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Yeah I'm done. · 1:37am Sep 12th, 2018


I'll post occasional, text-only blogs to continue geeking out about the game, which I'm REALLY enjoying, but...

As badly as I want to share my enjoyment of this game with all my followers and what-not? I'm done with this bullshit. I am NOT fighting an uphill battle against this nonsense.

The 2-minute Aerosmith video stays up because the copyright owners for the goddamn Aerosmith song are actually cool with this. Everything else? It's going, going, gone.

Fucking unbelievable.

Comments ( 18 )

Yeah copyright claims are so stupid. I’ve seen many YouTube streamers freak out during a video because there’s copyrighted music or potentially copyrighted anyway and have to replace it before they upload.

What? that's bullshit, I've seen other people post stuff about Spider-man and most of those are still around now.

I've never understood music copyright claims on video games. They've already sold the right to the song, they already got paid. Seems like anything you do with it after that should fall under free use.

And the sad thing is, Spider-Man 2018 is one of the PS4 games that doesn't block recording automatically for story cutscenes. So that means Marvel was okay with people recording and spoiling it from day one, or they would've had their game block story cutscenes from recording.

Damn, dude. That sucks.

Maybe try a different site like Dailymotion?

UMG is among the worst for copyright content claims, too. It's downright draconian in their enforcement of it. It doesn't matter that you have a legal right to use clips for parody, review, and other purposes, because groups like UMG and all the big guys have the money to deny you those rights, and Youtube goes along with it because they can't afford hundreds of thousands of court cases.

I remember once using a 5 second song sample that was apparently owned by UMG, because they clamped down on it hard and fast. A 15 minute video that only had a 5 second transition audio clip using a song, and it was apparently too much. Goddess forbid you engage in musical expression that isn't licensed, trademarked, copyrighted, or monetized.

I think it will be the end of Youtube, honestly. It will get to the point where they'll just crack down on everything, and people will go elsewhere. I realize I sound a little bitter, but Youtube once deleted my account based off of a single complaint about marketing (they insisted I was using my channel for marketing and they gave me 3 strikes inside of 3 minutes). It didn't matter that I only used my channel for personal videos, that I didn't monetize anything, or that there were no such marketing videos, it was just gone. Deleted.

Since then, I haven't trusted them, and I believe they would wipe you out in a heartbeat, whether you have 5 followers, or 500,000 followers. They do not care, and will always err on the side of those who have the most money and influence.

Uh, as far as I know that claim is bullshit. There are millions of videos in the internet, and gameplay falls within fair use, so what the hell is going on here?

Gah, that sucks. I hope I never run into something like that. I'm having a hard time scraping up views as it is.

I think the issue is that most of those videos with huge sums of views are from channels that are under a media network that'll protect them from claims. That's my guess to it anyway. But yeah, things like this make it hard for small channels like us that want to put our enjoyment of games out there to exist without having to look over our shoulders.

Also, Universal's pretty dickish about claims anyway, from what I've seen.

When you word it like that, media networks sound like protection rackets.

Copyright in general is pissing me off. I wonder when companies realize that you can't copyright anything during information age. You either have people who are happy to pay, or people who find an alternative or just bypass your protections.

Just play it on twitch instead so you don’t have to deal with this crud. :facehoof:

Make me wonder does the company assume you sign an agreement to not share its content with others when you bought the game?

Know the feeling, the whole copyright thing on YT is a pain in the ass they even removed vids that have cover versions of a musical I like.

The problem is that the game's musical score is owned by a company other than the developers and publishers of the game. UMG doesn't get all that, and operates on Their Rules, ignoring what the PS4 is designed to do.

YouTube being cancer again.

try bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/ youtube content makers I watch always sing it's praise it also has automatic backup features for your other youtube videos

In this case though, the claim is against the score, or music made specifically for the game, rather than licensing it from a 3rd party. It's still bull though.

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