• Member Since 8th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen May 10th, 2019


I like to make novels and I like to make a fan made one on this Fan Fiction of MLP. One day I'll be an animator and novelist and comic/manga artist.

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Freddy’s Quest By: Freddy Gonzalez · 2:19pm Aug 9th, 2018

Chapter 1
The Humans of Equestria

Once upon a time, it was 2000 years ago when humans and pony's live together in harmony in Equestria. A bright future human artist and genius tech mech is making a saddle hands/wings. And his name is Freddy. The magic of friendship is human bond. But a great evil hater the Hoodlum King, a Witch Doctor who hates humans bond with all different pony's. Freddy did some research that there is a lost element call the Element of Forgiveness. He did his job finding. But a gypsy said that the evil Hoodlum King is conjuring a plague to wipe out the human race in Equestria. So Freddy went to the Yuki Unicorns, who live in the Northern Light Mountain. Live by the Alicorn Queen Nevada, who can save Freddy by freeze him into a block of ice and protect it from the plague. She and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna use the Elements of Harmony to seal the Hoodlum King to the voodoo cauldron and seal him away. The sadness that the human race was now extinct. 2000 years have pass. Celestia thaw the ice and tell Freddy the sad news that he the last survivor and the element of forgiveness is hidden away by Nevada until the prophecy of Sunset Shimmer will return. So the 2 Alicorn princesses introduce the entire pony's in Ponyville and her student Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends to Freddy. So he will bring the human bond and his art and invention to make pony's life easy. So Fluttershy decided to let Freddy live in her cottage and comfort her. And so he will see what his future holds. He was the 8th element call the Element of Faith. 7 pony bearers and one human bearer show the true power of the bond of friendship.

Chapter 2
Freddy’s Vision

Freddy was asleep peacefully in Fluttershy's cottage. He had a vision of the location of the 7th element. But the vision of the evil villains. They’re Sombra, Chrysalis, Starlight Glimmer, and the Hoodlum King. A full throttle attack. Freddy gasp as he awake and Fluttershy is making breakfast. So our Pegasus asks him a question. "Are you ok Freddy?" said Fluttershy. "Yes, I had a vision of the lost element of the element of Forgiveness. And I know the location is at and we need get to Twilight's Castle and gather your friends right after breakfast." Fluttershy was surprise as she places Freddy's breakfast on the table. Luckily Freddy is a fruitarian because he eat fruits. "Thanks Fluttershy, how’s my rainbow fruit doing? I hope they grow healthy." then Fluttershy said, "Oh it's growing beautifully and soon we can have everypony to enjoy your wonderful discovery of the rainbow fruit!" As there done eating and left the cottage by Discord's hands. While he in charge of everything. Freddy round up Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer to meet Twilight and tell about his vision.

Chapter 3
Quest of the Human
Kingdom of Twilight

After they arrive at Twilights castle, Freddy found Spike carry a basket of Crystal Berry's. That Freddy gave him as a treat. "Good morning Freddy and everypony." said Spike, "What bring you here?" then Freddy said "Spike I need to speak to Princess Twilight, it's important that you need to here it too!" Sunset Shimmer replied, "What is it Freddy? What make you so overwhelming?" Then Twilight Sparkle came and sees why is Freddy overwhelmed. So the Mane 7, Spike, and Freddy are sitting on the chair and hearing about Freddy's Vision. "WHAT?!" the Mane 7 shouted together. "You’re telling us about the 7th element, the Element of Forgiveness? Sunset Shimmers element?" Ask Twilight Sparkle. "Yes." said Freddy, "My vision is saying that the Element of Forgiveness is hidden in the human kingdom called Twilight Kingdom, name after you Twilight." Twilight blush with honor as Freddy replied. "That is my home wear we grew rainbow fruits, white apples, and crystal berry's. There is a path to get there on train to stop at Gloomy Gulch stop. Then we have to go on boat at Mucus Swamp. And last Hollow Hoods were Queen Chrysalis live. Beware of that area she might catch us. As we leave Hollow Hoods we can go to my home kingdom leads to a castle made of pearls with a statue of Princess Celestia and Luna's teacher, Queen Lauren and her human friend King Huru that show the 7th Element. This path leads to the batpony's, whispering hollow, and pony eaters. Let avoid them ok?" Twilight was surprise about it. It will be an epic journey to find the element of Forgiveness. "White apples, huh?" said Applejack, "Freddy we need to get some of that apple for Sweet Apple Acre." Freddy replied "Sure until we get there." "Oh that'll be scary to go to Gloomy Gulch and Hollow Hoods." tremble Fluttershy as Freddy hug her "No worries I'll protect you, as long as I have my katana no evil creature will not harm you." he said. Rarity said "I glad we have human to protect us and Spikey Boo, But the Mucus on Mucus Swamp was disgusting." Spike Replied " But Freddy said we go on a boat to get there easy so we don't go on foot." Freddy nod with agreement. Pinkie Pie was excited for Sunset Shimmers element. "I’m SO excited to see Twilight Kingdom that was name after Twilight and see Sunset Shimmer 7th element!" Rainbow Dash said, "Yeah but the Rainbow Fruit is very tasty and they taste awesome. I will like to kick more of the changeling's butt." "I could agree more." Freddy and Dashie brohoof. Twilight Sparkle said, "I can't believe this a history between Princess Celestia and Luna's Mentor and your King. Freddy lead the way." "Ok I know the way and Spike you come along too.” said Freddy. "I can't believe my element is here at the human kingdom. I finally get one." said Sunset Shimmer is feeling with Joy. So the pony's, Freddy, and Spike are of to start the journey to the Twilight Kingdom. But the Hoodlum spy with his jet pack heard the whole thing. And so head back to the Forbidden Graveyard. A place were Celestia and Luna and Nevada seal the voodoo cauldron of the Hoodlum King. Starlight Glimmer and Queen Chrysalis came and found the cauldron. "So this is the famous king to wipe out the human race?" said Starlight Glimmer. "Yes and he was a powerful human ruler who hate everything in love, peace, harmony, and human bond. Such a bad Witch Doctor King. Let open the seal" said Queen Chrysalis. As the 2 evil pony's use there magic to break the seal and open the cauldron. The dark fire open and here a demonic laughs and reveals the Hoodlum King and King Sombra, who return from his grave. "Finally I’m free, free from my prison. Time to get revenge for the pony's from prison me from my demise and turn the whole kingdom into eternal darkness." The villains are ready to turn the world of evil.

