• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 7th, 2021


Mental instability at its finest and aspiring punk rock musician. PS: Buy a creator a coffee to keep him awake? https://ko-fi.com/firerain

More Blog Posts1257

  • 155 weeks
    My Very Last Blog Post - Goodbye

    As of now, I think the time has come to finally abandon my Fimfiction page. I don't particularly want any involvement in the MLP community any longer and I hold no interest in continuing to be an active member. While my page remains open to everyone, I've logged out permanently and don't think I'll return to it or use it again. No more blogs, no more stories, no related content - it's over.

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    3 comments · 780 views
  • 155 weeks
    I'm never going to be the person that... (Facts of life)

    I'm never going to be the person who goes out drinking with friends in the pub at the end of the week,
    I'm never going to be the person to enter a stable relationship,
    I'm never going to be the person to cry for those who won't cry for me,
    I'm never going to be the person who gives up over a little tough break,

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    1 comments · 330 views
  • 155 weeks
    Either stay or leave. Don't play me about.

    If you're staying, stay.

    If you're playing around with me, kindly fuck off. I'm not in the mood.

    Either follow or don't follow. It really is that simple. Make up your mind already.

    Thank you. :ajsleepy:


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    1 comments · 312 views
  • 155 weeks
    Need a distraction from your low mood? Here's an old photo of my guinea pig :3

    Because I'm sad and because my guinea pig is an adorable fwubby enchanted squeaking potato, here's Oscar laying down and snuggling into his brother, Guinness's guinea bum. Don't ask why he did that, just look at how cute he's being. Requires all the ear rubs. Should have called him Sir Purrsalot. 🐹

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    1 comments · 281 views
  • 155 weeks
    ''Applejack, are you gay?'' French Translation - if you're interested.

    Back when I introduced this story a few years ago, I was approached by a French Translator called Rainbowsoarin007 and they requested me to allow them to turn my story into a French translation for viewers in that part of the world and those who speak it.

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    0 comments · 219 views

I'm Not Ashamed, And Neither Should You Be - The one blog where I speak my mind and let you know EXACTLY what I think. · 7:39pm May 1st, 2018

Gran (Jokingly): Dan, cut your hair, you scruffy cunt.

Me: No.

Dad: Why don't you go to the dole office and get yourself a job.

Me: No. I'm in college, so there isn't really any point. Besides, I make more than you think I do on the side.

Cheryl (Step-mother / Cruella Deville): You're a retard and I've been here more than your mother has.

Me: Yeah? Well, at least I don't smoke, so there's that. Second, no, you haven't. Gran's been my mother longer than you, so fuck off, you smoke-fuelled human chimney. Why don't you go and leech money from someone else besides my Dad, eh, Smokey?

Someone I know: You're weird. Why can't you act normal?

Me: Because I'm not a pansy that bends over and spreads his ass cheeks like a lot of other people out there that do as they are told? It's called having fun and the free will to experience happiness every now and again. You should try it some time.

So, you can see that the above examples are a clear display that I simply do not give a shit about most things that are said to me. I don't care how I look, how others see me or what is thrown at me. I've had worse. If you wanna try me, you might as well give up while you can. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people getting at my throat about the type of person I am and passing judgement when they don't know the slightest or first thing about me.

Most things I say are intended to be a joke instead of personal, but some people have no clue on that or sarcasm, so what can I do? Oh, yeah! - Joke about it some more. Besides, that's what I do all the time, so it's only natural.

Oh, and while I'm at it, in case you haven't figured it out, yes, I'm quite pissed at some of the stupid-arse comments I get on some stories. Remember a while back when I wrote ''Applejack, are you gay?'' as a joke story because I was bored and also to touch on the very real and possibly canon fact of Applejack's orientation?

Someone said to me ''a delicate topic handled with the care of a sledgehammer''.

There wasn't a message or real purpose in the story that I was trying to get across, mainly because it was already established from the show in that episode with Rarity and that stallion model guy that she had a crush on. If you recall, it was at the farm that it began to give strong hints after he turned Rarity down after being stricken by Applejack's beauty, only to be turned down multiple times by her. There was even one point where Rarity cut her off when she was going to say something. That 'something' is where that story and theory comes from.

