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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Being a Better Writer: Keeping Character Variety · 3:37pm Apr 30th, 2018

Welcome back readers! If you’re seeing this early early early Monday morning, that means that I succeeded in getting it written on Saturday before my work shift … so that I wouldn’t have to worry about not having written it during my Monday and Tuesday work shifts.

One day I’ll move into that 20% of authors that don’t need a second job. Someday …

But for today, we’re back on track with Topic List 11 and chugging right along with a particularly interesting request topic: keeping characters fresh.

Now, granted, this request came with a bit of an explanation, which I’ll give to you now (and is reflected in the title). Our intrepid seeker of knowledge wasn’t asking about keeping a character constantly “fresh” over the course of the story (that’s another topic for another day) or how much tupperware they’d need to keep them from going stale. No, what they were asking after was another kind of freshness: how to keep theirnewcharacters from simply being photocopies of prior ones?

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Comments ( 2 )

Gotta learn the difference between 'roll' and 'role', man. It's making my eye twitch.

Sorry. I wrote this while tired and in a hurry. The former really does, I've noticed, give me a tendency to swap words for their similar-sounding counterparts. I have no idea why. But with my schedule, I wasn't able to proofread it beforehand.

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