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Melesse Lindenya

Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo. Estaxen yando Undómë Tinwë.

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The Rest of the Translation Notes for "Maileheri Mirwa ar Undómë-Aranelirya" · 3:39am Jul 14th, 2018

I really don't feel like writing right now, so here's the rest of the translation notes for Maileheri Mirwa ar Undómë-Aranelirya. Prior knowledge of the first part of the translation notes is assumed.

"Á nutenquet sinen lá lertatye usi." - "Let's tie you up so that you cannot escape." "nutenquet" = aorist tense of "nut-" ("tie") + "-enque" (first person dual inclusive pronoun) + "-t" ("you"). "sinen" = "so that". "lá" = negation of next verb. "lertatye" = infinitive form of "lerta" (be able to/can) + "tye" ("you"). "usi" = infinitive form of "us-" ("escape").

"Vanya" - "Beautiful."

"Sí lertanque yeset párië. Minya, á lirityen lindé vanessëonya." - "Now we can begin learning/start the lesson. First, sing the songs of my beauty". "Sí" = "now". "lertanque" = aorist form of "lerta-" ("be able to") + "nque" (first person dual pronoun). "yeset" = this is a primitive Elvish word meaning "to precede" which I've rejiggered to mean "begin/start." "párië" = gerund form of "par-" ("learn"). "Minya" = "First." "Lirityen" = Imperative form of "lir-" ("sing") + "-itye" ("you") + "-n" ("me"). "Lindé" = "song." "vanessëonya" = genitive form of "vanessë" ("beauty") + "-nya" ("my").

"Anwavë?" - "Really/Truly?" Adverb form of "anwa" ("true").

"Ma veryat avaquet nin?" - "You dare refuse me?" "Ma" is the interrogative pronoun. "veryat" = aorist form of "verya-" ("to dare") + "-t" ("you"). "avaquet" = infinitive form of "avaquet-" ("to refuse"). "nin" = dative form of "ni" ("me").

"Lá! Lá, Maileheri!" - "No! No, Mistress!"

"Hendutya tintina alcarinquavë lá Vilya!" - "Your eyes sparkle more brilliantly than Vilya!" "Hendutya" = "hendu" is the dual form of "hen" ("eye"), "-tya" is the second person familiar possessive suffix. "tintina" = aorist form of the verb "tintina-" ("to sparkle"). "alcarinquavë" = adverb form of "alcarinqua" ("brilliant/radiant"). "lá" is a word used to denote relative comparison. "Vilya" = one of three Elven rings in Tolkien's Legendarium, also known as the Ring of Sapphire, the Ring of Air, or the Blue Ring.

"Mára." - "Good."

"Áva nuhtat." - "Don't stop." "nuhtat" = aorist form of "nuhta-" ("stunt, prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue") + "-t" ("you").

"Peutya ve losille anvanima." - "Your lips are like the most beautiful rose." "Peutya" = "Peu" ("lips") + "-tya" ("your"). "ve" = "as/like." "losille" = "rose". "anvanima" = superlative form of "vanima" ("beautiful").

"Nás naitie." - "It is the truth." "Nás" = aorist form of "Ná" ("to be") + "-s" ("it"). "naitie" = "truth."

"Amba laitalë." - "More praise ." "Amba" = "more." "laitalë" = "praise."

"Findessëtya lutta ve celussë saminda." - "Your hair flows like a silken freshet." "Findessëtya" = "Findessë" ("Head of hair") + "-tya" ("your"). "lutta" = aorist form of "lutta-" ("flow"). "celussë" = "freshet." "saminda" = "silken."

"Nat saila, aranelinya." - "You are wise, my princess." "saila" = "wise."

"Á quetë ambë ar camuva anná." - "Speak more and you shall receive a gift." "quetë" = aorist tense of "quet-" ("speak"). "camuva" = future tense of "cam-" ("receive"). "anná" = "gift".

"Levitye lenen luhtië, ve alquanen!" - "You move in an enchanting way, like using a swan!" "Levitye" = aorist tense of "lev-" ("to move") + "-itye" ("you"). "lenen" = instrumental case of "lé" ("way/method"). "luhtië" = gerund form of "luhta-" ("to enchant"). "alquanen" = instrumental case of "alqua" ("swan").

"Lá 'alquanen,' aranelinya. Nás 'alqua' eressë." - "Not 'alquanen,' my princess. It's only 'alqua'." The only new word here is "eressë," which is an adjective meaning "only." In these two sentences, Rarity is pointing out a mistake in Twilight's previous statement, telling her that she used 'alquanen,' the instrumental case, when she should have used 'alqua,' the nominative case.

