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I am a proud Brony, a passionate lover of reading and writing, and I wish my fellow Bronies and my readers well

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Pony Variants: Solar Ponies · 5:57am Jun 1st, 2018

This will probably be my most controversial Pony Variant, but please keep in mind, the details are exclusive to my own story-canon and are not show-canon, or even comic-canon as far as I know

Solar Ponies

Of all the Variants of of Ponykind, the Solar Ponies are, ironically, the darkest. Before they came to be, Princess Celestia, in the first few years after having been forced to banish her sister, suffered greatly in heart and soul. The praises and adulation she received from her subjects for saving them from Nightmare Moon turned the sweetness of accomplishment in protecting them and the world at large from her sister to bitter ashes. A part of her even felt disdain at them, but it was nothing compared to her own self-loathing.

Ten years after Nightmare moon was defeated, during a full moon, Celestia felt something tug at her awareness and found it would not be ignored. She followed it to the Eastern Sea until she came upon the Shetland Isles.

It was here she discovered the community of the Lunar Ponies, easily sensing her sister’s essence in them. At first, she tried to approach them, only for their Lunobi warriors to threaten her to come no closer, that outsiders were not permitted, and not even after identifying herself was she granted entry into their village. Time and again Celestia tried approaching them directly and openly, but no matter what she said, assured, or promised, the Lunobi warriors always barred her way and threatened her to leave.

Her patience running thin, even though it went against her nature, Celestia finally chose to try and sneak into the village. Wrapping herself with magic for invisibility, soundproofing, and hiding her scent, Celestia managed to enter the Lunar Ponies’ village and was astounded by their community and their culture. Listening in on some conversations, she learned the village was led by a Matriarch and approached her, maintaining her stealth spells.

However, upon entering the Matriarch’s home and meditation room, she welcomed Princess Celestia, surprising the Princess of the Sun, and even complimenting her skills in stealth. Celestia dropped the magic concealing her presence and asked how the matriarch sensed her presence, and the Matriarch replied that her instincts told her she was not alone.

They shared a long conversation and Celestia learned how the Lunar Ponies came to be by the grace of their Mother of the Night, Princess Luna. The Matriarch mentioned how one night they felt something was wrong with their Dear Mother, something terrible and dark. Their instincts told them not to investigate but a group of lunar ponies insisted on finding and helping Luna but never returned. It was for this reason why the Matriarch declared that until Princess Luna returned, no one could enter their community or leave it without the Matriarch’s blessing.

Celestia learned more and more from the Matriarch about the Lunar Ponies from the old texts she kept that were written by both Luna and the Matriarch’s father, a Lunar Unicorn who led the Lunar Ponies before her decades prior. Celestia became intrigued by Luna’s notes regarding how she turned the orphaned, abused, and downtrodden foals she’d taken in into the first Lunar Ponies. So intrigued that she wondered if it were possible to replicate such a feat of magic.

Celestia told the Matriarch Equestria would welcome them but the old mare declined, reasoning they had to have faith that Princess Luna would return, causing a twinge of guilt in Celestia, as she had not admitted to banishing her sister. So, she left on good terms and returned home to Canterlot Castle.

Studying and researching what she’d learned about how Luna had turned her adopted foals into the first Lunar Ponies by infusing them with her own moon-empowered essence, Celestia thought to try a similar method. She carefully selected twenty of her most trustworthy ponies, mares, stallions, earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, and offered to them the chance to become something more. Defenders, protectors, her champions to watch over her little ponies and safeguard Equestria. All twenty ponies accepted without hesitation.

Creating a magic circle, Celestia waited until the noon hour of the summer solstice before she performed the ritual and infused her chosen twenty with her own sun-empowered essence, and thus she created the Solar Ponies!

They were glorious. They were valiant. They were sworn to serve and protect their Princess of the Sun and their nation of Equestria, and seemed to be the promise of a shining future!

Alas that future would be eclipsed with a terrible darkness.

The Solar Ponies learned to wield their new powers and became effective protectors of their Princess’s subjects, and adamant enforcers of her law. Ponies looked up to them, believed in them; with the Solar Ponies around it seemed as though there was nothing to fear. But from out of nowhere did things slowly but surely take a turn for the worse...

The Solar Ponies began “encourage” the masses to honor and glorify their fair ruler, their Princess of the Sun. The “encouragement” made the ponies uncomfortable, but then the Solar Ponies demanded they pay tribute to their Princess, to worship her as a goddess! The ponies reluctance turned into a short-lived defiance.

A defiance that was turned to ashes!

It quickly became clear that the Solar Ponies had gone mad with power and zealotry. When Princess Celestia received word of what her Solar Ponies were doing, she was stricken with horror and disgust, which turned to shame and tearful remorse when she saw the many victims of those who had defied or dared insult the Solar Ponies’ “goddess” whether it was accidental or not.

Rallying her guardsponies, Celestia confronted the Solar Ponies, calling them out for the depravities they had committed and infuriated when they claimed it had been in her name. With no other choice, Celestia captured and chained the Solar Ponies and condemned them for their crimes and the lives the had destroyed, imprisoning them in Tartarus.

