• Member Since 25th Jun, 2014
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Dice Warwick

Dislexic tring to wright storys, makes gammer natzie eyes bleed.

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Ch 48 is up, invight to Discord, and more art! · 7:53pm Jul 22nd, 2018

First off, Just to remind everyone, I do have a Discord for Fallout Equestria Writers, though not limited to that, If your interested in starting your own story, or just want to network with other writers, let me know and I'll send you a link. On that, nobody there dose ghost writing, so if your not interested in writing your own story, were not going to be much help.

So I'm hoping to put out each chapter more regularly, hoping. But It has been fun getting to the peek of this mountain, and now it's a long slid to the bottom, no more world building, only s few new characters, and some setup for new story's if I ever get to them. "Dance of the Orthrus" has been something that was far beyond my complete control, and something I know most people would have abandoned do to how big it got. But like most thing, if you stick with it, and care for it, good things will come in the end. Just reaching the point I have has just been mind-blowing, where as a dyslexic, before I started Fo:E, I just dreaded reading, and writing I avoided like the plague. (I still tend to, but not as much as before) I've also managed to make friend, and oddly, enemy's, but that's life, something you tend to not have if you don't live it to some extent. So even if my story's never get super popular like the original Fallout Equestria, or infamous like Project Horizons, I'm quit satisfied with what I have made, and love my characters. Any who, I do hope you enjoy the return to the R&D Sable, even though its a mess of horrors now, and thank you for sticking with me.

Now for more of the art I've made <3

Comments ( 1 )

Great job, Dice!! :yay:

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