Chapter 4
Twink the Star Sprite and the Whispering Hallow

On the Train they’re heading to Gloomy Gulch Stop. In the Forbidden Graveyard the Hoodlum King see thru his crystal ball. "Curses! It's that meddling Freddy!" he said "I thought you wipe out all the Humans!" yell King Sombra. "No matter I'll send my hoodlums and my demons to rid of him." said Hoodlum King. "Hey! It's Twilight Sparkle, the Unicorn pony at Shiny Armor and Princess Cadence wedding. Now she got wings?!" gasp Queen Chrysalis. "She a princess now you’re Majesty." said Starlight Glimmer. The Hoodlum king creates a Whispering Hollow to haunt the Pony's and take their hearts. This molding pumpkin ghost with tree branch claws and moss for body is ready to stop our hero's. "Now Whisp go to Gloomy Gulch and destroy them." said Hoodlum King. As the Whispering Hollow gone to Gloomy Gulch. "Soon that human will be gone for good this time." he laugh evilly. Meanwhile the train stops at the train station stop. "Well this is our stop gang, lets move out." Said Freddy. Freddy, Spike, and the Pony's are out see the spooks of Gloomy Gulch. "This is so scary it's like Night Fright." shiver Fluttershy. A Bat Pony name Knighting Gale appears and said "Greetings my fellow pony's." she said, " I’m Knighting Gale, I'll be your guide." As she look at Freddy and said "A human? Wow it's being 2000 years see a human exist in Equestria." Twilight said, "We need to go to the human kingdom. Can you guide us to the human kingdom?" Knighting Gale nod and said "Yes I can and there a boat to Mucus Swamp and that is far as I go." Then Freddy said "Ok that'll do now, guide us to the boat." So our 9 heroes’ are guide by Knighting Gale by the landscape of evil tree called hollow Ents. A scream of help echo as they run to finding it. It was a strange animal called Star Sprite who an alien like rabbit that make wishes. She was chase by a Whispering Hallow. Fluttershy was shocked "Oh my Goodness that poor baby bunny is in trouble." She said. "No Worries, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Knighting Gale and myself will stop him and save that Star Sprite from the Whispering Hallow. The 3 pony's and Freddy went to fight that demon. The battle was so intense the fought hard and avoiding is claws and fire. Freddy pull his katana and slice him in half as he completely combusted. The Star Sprite was crying in fear "It's ok little one the demon gone, do you got a name." said Fluttershy. "My name is Twink and I’m a Star Sprite and I make wishes when they’re a shooting star. I eat fruits, veggies, and sweets." Fluttershy was happy and relieve that Twink is ok. "I got some cake it was rainbow fruit." said Pinkie Pie. Twink squeal and gobble the cake in 3 second. "Oh, your really hungry are you Twink?" said Rarity. Twink nodded as Rarity thought a nice Idea. She gives Twink a ribbon bow around her neck with a ruby pearl in the middle. "You look so cute." Said Fluttershy. Twink smile and blush. "Thank you for saving me. "Rainbow Dash said "No biggie, that guy is easy." "Would you like to come with us to Twilight Kingdom?" ask Applejack. Twink nodded and Freddy pick her up and place on Fluttershy's back "Lets take her with us to Ponyville so she will live in Fluttershy's cottage." he said. Fluttershy squeal with Joy. Sunset Shimmer said after they continue on "How long we get to the boat?" Knighting Gale replied, "Were here now." "It's a river boat." said Spike. "Good luck to find the human kingdom and beware of the Bog Monster and pony eaters." said Knighting Gale. Twilight said, "Thanks for the warning Knighting Gale, we'll be extra careful." As the bid farewell to there new friend Knighting Gale and heading to the boat. "I’m drive the boat, I’m the map to my home." said Freddy. "Lead the way Freddy." Rainbow Dash said. So the gang is on the next quest to Twilight Kingdom by boat from the Mucus Swamp. But there something lurking on the swamp water and it's not that friendly. It's the Bog Monster.

