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A guy who loves movies, comic books, video games, as well as stories with colorful talking ponies in them.

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Headcanons: Principal Celestia and Luna · 2:04am Aug 6th, 2018

Hey everyone, how's it going?

While I was out West, I managed to put a fair bit of the time spent sitting in a car into working on my next few sets of headcanons. I actually got quite a few done or close to done, so when I got home it was a bit of a hard pick to decide what to post next.

After a bit of thought, I decided to go in more or less chronological order, and post the headcanons in the order I wrote them.

So then, some thoughts I've had, both serious and silly, on the two Principals of Canterlot High School! :pinkiehappy:

Principal Celestia:

- Judging by the big fancy greenhouse full of lots and lots of plants from the "My Little Shop of Horrors" minisode, it's safe to assume that: one, Celestia is from a very well-to-do family, and two, she really likes gardening. Makes perfect sense to me on both counts.
- When they were kids / teenagers, I definitely see Celestia as the "perfect" child of the family. Intelligent, outgoing, popular... a real social butterfly. (Luna, bless her, was unfortunately more of a wallflower and an odd duck, but more on that in her section.)
- Of course, when talking about Celestia, it's hard to avoid bringing up her sister and the whole "Nightmare Moon" thing. I've seen quite a few different takes on it that I've liked - some that avert it altogether (EchoWing's Quiververse does that to beautiful effect), and others that discuss it as having been a very serious falling-out (Sotharan's story "Full Circle" is a particularly strong example)... Me, I kind of view the EG world version of Luna's fall as more of her having gone through a "dark angsty" phase when she was a teenager, especially bitter with her older sister. They may have had some fights and even a period where they weren't speaking to each other, but remember, this is Equestria Girls we're talking about. Luna grew up to become a school official, and they typically don't hire people to such positions if they have prior criminal history or mental illness or what-have-you.
- On a lighter note, I kind of imagine human Celestia's college life to have been very entertaining. And I mean that in the odd sense that I see her as having been both a perfect student and also as something of a mad prankster. (While I tend to detest most of the Trollestia memes because they take it way too far, I do like Celestia enjoying a good practical joke. And I've heard some pretty wild stories of college pranks from some of my own professors... one apparently involved fireworks and ended with the entire fraternity having to hide from the dean :rainbowlaugh:)
- No idea yet what got Celestia interested in an education degree (I imagine she first went into college on a political science major or something along those lines), but I may make a reference to the popular "Faust" alicorn and have Celestia be inspired by a wonderful teacher or professor she had, and that's what got her into education and teaching others.
- In terms of her personal tastes, I imagine Celestia as more of a reader than a TV or movie-watcher, but if I were to give her a viewing pastime, I mainly pictured her as a fan of classic comedies (The Marx Brothers in particular) or as a follower of British mystery shows.
- Another silly idea I've had about Principal Celestia is that she, at one point in the past, had a relationship with the human world Sombra, who is now the Superintendent of the Canterlot City Schools. (So yeah, things are awkward there. XD) This was an idea inspired by a few passing jokes from Jay David's EG stories, that I decided to expand on a bit.
- Since reading Tale Swapper's amazing "Myriad Thoughts" and related stories, I've become very fond of the idea that Principal Celestia's equivalent of Philomena the phoenix is her motorcycle. I just love the idea of sweet, ladylike Celestia with biker boots, jacket and a chopper :rainbowlaugh: Hey, who says that she has to be only into ladylike things? (If you're curious, I imagine Philomena the motorbike to be either a 1940 Indian Chief or a 1969 Harley-Davidson FLH.)
- And, just throwing this out there... a friend of mine contributed immensely to the above headcanon by suggesting the biker nickname "Solar Flare" for Celestia. :rainbowlaugh: I know it's silly, but hey, I think I'm allowed some silliness now and again.

Vice-Principal Luna:

- As I said before, I figured that Luna as a young girl and teenager was kind of a wallflower. Shy and often in her elder sister's shadow, Luna went through something of a "dark" phase in her late teenage years (which she is very embarrassed about now) before eventually finding peace with herself. (I know this may contradict some more official sources, I believe there is a book that's the teenage Celestia and Luna's diary, but I haven't read it. Just saying, this is my own headcanon.)
- Although, as a holdover from her "edgy" phase, Luna is still a fan of hard rock and metal music. I don't know if she ever actually sang (I read Tumbleweed's excellent story "By the Black Axe of Nightmare Moon!" and love the idea of Luna having been a former death metal singer) but I imagine she does have quite the collection.
- Speaking of collection... While I've never been a big fan of the "Gamer Luna" meme (never really understood it to be honest, but I understand it came from the fic "Progress" or something, right?) I decided to put my own spin on it, and so my version of EG Luna is a collector of retro games and such. She even has some classic arcade cabinets in her part of the house. Again, considering how fancy-looking that glimpse of Celestia's house was, I'm sure that the two sisters are pretty well loaded in terms of money.
- Given Luna's friendly interaction with Dean Cadence in The Friendship Games, I like to imagine that they're friends out of school. Maybe they meet up for coffee (or a drink, depending on the day they've had XD) and take turns sharing grievances about their jobs. I imagine that Cadence has a lot to share about the demands of working at a place like Crystal Prep...
- Building on Princess Luna's connection to Nightmare Night, I imagine EG Luna as a big fan of Halloween and of horror movies. She can be pretty open-ended on what films she likes: I see her as someone who can enjoy a well-made, genuinely suspenseful horror movie... but she's also someone who'll watch the dumb or bad ones and laugh at them. XD
- Also, in reference to Luna's role as the Princess of Dreams, and to this one excellent story with her as the school therapist, I like to imagine Luna acting as a counselor to troubled students. Thought that'd be rather touching :twilightsmile:
- And finally, to close out on a humorous note, I imagine that Luna's office is only kept dark and poorly-lit as an intimidation tactic when questioning troublemakers. She doesn't keep it that way all the time... she's not Abacus Cinch, after all! XD