"Arcanyet avatyartye nillo, Maileheri!" - "I petition you to forgive me, Mistress!" "Arcanyet" = aorist tense of "arca-" ("to pray/petition") + "-nye" ("I") + "-t" ("you"). "avatyartye" = infinitive form of "avatyar-" ("to forgive") + "-tye" ("you"). "nillo" = ablative case of the first person pronoun "ni" (according to the Quettaparma Quenyallo, Tolkien indicated that the person begin forgiven should be specified by the ablative case, while the matter being forgiven is the direct object).

"Ecë nin carë sa… Apa paimetanyet." - "I can do that… after I punish you." "Ecë nin carë sa" is a Quenya phrase meaning "I can do that." "apa" = "after." "paimetanyet" = aorist tense of "paimeta-" ("to punish") + "-nye" ("I") + "-t" ("you").

"Quain teccor faryuva." - "Ten strokes will suffice." "Quain" = "Ten." "teccor" = plural of "tecco" ("stroke"). "faryuva" = future tense of "farya-" ("to suffice").

"Á notë ta." - "Count." "notë" = aorist tense of "not-" ("to count"). Note that "notet" could have been used instead of "notë ta" to indicate the second person singular subject, but I liked the cadence of splitting them more.

"Min! Atta! Neldë! Canta! Lempë! Enquë! Otso! Toldo! Nertë! Quëan." - "One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten."

"Á, nát mixa." - "Ah, you are wet." "mixa" = "wet".

"Ma nát mailëa paimenentya, aranelinya únaityaleva?" - "Do you desire your punishment, my denied princess?" "mailëa" = "lustful". "paimenentya" = dative form of "paimë" ("punishment") + "-tya" ("your"). "únaityaleva" = a compound word combining "úna" ("deprived of") and "tyalië" ("play, game"), declined in the adjectival case.

"Ná, Maileheri." - "Yes, Mistress."

"Ve hravan." - "Like a beast." "hravan" = "wild beast".

"Á maquetetyen pityavë an amba." - "Beg me for more." "maquetetyen" = aorist tense of "maquet-" ("to ask") + "-tye" ("you") + "-n" ("me"). "pityavë" = adverbal form of "pitya" ("little"). "an" = "for". "amba" = "more".

"Maurën nwalcametya." - "I need your cruelty." "Maurën" = aorist tense of "maurë-" ("to need") + "-n" ("I"). "nwalcametya" = noun formed by adding the suffix "-më" to "nwalca" ("cruel") and then appending the possessive pronoun suffix "-tya" ("your").

"Á paimetalyen, Maileheri." - "Punish me, Mistress."

"A uat nuhta notië." - "Don't stop counting." Imperative "A" (accent is dropped when preceding a vowel) with negation "ua" and suffix "-t" ("you"). "notië" is the gerund form of "not-" ("to count").

"Nánquë har i metta." - "We are near the end." "har" = "near." "i" = "the." "metta" = "end."

"Olë mára, aranelinya-runando." - "Very good, my redeemed princess." "Olë" = "much." "runando" = "redeemer."

"Lavuvanyet mána...Apa aháryiën telmapuhtainanya." - "I will grant you a blessing… after I have had my orgasm." "Lavuvanyet" = future tense of "lav-" ("to grant) + "-nye" ("I") + "-t" ("you"). "mána" = "blessing." "aháryiën" = perfect tense of "harya-" ("to possess") + "-n" ("I"). "telmapuhtainanya" is a word I hacked together while trying to find a translation for "orgasm." It consists of fusing "telma" ("end") and "puhtaina," which is the passive participle of "puhta-" ("to engage in coitus"), and then adding the first person possessive pronoun suffix "-nya."

"Maileheri, haryan maurë appatalyen!" - "Mistress, I have need of you to touch me!" "appatalyen" = long infinitive of "appa-" ("to touch") + "-lye" ("you") + "-n" ("me"). The long infinitive is used when the infinitive has a pronoun as the object.

"Míruvórë allissë írë anenwina." - "Míruvórë is sweetest when most aged." "allissë" = superlative form of "lissë" ("sweet"). "írë" = "when". "anenwina" = superlative form of "enwina" ("old"). Note the callback to "miruvórë" earlier in the phrase "Tyávë i arya, ve miruvórë." (See Part 1 of the Translation Notes).

