• Member Since 31st May, 2012
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Snake Staff

A young man working his way through life and writing for fun.

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  • 304 weeks
    New TV Tropes Page

    I've recently been informed someone made a TV Tropes page for Celestia's Rocket Adventures earlier this week, so now my life is complete I feel loved for the first time go give it some love.

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  • 314 weeks
    New Cover Art

    Thanks to Mix-up, Empire and Rebellion now has a swanky new piece of cover art. I wonder what it could portend for the future...

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  • 322 weeks
    The Rebels Finale

    So, out of some warped curiosity, I decided to take a look to see what had become of Nucanon's latest dumpster fire. Perhaps some part of me still hoped that someone on staff had a clue on how to make a good story.


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  • 334 weeks
    I'm through with Disney Canon

    I'm sure a lot of you were wondering where I've been, and the answer boils down to being busy and having my computer (and all the chapters I had written) succumb to technical issues.

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  • 354 weeks
    This seems pertinent

    In light of this past week.

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The Rebels Finale · 12:41am Mar 7th, 2018

So, out of some warped curiosity, I decided to take a look to see what had become of Nucanon's latest dumpster fire. Perhaps some part of me still hoped that someone on staff had a clue on how to make a good story.


From space whales to time travel to Gandalf the Orange, nothing made any sense. The whole plot seemed more like a bad drug trip, yet I have to remind myself that all this idiocy is now official canon. To be honest it's... kinda depressing.

I'm still determined to finish my own story, of course, but I think I'm going need an aspirin.

Have a good week everybody.

Report Snake Staff · 1,292 views · Story: Empire and Rebellion ·
Comments ( 43 )

At least this is better then TLJ.

By a parsec!:trollestia:

You did see the rest of the series before the finale, correct?

Bits and pieces. It bored me to tears when it didn't make me want to throw a hammer at my television.

You gotta give it some credit. The season 2 finale was good.

It had potential before Filoni literally threw in time travel because he couldn't bear to see his precious waifu get killed by Vader. This episode then decides to make her Gandalf, white robes and staff and everything, and also survive the war and the Battle of Endor because obviously that makes sense.

There was one clip where fans could see her enter a temple at the end of the finale though, so fans couldn't tell if she died or not.
Also, Time Travel was a thing in Legends before it was canon.

Yes, I know. That's incredibly stupid and blatantly used to avoid having to kill her off despite that being the obvious conclusion to the episode.

Literally going back in time and yanking someone out of their death moment was never a thing before this, the closest thing was flow-walking, which only let you see but not change the past.

YOU LIVE!!!!!!!

I mean, Rex survived as well. And at least they didn't yank Kanan out and had a reason

Going forwards in time due to a hyperdrive accident is not the same thing as going backwards in time. No one has ever employed it as a means of undoing or changing the past.

I think the reason why is one thing: it would change the timeline, and sometimes, it would be for the worst. Basically, seeing as nothing bad happened to the timeline one Ahsoka was pulled, it's not a fixed point in time. Kanan's death was a fixed point, meaning it was his destiny to sacrifice himself.

I stopped watching Rebels... Two seasons ago I think? After the thing with Darth Maul on Tatioone, about the time I really started getting more into Legends, I mean, I'd always liked it better than Disney's shit, but I finally read the Thrawn trilogy and I realized 'holy fuck, this is so much better, why isn't this still canon?'

The first season I would kinda give a pass seeing as they don't really contradict Legends, but yeah, after that it all went downhill fast.

You've got me kinda curious about just how bad this episode is though, I might force myself to watch it just to see...

Go back in time and shank a young Palpatine. Or this that "destiny" too? it's bullshit is what it is.

Grand Admiral Thrawn is defeated by space whales dragging his ship to hyperspace after they break his blockade and presumably kill Pellaeon off-screen. No, they don't have any kind of innate resistance to turbolaser fire. Also they can hyperspace in a planet's atmosphere without consequence. Because reasons.

Also, Palpatine is personally told off by Ezra prior of Lothal's uprising. And dozens of Star Destroyers weren't swarming Lothal by the end of the week. Vader wasn't personally dispatched to execute everyone on that shitty backwater. For more than six years not once did the Emperor mobilize the fleet to take revenge on Lothal for insolence or killing his best Admiral. Why? Because shut up.