Chapter 5
Mucus Swamp

While they're on the riverboat to get to Hollow Hoods to Twilight Kingdom. It started to rain. "Ugh no wonder they called this muck Mucus Swamp." disgust Rarity. "Just relax and close your eyes so you don't see this muck." said Freddy. Twink saw a strange mark on Freddy's right hand. "Freddy," said Twink "What that mark on your hand?" Sunset Shimmer said, "I’m asking him the same thing too." the gangs are also asking the same thing too about that mark that they notice. "It was called ふるthat means shake, waves, and Freddy. Answer Freddy. "It's a cutie mark?" question Pinkie Pie. "No, It's a brand mark to brand your right hand." Answer Freddy. The Mane 7 and Spike was shock that Freddy was brand. "Does it hurt?" said Spike. "A little." Replied Freddy. "While you were driving Freddy, is something in your mind?" Ask Fluttershy. "My family, my friends, my people, and my girlfriend Izumi." said Freddy as he shed tears that his kind are extinct. "Your crying Freddy. Is it that your race is extinct and you’re the last one?" said Twilight. Freddy nodded. "I remember the day it rain, I still remember that day my grandma died from hepatitis c. and I sing this song when I cry." he said. "Really, how it goes this song?" said Applejack. "What the name of the song you sing." said Rainbow Dash. Then Freddy sing, "Rain is pourin' down like the Heavens are hurtin'. Seems like it's been dark since The devil knows when.
How do you go on, never knowin' For certain, Will the sun ever shine again? Feels like it's been years since It started to thunder.
Clouds are campin' out in the valley And glen. How do you go on, when you can't help But wonder. Will the sun ever shine again?
What if the rain keeps fallin'? What if the sky stays gray? What if the winds keep squallin', And never go away? Maybe soon the storm will be Tired of blowin'. Maybe soon it all will be over, amen. How do you go on, if there's no way Of knowin'? Will the sun ever shine? Wish I could say. Send me a sign-One little ray.
Lord, if you're list'nin', how long Until then? Will the sun ever shine again?" the Mane 7 and Spike and Twink start crying knowing Freddy's pain that he miss his people and his grandma. "I’m sorry for your grandmothers death and your people who are gone." said Fluttershy. As they all hug Freddy to comfort him and made him better. Even Spike and Twink too. Then suddenly a Bog Monster appears and roar angry and it look hungry. "Freddy is that..." said Sunset Shimmer. "Yes the Bog Monster, the dangerous carnivore demon of Mucus Swamp." Said Freddy. "Lets take him on!" said Rainbow Dash. "No!" replied Freddy, "I'll handle him." The Bog Monster charging at Freddy. Freddy hold his katana in a samurai position. And a huge wind aura flowing in his scabbard. "Soaring Phoenix!" shout Freddy. Freddy slash the beast and blow him away from the boat and into the sky and exploded. The gang drops jaws and see how cool Freddy did. "That was so awesome Freddy!" said Rainbow Dash as she hugs him. She was Freddy's favorite pony and Fluttershy too. Freddy is a Pegasus type of guy. "Anypony ok? Spike? Twink?" said Freddy. "Were all ok, Freddy." said Twink. "Look!" said Pinkie Pie, "there the sign to Hollow Hoods." As they made it there to the stop. "Be cautious everypony and Spike, Twink, and Freddy this is Queen Chrysalis Territory so be on the look out for her army and pony eaters." said Twilight. Now there almost close to the Twilight Kingdom as the journey continue. Meanwhile the Fiendish 4 see there almost there to the Twilight Kingdom. "Curse that sword! That is the sword of Enternia." said the Hoodlum King. "That the sword that slay me by King Huru, when the Hoodlum King resurrect me." said Queen Chrysalis, "Now their in my domain, this is the time to send my army on them and my new friends, the pony eaters." she laugh so sinisterly. "Are you going to fight that human your majesty?" said Starlight Glimmer. "Yes and I will destroy that blade." the Hoodlum King gave her a voodoo akuma fruit to transform into even a devil demon pony. As she eat it she transform into something devilish as she laugh. "I never felt so alive, now to get my revenge and rid that human."

Chapter 6
A Terrible Omen

At the Castle of Canterlot Princess Celestia and Luna got a message from the guards and he said. "Your Majesties, Queen Nevada of the Northern Light Mountain has arrived to see you!" As the Princesses were surprise that there friend is here for a visit. As she enter and said "It's being years to see you my friends. I came to tell you something terrible." Celestia said " What is it Queen Nevada? What are you trying to tell us that is terrible?" Then she shows her and Luna her glass grail that crack. It was a sign of bad omen. "It was an omen, I felt that the Hoodlum King is finally free from his prison to turn Equestria into darkness." said Queen Nevada. Then an evil laugh echo thru the throne room. It was the Hoodlum King. "Why Queen Nevada, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. It's nice to see your sorry faces in this time." said Hoodlum King. "You, you monsters!" said Luna, "How dare you came to Canterlot and trying rid the world with your hatred." The 3 Alicorns glare at him as he replied "Why for rid of the last human of course. That glass grail crack because I’m here to collect something valuable like this Alicorn Amulet that my hoodlums found and next your power of the Tantabus, Luna when you became Nightmare moon." Then King Sombra appears and attacks Luna as he pinned her down. As Luna is down the Hoodlum King stretch his hand to grab and extract the Tantabus and finally transform the Darkmoon Hoodlum. "At last I’m finally complete now I'll rule Equestria with my new Hoodlums." he said. Celestia said, "You'll never get away with this Hoodlum King and King Sombra." Sombra replied. "Oh Celestia you'll will regret that darkness is the power of hate and fear." Discord pop up and what’s going on "What’s going on is there a party and I’m not invited. "Then he saw the Hoodlum King and he was shock in fear. "Well, well if isn't my creation chimera Discord. I made you since you’re a filly with all the animal parts your born with that I slay. During my absents I’m very disappointment that you didn't create any chaos and failed twice." he said. "I never knew you return my king?" Discord Stammer. "Your created by the Hoodlum King Discord?" ask Celestia. "Yes." answer Discord, "I was his creator by creating my own darkness of chaos but after I met you and tricking you and understanding about true friendship." He was scold for shame that he is reform. Then the Hoodlum King cast his spell and took discord's power and turns him and the alicorn goddess into filly's. Sombra cage them as they heading to Twilight Kingdom.

