• Member Since 5th Jul, 2015
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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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    Poor Tara Strong (RIP Reese)

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  • 1 week
    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 5 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

    People often yak at me

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    "Grow up"


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    The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

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  • 6 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

    People sure love to complain...

    She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her.

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  • 9 weeks
    Sentencing Characters (Dragnet Style)

    As you know (Or some of you at least) The Writer is the one in charge. The Writer is the master. The Writer... is... God (Of the world the write anyway)

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MARKS FOR EFFORT (Review) · 9:39pm Jun 1st, 2018


Well, I doubt you'll be getting any from me. (I care more about RESULTS than EFFORT) If I don't like the results, you get scorned, plain and simple. (Just like my haters do)

Let's see how you'll disgust me this time...My LOSER Ponies. Then again, I and my haters all live the same code (The Ways of General Esdeath) when it comes to writing, TV, games and all that stuff.

"Understand something: You are never going to change who I am. YOU will be the one changing for me! That's all their is to it."

And don't try to deny it, your attitudes as well as mine speak differently.

Now, onto the rant...!


*Sighs* The CMC are Snooping again. As if "BREAK UP BREAK DOWN" didn't teahc you about Snooping like OTHER PAST EPS HAVE ALREADY!


LIFE POINTS: 8000----> 7800

"Learning Friendship with your best friends... and Cake!"

Ugh! Gag! (What could be better than Learning about Friendship with your best friends? For me: Avoiding that whole hornet's nest completely and work on fics, vids and blogs instead)


LIFE POINTS: 7800----> 7600

Hmmm... Twilight leaving Spike in charge of the class. I would say that's good... that way I don't have to listen to HER all the time, but why do I have a feeling she's going to regret that.

-No damage (Yet)

"Isn't this place for... "EVERY CREATURE!"

UGH!! What have I told you about Saying that?!


LIFE POINTS: 7600----> 7100

"Spiiiike... what did you do."

Possibly something you've never done... and that's something RIGHT!!! Hahahaha!

-No Damage (Period)

Uh oh... the Crusader's got one of their IDEAS. *Get the anti-CMC-PLAN kit ready* It's always the same with those little squirts.

Even in my Starfleet series, DD wants to go to Starfleet Academy a lot, but she knows fully-well she's too young, of course she has had a load of adventures and misadventures with my Starfleet CMCs, like prep-training.

I'm getting off topic...

Point is, those CMCs are being really pathetic right now with bogus acts. I'll give it...


LIFE POINTS: 7100----> 6600

Hmm, a little pony finding it hard to adjust to change... I'll spare it.

-No Damage

"When you give form your heart, you don't expect anything back..."

..PUH-LEASE!!! *Glaring at Sweetie Belle*

It may noble to do that, I'll give you that, but how do you expect to gain anything if all you ever is GIVE and NOT RECEIVE?

you I know you said you "Don't EXPECT anything back" but what is also means is "You REFUSE anything rewarded to you" why my haters would bitch at anyone the second they took a reward they were offered when you're supposed "Give form your heart and REFUSE"


LIFE POINTS: 6600----> 5600

Do something nice for total strangers?! Well, I can't really criticism that. Everyone does it once in a while... heck I did it this week, I was out for my daily walk and two people came along lost and asked me where the nearby plaza was and I showed them.

Even at Anime North, due to my 15 years experience there, I guided lost people around, and showed them were to look for things they really wanted.

-No Damage.

Snooping again are we!

Oyi! In my Starfleet Season five, the CMC had a better way of getting to know people; by taking a small census (As was part of their school project)


LIFE POINTS: 5600----> 5400

Okay, Cactus Helmet... What the hell?! Worse than that, Scootaloo just gave away her helmet. The act was nice, but it wasn't smart.


LIFE POINTS: 5400----> 5200

Hmm... another 200 it seems. Sweetie Belle's idea didn't really go well "At least she liked her present"

If may quote from Paul from Pokemon: "Being PATHETIC is nothing to be proud about."


LIFE POINTS: 5200----> 5000

True, pitching in DOES make chores go faster, but that doesn't mean the people will be thankful, grateful. I would know! I help around the house as best I can, and I even weeded the entire garden, and everyone's still all cranky and loudmouthed.

barely even get a "thank you"

Makes me want to forget doing nice things for them PERIOD.


LIFE POINTS: 5000----> 4800

No surprises you got an A... what with Professor TWIT-LIGHT in charge. (I'm just being insulting)

-No damage

"Is it... CONTROL?"

Yes, very good. Because What Twilight does is never friendship, just like my what haters do isn't criticism, and what I do isn't development...

...It's Lust for Control and Obedience.

-No damage

Okay, Twilight is seriously being retarded, worse than ever. Even though she didn't SEE what was happening.

And what Cozy Glow was equally, if not WORSE, failing on purpose like that. A guaranteed CMC plan destined to crash and burn.

Their just lucky my haters are even more retarded than they are... still...


LIFE POINTS: 4800----> 3800

Twilight's apology means nothing to me. If I was there, I'd give her a big fat no and walk away. And the girls being teachers... after their record of messing up?!!!


LIFE POINTS: 3800----> 2800


Well ep was certainly pathetic. I think I'll give Twilight a few good kicks to the rump in Darkness of Dimensions.

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