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Admiral Biscuit

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Second Obligatory June Update · 3:37am Jun 15th, 2018

Things are busy, both at the shop and IRL. Plus, the fight with the yard continues. Fire, it turns out, is a compelling argument for stubborn plants.

Not my actual yard; use fire responsibly and with adult supervision.

Work continues on research for the next blog post series (things that ponies tow); I've got a huge stack of books from all over Michigan, and I also managed to find a farmer who knows a few things about the subject and more importantly is willing to show me some of the horse-powered farm equipment that they still have; I'll probably be going there over the weekend. I've already learned a lot that should have been obvious in hindsight, but wasn't.

Of course, continual research has also revealed a few flaws in my former blog series--things I didn't know. The most important one for y'all is that apparently you don't always need a breeching strap when towing a single-axle wagon with rigid shafts. I don't know any more details yet, but I'm working on it . . . we'll see what I can find.

I've got a story arc coming up for FNFE; it's one I've been sort of planning for a while, but hadn't taken any action on it. Looks like it'll be four or five chapters, probably updated daily until it's done.

Source (YouTube Link)

I'm also editing a contest fic that ought to be ready by Monday. Or Tuesday. Any later, and I miss the contest. :derpytongue2:

Plus, I've got that other thing that some of y'all are eagerly waiting for. Being a strange combination of benevolent and troll, here's a little teaser:

“I don't scare bees.”
She blinked. “Bees?”

You're welcome!

I was thinking of just doing a blog post with random possibly inspirational quotes (and I still might). This one was going to be the locus of the whole thing, which I'm going to share for any writer who's wondering if they're doing it right:

See, the thing with language is the point of it is to get your idea across
Um, and there's plenty of what do I want to say application for slang or street language or alternate use of words
and words change meaning and so does sentence structure throughout the history of time.

Grand Poo Bear, from Ultra Star's Big Brother! Super Riff World Part 18

Source (YouTube; Representative Image)

I should also take the opportunity to say that I'm going to be at Trotcon and Bronycon, and it looks like I'm going to be on panels at both--that's been confirmed for almost 100% recently. What panel, I don't know for sure. I'm sure that's in the pamphlet somewhere, but who can be bothered to read all of it? Point is, if you were on the fence about going to either, and you wanted to hear some words of 'wisdom' from the Admiral, well, get your ticket now. I'm sure there'll be a line . . . coming or going, I'm less certain about.

Anyway, that's about all for the moment. Stay tuned for the upcoming contest fic, new chapters of FNFE, and that other story! Also watch and see if I manage to regain some kind of sensible schedule for the month, or if I complete my trip back to random chaos (most likely outcome).


Comments ( 28 )


Fire is an excellent answer for anything. As is chaos.


*Insert Linkara Amazons Attack Batman reference here*

Yeah...posted right when Fimfic glitched out. It's fixed now.

thing that some of y'all are eagerly waiting for

That is not precise; there is a lot of thing I am eagerly waiting for, I can't really speak for all of us though.

Not my actual yard; use fire responsibly and with adult supervision.

I AM an adult!


FNFE = Field Notes from Equestria. For all those who forgot - like me.


Fire is an excellent answer for anything. As is chaos.

Agreed--there are lots of things that you can fix with fire.


That is not precise; there is a lot of thing I am eagerly waiting for, I can't really speak for all of us though.

If I was too precise, I'd upset some people, so I went for vague.


I AM an adult!

You say that, but are you?

Yeah, I probably should have spelled that out. . . .

"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire." - Jaya Ballard (also Sunset Shimmer, Witch of the Everfree)

My wife and 1 year old daughter seems to think so.

"Is the fire always right?"
"No, but it is hot and compelling"
--A Case of Need, Michael Crichton


My wife and 1 year old daughter seems to think so.

Well, that's fair. I can't argue with that. Especially not with your daughter.


Fire, it turns out, is a compelling argument for stubborn plants.

it is quite effective

Yes, it is. Unless, I suppose, you're dealing with jack pines.



Yes, it is. Unless, I suppose, you're dealing with jack pines.

my favorite is soggy half rotten piles of leaves and twigs.


my favorite is soggy half rotten piles of leaves and twigs.

Well, it's good for keeping the mosquito away, at least.


yeah. Although mosquitoes typically aren't a problem in my parents burn area, better places on the property.

My yard slowly turns into a swamp, so I've always got them unless it's a really hot summer.


I had a pond growing up so they could get pretty bad. During the middle of the summer it got to hot for them they were mostly a fall spring problem. I don't get them where I go to school.

Two characters most of us could learn a lot from.

Also, "All my spells smell like burning hair lately."

This year started out bad, then it stopped raining and all the grass turned brown and I haven't seen or heard a mosquito in a while. It's kind of nice to not have them, but I don't like the way that my lawn crunches underfoot. :rainbowlaugh:

Lots of the fire-based spells in M:tG had great flavor text. My favorite was always the Lava Axe: "Catch!"

Goblin Offensive's "Yes they are" was pretty good also.

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