In the prison of monsters and ancient evils, the Solar Ponies were cut off from the Sun, and without it, their solar magic began to fade while their minds began to clear of the madness they had suffered and realized their wrongs with soul-crushing remorse. Like flowers cut off from the sun, the Solar Ponies withered, in mind, body, and soul. Feeling they had been punished enough, Celestia set them free and was relieved to see they never recovered their solar magic.

Most of the former Solar Ponies lived the rest of their lives in shameful seclusion, a few others took their own lives out of shame that they could not live with. Only two or three managed to move on with their lives and bore the consequences of what they’d done.

Ashamed and disgusted with herself and how all of these tragedies had occurred because of her, Celestia erased the Solar Ponies’ identities from the history books and covered up the whole thing. She considered it perhaps the worst of all her mistakes, in some ways even worse than failing her sister.

But what Celestia didn’t realize is, that before the Solar Ponies had gone mad, one of them had impregnated a mare and left behind a child. The bloodline continued, thinning with each new generation... until Sunset Shimmer somehow tapped into her nascent Solar Pony blood during a traumatic experience of her childhood.

Disturbed but failing to see the facts for what they were, Celestia chose to make Sunset her pupil, only for fate to take Sunset down a road not unlike that of her ancestors.

The first Solar Ponies were the result of Celestia’s attempt to imitate her sister’s ritual in making Lunar Ponies. A specific and defining difference in their methods was, while Luna turned foals into the first Lunar Ponies, Celestia opted to turn adult ponies into Solar Ponies. The fundamental changes to their very beings were so sudden and so intense that they were simply unprepared to handle the powers they received while the first generation of Lunar Ponies were able to grow up with the changes and learn to live with them.

They changed, their coats turning into “warm” colors (though there were a few with coats black like coal or gray like smoke) while their manes, hooves, and tails became wreathed with flowing flames that did not burn; though if a Solar Pony got angry his flaming hooves could leave behind flaming hoof prints

The Solar Ponies had several powers and abilities that made them formidable and strong, including:

Daytime Physical Empowerment
Every Solar Pony is stronger during the day, doubling in strength, senses, stamina, and agility. In addition, during the day Solar Ponies don’t age, and instead only age during the night. In other words, Solar Ponies age half the age rate of natural ponies (and non-Solar Ponies)

Sunlight Absorption
The greatest strength of the Sola Ponies turned into their downfall; Solar Ponies are able to absorb energy from the sunlight, which fuels their strength, stamina, and magic beyond the norm, making Solar Earth Ponies stronger and even able to grow more crops than any natural Earth Pony, for Solar Pegasi to fly faster than any natural Pegasus, and Solar Unicorns to cast spells more powerful than even the most studied and trained natural Unicorn wizards.

The first Solar Ponies enjoyed sunlight energy much like experiencing a high. The constant exposure to the sun and their inability to control this power affected their emotions, turning them passionate, temperamental, until they became unhinged and mad, turning they extremely dangerous and violently lashing out at the slightest provocation.

Fire and Thermal Immunity
Solar Ponies were unharmed by fire or extreme temperatures of heat. They could feel it but it didn’t bother them.

Invisibility and Command over Light
Solar Ponies discovered they had the ability to bend light around themselves and become invisible. This evolved into a control of Light , allowing them to emit flashes of light so powerful that sometimes it left those who saw them permanently blind, release beams of light so intense that they could cut through metal like a hot knife through butter; they could even create invisible walls of light to capture, trap, and contain targets, as well as platforms of light to use as steps or bridges, as well as vivid holograms of three-dimensional light that took the form of whatever the Solar Ponies envisioned, including weapons, due to the holograms’ nature allowing them to temporarily be solid

Light Speed
Some Solar Ponies are able to channel their solar energy into their physical motions, enabling them to move at super speed. They boast this power by calling it Light Speed even though they are not actually moving at the speed of light. Not all of them can do it, but those that can are able to outrun almost any terrestrial creature and even out-speed some flying ones.

This speed is reliant on solar energy, so Solar Ponies can use it at night, but it burns through their solar energy very quickly, requiring them to replenish during the day. It can even burn out if they use it while cut off from the sun.

Power of Fire
It’s not surprise that Solar Ponies could command fire. They can ignite and command fire with their minds, concentrate it into various forms, and even discovered they have a “Healing Flame” which burns away injury and illness. Solar Pegasi learned to expel fire from their hind hooves to give their flying a rocket-like boost. When the Solar Ponies’ anger reached their apex their flames could melt solid rock into lava, and turn those unfortunate to cross them to ashes

They could even make semi-corporeal fire constructs but these constructs still burned with intense heat, as well as flaming apparitions of ponies or even monsters that acted almost independently but still under the command of the Solar Ponies who made them.

Report Wolven5 · 419 views · Story: Blaze the Pony Tale ·
Comments ( 4 )

(nods in understandment) fascinating

sometimes celestia plays with power she can't control...back to back mistakes

Well, this is my own head-canon, plz remember that

I know that 😘

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