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"I am the Aloof Hermit, the Lord of the Empty Seat. I am the Alpha and the Omega"

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My Reaction to "The Parent Map" · 5:34pm May 5th, 2018

Oh cool, a Starlight Glimmer episode!

Mmmm.... yes Starlight-haters, your anguish sustains me!

Ok so, how many letters has Sunburst thrown away? Man those parental issues must be really something... does Equestria not have psychiatrists?

Also, here's an interesting thought user "AC97" brought up:

Sunburst, after leaving town, his mother would write him letters every other day or so, and he, getting sick of it, started throwing them out. Starlight, let's say she didn't muster up the resolve to try writing until say, weeks or months down the line (believe it or not, that sounds like something I could definitely see myself doing.), but at that point, Sunburst was routinely throwing out letters that came from that place, automatically presuming they came from Stellar Flare.

And that is why Starlight writing to Sunburst didn't end up working out.

That makes a surprising amount of sense...

Yep, the map is definitely sentient.

Giddy Sunburst is hilarious!

Starlight's reaction actually mirrors the bronies who hate her, can't tell if that's satire or a coincidence.

Also Spike, you CAUSED the Friendship mission in the first place.

Starlight's right, even if you explain it thoroughly there's a chance that your folks won't listen...

Not being allowed to read the books in the library and only being allowed to see the covers!? Dear God it's Twilight's worst nightmare!

Starlight, Rainbow Dash would sympathize with you. Your parents coddling you Non-Stop is just downright embarrassing at times.

I'm starting to see who Starlight got her stubborn controlling personality from... makes a little more sense now that I think about it...


Ok, that gate is ridiculously annoying...

Is it weird that I find sarcastic Sunburst hilarious?

Starlight Glimmer had an emo phase!? Whole lot of shit started making sense...

....and are we sure they are somehow related to Twilight? All this over-analyzing is starting to get ridiculous!

Step 4: Profit?

Wow, these three are worse actors then Celestia in the previous episode, and that's saying a LOT.

Thanks background Bread Pony!

Overbearing parents that don't get the point? This is basically Parental Glideance 2.0 isn't it? Yet somehow I still love it...

Thanks for spelling it out for us background ponies!

Go to be honest, having them stop a war would be pretty entertaining.

Sunburst: "Oh, I'm not sorry for that."

Wow, Sunburst is a smartass! And I LOVE IT!

Starlight: "I have made plenty of mistakes, but I learn from them."

Beautiful, Simply Beautiful.

Okay, everybody's asking so I might as well too: where is Starlight's mother and where is Sunburst's father!?

Anywho, this is the decently entertaining episode. It did feel like a repeat of Parental Glidance at certain points, but it managed to do it better in several aspects, we got a little more characterization for Starlight and Sunburst and some insight to the relationship with their parents which does hold a bit of relevance to how they turned out.

All in all, pretty good, I give it 7.5 out of 10.

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