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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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Flurry Heart VS Count Logan · 10:55pm Jun 10th, 2018

Wasn't really going to do this, but seeing the way people are acting now or days (More ignorant and bigoted than ever) might as well explain things again. (they get angry... not my problem) This isn't made to goad people into responding, it's just an explanation and vouching.

In my fanfic, Friendship-is-failure-10--the-end-of-ends-2017-revision]Friendship is Failure #10- THE END OF ENDS! (2017 Revision)


I received a lot of anticipated complaints, about Count Logan pulling off Flurry Heart's head, and the sickest most retarded recurring I I ever hear is..

"You're a baby killer."

If I could work my will, I'd give anyone who even THOUGHT of saying that a good knock to the head. (Comparing killing a cartoon character to the real deal is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.)

It doesn't matter you're still killing an infant

No I'm not, and it DOES matter. Flurry is a cartoon. I can do what I want with her, and like I said up there; to even DARE to compare killing a cartoon baby to killing a real baby is worth a knock upside the head to me.

I mean what's next...? You gonna call someone a drug addict because they write about smokers and pot-crackers? (Grow up, people)

You killed an INNOCENT BABY

Flurry Heart's not innocent... not to me.

1: (From my point of view) I hate that little brat because I hate Princess Cadance. There's no finer way to break Cadance down by picking at her family so she can watch them die/suffer.

(She's guilty as charged)

2: (From the fics point of view... other than my hated) It's PART OF THE SCRIPT...

-Logan hates Flurry because she's alive. Logan hates all existence (Even his own self) so he's trying to obliterate it all (NOT JUST over Terra dumping him, but because of all the things that WRONGED him, stole from him, robbed him of his happiness and loved ones and being against him) He's also following the orders of the Dark Prognosticus (His creator and master)

-Flurry tried to attack Logan, and just like any sick villain, he demonstrated his cruelty by killing her.

-Even if Flurry did get her head taken off, she would've died anyway, seeing as Logan is trying to obliterate all existence (All worlds, all dimensions) So either Flurry died NOW by Logan's wrath, or she dies anyway later when Equestria is vanquished. Either way... she doesn't live (Not until the end of the fic)

-With all worlds being destroyed, more than just one little baby is going to be annihilated.

-There is no chance I would let that little brat live. She'd serve no purpose in the story other than for Cadance to just lug around, and besides... I was being mocked just for even THINKING of killing her. So either way... Flurry dies... or she lives... it's all not going to end well (Maturity is worth nothing in these parts... especially when it doesn't even exist) Even if I let her live, I'd be so pissed that I didn't kill her, I'd scorn anyone who would even DARE to comment nicely. (Give them attitude and hate on them)

-So, I went ahead and did it anyway... not about to let people push me around and Tell ME how to make MY fanfiction, and like I said, there was no point in letting the brat live if people were going to mock and bullshit about things anyway.

I rest my case.

*Looks at Flurry's dead and headless body* "That little pee-wee... got what she deserved."

But again, to all those who still act as if killing a CARTOON CHARACTER is equivalent to killing someone in real life... PAH!! Idiots the load of them.

I think I'll rap this up with a good Count Logan vid...

See Logan destroy everything...!!

Comments ( 6 )

Encounter another hater or more?


Yep, and mostly because of of ignorance, and others because of Tomhur. Guy and his conspiracies just won't take a hint.

Heck, the little twit still can't even tell the difference between POSSESSED and CURSED, but his lamest and most retarded excuse.

"I know you said he got POSSESSED by the book, I don't remember where, I just know you did." (Yet he can't find any proof... since I never said "possessed")

What a dolt!

Your argument is essentially "It doesn't matter, because it's fiction." But it actually does matter, because regardless of whether it's fiction or not, how you write a story actually DOES say something about how your mind works.

But before you accuse me of saying 'that's proof that you have the desire to kill babies' or something like that, that's not what I'm saying at all. When I say it shows how your mind works, it doesn't mean you'd literally want that to happen in the real world. What it DOES show is the kind of anger and hate you have in your mind. And that kind of anger and hate can be potentially dangerous. So unless you are intentionally writing a situation that you yourself despise, or you are intentionally writing a character with the intent of making him despised, what you write does say something about who you are, whether it's fiction or not.

(From the fics point of view... other than my hated) It's PART OF THE SCRIPT...

The fic's point of view IS your point of view, because you wrote the script. So it's not "other than" your hatred, it IS your hatred.

Flurry Heart's not innocent... not to me.

(She's guilty as charged)

Wrong! If you want to redefine the definition of "guilty", make sure you specify that. Otherwise, Flurry Heart does NOT fall under the definition of guilty in any way, shape, or form. I get it. You want Cadance to suffer by killing her child. I'll accept that. I'll also accept that you hate Flurry Heart (even if it is just because she's Cadance's daughter). But Flurry Heart has done nothing to make her guilty of anything. Even if you were to use the fact that she nearly destroyed the Crystal Empire as an example, that still doesn't make her guilty, because guilt implies intent. You only call Flurry guilty because you consider Cadance to be guilty. That's known as the "guilt by association" fallacy. Being associated with the guilty party does NOT make you part of the guilty party.

Also, why do you hate Cadence so much? She's a kind mare who married the stallion of your dreams and is running a pretty functional kingdom, and also has a daughter who, while mischevious and kind of destructive, is an INFANT

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