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I am a proud Brony, a passionate lover of reading and writing, and I wish my fellow Bronies and my readers well

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Alicorn Ponies · 2:32am Aug 15th, 2018

(PLZ Note - The content and information of this blog pertains to my own story-canon and has no basis to the show-canon or otherwise; this was done to detail information on the blog subject as it fits into my own story-canon, thank you)

Alicorn Ponies... Regarded as the Three Tribes of Earth Pony, Pegasus, and Unicorn unified into a single type of Pony, and so often thought to reserve the right to rule ponykind. Both of these regards are true to some extent, but there is so much more to it than that.

For starters, Alicorns are not so much the unified form of the Three Pony Tribes but rather, ancient alicorns existed as a thriving race long before the existence of the Three Pony Tribes.

Eons ago, Alicorns lived and thrived in a vast and magnificent kingdom on a faraway planet, where the alicorn monarch ruled from their royal capitol of Albion. Alicorns had achieved countless feats and miracles of science, sorcery, medicine, technology, solved world hunger, brought about a lasting era of world peace with their neighbor races, and all was well.

However, the Alicorns soon achieved their cultural and societal apex, and it was at that point they realized there was nothing left to do. Nothing more to learn, nowhere else on their planet to explore, and virtually any and all art, subject, or discipline had been practiced and mastered that their society began to stagnate out of boredom and increasing loss of creativity.

It was only when the Alicorn Princess came forward with a new idea that things changed and the alicorns began to plan and prepare for their next great adventure. To explore the final frontier, to go beyond the stars!

Outer Space!

However, while the alicorns were spurred on by a new hope and dream, a colt was born and named Morning Bright, who, despite his name, would bring about the beginning of the end.

Bright grew and excelled in all subjects, becoming popular and held in high regard and esteem by his fellow students and his teachers alike. it was no surprise he graduated early and with honors, and it wasn’t all that surprising when he approached the alicorn scientists behind the initiative to achieve interstellar travel.

Bright wanted to be a part of this chapter of history in the making and even presented brilliant and feasible ideas for surviving in space. However, the scientists dismissed Bright purely because of his youth (and perhaps because they didn’t want to share the glory or be overshadowed), enraging the young stallion. He tore up his ideas and swore he would show them all.

Several years passed, and the initiative for interstellar travel was well underway, with various promising prototypes and spells to insure the survival of the alicorns’ eventual maiden voyage into the galaxy.

It was only happenstance that Morning Bright’s experiments were discovered, and he was found out to have been dabbling into darker magicks, using depraved methods on his animal test subjects, some of whom had been mutated beyond recognition into horrific creatures suffering every waking moment. The Alicorn Praetorian Guard destroyed Bright’s laboratory, his research, put down his test subjects, and arrested him.

He was taken to face judgement before the Alicorn King himself!

Further evidence revealed Bright had already chosen some random alicorn ponies to be his next test subjects, and the Alicorn King had no choice but to banish Morning Bright from Alicorn Society, never to return on pain of death. Before he was dragged away, Morning Bright swore he would indeed return, and that when he did he would make all pay, and so swore this vow of revenge under a new name - Morning Blight!

The king dismissed Blight’s words and ordered his guards to escort him to their borders, while his daughter, the Princess warned her father they should not have let Blight go.

But years passed and the warning was forgotten.

The initiative for interstellar travel was nearing completion... when the Alicorns’ neighboring nation, the Cat Sidhe, declared war!

The entire world was plummeted into a cauldron of violence and darkness, and the war lasted for a full one hundred years. In the end, the Alicorns were victorious and cowed the Cats into surrender, and it was then the Cats revealed they had gone to war because of Morning Blight!

Blight had gone to the Cats, wormed their way into the good graces of their rulers, and eventually convinced the Cats that the Alicorns’ plan to achieve interstellar travel would mean they would dominate the entire planet. The Cats used their most powerful magic to rip open a doorway between worlds and evacuated the majority of their race through it to a new one. Not all of them made it through, and to save themselves, the remaining Cats surrendered Blight to the Alicorns, and he was brought to face judgement before the Alicorn Princess.

She had assumed the throne after her father died in battle, but refused to take on the title of queen.

She judged Blight would suffer imprisonment until the end of time... and cast a forbidden spell that ripped Blight’s despicable soul from his very body and imprisoned it within a dark crystal where he would know only pain and loneliness for eternity.

But then she faced a greater crisis - The Hundred Year War between the Alicorns and the Cat Sidhe had scarred ruin and destruction upon their world. Too much resources had been spent, too many lives had been lost, and any attempts to restore their world would end in failure.

The Princess ordered the initiative to complete their work and they constructed a vast space ship - The plan was to leave their ruined planet behind and venture forward into the cosmos to find a new world to call home. All creatures, not only the alicorns, were granted refuge on the ship, even the remaining Cats.

And so, they disembarked...

For years and years, the ship sailed through the stars, passing planet after planet, none of which could support life. But the Princess knew they couldn’t search for much longer, as their supplies were dwindling, even with many of the passengers in sleeping in suspended animation. It was then she came up with another brilliant idea - Instead of searching for a new planet to call home, they would create one!

First they sought and found a planet-sized celestial body to serve as their new world. She used her magic to pull closer a nearby star and took the cosmic dust of a nebula and coalesced it into a silvery sphere, to use these new celestial bodies as their world’s sun and moon. Then, with their magic technology, they seeded the planet with flora and created a breathable atmosphere. Finally, they were finished, and landed on the face of their new home.