"A núret Maileheritya, aranelinya-mól" - "Serve your Mistress, my princess-slave." "núret" = aorist tense of "núr-" ("to serve") + "-t" ("you). "mól" = "slave".

"Turit lambatya ve hyandatur turë macil, aranelinya." - "You wield your tongue like a blademaster wields a sword, my princess." "Turit" = aorist tense of "tur-" ("to wield") + "-t" ("you"). "lambatya" = "lamba" ("tongue") + "-tya" ("your"). "hyandatur" = "hyanda" ("blade") + "-tur" ("master"). "macil" = "sword".

"Nán manwa mahta alassetyen." - "I am ready to fight for your joy." "manwa" = "ready". "mahta" = infinitive of "mahta-" ("to fight"). "alassetyen" = instrumental cas of "alassë" ("joy") + "-tya" ("your").

"Tá nai Tulkas manya maptaletya, ohtatyaro" - "Then may Tulkas bless your ravishment, warrior." "Tá" = "Then". "nai" = "may". "Tulkas" = The Champion of the Valar, one of the Ainu (gods/angels) of Middle-Earth. "manya" = infinitive form of "manya-" ("to bless"). "maptaletya" = "maptalë" ("ravishment") + "-tya" ("your"). "ohtatyaro" = "warrior".

"Á carë ancarë! Amalimbë!" - "Harder! Faster!" Taken straight from https://realelvish.net/phrase/aa-care-ancare-amalimbe/

"Áva pusta!" - "Don't stop!" Taken straight from https://realelvish.net/phrase/aava-pusta/

"Acáriet mai, aranelinya." - "You have done well, my princess." "Acáriet" = perfect tense of "car-" ("to do/make") + "-t" ("you"). "mai" = "well".

"Antuvanyet mánanyan." - "I will give you my blessing." "Antuvanyet" = future tense of "Anta-" ("to give") + "-nye" ("I") + "-t" ("you"). "mánanyan" = dative case of "mána" ("blessing") + "-nya" ("my").

"Hantanyet, Maileheri." - "I thank you, Mistress." "Hantanyet" = aorist tense of "hanta-" ("to thank") + "-nye" ("I") + "-t" (you").

"Á lirityen, aranelinya." - "Sing to me, my princess."

"Merin hlarë lindalë yérelyo" - "I want to hear the song of your lust." "Merin" = aorist tense of "mar-" ("to want/wish/desire"). "hlarë" = infinitive form of "hlar-" ("to hear"). "lindalë" = "song". "yérelyo" = ablative case of "yérë" ("sexual desire") + "-lya" ("your").

"Telmapuhtainanya túla!" - "My orgasm is coming!" "túla" = present tense of "tul-" ("to come").

"Áni cenetyen!" - "Look at me!" "cenetyen" = aorist tense of "cen-" ("to see/behold/look") + "-tye" ("you") + "-n" ("me").

"Merin cenë hendutya yá yamit alassenen." - "I want to see your eyes when cry out in joy." "yá" = "when". "yamit" = aorist tense of "yam-" ("to shout") + "-t" ("you"). "alassenen" = instrumental case of "alassë" ("joy").

"Handetya Aldalambëo ná malda." - "Your knowledge of Aldalambë is better." "Handetya" = "Handë" ("knowledge/understanding/intelligence") + "-tya" ("your"). "malda" = "better".

"Apárien i aryallo, Maileheri." - "I have learned from the best, Mistress." "Apárien" = perfect tense of "par-" ("to learn") + "-n" ("I"). "aryallo" = ablative case of "arya" ("best").

"Parië ná telyaina, aranelinya. Á queten i merin." "The learning is finished, my princess. Speak what you want." "Parië" = gerund form of "par-" ("to learn"). "telyaina" = passive participle of "telya-" ("to finish"). "i" = "what".

"Melinyet yando, Undómë Tintina." - "I love you also, Twilight Sparkle." "Undómë" = "Twilight". "Tintina" = "Sparkle". As an aside, some of you may know that my main account is named Undómë Tinwë. "Tinwë" is a disputed word for "sparkle" but more likely means "spark." I picked it over "Tintina" at the time because I thought it sounded better.

"Fëanya liltuva lenyanen oiravë." - "My soul will dance with yours forever." "Fëanya" = "Fëa" ("spirit") + "-nya" ("my"). "liltuva" = future tense of "lilta-" ("to dance"). "lenyanen" = instrumental case of "lenya" ("yours"). "oiravë" = adverbal form of "oira" ("eternal").

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