Chapter 7
Queen Demon Chrysalis

The Mane 7, Freddy, Spike, and Twink are continuing their journey to Twilight Kingdom as they try to past Hallow Hoods. As they continue there quest Applejack spotted a bone pile with shredded clothes and broken glasses. It was Svengallop's boney body. "Look, it's that Rara's manager?" she said. "Yeah and he a pile of bones!" said Pinkie Pie. "Must be a work of a pony eaters." said Twilight. "Indeed." agree Freddy. "Freddy, what are pony eaters?" ask Fluttershy "Pony Eaters are humans who consume by the sins of their dark hearts of Gluttony. They crave only meat of all different type of Pony's." answer Freddy. Twink shudder. "I’m scared Fluttershy!" Fluttershy replied " Now don't worry Twink Freddy will protect us." a twig snap. "Did you girls hear that?!" gasp Sunset Shimmer. Jump out of the shadows was the Pony eaters gather into a circle. "Whoa your not kidding Freddy, they're humans just like you said." said Rainbow Dash. "They look very hungry and they drool a lot." said Rarity. The Pony eaters start to pounce. Freddy pull out his Knocking Guns to shoot needles to paralyze them right on the nerves. And they are out cold. "Lets keep on moving.” Shouted Freddy. As they run from the paralyze Pony eaters they encounter the changelings. The Mane 7 & and Freddy took them on. But Freddy slices them with his katana and see the changeling’s combusted into flames. "It's the Sword of Eternia!" said the changeling. As they flee. "Ha, wimps! Afraid with our human friend with his sword." said Rainbow Dash. And then a slam landing appear from the sky is Queen Chrysalis and her new form. "It's Queen Chrysalis, but she look a bit different." said Twilight "Your right she look like a red and velvet like a demon." said Sunset Shimmer. Red eyes and Red wings of a bat pony and fiery red flame and tail. She ate the akuma voodoo fruit. "Now this time I'll rid of you Freddy and your pony friends too." Chrysalis cackle. "I remember that blade and I recognized the face, you’re the decedent of the human who wield the Sword of Eternia. The same sword that slay me." She said. The Pony's and Spike and Twink are shock that she was slaying by the sword, but being resurrect. The battle was fierce between Freddy and Chrysalis. Freddy places his aura to his body and his sword and slice Chrysalis horn. And he jackhammer lance on her body to stun her and his heart glow with rainbows. It was the rainbow of light. "I can't believe it. The prophecy is true the human bearer of the element of harmony is the one who protect the pony's he bond." said Chrysalis as she said her last words. Freddy shout the final blow "Rainbow Light Sword Beam Slash!" A slicing waves turns into a light of rainbows and finally slay Chrysalis, but not only her but her changelings and ponyeaters too. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"shoated Chrysalis as her scream fades into the Hoods and vanishes. The pony's surprise. "That was so epic!" said Rainbow Dash. "You slay the evil Pony that destroy Princess Cadence and Shiny Armor's wedding." said Twilight as she hugs Freddy for slaying Chrysalis. "Now that’s over lets get out of this spooky place, Twink is still afraid." said Fluttershy. "Ok lets move on ya'll!" said Applejack, as they got out the Hallow Hoods and Finally made it to Twilight Kingdom.

Chapter 8
Twilight Kingdom

The gang finally made it to Twilight Kingdom. At last of the scary quest is finally come to an end. "Wow it's beautiful Freddy." said Twilight Sparkle. The whole kingdom got a pearl like buildings and the whole kingdom is deserted. Not a single pony living here. "Their no pony around here and where the humans?" said Pinkie Pie. "There are no more humans Pinkie, They were extinct by the Hoodlum King." said Freddy. As he walk with despair he went to his house and see his Photo Album. A album of his life. The mane 7, Spike, and Twink see the whole picture of his family. Then Freddy shed tears. "Don't cry Freddy, but your still got us." said Fluttershy. "Were your Family too, cuz we love you." said Sunset Shimmer. "Yeah, you treat me like I’m your son." said Spike. Freddy wipe his tears and smile. Then a crash downstairs at the basement. The gang went downstairs and sees who there. It was Daring Doo. "Omigosh Daring Doo what are you doing here?!" said Rainbow Dash. Daring Doo show that Freddy is making future plans for the pony's. "I don't believe it, you’re the last human in Equestria. I never knew I could meet one alive. Did you make these blue prints?" she said with a smile of surprise. "Yes I did and these are my plan to make a saddle with wings for the unicorn and earth pony to meet the Pegasus pony's in the clouds and hands for the pony's to cook, invent, playing music, and construction." said Freddy. The pony's smile that there still hope for them with these contraptions. Twilight is eyeing the Surfer blueprints. It was called Solar/Lunar Surfer. "Look at this invention." Twilight said with an awe. "Whoa your making a Surfboard with sail that runs solar and lunar power?" said Applejack. "Yep for us humans." answer Freddy. "Cool." said Spike and Twink in union. "I can't believe your here by yourself Miss. Daring Doo." said Rarity. "Oh I’m not along I brought somepony's to come along." said Daring Doo. After they rise up the kitchen they met some of the Ponyville citizen's here. Their Derpy Hooves, her husband Dr.Hooves, Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Moon Dancer, and Trixie. "Trixie, Moon Dancer your here too." question Twilight. "Yes Twilight, and we here to see a new spells that this human kingdom is hidden." said Moon Dancer. "Trixie read a special book to upgrade my magic you gotta try it Twilight." said Trixie. "Well let me see." So Twilight decide to read this new spell book. "Look a recipe from Freddy's mom for Corn muffins and all ingredients for rainbow fruits" said Derpy. "Oh! I want to try to make one." said Pinkie squeal for excitement. Applejack looks at the window and sees a White Apple Trees. "Hey Freddy! You got White Apples in your yard. Mind if I have one?" she said. "Sure here my bag of White apple seed." said Freddy. Dr. Hooves was inspiring of the scientific invention that Freddy make. “My deer boy, your quite and artist for everything you can design and invent." he said. "Yeah his invention is awesome." replied Rainbow Dash. "Yeah look he invent a super Bass Cannon and a Quintuplet Party Cannon!" said Vinyl. Pinkie drop jaws for the new cannon for her party. "The Design are great, but the music notes from the musicians are marvelous." said Octavia. "And the Design of the dress are wonderful and spectacular." Overjoy Rarity. "Not only that but the Rainbow fruit trees are over that other building and the crystal berry's too." said Twink. "Lets go there now come everypony." said Freddy. So the Pony's, Spike, Freddy, and Twink left Freddy's House and collect rainbow fruits and the crystal berries. The groups from Ponyville are taking Freddy's papers and blueprints to Ponyville so Freddy can work on it and the seeds of the rarest fruits. "We will take your things to Ponyville, so you can prepare the future. But we will leave it at your place until you find what you seek." said Daring Doo. "We are seeking the 7th Element, my element of Forgiveness.” Said Sunset Shimmer. The Ponyville group and the Mane 7 are Following Freddy to the Pearl Castle of King Huru as the see the Pearl Marble Of Queen Lauren Fausticorn and King Huru. "Oh my this is Princess Celestia and Luna's mentor, Queen Fausticorn." said Twilight. "Yeah she and King Huru are true friends." said Freddy. "So that is the magic of friendship? Human bond." said Rarity. Fluttershy look at King Huru and he look exactly like Freddy and see Freddy's brand mark on his chest. "The king looks like you Freddy and he got your brand mark on his chest." she said. "I never know that." replied Freddy. "Of course he is!" said Starlight Glimmer as she show up at the shadows. "Starlight Glimmer?!" The Mane 7 shocked and said in the union. "Freddy was the descendent of the King's element of the Rainbow of Light and the 8th Element." said Starlight. "I will slay you for your crime of treason." growl Freddy. "Lower your weapon, oppose me and the Princesses and Queen Nevada and Discord will be torment." As Twilight gasp that Princess Celestia and Luna and Queen Nevada and Discord are now Filly's.