And that's my latest batch of headcanons. I'm sorry if it may not be as in-depth as my previous one on the Rainbooms, but since we mostly see the Principals at school and all, I chose mainly to put my energy into thinking about their lives and interests outside of school stuff.

Comments ( 23 )

Nice one. I enjoy classic comedy films too. Three Stooges among others, especially "It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world". I like the motorcycle idea too. Indian bikes are a thing of beauty.

For the last one. Yeah I definitely think it's more an intimidation tactic for Luna.
Wonder which headcanons will be next.

Glad to hear you like the motorcycle idea. Wasn't quite sure how that one would go over with some. But I think it's fun to do something a little unexpected like that with Celestia. :twilightsmile: After all, she does have her playful side...

Probably, the next headcanon set will be either Sci-Twi or Flash Sentry. They're the two I did the most work for after the Principals while I was out west.

I think that Celestia's biker persona would be Day Breaker, but I can get behind the rest of the head cannon. I think I can explain why she went into education, politics is downstream of culture, if you want to change how things are politically you have to change the culture and for better or for worse, the school system is a major shaper of culture.

As for Gamer-Luna, well Gamers for the most part don't feel like they are understood by the Normies and often the case aren't. Luna is not understood by most Ponies in FiM proper, so many Bronies that are Gamers outside of the fandom gravitated towards Luna in a form of empathy and elected to depict her as one of them. Granted while I do count myself as a gamer, Sunbutt is best Princess.

Thanks for reading! Admittedly, I did kick around the name Daybreaker for Celestia in this, but I decided against it, because of the association that name carries. I wanted to have Celestia have a bit of a wild side, yes, but I didn't really want to connect that to the cackling pyromaniac we saw in Starlight's nightmare.

And I think you provided one of the best meta-explanations for Gamer Luna I've seen.

Very interesting stuff here, some of which aligns with my own.

That being said, I've had other figures in mind for the people in charge of the school system, and another role entirely for Sombra.

That's cool. I have no problem with you having other stuff in mind for the other school authority figures. I'd be interested to see it when it comes - I had plans to do a headcanon about CHS and Crystal Prep, and more of the school stuff in Equestria Girls. So you might hear a bit more about my own plans for Sombra, as well as thoughts about other stuff at the schools.

Fair point, maybe that's the name of her bike and it 'calls' to her to ride at the break of day, hence the name. (I regret nothing!)

Well, remember I had the headcanon that Philomena was the name of her bike?

Maybe Daybreaker was the name of another bike she had... why not?

I do like the idea of Daybreaker being the name of a motorcycle. :pinkiehappy:

Looking forward to it.

If you're interested at all, I've done headcanons for The Rainbooms and the Shadowbolts as well. I wouldn't mind seeing your thoughts on those.

Well I've gone this far down the rabbit hole, might as well

Cool. I look forward to seeing your responses ^_^

I think Philomenia would be the name of the bike she uses most of the time, Daybreaker being the one she rides because she's angry and needs to blow off some massive steam. I can picture it Celestia and Luna are heading home, assuming they live together, and Celestia says "Don't wait up, I am going for a ride tonight."
Luna asks, "On Philomenia?"
Celestia "I think you handle the school tomorrow all by yourself."
Luna freezes as she recalls the other bike. 'Not Daybreaker...'

:rainbowlaugh: I like it!

Now I'm imagining Daybreaker as a big old monster of a bike - a custom job with a high-performance engine that sounds more like a damn beast roaring than a bike. XD

I was thinking more like a demon then a beast. But yeah, when Celestia's on Day Breaker... Run, run far away.

Indeed! :rainbowlaugh:

Damn it all, I might have to write something with this premise now. XD

Just give credit where it's due

Don't worry, I would (and will). I'm very careful to ask permission, and give credit where credit is due. :twilightsmile:

I imagine Luna was, not popular when she was younger and between that and anger issues, she ended up doing things she regretted a lot and well, 3 years in juvie. It hurt Celestia. A lot. As for Nightmare Moon, Luna was known as the Nightmare Of Juvenile Hall. When she finally got out, she saw how her departure had hurt her sister. She was always angry and irritable, snapping at everyone, and most were too scared to go against her. That hit Luna hard. She saw in Daybreaker what she had become, she saw her patient, kind, loving sister become monstrous. And in Nightmare Moon, Celestia saw what had happened to her, not helped by a bad breakup with Sombra. They saw in each other what they had become and were horrified. They made a solemn promise to the other to never go down such a path again and through therapy, effort and much crying, they were able to heal.

Wow. I really like that idea, man. That's really good stuff!

Seriously though, that'd be a great concept for a story. If I didn't already have a dozen or so projects bouncing around my head, I'd ask to give it a shot.

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