In other words, my story was basically an act of speculation and a working theory that Applejack is possibly a lesbian. There wasn't anything to it other than that and the fact that I wrote it with little hopes or intentions of it being popular. Besides, I'm not really bothered. Even by my standards, I can fairly say that I think the story is shit, so that sums up my thoughts on it.

Another thing, I get annoyed when people comment with this one word -

SEQUEL!!!! :pinkiehappy::flutterrage:

The short answer to that is this: No.

I'm sure some other authors here don't like being asked to write a sequel, mainly because they do what they think is best. Sometimes, it isn't always necessary nor needed, and it only works if the story is set up in a place where it can be appropriate for one. Not all stories meet this standard, and when they don't, it's normally called a one-shot or a stand-alone. On a personal level, I'm not one for sequels, trilogies or continuations that happen in a series. It's not my thing out of preference.

All in all, I would really like people to stop commenting that I should write a sequel by saying stuff along the lines of ''this demands a sequel!'' and ''This cries for a continuation!''. I'm not saying this to be mean, hurtful or ungrateful to know you like some of my work, but I really, really don't like being asked to write sequels for some reason. Probably due to the fact I have little to no time to write anymore. I might one day, but we'll see what happens. I can't exactly be held responsible for anything that comes up in the meantime.

To finish this off, the last thing I have to say is that I don't write much (or at all) on this site anymore because the very second I put a story out, like the last one I published, I immediately got a downvote. Do you know how annoying that is as a writer? Do you know how it feels and how much it hurts for someone to tread all over your heart the very second you show it to the rest of the world? Well, I, like many others, do. It's happened very frequently lately, and it's more damaging to my writing confidence than you might think.

I have no idea why, but I have very high suspicions. Nearly every single story I've put out for the past month or two have gained a downvote almost as soon as I click the 'submit' button, and it's very upsetting to see. Why? Because I care about the quality of my work and what I put into it. As a person, I'm sensitive yet witty, and although it sounds like an odd combination, it doesn't mean that these things don't get to me, because they do. They really and honestly do.

All I'm trying to do is either make people who read my work laugh, cry, be happy or even be disgusted. That's really all I ever wanted because it's what I do best and it's what I know. Five/six years of writing experience is what I have to work with, so I can only do my best and try my best while working as a one-man show. I mean, come on, you're reading the words of a person who should and could be deemed crazy if you knew me personally. Yes, it's true that I'm a quiet person, but that's mainly due to people always, and I mean always, getting in my face because of my personality and judging me for who I am.

Well, let me tell you something, Big Shot, I'm not ashamed of the person I am, and I certainly am not going to give up my true personality and feelings just so I can be moulded into the 'perfect' image that you want me to be. Shut up, you fruit cake. I'll live my life how I want to live it, and I'll start by telling you to leave me alone if you're going to just stand there, gloat, nag and discriminate against me. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of people are sick of others being like that, and I'm not surprised.

I don't like many things, and purely arrogant, selfish and narcissistic arseholes like that are the Number One thing that I don't stand for. Also, you don't like it when I tell it how it is? Well, someone better start doing so, because nothing is ever going to get better if everyone ignores true facts and sugarcoat it with bullshit. If some people want to hate, let them do so. Not my problem, and not your problem, either. However, that doesn't mean that the problem should be left unaddressed. I've never been a liar to a high extent, and I don't plan to start now or any time soon.

Just so you know, I'm not mad at a specific person or audience, but I'm serious when I say that the world is full of others that want nothing more than to destroy and get rid of those that they feel threatened, intimidated or slightly uneasy to be around. It's not a fun fact, but it's how it is and always has been. The worst part is that we are all human, and everyone has their flaws. I know I certainly do. It's what makes us different, and if we were all perfect and 'pristine', well, there wouldn't be room for improvement, would there?

Something has to change before it's too late, and I really hope it does. It's sad to admit, but unless you're naive and oblivious to it, despite the historical evidence known as World War One and World War Two, it's in the human nature to destroy ourselves. Things are getting ridiculous, and I honestly have a bad feeling about the future. I suppose everyone has. The only thing we can do in the meantime is live, laugh and love as best as we know how. I don't know about you, but my methods are shown and expressed through the means of music, poetry and literature. All the good stuff.

T'is all.


With love, from Blighty,

- FireRain :heart:

(Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking. You likely thing I'm big-headed or something of the kind. Nah. Like I said above, I tell it how it is because I'm not afraid of judgement. I know people, regardless of who they are, will disagree and agree on different things. Welcome to being human. We live, we love, we die. It's all natural and normal for us to feel emotional at times. I, for one, have a state of mind where I constantly feel emotional, but that's more of a personal thing, so, yeah.