Chapter 9
DarkToon (Menos Oscuro)

Something not right for Starlight Glimmer. She finally reform, but now she turn evil again. "Why?," said Twilight Sparkle, "Why are you doing this Starlight?" then Starlight said "Because the Hoodlum King despise humans existence and friends with pony's." Lyra uses a spell that she read in the book of the human library. It was call "Foresight" to check something behind of the illusion or possession. "Hold it Twilight! There something that possess Starlight." said Lyra. "It's a Spike hair and its body is filled with dark energy with red eyes. It's a DarkToon." said Moon Dancer as she got the same spell as Lyra. "A DarkToon possess Starlight?" said Fluttershy. As Starlight Glimmer pull out the dagger to threat the filly Princesses and Queen and Discord. She try to fight it. She shed tears and mumble "I ... can't ... let ... you .... hurt ... them!" "Thats it's Starlight fight it!" said Bon Bon. Pinkie Pie doing the same "You can do it rid of that mean old DarkToon!" So Twilight, Trixie, Rarity, Moon Dancer, and Lyra use their magic together to blast the DarkToon off Starlight Glimmer's body. Then he show up and reveal. "Crud, you ponies ruin me." said the DarkToon. "Who are you, anyway?" said Rainbow Dash. "Allow me to introduce my self," said the DarkToon. "My name is Menos Oscuro, Spirit of Eternal Darkness and Fear. I'm the Hoodlum King's Shadow Siren." "You look more like Freddy with that spikey hair." said Applejack. "He is and he is a spirit of the Negaverse and a Negatron." said Filly Celestia. "His fear is the sun my sister bring and her magic of sunlight is one thing he afraid of." said Filly Luna. "SHUT UP!" shouted Menos as he shocks them with electric shock. "Stop it!" yelled Sunset Shimmer, "Stop it, release them!" Then Starlight uses her magic to zap Menos as he shriek like a banshee. "All right you useless Pony. Now I'll turn you into a baby." He uses the dark magic to turn Starlight Glimmer into a baby and then she cry. Then Freddy said, "You monster I thought I never want to see you again!" He charge at him and slice him as he saw the Sword of Eternia. Menos flee to the castle. Freddy break the cages of the filly's. Twilight hug the princesses and Freddy hug Queen Nevada and Fluttershy hugs Discord. "Look at Discord he so cute as a filly chimera." said Derpy. "My creator the Hoodlum king turn us into filly's." said Filly Discord. Fluttershy gasp and said "Is it true, Discord? The Hoodlum King is your creator?" Discord nodded. "I can't believe that Evil King is your master. That explain the chaos that he want you to do." said Rarity. "Listen everypony, human, and dragon," said Filly Nevada," The Hoodlum King obtain the Tantabus and now he now powerful and turn us into filly and take our magic." Then Dr. Hooves said "Great Squiggly Stallion! We need to stop him now." So 16 pony's plus 5 filly's and a human and a dragon and star sprite are entering the castle to stop the Hoodlum King.

Chapter 10
King Sombra’s Last End

The gang chases Menos Oscuro, to the castle. "Who is really Menos Oscuro anyway?" Said Rainbow Dash. "He's a DarkToon, a spirit of the Negaverse who use to be a Negatron. A Negatron completely possess evil dark power of the Dark Master." said Filly Luna. "He's also made of dark energy by the night. His only fear is the sun and my magic to send him away. So he won’t threaten another pony." said Filly Celestia. "And how can you say to Menos that you never want to see him, Freddy?" said Spike. But Freddy remain Silent when they found Menos is at the second floor, were the door to the throne room. But Menos went inside with a sinister laugh. A shadow approaches to Freddy's ankle. And drag him, dropping his katana. It was King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. "Sombra!" shouted Twilight. "Sparkle," said Sombra "I see your now a princess and your magic is fading weak of your elements. How can you save your friend?" The Mane 7 and the 9 Ponyville ponies and Spike and Twink want to attack him, but Twilight knows is Freddy and Twilight want. "This is between you and me. If you release him I’ll surrender to you." said Twilight. "No get outer here, run..." said Freddy as Sombra dark power to torture him. "Stop it!" said Trixie. "Stop it, she said release him, now!" said Sunset Shimmer. "So be it." said Sombra as he toss Freddy and slam him to the pillars. "No!" shout Rainbow Dash. "You're ok partner?" said Applejack. "My bones are crack! And I can't move." said Freddy. "No worries I got a healing spell for that." said Moon Dancer. As she heals Freddy the other ponies went full throttle. Twink, Spike, Filly Discord, Nevada, Celestia, Luna, and Starlight Glimmer see Freddy in pain. "You'll be alright Freddy." said Nevada. "We have faith in you." said Luna. "Your the second lost element that Star Swirl the Bearded and his Wizard friend Merlin created a stone with your symbol of your brand mark. It was called the Rainbow of Light. That is your element that you need to discover." said Celestia. As the 3 filly's kisses his cheek even baby Starlight too. Calling him. "Dada." she said to Freddy. Freddy smile. The Mane 7 and the 9 Ponyville are over power. And Freddy is fully healed as he sees all his friends are down for the count. Freddy was mad and pick up his katana. Sombra use his magic horn to zap Freddy and his Katana absorb it. "What?!" shock Sombra, "It's not possible!" the Sword of Eternia glow with rainbow as Freddy wave it to slash all off Sombra attack as Freddy sucker punch him in the face. Jackhammer punch on his torso too as Freddy's Rainbow of Light glow from his heart. Freddy uppercut slash Sombra as the rainbow fire burn Sombra. His scream fades in the air and gone for good. His Rainbow of Light heals all the ponies in full recovery. "Whoa that was beautiful done when you slay Sombra." said Rarity. "Yeah you really burn it with rainbow flames." said Lyra. "What was that light?" said Derpy. "I don't know." replied Freddy. "That must be the Rainbow of Light and that is the Sword of Eternia." said Daring Doo, "Star Swirl and Merlin create the sword by using the Elements of harmony and you. Freddy, you are the chosen one with the elements that bestow on you and King Huru." Twilight was surprise. "Then that means the elements of harmony have eight bearers." she said. "7 ponies and one human bearers. It must means Freddy is the one he bond with the pony's by sharing his love of friendship to everypony." said Dr. Hooves. "C'mon everypony lets go stop the Hoodlum King." said Bon Bon. Then the group push the doors and see one thing. The Tree of Harmony and the original elements are here. "In Equestria there were 2 Tree's of Harmony. One in Everfree Forest and one here at the Pearl Castle of Twilight Kingdom." said Filly Nevada, " I hid the 7th element here and the Rainbow of Light Stone as well." Then a demonic laugh appears and it was DarkMoon Hoodlum the Hoodlum King along side with Menos. It looks like the end of the road is here.