The Princess released all the other creatures on the ship and sent them off to find their own way in their new home before she learned of a new problem.

The Alicorns were actually close to the brink of extinction, as many had suffered from the war and carried the lingering effects of curses and harmful magic. She realized any attempts to preserve their race would fail, and the alicorn race would cease to exist.

The Princess thought long and hard, desperate to for a solution... until she came up with one. It was unorthodox, desperate, but at this point, she knew there was no other way. She spoke with her inner circle, and they agreed this solution was best, not only to preserve their race, but because it presented a chance to start over and perhaps be better than they were before. While most of her friends chose to be a part of this solution, four of them chose otherwise, believing it was their duty to stay at their Princess’s side.

And so it was, the Princess gathered all the surviving alicorns save for the four that stood beside her to a meadow where she bid them all to rest, and performed a magic like no other. She wove an ethereal blanket of magic that fell upon every alicorn stallion, alicorn mare, and alicorn foal... and they were divided into three new selves!

One baring the horn and the gift of magic. One baring the wings and the gift of flight. One neither horned nor winged, but baring the gift of the earth beneath their hooves.

These new ponies soon woke up, unable to remember their prior existences as alicorns, when the Princess and her four friends descended down and declared them horned ponies Unicorns to light the way of their fellow ponies, the winged ponies Pegasus Ponies to watch over their fellow ponies, and the hornless and wingless as Earth Ponies to shoulder their fellow ponies’ heavy burdens. She bade them to go forward into this new world and make it their own.

The Princess then chose to destroy the ship and all records of the alicorns’ history except for one, before she and her friends ventured forward into the world to prepare it for their little ponies to learn and grow. She would be remembered as the writer of their stories, the architect of the ponies’ past, present, and future.

She is remembered as Princess Faust.

Princess Faust is indeed the “creator” of Ponykind, but it was done by dividing the remainder of her alicorn race into three new races. After she left the world in the hooves of her little ponies, she vanished while charing each of her remaining four alicorns friends different duties and responsibilities:

Her trusted advisor, Thanator, became the Pony of Death, charged with overseeing death in their new world and delivering every departed soul to the Spirit World.

Her champion and greatest warrior, Stormbreaker, became the Lord of the Storms, charged with teaching ponies the ways of combat to defend themselves and carrying out his duties from the Castle in the Clouds.

Her hoodmaiden however, Gaia Everfree, chose to go her own way and soon taught ponies the ways of farming and agriculture, until a terrible tragedy drove her to vanish into her haven, the Everfree Forest.

Her steward, Inquirious, opted to document and study their new world and turned his pocket dimension into his home and study, the Secret Library.

As for Princess Faust herself, nopony knows where she is or what she’s doing. But at some point, a unicorn wizard by the name of Star Swirl somehow managed to meet her face to face, and he asked her to help him find a ruler for ponykind that was not earth pony, pegasus, or unicorn, but all three. Princess Faust chose to reveal her two daughters and entrusted them to Star Swirl for him to mentor and raise to become ponykind’s future diarchs.

As such, there are only Seven True Alicorns in the world: Princess Faust, Thanator, Stormbreaker, Gaia Everfree, Inquirious, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.

While in recent years, six new alicorns have come to be, they are not True Alicorns themselves, but rather they could be regarded as... pseudo-Alicorns. In either case, Alicorns are supremely powerful beings gifted with raw magical power and several unique abilities, such as:

Omega-Class Magical Power - Alicorns have more magical power than any other kind of Pony. This makes them more powerful than even the most learned and skilled unicorn mages, stronger than even the most unyielding earth pony warriors, and faster than even the most tested pegasus fliers. An Alicorn can overcome the magic of any pony (if they put their minds to it), such as breaking any unicorn’s spell, out-muscling any earth pony, and outflying any pegasus. This raw power makes even a single alicorn capable of magical feats that most ponies and other creatures would describe as almost god-like, such as raising and lowering celestial bodies unaided for a thousand years.

That’s not to say Alicorns are all-powerful. They have limits in stamina, magical, physical, and mental, and depending on circumstances they can be matched or overpowered.

Very few creatures in the world can match the magical might of alicorns but they exist.

Magic of all Three Tribes - As they are essentially the Three Pony Tribes in one, Alicorns possess Earth Pony Magic, Pegasus Magic, and Unicorn Magic, and thus are capable of anything earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns can do. The inherent strentghs and abilities of the these pony types can be augmented to alicorn levels by the alicorn focusing his or her power to any of these types.

Command of the Four Elements - Alicorns are able to command the Four Elements of Earth, Fire, Air, and Water, while Unicorns can only command one, and Earth Ponies and Pegasi can only command Earth and Air respectively.

Longevity - Alicorns live much longer than regular ponies. The ancient alicorns and the few that still live today (such as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna) have a natural life span of roughly 3000 years!

Ascended Alicorns (Alicorns who used to be regular ponies) have their life spans extended only by 500 years.

Pocket Dimension - Every Alicorn has access to his or her own personal Pocket Dimension. The nature of these pocket dimensions depend entirely on the whims or wants of the alicorns they are tied to. What’s more, time is not consistent in an Alicorn’s Pocket Dimension; an Alicorn could take refuge inside his or her pocket dimension and remain there potentially forever while never aging another day and meanwhile the world outside contimues to go on with the passage of time.

An alicorn can do basically anything he or she wants in his or her pocket dimension, but can’t bring anything he or she creates in their pocket dimension out into the real world

Report Wolven5 · 427 views · Story: Blaze the Pony Tale ·
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