• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2017
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An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

  • MStaying Put
    A surely weak and helpless stallion is living on the edge of the Everfree. Twilight and co. attempt to rescue him and herd him under the safety of mares. Said stallion happens to like the sound of herding, but he'll not say it outright. (RGRE)
    An Intricate Disguise · 28k words  ·  1,735  106 · 27k views

More Blog Posts94

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    If I Could Delete This I Would

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  • 167 weeks
    Signal Boost for B_25

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    Fighting Depression and Stress: The 'I'm Fucking BACK' Edition

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When Disguise Attacks the Keyboard · 7:31pm Aug 21st, 2018

Hey guys, your friendly smut dealer here with a bit of a status update. I've gone ahead and written a lot of things today, to the tune of way more writing than I honestly imagined I could produce in just one day. I'm gonna have a fair bit of content coming in the near future, read on to find out what! and make me feel like it was worth it

First off, you can expect an update for this travesty in the very near future (we're talking hours here, not a month this time I'm sorry I've been so shit) and also this thing that people read.

Yupperooni, updates will be going live in the very soon soon, so keep your eyes peeled for those!

(My new mission statement)

So, anyone wondering just how much I wrote today? Something to the tune of seventeen thousand words, give or take a couple hundred.

Maybe this isn't as crazy as I think, maybe I'm a slacker compared to some of you guys who punch out 20k or more in a single sitting, and to you guys, you have my envy and respect. But for me, at least, it's pretty crazy. I'm used to being able to write a few thousand words in one go, maybe ten thousand on a really good day, but closer to twenty? That's a new playing field, and one that was a lot easier to slip into than what I would've anticipated before trying.

First thing I had to do was turn everything off. No Discord, no internet, no PlayStation, no anything. I sat at my computer for about ten hours, maybe twelve, only taking very occasional breaks for smokes and glasses of water and stuff. and a couple of twenty minute stints where I hopped back online sue me

I hit a couple of walls as I went on, moments when I found I'd rather be cutting myself a little slack, at least allowing myself to listen to some music like I usually do when I'm writing. I hit those walls so hard I broke through them. Thing is, I get distracted pretty easily, and apart from that, I don't really have the time to sit down and slam out words like this often. Finding both the time and motivation to do so was half luck, and half something I'm pretty proud of myself for displaying today, discipline and perseverance.

Yeah, all this just because I was really damn eager to give you guys some new content and I'm launching a Patreon soon so there's that I guess, I sincerely hope it's appreciated.

As for what I have coming out other than updates, I've written the first chapter of a new story which will hit the site tonight, rather than give you details I'll just give you the title for now: Scootanari.

Sooo, yeah. That one's gonna be a trip. Hopefully a sexy one, too. I've got quite a few plans for it, and I hope I end up with a lot of people on the ride with me. Also, I'm firing up commissions fully again soon, making a better page for them and everything. I want everyone to know just where they can find me and when I'm available if they're looking for bespoke horsewords, so I'll be sure to sort that and make it informative!

Also, as I haven't mentioned in any other blogs recently, here's an official thanks for 1000(+) followers. I appreciate each and every one of you, and I'm always happy to have you all around. Sharing my ideas with all of you whenever time permits is something I certainly enjoy and plan to continue!

Also, one more thing:

Looking forward to hearing what people think about that when this one drops (soon!).

Whelp, no clue how much this blog boosts my daily wordcount, because honestly, I'm a little too tired to check right now (awake for twenty hours!), but I'm happy with what I've managed, I hope everyone else is too. Expect things to start releasing soon!

Much love, you guys. Cheers for being around.

Edit 1: Scootanari is out! Go give it a read?
Edit 2: Staying Put update is live! You know what to do.

Comments ( 8 )

So, anyone wondering just how much I wrote today? Something to the tune of seventeen thousand words, give or take a couple hundred.

That is a lot.
My sentence above this one is an understatement. Seriously, 17000 words of fanfiction in one day is way beyond "a lot" in my opinion.

Also, your description for "Fucknite" sounds very promising.

Seventeen thousand? Holy shit dude. That takes mad skill.

I can’t wait to read what’s coming!

I write about 200 to 400 words a day, so you have me topped in writing words. Like, holy shit dude.

Not to demean your hard work on Solitary, which I LOVE, and this new story. But what about your other projects? Like Mon Chef d’oeuvre? Or Show me your moves? I always try and take time to read everything you put out, but these two are always hanging in the back of my mind. Gnawing...glowering....I NEED MORE OF THIS WRITTEN COCAINE! :pinkiecrazy:

BUT! Please know that I am always happy to read your work! It is great stuff!

I'd love to update Mon Chef-d'oeuvre at some point soon, I honestly would. Full disclosure, that one was began as a bit of a passion project when something went tits up in my personal life. I like the idea, and I'm hoping to come back to it at some point, but it isn't the highest on my list of priorities, if only because I have to be in a certain kind of mood to write it.

That said, I've read your comment(s) on it a couple of times now when I've considered trying to sum up the determination to continue, and they've always given me a pang of guilt when I've inevitably closed the tab, either too exhausted or busy to take a stab at it. I haven't given up on that story, it will update in time, and I can envision it running for at least five chapters.

As for Show Me Your Moves? Not a priority, I'll be honest. I wrote the first chapter on a whim, having not even seen the MLP movie but guessing at Tempest's character (hey, I said 'full disclosure'), and hoped that a pairing such as Tempest x Rainbow would take off. Unfortunately, no such luck. I wasn't a huge fan of the idea, just thought it'd be something a lot of people would dig, and as it turns out, number was fewer than I expected. That'll probably get a second, final chapter when I've got the energy, but I imagine that'll entail a good deal of work to include everything I planned and honestly right now I'd rather be devoting that time to commissions and works I enjoy more/more popular works.

That said (again), my upcoming Patreon (which I've yet to publicly launch) is going to include an option to allow patrons at certain tiers to bribe me direct my writing, which may influence me into updating either of those stories sooner than I anticipate, should a sponsor ask me to. So you never know, you might get lucky!

Hope that cleared everything up. Didn't want you to think I wasn't appreciative of the fact you read so much of my work, and I'm very glad you enjoy it. I'll try to get back to Fleur and Vinyl when I can, but in the meantime, Futascoots! (and more)

Well, I guess I can't complain then. You've been good to me and to the rest of your crowd. I appreciate the honesty. I also apologize for my rather repetitive comments. I often forget that writers are people too that have other projects, passions, and a life that goes into their work! :twilightblush:

As always, I am always looking forward to your newest piece. And hopefully once my finances start to level out, maybe I'll join the bribe group Patreon list!


So, anyone wondering just how much I wrote today? Something to the tune of seventeen thousand words, give or take a couple hundred.

Once a week, I sometimes open my GDoc, does that count?

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