Chapter 11
The Element of Faith
The final showdown with the Hoodlum King and Menos. The gang see Menos holding the stone of the Rainbow of Light. "Hey!" said Spike, "That the stone of the Rainbow of Light!" then Menos said "Oh you means this? I want to destroy it and you pony's and human will never stop the forces of evil." Menos try to destroy it but the Rainbow of Light is too strong. It sends him flying to the wall. "Fool, The light of that stone is so powerful even a shadow siren like you can't destroy it." said DarkMoon Hoodlum, "Now let me show you my true plan. I use my dark magic from the Dark Master of the Negaverse. By Summoning the Sun and Moon, to create a Double Eclipse to rid the the Light of the Universe and All of it's habitats. And my new army of Haters and Hoodlums will dominate the Land of Equestria and then the Universe. "The Pony's gasp with fright. "NO!" said Twink, " You can't you'll destroy all the environment of our land and home." Freddy pull out his Katana called the Sword of Eternia. "Then I'll Stop you before the eclipse arrive." he said. Freddy slish and clash with the Hoodlum King as the gang watch him clash to clash with the king. Twilight and her Friends used their Rainbow Power and the same for Sunset Shimmer too, She have one when they're at the human world of the battle of the band. But their powers are weak.Spike saw the Rainbow of Light Stone is fading. Filly Discord said. "My master is to powerful, If he create the Double Eclipse we are done for." Spike Reply "Then do something about it, I mean your not the Discord that he knows. Freddy was happy that you change. Stand up to him." Filly Discord agree so he go to and stand up to his master. "Master!" he shouted. Hoodlum King look at his creation and see his look on his face. "I never like you from the very beginning.By slaying me and recreate to another body and turn me into a chimera. I want t have a peaceful life but give me the power to create chaos and disharmony. I hate it and I Hate you!" Filly Discord finally stood up to his master, but made him furious. as he use the dark eminence on him to punish him. "My little Discord finally becoming a man. You sicken me, you IDIOT!" Fluttershy smile that Discord finally got the courage to stand up to him as Freddy free him. "You ok Discord?" said Freddy "yes, thank you Freddy." said Filly Discord. "So you got a soft spot with these baby's. Then I'll turn them in to baby's instead!" said the Hoodlum King. He laugh so evil he turn the Mane 7 and the Ponyville pony's into filly's. "Huh, What?" said Filly Rarity. "We are back as filly's" said Daring Doo. "Oh no, we don't have our rainbow power." said filly Sunset Shimmer. "What sha'll we do?" said Vinyl. the pony's are now filly's and their scare to confront of the Hoodlum king. He conjure the Nightmare Syndrome Spell. To bring fear. Menos getting up from being out cold. as he recover his strength by absorbing the spell his master conjure. The Tree of Harmony is dying, cuz the Eclipse is started. The Darkness is growing and Menos and Hoodlum king transform into a dragon and a Dark Master. It was too late. But that not stop Freddy as his heart glow. The dark mist surrounded our hero's by stopping them. Freddy hear Filly Twilight crying in fear. "Freddy, Im scared." she said. Freddy hug her. "I know im scare to. But that won't stop us. "My Mom said this - Never hold back to the darkness. They feel your doubt that make them strong. they never underestimate the power of that light. Deep down in your heart. There is a Light that never goes out. Because we got to have faith in your self.- And that what my Mom said. Spike hold the Rainbow of Light Stone and hear Freddy's voice as he draw near by it's glow. As the rest of the filly's rush to Freddy even the princesses and Queen too. Twink and Discord as well. they cry in fear as Freddy said "There there My Little Pony's. Im here and I'll potect you all just have a little faith and he will win. So don't lose your way! I love you all!" Spike give Freddy the Rainbow of Light Stone and blast the Dark Mist away. It blow the ceiling a hole as DarkMoon Hoodlum aka Hoodlum King was shock. "WHAT?!" Then Menos said "Impossible they covercome their fears. It's the Rainbow of Light!" Freddy's love for the pony's and bond is strong It restore Princess Celestia and Luna back to their older self again. That include Discord and Queen Nevada as well. "It is time, Freddy,” said Queen Nevada.