Judge me as you want. Opinions are opinions, facts are facts, and lies are lies, just like the truth is the truth. It happens, it comes and it goes. Enjoy what you can while you can, because one day, you're going to look back and the first thing you're going to think is ''I could have made a difference.'' In other words, try and leave nothing to regret later.)

Comments ( 4 )

There are quite a few things I wanna say in response, so I'm just making a list cause I'm lazy like that. :heart:
1. I don't care what anyone says, the story "Applejack, are you gay?" made me laugh and I love it. :heart:
2. Ya, I wrote my first chapter to my first story on here the other week that the site estimated would take about two hours to read, and a half hour later when I checked in on it again I already had a dislike with no explanation as to why. It sucks because I'd rather have feedback on how I can improve. But you know, people are just weird like that. :trixieshiftleft:
3. I got pestered for a month by my family about how ugly I looked with shaggy from scooby doo hair and a beard moustache combo until I shaved part of the beard and left the moustache. Then they called me Pablo for a month. People are dicks.
4. Ya the worlds sorta going to shit, while at the same time it's getting marginally better. The worlds weird like that.
5. Praise be the muffin princess. :derpytongue2:
6. To be honest, your works great. You can really tell you put a lot of time and effort into it, sure some people won't like it. Can't please everyone, but at least your making people smile and have a better day because you put time and effort into your work. But what do I know, I'm just a philosopher on the internet.
Skyward Sword
P.s. I hope you have a good day.:heart::derpytongue2:

Someone said to me ''a delicate topic handled with the care of a sledgehammer''.

That is a good approach sometimes.
If you don't come off as being to brash and brazen, it shows yours stuff, hopefully in a good way.

I hate smokers too. Does she want to quit ?
Smokes are a huge money sink.

Not really, no. It's the thing that was said afterwards that pissed me off. It said

This story has some severe issues with its message

Why? Because there wasn't one to begin with! I wrote the story for the sake of fun and with no intentions of making it serious, so when the commenter and another person made these comments, I felt somewhat attacked.

Secondly, no, she doesn't. She's a heavy smoker and am even bigger scumbag. Really irate personality, bitchy attitude and there is never a moment when she doesn't have a cigarette in her hand. Other than that, she's the second most person I hate and have no respect for due to the way she's treated me over the years. She can go fuck herself, honestly.

As for sinking money, yeah, I'll agree. What annoys me is that the money isn't even hers! It's my dad's, and she practically is what I'd refer to as a leech.

Yeah, I know what you mean by that. When people hit the downvote button just because they feel like it and hardly spend the time to give feedback to say how the writer can improve. You know, when I wrote the story called Afterworld: Dead Days, it was only up for about half an hour and it already made the popular stories listings. Someone commented saying this -

''How the fuck does this story make the popular story listings? It has (number here. I think it was 17 upvotes). This story gets a downvote.''

That really upset me, yet I was also very amused by it. I annoyed someone because I was popular. Oh, shame on me for knowing how to write. Woe is me! :rainbowwild::raritydespair::rainbowlaugh:

At least some people enjoy what I do, and that's all that matters to me as a writer. Gracias. :heart:

Also, yes, about the appearance thing, I know what it's like. I've been called ''scruffy cunt'' and ''chav'', and that's annoying. I'm not going to dress how someone else wants me to dress, so fuck 'em. My life, my rules. I'll admit, I hardly even wash my hair that often, and I wear the same hoodie for the entire week, sometimes even wearing about only two shirts in the week. I don't let myself get unbearably dirty, but at the same time, I simply can't be bothered to get a shower half the time. I don't know why exactly, but when I shower, I'll sometimes feel terrible and I want to sleep.

Besides, I don't really like water in general. I'm not a hydrophobe, but there are times when water strikes some kind of anxiety in me. When it comes to shaving, I often don't. Sometimes, a beard is all a man needs. :moustache:

PS - To add to the muffins, blessed be for cookies! Oh, Almighty Chocolate Chip, do you crumble all over me with your sexiness, or do you melt in one's mouth like the angel nectar that you are? Blessed be, Lord Chocolate Chip! Hail! :scootangel:🍪

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