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My True Paranormal Experiences: The Cloaked Woman and The Guy in the Top Hat · 2:57pm Sep 16th, 2018

My True Paranormal Experiences: The Cloaked Woman and The Guy in the Top Hat

These are two true paranormal events that happened to me a few years ago. I just thought I would share them for anyone who might be interested.

Here are the stories.

My True Paranormal Experiences: The Cloaked Woman

About eight years ago, my mom and I went to a city park festival at Wheeler park in Flagstaff, Arizona. It was one of those events where a bunch of merchants set up tents and sale their wares, bands play on a stage in the distance, there are a bunch of games and activities set up for people to play, and a bunch of food vendors gather to sell festival food to the festival visitors.

When my mom and I were looking at the merchant booths, we ran into a lady wearing a long, black cloak with an emerald brooch inlaid in silver holding the top hooded part of the cloak together. The lady had long, grey hair, yet despite obviously being in her fifties or sixties, her face still looked rather youthful. She seemed very out of place among the other vendors who were more or less dressed in regular street clothes.

She had a bunch of jewelry pieces laid out in front of her. There was a sign to the left which said that the jewelry was all handmade. As someone who makes jewelry myself, I could appreciate the craftsmanship that went into each piece. They were all stunning pieces, although oddly I don't remember too many details about them. I just remember that they were some of the most beautiful jewelry pieces I had ever seen.

There was a sign sitting on the right of the booth which welcomed people to try the jewelry pieces on. My mom and I went to pick up some of the jewelry pieces on the table to get a better look at them but the lady in the cloak placed her hands over the jewelry pieces before we could place them in our hands and said, "These are not for you." My mom and I exchanged confused glances as the lady in the cloak continued to glare at us from her end of the table. We felt unwelcome there, so my mom and I simply left, and went on to look at other booths and eventually get some food.

When we were sitting down to eat my mom told me that she felt the lady had a very ominous vibe to her. I agreed. The cloaked lady did have somewhat of a darkness about her. And the jewelry at her table, despite being beautiful, felt dangerous somehow. In any case, we are glad that the lady chased us off. We both had the feeling that anyone who ended up with one of those jewelry pieces would run into some kind of misfortune. Fortunately that misfortune was not reserved for us.

My True Paranormal Experiences: The Guy in the Top Hat

Two years ago I went to a Steampunk convention in Phoenix, Arizona. There were all sorts of panels, steampunk themed events, general nerdy mischief, and a large vending hall filled with all sorts of unique steampunk wares. It was a good time all around.

While visiting the vending hall, I noticed that there was a tall man with a large top hat and curly mustache located in the center of the room. He smiled as people walked past him, but no one seemed to stop at his booth.

I was a bit curious about what the man was selling, so I walked up to the booth and peered at his goods. They all appeared to be steampunk themed stopwatches, wristwatches, and other kinds of watches and clocks in general. His items were rather unique so I wondered why no one was stopping to look at them.

I glanced up at the man, expecting him to give me some kind of merchant type spiel about why I should buy his clocks or watches. But he simply gave me a mischievous smile, as if he was waiting for me to say the first words before he spoke.

If you know anything about my personality, I don't really like initiating a conversation or being put on the spot, so I simply smiled back at the man and walked away to look at some other booths. He smiled at me as I walked away and continued to wait for the next customer to walk up to his booth.

Later in the day when some friends and I were talking about the vending hall, I asked if they had seen the man selling the rather unique steampunk themed watches and clocks. My friends told me they hadn't seen anyone like that. But I thought that was quite strange as you could literally see his booth from the side entrances of the vending hall as you walked in.

I took a few friends to the side doors and pointed toward the man in the top hat's booth, which was right in the center of the room where I had found it before. But they still couldn't see it, despite me pointing right at it!

After talking to many other people about the man in the top hat, it became apparent that I was the only one who could see him for whatever reason.

The final day of the convention, I walked past the man in the top hat's booth one last time. He seemed to be happy and somewhat oblivious to the fact that no one could see him except for me. I gave him a smile and he smiled back at me. And the was the last time I saw him as the convention came to an end later that day.

I always wondered what would have happened if I talked to the man in the top hat or bought one of his wares. Would he have answered me? Would he even sell me a clock or stopwatch from his table? Would the stopwatch or clock possess some kind of magical property? I suppose this is something I will never know. That is unless I run into the man in the top hat someday again.

Comments ( 45 )

The Morgan Le Fey woman does seem like the antagonist in a fantasy series. One would almost expect to find the Alicorn Amulet in her shop.

And I feel like the top hat experience could be the pilot episode for a sci-fi reboot.