Chapter 12
DarkMoon’s Demise
Long Live the Hoodlum

Princess Celestia and Luna, Queen Nevada, and Discord are now back to their adult forms. And now their ready to help Freddy and the pony's to stop the Hoodlum King. Menos dive down for a dive bomb to stop Freddy. Celestia and Luna use their Magic to blow him away. So now Menos Oscuro is now gone far away from the Twilight Kingdom. The 3 Alicorns Use their magic to stop DarkMoon Hoodlum attack to buy them some time. Freddy begin to speak the Elements of Harmony. "Applejack and Vinyl Scratch you two pony are be true to yourself and be honest to your friends that it's the truth. The both of you are represent the Element of Honesty," Freddy's heart glows and reveals the Element of Harmony in his heart of the pony's cutie mark. With that said the Rainbow of Light Stone Freddy wield with his Sword of Eternia restore both Applejack and Vinyl back to normal as fully grown pony's. The elements of their appear from their hearts that represent of the Elements of Harmony. "Fluttershy and Octavia, both of you are very kind by your own special ways of kind to animals and playing a lovely music to soothe the hearts of all pony's. That make you two the Element of Kindness." Now Fluttershy and Octavia are now back as fully-grown pony's as well. "Pinkie Pie and Bon Bon you show many pony's to smile to be happy to make all pony's enjoy together to have a good time. That represent you two the Element of Laughter." Pinkie and Bon Bon are now back to fully-grown pony's. "Rarity and Lyra Heartstring you give a special gift to everypony by showing your gratitude. That represent you two the Element of Generosity." Both Rarity and Lyra are restoring back to fully-grown pony's. "Rainbow Dash and Dr. Hooves are the only pony's that never abandon their friends, they always be by their side. That is why they represent the Element of Loyalty." Both Rainbow Dash and Dr. Hooves are return to normal. "Twilight Sparkle, Trixie Lunamoon. And Derpy Hooves the three of you are maybe different pony's with magic and determination and vision. The three of you Influence all of them to be better individuals. You three are the Element of Magic and Inspiration." Twilight, Trixie, and Derpy are back to their old self’s again. "And you Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer, we know that you turn against your friends with power. But you finally realize that friends are more important than power and that is the your long lost Element of Forgiveness." Both Sunset and Starlight are now backing to full grown pony's. Even Moon Dancer and Daring Doo. "Hey we are back to our selves again." said Moon Dancer. "It's because of Freddy's Love and the Friendship of Magic that he believe." said Daring Doo. Freddy's heart shows all his pony friends cutie marks that represent their elements. The Hoodlum King cannot believe that Freddy is is getting stronger. When the Mane 7 and their next Mane 8. They're knowing now the Mane 15. Their Element of Harmony beam at Freddy and he said one Element left. It Transform the Rainbow of Light Stone into an Amulet necklace with his brand mark with all the elements of harmony of the cutie marks of the pony's. "You know what Hoodlum King their one element that I possess since I was the last human in Equestria. This element that I can restore this land is my element to bring peace and bring the friendship I bond with them. And that is the Element of Faith!" The Tree of Harmony is restore by the 8th Element and Transform Freddy a Shogun Samurai with Rainbow Aura. Princess Celestia and Luna and Queen Nevada came down and combine with the Element of Harmony with The Mane 15 and Freddy. "No! I will not be defeat it. It's Time to send you to Oblivion!" said the Hoodlum King as he uses his darkness fire and showering down at our heroes. With the Alicorn Goddesses and the Pony's with Freddy they use the Elements of Harmony. As Freddy Swift Slash and said "Reinbōkattāsurasshu! (Rainbow Cutter Slash!)" A Japanese word to finish DarkMoon Hoodlum aka Hoodlum King. A powerful beam of Rainbow of Light. Slice the Hoodlum King as he scream. "No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Hoodlum King is finally defeated as his scream fades and explode. The Eclipse is now returning to normal and the darkness army of Haters and Hoodlums are disappeared. The Pony's cheer that they did it. They jump for joy and happiness and relief that the Hoodlum King is gone for good. "Freddy," said Queen Nevada "You now posses the Elements of Harmony in that Amulet." Then Freddy said, " So that means I still got the Rainbow of Light?" Princess Celestia replied " Yes and you finally show that you have the true power of Friendship by bonding with these pony's." Then her sister Luna said, "That is why humans and pony show the true power of friendship. And that is Human Bond." Twink came to Freddy and want an Uppy. As he pick her up and Hug her. "I love you Freddy." Twink whisper as Freddy Smile. Fluttershy came close to Freddy and kiss him on the cheek. Twink jump to Fluttershy and said to her. "Can we go home now Mama?" Fluttershy blush as she said, "Yes we can go home and Freddy you our hero. I’m Happy for you that you live with me." Then Pinkie Pie did the same as Fluttershy as she kisses Freddy in the cheek. "You got a good laugh and you always showing a good time to party and the sweet of the Rainbow Fruits." said Pinkie. Applejack also kisses Freddy in the cheek. "You have a apple in your eyes, but you got a golden apple in your heart and that is the honest truth about you, Freddy." she said. Rainbow Dash hugs Freddy, because she was his first favorite pony and Fluttershy too. She also kisses Freddy in the cheek. "Your my favorite human who train me top be the best flyer in the Wonder Bolts and you told me never give up my dream." said Rainbow Dash. Rarity kisses Freddy on the cheek and said. "You got generosity by admiring my dresses, but I finally made a nice human outfit for you. For 2000 years of your race extinction. I’m glad your here." Then Sunset Shimmer kisses Freddy on the cheek and said "Freddy thank you for bringing me and my friends on this journey to the human kingdom and finding my Element of Harmony." "Your Welcome." said Freddy. Then last Princess Twilight Sparkle came give Freddy a hug and kiss on his cheek, but she instead kisses him on the lips. The pony's drop jaws. Even the Princess and Queen, Discord. Even Spike and Twink. She knows that Humans and Pony's cannot fall in love. But she kisses him on the lips cuz he is a true friend and the hope for all pony's. "Sorry I have to kiss you on your lips Freddy. It because I love you as my friend. You bond with me and my friends and you bring hope. I’m happy that you’re the only human that we make friends. For 2000 years I’m happy that you’re the chosen one of the Rainbow of Light and your future to invent your inventions." said Twilight. Then Spike came and jump to hug Freddy. "Your the best friend a dragon can ever had. And thanks for the Jewel Meat and the Crystal Berries. And you are the best Human Dad I need and show the history of Humans Bond with Dragons and rise to the sky. Freddy you’re the man." said Spike. Then the Tree of Harmony glows and reveals that the pony's cannot believe their eyes. Its Queen Fausticorn and King Huru.

