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My True Paranormal Experiences: The Disappearing Store · 2:50pm Sep 20th, 2018

My True Paranormal Experiences: The Disappearing Store

One time my friend and I went shopping for fabric to make cloaks out of for some Renaissance outfits we were making. We happened upon a cool shop located in downtown Flagstaff that had all sorts of fabrics from all over the world. That is what the shop keeper told us anyway. She was a pleasant lady, probably in her late thirties. She showed us around the shop and even gave us some business cards, saying that we could call her or stop by her shop any time. The shop didn't really seem remarkable in any way except that it did have a lot of neat wares from all over the world. Wares that the lady had bought abroad and put in her shop for sale.

We wanted to buy some fabric from her but her prices were a little expensive so we decided to look at a few more places and if we couldn't find anything we were looking for, we would return. A week passed and we decided to go back to the store. However, we found that the space inside an old building that the store was located in was completely empty and in fact was put up for rent by the building owner. There was an art gallery in the room next store so we asked the artist about the room next door and the lady who sold things from all over the world but the artist just looked at us like we were crazy.

He explained that the space had been empty for a year and a half and that the owner was having trouble finding anyone who wanted to rent it because the rent was high due to the size of the studio. My friend and I thought we had got the address wrong at first but then we remembered the business cards the lady had given us. The address matched the building we were in and the number of the space across the hall. What’s more, upon looking in the room we saw that there was dust collected in place that the objects in the store had been.

The store was never seen again but my friend and I both had the business cards for years until between moves and life in general we both ended up getting rid of them over the passage of time. To this day I always wonder what would have happened if we bought something from the mysterious shop. Would it have been enchanted? Would it bring fortune? Misfortune?

Most importantly; I always wondered what that store was. Was it a store that moved place to place offering magical wares to whoever wandered inside? Did we simply just go back in time to a date when that store had been open? Or did we have a ghost encounter? I guess we will never know for sure.

Comments ( 23 )

4941016 I think it might have been a type of traveling store/ traveling shop. I seem to encounter these a lot for some reason. :L

Keep an eye out. You never know. You might find a traveling store one day as well. :)

Plot twist: the lady was the wife of that guy selling clocks at that convention you were at. You know, the guy only you could see?

4941339 That would be pretty awesome. XD Headcanon accepted.

I don't think I'd ever want to buy anything from a store like that. Would probably curse me or it would be good but I'd somehow misuse it

4941518 That's a good point! One never knows what using items from these kinds of stores may do.

Unforeseen consequences. Without knowing the full power and weight of what you wield you're doomed to misuse it

4941574 This is very true indeed.

with how little information we are ever given on Mokey's Paw style items we'd almost always end with misery for all

4941692 Well some items are lucky/ blessed instead of holding a curse. I've found a lot of lucky/ blessed items throughout the years. :)

4942158 Yep, like that and many others. :)

You've encountered many intriguing things indeed Lyra

4942621 I have definitely had some interesting experiences for sure. :)

4942779 Yep, a good mixture of both. :)

That's good that it hasn't been to frightening

4943201 I've only really had a few scary experiences. The rest of them have just been interesting. :P

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