How do the space whales even grab the ship? II don't remember any 'space whales' from any source I've seen, both in Legends canon and Disney Shit Canon, having any opposable appendages.

Do they have tractor beams powerful enough to pull an Imperial class Star Destroyer? I don't care if the Imp 1 is smaller than the Imp 2, it's still too big for that... And would they even have tractor beams? Just.. What? Why?

Even being able to somehow ram a ship in Real Space while in Hyperspace made more sense, and that was total bullshit.


Grand Admiral Thrawn is defeated by space whales dragging his ship to hyperspace after they break his blockade and presumably kill Pellaeon off-screen. No, they don't have any kind of innate resistance to turbolaser fire. Also they can hyperspace in a planet's atmosphere without consequence. Because reasons.

Those space whales are canon the reason we have hyperspace in "Star Wars"

I get the feeling this might be the prologue to that Trilogy they are planning after Episode 9. But that is just me.

Physically. With tentacles.

I'm not joking.


And no one just gives them a planet-cracking broadside.

I need another aspirin.

there has been weirder stuff in Star Wars before.




Overall, the way Rebels portray Thrawn was highly disappointing. He didn’t pull off anything epic like in the Battle of Coruscant and the Battle of Sluis Van.

I believe Pellaeon survived too however. If the Chimaera was dragged into hypserspace, wouldn’t other Imperials ships have too?

Thrawn has been ferrying officers he could trust into the Unknown Regions. I think because of magic space whales, this is where Thrawn and the remnants of the 7th Fleet rendezvous with them.

As for Ezra, I couldn’t give a shit what Thrawn does with him. He should strand him on an asteroid and use the Chimaera’s turbolasers to carve “One Stranded Bitch Here!”

Also, I don’t see the Empire letting go of Lothal. It’s stupid.

Actually, the way the Empire was portrayed in Rebels was completely stupid. They are no longer intimidating and powerful villains who could destroy an entire planet like it’s just another Monday, but they are now a joke. Thanks a lot Filoni.

Step aside and let Timothy Zahn write everything for now.

If that's how you feel about Rebels, then I'll let you believe what you want.

Very little, and what did exist was in obscure side-stories like the ever-stupid Crystal Star. And it was dumb then. This bullshit is front and center.

I very much agree with this. It's deeply disheartening to watch some of my favorite characters from childhood get dragged through the mud. Besides the obvious Thrawn, Pellaeon in the EU was one of my favorite characters: a competent, reasonable man who believed entirely in the promise of the Empire and fought his whole life to maintain what he could of it, never giving into despair while still not being some fanatical die-hard unable to see the writing on the wall. Over the course of several series he winds up putting Thrawn's lessons to work and becoming Grand Admiral himself, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Remnant.


In nucanoon he gets one line before presumably being killed by random space whales.

It's Star Wars. What did you expect?

Competence? Logic? Sanity? Measuring up to the overall decency of the EU? I write Star Wars with cartoon horses by myself and I can say without a doubt I put more thought and effort into it than these people.

"It's Star Wars" is not an excuse to throw out all reason and just start flinging shit everywhere.


Actually, the way the Empire was portrayed in Rebels was completely stupid. They are no longer intimidating and powerful villains who could destroy an entire planet like it’s just another Monday, but they are now a joke. Thanks a lot Filoni.

Was the Empire ever really consistantly intimidating and powerful villains thought? None of them could shoot in the original trilogy, and they were defeated twice by a band of teenagers.


Eh... I'm glad Ahsoka is back. Vader didn't need another dead female character for his back story.

It's called "Science Fantasy" for a reason.

Better? Because it's been shown it CAN be better.

Really I do find the Empire not turning Lothal to glass to be a giant cop-out too. Especially since, if I'm estimating the timeline right, they still had a year or two before Yavin, so the Empire is still most definitely at the height of it's power. They didn't even need to bother sending Vader or anyone important when they could just send a giant fleet in to raze the planet from orbit....which will work really well since blowing up the imperial HQ took the power source for the planetary shields with it.

