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4chan Greentext Reading - GF Turned Female Rights Woman · 2:09pm Jul 19th, 2018

"Yet another victim to this parasite, why do we poison our children with this crap?
In an educational environment, students should be faced with an objective and unbiased approach to the topic, not this pretentious victim complex running what would be the future families of which to bring our society forward.

Feminism's flaws can be boiled into two points; One, it ignores men's issues, which is counterproductive to the entire concept of gender equality. some feminists might even argue that men don't have issues, but just to list a few of them; men lose 80% of custody cases, the courts are generally biased against them, they fall victim to 92% of workplace accidents, a woman has the power to literally ruin a man's life in any way she sees fit just by having any form of sexual interaction(half of the metoo campaign was essentially a rampage of accusations with no real basis of calling it "sexual harassment"), and many, many more.

Two, it forms a false merit by focusing artificial issues rather than actual ones, for a more generalized example, focusing on fixing equality in statistics rather than equality in opportunity, what do I mean by this, you might ask. Well, for a more specific example, take the pink tax, the idea that women have to pay more for products marketed towards them. Now, some flaws with this argument become apparent pretty quickly; for one, that women don't necessarily have to buy these more expensive products if they don't want to, the companies do so because women tend to prefer products(in particular fashion and hygiene products) of higher quality despite higher pricing, it's the 101 of business tactics. Now, you might ask yourself "well, what real women's issues are there", when it comes to the western world, men and women are quite frankly equal if , and I want to make this one clear, if we ignore men's issues, as the western 3rd wave feminist usually does. But back to women's issues, if we look in the less developed part of the world, such as in the middle east, we notice gender inequality to quite a morbid degree, women throughout their lives only being the pet of an abusive an abhorrently dominant fashion.

I just noticed that my comment is getting pretty long, and I could actually have written an entire book about this, so I'm cutting it here." - form Deidara _

Comments ( 1 )

Living life in the life of a guy is pretty hard, I should know since it was a trap and everyone fell for it. Gullible idiots you lot are.

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