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Greetings World. You may call me Nyronus. I write stories, among other things. My hobbies include existential ennui, being Princess Luna, and Saving the World. Feel free to hit me up on Steam to chat!

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It's Baaack~ (The EU Copyright Direct. It's what's back. Unfortunately.) · 8:57pm Sep 6th, 2018

The EU Copyright Directive is coming back around for another vote. Here's DeFranco's Breakdown:

I recommend watching the full video, but if you must, the tl;dw is this; the EU Copyright directive is going up for another vote in six days, this time to attempt to amend it. Problem is, most of the amendments are garbage and don't fix the actual problems (i.e., the link tax or holding platforms liable for millions of dollars in fines if users upload copyrighted content). Also, the head of the department in the EU responsible for this travesty has called out that the debate has gotten to heated and he wants everyone to come to the table and compromise - and by compromise he means the people who are concerned need to shut the fuck up and accept the recording industry cartel catastrophically reshaping the internet through the EU backdoor to improve their bottom line.

So, second verse, same as the first, but a little bit worse; Get educated. Call your MEP. Participate in protests. Spread the word. The only thing that stopped this monster as DeFranco notes was public outrage; many MEPs didn't even understand what the bill did or could do until people started protesting en-mass. He also gives links to a couple organized petition campaigns which I'll also include in this post. The outrage worked - not perfectly, but any port in a storm at this point. Keep it up and we can hopefully keep this at bay long enough for it to die. Keep informed, keep strong, and keep being persistent.

Thank you, and god speed.

Savetheinternet Petition and Website
Saveyourinternet.eu Petition and Website

Comments ( 4 )

Signed the petition and shared it with others.

Maybe they'll get the message this time around.

I live in the U. S. But I signed the petition. This is just too important to everyone to not put our voices to this.

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