And according to Rogue One, the 'big victory that showed the Empire could be defeated' didn't count for much, since everyone was jumping ship two seconds after finding out about the Death Star. It was only after the ones that didn't chicken out or die getting the plans blew it up that the Rebellion really took off.

And I'll admit I liked seeing Ahsoka survive too, but I just wish they hadn't done it in such a deus ex machina way.

Good fantasy runs on its own logic, lazy shit just throws everything out the window for plot convenience. Rebels falls squarely into the latter. That's why I hate it.

Well, good for you. I don't care if you don't like rebels, because that's your opinion.

Then why are you on my blog post about it?

You didn’t read the books and comics of the EU? Not even the wikis?

Even in the hands of lunatics (aka the Imperial Warlords), they were still able to not only hold the New Republic back, but each other at the same time.

The Empire never even fell. Fighting continued for almost a decade Post-Endor.

There was one time the Warlords unified and that was after Thrawn’s death. They saw what he could achieve with so little forces and they banded together for once.

The result?

The New Republic was utterly raped and Coruscant was recaptured. The only reason they survived was because they began to fight each other again over who will be in charge.

Actually it was 2 decades. And you're wrong on other points. The only two times the various warlords joined up was when the clone Palpatine forced them to...and when Daala and Pellaeon killed them all and took control of their forces.

Though you are correct in that the Empire never fell. At the 20 year mark both sides essentially wussed out on continuing things and signed a peace treaty, leaving the Empire as a tiny chunk of what it was (not counting Thrawn's stuff in the Unknown Regions). Though this didn't stop some rogue elements from attacking the New Republic later...and of course set the stage for the Empire to take over the galaxy again later...and then for the New Sith to take over the the Empire.

I know about the original Expanded Universe, but Star Wars is also a universe at war with itself thematically and icanogrpahy. The various levels of canon were nuts and didn't mesh well. There were good and bad stories in the old expanded universe as there are good and bad stories in the new expanded universe. At the very least this season finale of Star Wars: Rebels introduced a multiverse to Star Wars.

If the antagonist isn't threatening, then a triumph over them has no meaning. The Empire can have its inefficiencies, no doubt, but at the end of the day it is, it has to be, a deadly serious threat to everyone. The old EU understood that. Nucanon seems to think victory over a back of brainless, pointlessly-evil morons is somehow inspiring.

Yeah, I forgot about Operation Shadow Hand. The Warlords again fought each other after Palpatine’s 2nd death.

It’s why I called them a bunch of lunatics.
The EU made the Empire more fearsome, a more powerful and intimidating foe.

In Disney canon, it’s a complete joke.

Did you know in Disney canon, an Executor-class Super Star Destroyer named the Annhiliator, was captured by pirates and used as a pirates base?

Seriously? Fucking pirates? Capturing an SSD?

In EU, the SSD Eclipse was temporarily captured by the pirate Tyber Zahn during construction, but he was taught by Thrawn himself when he was a cadet. Even Thrawn recognized Tyber Zahn’s brilliance.

But these guys aren’t Tyber Zahn. They captured a completed SSD and used it as a base. These people are not well known and Zahn would’ve crushed these pirates like nothing. Yet, they captured an SSD because for the lolz.

I hate the writers and the only one I want to write Star Wars stories from now on is Timothy Zahn.

Personally I view Star Wars canon as thus;

Episodes 1-6
Legends (the true timeline)
Fan fiction and theories
Clone Wars/Rebels
Alternet timelines in old canon
7,8, Rouge One, and Solo (episode 9 will be here one day)

I am never going to accept Disney as the true masters of Star Wars.

Comment posted by Black Hoof deleted Mar 7th, 2018

Let me speak frankly here.... I am a fan of Disney Star Wars. And yet even I acknowledge that these last few episodes were UTTER GARBAGE and that Filoni must have been smoking some seriously strong stuff when he wrote them.


Rukh loosing in a fight to wolves? Garbage. Its embarrassing enough for Storm Troopers but NO WAY he does.

Thrawn willingly bombarding civilians Fucking trash, and way to contradict the novel Thrawn where he was pissed for when someone did exactly that. After getting Timothy Zahn to reinvent his character, and modernize him, make him more complex and human, YOU DON'T GET THE RIGHT TO IGNORE HIS WRITING.