I'm serious! If you had actually talked to him, he would have said something like, "Act natural, look around, and act like nothing is talking to you. Listen to me very closely. I'm the Doctor, and I need your help."

4938461 I've actually thought about turning these experiences into stories at some point. :)

I looked up this phenomenon a while back, and apparently if you encounter random vendors who appear at fairs, festivals, flea markets, swap meets, storefronts, and any type shopping area, they are what is known as 'traveling shops' or 'traveling stores'.

The store basically travel from place to place and supposedly if you buy something from the store it will have some kind of magical property.

I've encountered more than one of these traveling stores/ traveling shops in my life. I never bought anything from them though.

4938464 I know right? They were interesting experiences indeed.

Wow, maybe the lady was warning you about the jewelry?

And the man in the top hat's case is the most common one.

4938469 I got the impression that the lady made the jewelry and was waiting to give it to a certain 'type' of person. The jewelry felt like it had somewhat of a darkness about it. I'm not exactly sure what 'type' of person she was waiting for.

The lady (and her booth) are part of a phenomenon known as a 'traveling store' or 'traveling shop'. They travel from place to place and apparently if you buy something from them, they have magical properties.

I looked into this and supposedly some of these shops have items that will help you. And other shops (like the lady's booth) have items that will harm or curse you.

Maybe the lady was waiting to hand out a cursed item to someone who could either handle it or was unfortunate enough to buy it. It's hard to say.

I got the impression that the guy in the top hat was selling items with positive attributes. If I would have bought an item from him, for example, I think it would have helped me in some way.

Really? So they travel around selling things like those jewels?

And yeah, I think that guy would be doing that. In fact, he was smiling maybe because of it, right?

4938473 Yep, the stores travel around selling all sorts of things like household items, jewelry, furniture, clothes, books, makeup, food, toiletries, appliances...basically anything.

And the guy in the top hat might have been smiling because he knew he was the owner of a traveling store. :)

That's a lot of things.

Heh, a good reason for smiling.:ajsmug:

4938483 Yes indeed. :)

How do you encounter people like this?

4938647 I'm not really sure. I have just somehow run into a lot of these 'traveling shops' over the years.

According to paranormal researchers, a 'traveling shop' or 'traveling store' is a shop that teleports from one place to the next, all across the world, other dimensions, others worlds, and so on.

They often sell magical items that can be useful or can cause harm/ be cursed. It just depends on the type of traveling shop that is encountered.

I've met some other people who have encountered traveling stores as well. It is an interesting subject to research.

4938654 It is a mysterious phenomenon indeed.

Gotta wonder if we pass by things like that and not notice

4938678 We probably pass by all sorts of odd stuff every day and don't notice it. 0_o

You seem to be a magnet for these types of things.

On the darker side though, my ex-wife seemed to attract things that weren't so...pleasant.

For example, she had a Raggedy Anne doll that her grandmother gave her. All three of my kids told me they saw that thing moving around the house late at night. It got so bad she finally got rid of it.

I myself have things visit me when I'm half awake. The last time was two nights ago. I felt something land on my bed, walk across it to me and sniff my face. I couldn't move or speak, I just lay there. Eventually, it got bored and left. Things like that happen to me every few months. I can't say I've gotten used to it, but I've never been harmed, just scared.

4938914 I've had a few different encounters with haunted dolls/ haunted objects in general. Whenever I encounter them, I bind them, draw crosses on them, and either destroy them or take them to a place where they can't be found by other people.

I've also had experiences with living in haunted houses, apartments, and areas in general. In this case, I usually tell whatever negative energy, spirit, etc that is there to go. Burning sage helps to clear the area. I then take water and draw crosses on the windows, doors, mirrors, and pretty much every area of the house that I can. Then I put salt around the exterior of the house (following the foundation around and placing the salt on every side).

I have a lot of experience with this subject and I have helped other people with it as well. If you have any particular questions, feel free to send me a message any time. :heart:

What could be hiding right in front of us

4939028 All sorts of things, most likely. :0

4939075 The bright side is that a lot of things we can't see are probably harmless.

4939116 Some things are even very friendly. So I wouldn't worry too much about it. :heart:

I suppose worrying about it helps nothing :)

4939767 It's better to think about the positive things you may encounter anyway. :)

4939865 I am doing pretty good, thank you. How are things going with you?

great to hear. I am doing pretty good myself

4939883 I am happy to hear it, my friend. :)

4940071 You are very welcome. :)

4940155 Many hugs and snuggles to you as well.

*hugs and snuggles* Thank you Lyra :)

4940560 You are very welcome. XD

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