injured, and weak.

Melantha then appears, and uses several monster gems on Raven, transforming her into a gargantuan snarling demon with numerous tentacles and sharp fangs. Despite her initial ease at staving off all the ponies, when Celestia managed to regain control of the Element of Magic (Courtesy of Twilight's Angel) The team pulled through and destroyed the evil demon, putting an end to Raven's terror and insanity, and avenging Twilight Sparkle's death.

Raven is briefly mentioned in Season 4, when it is discovered that Celestia is ill and dying. It is revealed that during their battle, Raven's hands were coated with a strong, but unseen toxin. With each attack, Celestia was slowly being poisoned which would eventually grow inside her and kill her from within. This was an extra precaution that Raven took in case that she would lose the battle (Which she did)

Why Grand Ruler ordered no one to go after her):

Raven was extremely powerful, and had mastered all kinds of dark and wicked magic to keep her well one-step-ahead.

Until she actually revealed herself in episode 15 of season 3 (TWI-LIGHTING) Starfleet had never seen her and didn't even know what she looked like.

Raven did not appear on camera, and was always slick to stay hidden out of sight, and duck out whenever she was on the verge of being seen or approached.

She also was able to shield herself from any forms of detection, (As most of the magic she used was unknown)

...Therefore a search is useless, all they can try to do is be cautious and prepare if she tries to strike again.

As for ordering no one to go near her. Grand Ruler and Celestia realized how powerful Raven seemed, and in an ideal rewritten version They would have sent guards to apprehend her, but to no avail-- Raven would have slaughtered all those fighters with extreme ease.

Their majesties would be devastated, having just sent all those soldiers to a grisly death. (Which they now must bear the burden)

Why Did Grand Ruler not send an army to go after Twilight instead of just Lightning?

Lightning was only sent to try to STOP Twilight and get her to come back, the others could not join them as HARKIN was attacking the village, and THAT priority was of equal importance.

Letting Raven go was bad, but at least by not chasing her they could probably be ready for her next time and maybe try to catch her then! Instead, Twilight foolishly put herself in harms way to try to stop someone everyone fully knew she couldn't, and it cost her her life.

...and FYI: It wouldn't matter if I had written it so Grand Ruler sent guards to assist Lightning to help Twilight... SHE'LL STILL BE KILLED, no ifs ands or buts.

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