Governer Pryce dying with loyalty to the Empire.... She fucking is a manipulative, cowardly scumbag for both the TV and novel appearances, with significant showings of overkill and corruption. She betrayed the empire in fear, a requirement for the Rebels entire plot to work, AND THEN DIED LOYAL TO THE EMPIRE?!?! Way to contradict your own writing IN THE ONE EPISODE.

Also, why not have Rukh destroy the shield controls. Or even the bridge controls Seriously he is not an idiot, why would he leave such an obvious and fucking stupid way for the plan to fail.

Oh and way to make the fucking Emperor's guard totally incapable. These are supposed to be the best of the best, even better then the Inquisitors. But oh right, A rock thrown by a known force user, after an obvious cave in, totally catches them off guard.

And the fucking space whales? They managed to take on an Imperial Bloakaid and Win? HOW? They were failing to win against the Mining guild and yet could take out Star Destroyers? How did Ezra even fucking summon them.

That this is supposed to be a fair way to handle the greatest Military mind the Galaxy has ever known, I think Disney needs their brain scrubbed with Bleach.

Oh and the Epilogue....let me actually say what really should happen.

"The Rebellion of Lothal was successful for about a week. Then they were reminded they weren't Kashyyyk. They didn't have useful slave race, they didn't have unique life useful to the Empire or a Dark side Nexus that the Emperor wanted to protect. And they DID have highly valuable mineral resources, meaning the ground was more valuable then the people.

Lothal died in a Delta Base Zero, and then its barren surface was strip mined for its Doonium."

Also you are right, Pellaeon better be fucking alive. We do have confirmation that Thrawn lived through Rebels Recon, AND the fact a second Book by Timothy Zahn is coming, so their is a chance Pellaeon is. I really hope Zahn turns this mess into something worth reading because these two episodes, once again as someone who enjoyed Disney Star Wars, make me wonder what happened to Filoni....how could he justify this even working.

Oh and on a side note, just one thing to add insult to injury in the Epilogue....

HOW IS AHSOKA RUNNING AROUND STILL. Seriously, fine, pull some timetravel shit, whatever, save her in Rebels. But she needed to be dead by Endor otherwise this whole 'Last of the Jedi' Narrative is utter trash. The whole point of Disney story committee was to reduce the contradictions in the series.

So how are Ezra and Ahsoka still alive at the end of Endor? After surviving all this crap, how can they possibly die in the years between Endor and The Force Awakens. MAYBE if you stretch you can claim Ahsoka died of old age....its bullshit, but maybe you can pull it off. But Ezra is younger then Luke.

If Ezra survived Endor, if the rebellion knows of his existence, Luke is not the Last Jedi. And IF the Epilogue takes place during the Force Awakens era and everyone thinks Ezra is dead, then once again Luke is not the Last Jedi cause Ahsoka is still fucking alive.

There is literally no way to explain the epilogue that ends in Luke actually being The Last Jedi.

Don't forget that means she spent years just fucking around instead of, you know, doing anything to help Luke when he really could have used a lightsaber instructor. Must have been working on her Gandalf cosplay.



Yes, clearly the Gandalf Cosplay was important, Ahsoka made the right call there.

I mean its not like Luke, with essentially no training what so ever, had to recreate several THOUSAND years of Lightsaber mastery, across 7 forms, and at least 3 different weapon configurations from whatever books and Holocrons the Emperor didn't destroy.

Clearly someone who was trained in Form I (as all Jedi must be) and was considered very talented at Form V during the Clone Wars, and yet by Rebels has clearly moved towards the more mobile Form IV, and has experience with both 1 and two blades personally, while having fought against Saber Staves, AND worked under Obi-wan, who was known to have made a complex merger of several forms, AND had studied all forms except VII...

And thats ignoring what she probably learned from Anakin and Mace Windu....

But yeah....totally didn't need that practical advice and practice partner. Him and his Holocrons and Books totally got this. And he had pleanty of time to find them while, you know, starting a school, refounding the Jedi order and helping found the Republic.

Totally didn't need Ahsoka's help.

That....is honestly a good question :P

Even I cant defend this shit

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