Chapter 13
The Gift of Life and Unity

The Tree of Harmony reveals King Huru and the mentor of Princess Celestia and Luna, Queen Fuasticorn. As the pony's saw the two legendary friends who bond with each other for 2000 years. They kneel down for the two royal friends. "Queen Lauren Fausticorn!" said Princess Celestia. "Celestia and Luna my faithful students." said Queen Fausticorn as the came to hug their mentor. "I see you’re grown up to be the finest sister to rule Equestria for all the land. I see my other student Nevada was proud to become the queen of the Yuki Unicorns." Then Nevada said " Yes my Queen, I bring harmony to my fellow snow pony's and we hope to see one of your own pony's visit and show how our kingdom should be." King Huru replied "Indeed you do. Your species of the Yuki Onna type pony's bond with the yokai humans called Yuki Onna's." Then Twilight want to speak to the mentor of her teachers. "Queen Fausticorn," she said "I need to now about you and King Huru. There so much I want to talk about you." Then Queen Fausticorn said. "I was the first ruler of Equestria to train magic and harmony by 3 alicorns, before Nevada came. My 3 student are Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis." The pony gasp that Chrysalis was one of Fausticorn's students. She precedes the story. "They were filly back then and they grown up to be great friends. So I give them a gift. Celestia who have the magic and gift of the Sun. Luna who got the magic and gift of the Moon. And Finally Chrysalis possesses the magic and gift of Love. That resembles their cutie marks. But the bitterness turns to hate for Chrysalis for not doing well of her gift. She abandons her magic Spell and her cutie mark and creates a spell to drain their love away. So I banish her to Hallow Hoods and met the changeling and the Hoodlum King. And made her their Queen. But then Candace decides to possess the gift of Love and so on she accept it. Later on Nevada need to tame her Ice Magic so I give her lesson's and she possess the gift of Winter." The pony's wow surprise. "I never know that Chrysalis was your student." said Starlight. "Yeah that make perfect sense why the Hoodlum King befriends to the banish pony." said Sunset Shimmer. "Yeah but Freddy slay her and Sombra with one stroke of his Blade." said Rainbow Dash. "Wait what about the Element of Harmony?" said Derpy Hooves. "Yes who are the original creators." said Daring Doo. Then King Huru explains to them. "Merlin and Star Swirl are the original creator of the elements of harmony by finding the rarest crystal of the world." Twilight said about one thing to King Huru. "Your Majesty, How do you be friends with Queen Fausticorn and the bond of your friendship?" Then he answers. "We were younger that day when I was a Prince with this symbol of my brand mark. And Lauren was a filly back then. We play, we protect ourselves from danger, and we always are friends forever. My father and mother were happy in that time. Until a witchdoctor called the Hoodlum King to cause chaos. He was a traitor to Twilight Kingdom. Lauren plant the Tree of Harmony in two landscape and protect us from his hate. He was banishing from the Forbidden Graveyard. A land of bones. He vows Vengeance as this ageless man waited for that time. Years went by. During our battle we sacrifice ourselves and use the last element. The Rainbow of Light, also known as the Element of Faith. To stop him for possessing the Tantabus. The Tantabus flee as he enter to Luna." Octavia, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Trixie crying that they sacrifice to save Equestria from the Hoodlum King. "We are proud that one human who represent the magic of friendship that bring you all." said Queen Lauren. "Indeed, Freddy you are one of the royal's of this Kingdom and you possessed a gift. A gift of Life and Unity. The human race will rise again." The pony's are proud for Freddy that he brought peace to the Equestria. And defeat the Hoodlum King. Queen Lauren bows her head and her horn touches Freddy's heart as she give the gift of Life. King Huru use his rainbow flame of Light to and bestow on Freddy's heart. The gift of Unity. "Now its time for us go to the Heaven." said King Huru. But Queen Lauren said to Applejack. "Before we go there a message for you Applejack. Your mother and father said that they love you and your siblings so much they give their love to you. Your mother is proud that your sister obtain her cutie mark." Applejack shed her tears."Aw shucks, will tell Ma and Pa that we miss them and love them so much." she said. Lauren nodded. "Now is the time to send you back were you belong." said Queen Lauren as she and King Huru enter the Tree of Harmony and Flashes the light from the distance. Then suddenly as the gang open their eyes. They are back at Twilight's Castle from Ponyville. "Hey look there a seat with Sunset Shimmer's Cutie Mark!" said Pinkie Pie. "My own seat." Sunset Shimmer said with tears of joy. The Pony's got only a bigger surprise. Their Necklace of the Elements of Harmony are now Amulets. Even Twilight's Crown too. Derpy got one with her cutie mark on her Crown. Trixie too have one that her cutie mark on her Crown. "Aw Yeah!" said Rainbow Dash happy to have a new upgrade of their elements. "Aw Yeah is right!" said Vinyl. "Well we can believe we are the elements of harmony." said Octavia. "I’m glad to be back at Ponyville." said Freddy. "Hey Freddy!" said Twink, "Look a letter from King Huru. Freddy read it and it said "Dear Freddy, This Amulet you posses is the magic key to warp you anywhere in Equestria. So you can get to Twilight Kingdom without traveling. Signed King Huru" Freddy smile that means the gang can warp to travel instead of traveling on train or carriage. The stuff that was on Twilight Kingdom is here. Freddy is starting tinkering his inventions. Have the saddle hands/wing and the Solar/Lunar Surfer. Lyra want to test Freddy's Saddle Hands/Wings and all the pony's love it and now their life is easier with hands to construct, bake, cook, write, and fly on to Cloudsdale to see their Pegasus friends. Freddy test his Solar/Lunar Surfer and it turn out great. Derpy glad to have saddle hands to make muffins. So she creates the corn muffins from Freddy's cookbook. And they're selling like hot cakes. Applejack grew more white apples for the Apple family and selling a lot of money for the whole family of Sweet Apple Acres. Fluttershy took Twink to her cottage and meet all the critters that are her friends. She happy to live in Fluttershy's cottage. On the next night Discord invite all the pony's to celebrate the victory of Freddy for saving Equestria with the help of the pony's. To celebrate by eating Rainbow Fruit desert buffet style. Now everyone will taste the rainbow. Even Rainbow Dash enjoy it. But however, the DarkToon name Menos Oscuro is still out there and he can't believe it. His King is destroyed. "Mark my words Freddy," he vow. "I will get my revenge on you and your little pony's too. Just you wait." As he slither way to the Everfree Forest. The Rainbow Fruit Feast was delightful. The seven colors of the rainbow are seven natural fruity flavors. What future holds for our heroes? Let the stars guide them to their future.

The End

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