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MCDtime · 12:56am Aug 30th, 2018

Several topics to cover in this blog. In no particular order, a reminder, a request, and a round of thanks.

Firstly, thank you to everyone who got me to 1,400 followers. It's always gratifying to know one's work is appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Secondly, by this point, every episode of Season 8 has aired in some country or another at this point. Personally, I'm sticking to the one episode a week approach for both Friendship is Card Games and my personal consumption. I won't ask people not to discuss episode 19 and onward. For one, I have no authority to enforce such a thing. For another, if you'll pardon the expression, that would be closing the barn door after several horses have gone and posted blogs on the subject. Still, I do ask that people be considerate of those of us who trying to go into the remainder of the season relatively fresh.

And finally, if you somehow haven't heard about Aquaman's proposal for a fan fiction bookstore at the final Bronycon... well, Aquaman has proposed a fan fiction bookstore at the final Bronycon. :derpytongue2: I am deeply interested in helping make this a reality, but I wanted to make sure that the support was there from my readers, and to get a sense of what I should prioritize in bringing to dead tree format. Oversaturation is on the short list, of course, but I've also considered a compilation of shorter works. So, should you plan on attending Baltimare's last hurrah and care to purchase some FoMEwords, which stories would you want to see?

(And to all of you who have posted similar blogs and gotten zero feedback from yours truly, my apologies. I'm really not sure what I want to see on the shelves of our noble barn.)

Comments ( 14 )

I saw the post. I just am not sure what to do. :unsuresweetie:

I hope this becomes a megaproject of all sorts of popular authors bringing their stories into the "bronycon ragnorok book store" "Namepending Castle Book Store"

Ah, shit. Oversaturated, I suppose.

Sucks about the season leaking. I just hope they lock it down better for next season. It'd be great to have the finale be more of a splash and less of a plop.

To be honest, I probably know you better from your blogs and your shorts. But I can respect if your signature work is something else. It's going to be interesting next year if this really takes off... the problem might become having too many works by too many authors to be able to get a good cross-section. Like honestly I would love to put some stuff in print too, but I don't know if I'd realistically sell any of it when faced with so much legit horsefamous competition.

It's a cool idea, I'm just not sure if I should weigh in on which stories I'd like to see on paper, since I'm not going to Bronycon.

What's the "MCD" stand for? Because I'm rather sure it is not "Marshall, Carter and Dark" but that is the only thing that comes to mind.

As with all my follower milestone blogs, it's the Roman numeral for the current count.

Elementals of Harmony and Oversaturation are my votes, the former because it's just as classic (imho) as the Oversaturated World. As for your shorter works, you could always put them together in an anthology.

Of course it could also stand for My Colourful Donkey... :trollestia:

There'll be plenty of donkeys soon enough. I just got the go-ahead from Carabas to do a Friendship is Card Games article for the Palaververse.

Ah. I utterly failed to make that association. I blame sleep deprivation. And fourths. Is "blam(ing) fourths" still a thing?

Suddenly struck by the thought that right now I could unfollow and then refollow you, and then I would be the 1400th follower :trixieshiftleft:

...The power, it's too much for me.

It's kinda hard to believe that, as long as it took me to follow you, I'm about in the first 25% of your followers these days.

On the bookstore, I don't have any great ideas offhand. For my part, the only thing I'd consider allowing a physical book (as per my quality standards) for is Daring Do and the Ancient Outpost, but as short as it is, it'd best be in a compilation. Specifically a compilation where it follows Daring Do and the Weapon of the Ancients. I wonder if multi-author compilations would work for thematically related stories.

As mentioned elsewhere, I’d be tickled if you included A Solid Foundation, particularly if you could replicate the memetic kill protoXUBEDU XUXUBEDU!

As for other worthy inclusions, Elementals Of Harmony would be fun.

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