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I am the lucid dream

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Showers are the most miraculous things · 5:31am Mar 6th, 2018

I had an epiphany while in the shower about what I'm going to do with the next chapter. Now to get some key things written before it all goes away.

Report LucidDreamer · 240 views · Story: Of Bones and Balloons ·
Comments ( 45 )

showers are where nightmares die and dreams go to be revived. also fun with a girl or two.

I agree to the first completely, the second is simply one of those dreams for one such as I.

you have a job can you tell me what the first days of it consisted of because you are the only one I know who has a job and does talk to me because I need the marital for a story

Honestly, I had a guy there making sure I was doing everything right and kept telling me to be faster.

really no training required?

My training was quite literally hands on

I get most of my ideas and think up ideas in the showers. There is just, something, about showers that give you ideas. They cheer you up, heal the pains of the day, and waste time.

well they say experience is the best teacher

well this sadly didn't lead wear I hoped it would but it was still helpful

I have worked other jobs. What kind of insight are you looking for?

Sometimes they are even good for warming your ass when it is fucking freezing outside and you just got in doors, or you randomly start shivering!

what ever people do in highly organized places like libareis and trailer shops

Libraries and what?

Once again, all of the above XD

It's this fucking freezing wind and bipolar weather we have. Like take Yesterday (not yesterday yesterday, but the day before Yesterday cause I am up late) for one. The wind was fucking cold. I was out with my mother for the day, and we took our dog. When we go grocery shopping and I am staying in otherwise he NEVER shuts up (except for when he shuts up after he gets annoyed at barking... he stops... eventually) and when she comes back, he goes to greet her, then when we start driving up, he jumps to the front, freezing... I can literally see the poor little shit shivering. So we put the heat on.

Wind in Colorado makes my dog shiver! Fuck you wind!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

what rarity does

It was windy as shit today too. Couple days ago it was perfect.

That, I have no experience with. Thankfully.

I miss the good ol' days when we can just walk outside in a t-shirt and not give one ounce of a small fuck about a jacket. Nowadays if we were to do that, one of two things might happen. 1. Freeze or 2. nothing cause we aren't really outside but the room we in doesn't get all that great protection from the cold and we would feel it anyway! But it wouldn't be as bad! God help you if you forget you just took a shower and answered the door for whatever fuck reason!

I really shouldn't have laughed at that. Though I get it.

I can hear that goddamn wind! It's noisy as shit! Sometimes I hear it shake the walls. You aren't coming in this time wind. I have the heat on hahahahhah! :flutterrage::rainbowlaugh:

i would imagine working at a library would be peaceful

at least you didnt have basiccly a month of striaght rain

Oh I hate rain too. But I would take it over this goddamn snow! I mean, we have wind, and we have snow. And then, if we are extra good, we can see the sun! Otherwise it's cold! Summer is great, but then I reverse my mood and wish it wasn't so goddamn hot outside!

I can hear it too and I live in a basement apartment.

I would assume it would.

one of the perks of living in the south not as much snow tho when it does snow its more likely to ice the roads

Yet, 90% of the time, people forget how to drive anyway.

i wont argue that

I remember one harrowing time when I was still being driven to school! There was black ice on the street. We live in a mountain town called Evergreen, so everything is colder here cause of elevation. So I am in the car, and my dad starts sliding. Since Black ice lets you know you are basically screwed, we could only really panic. (I guess jumping out of the car was an option too, but I am not Bruce Wilis, I would have died) We ended up going into a ditch and not really flipping, but the car hit the tree on it's side. Scariest thing I ever been in as it was my first real crash. But hey, got the day off of school! All it took was a few minutes sheer terror! Totally worth it! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Some nice neighbor drove us further up the road, but we had to hike back basically! It wasn't fun especially as it was cold that day!

yea black ice is not something to be underestimated

If you live, it wakes you the fuck up! I went from tired, slightly annoyed that I had to go to school during snowy day, and then I woke right the fuck up! I admit there are better ways to wake up :rainbowlaugh:

I once ate a peice of moldy bread to get out of school I do not recommend it I was the tolights new best friend the next day

I was bored out of my mind at school once. Like super bored. I felt like I was melting. This was when I was 11 and at a older school. So I took a pair of scissors and began playing Star Fox with them (I had just finished playing Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox 64 and it was in my mind) the scissors were the Arwing, I was Andross. I think you can imagine where this is going and it does, and I have a puddle of blood in my hand. I stand up (:rainbowlaugh:) blood in my hand and calmly shout that I am bleeding. Everyone begins panicking. I didn't do this to get out of school (again there are better ways to do this) but i was just bored out of my mind.

Doctors was fun. I had to get stitches on my lip. I do not like needles of any kind, when I was young, I had to basically be restrained. So I am screaming bloody murder and I like to imagine just traumatizing some poor kid who is still waiting for his turn to visit the doc. I do not recommend this. Only fun part comes later after the fact when I pinch my chin and don't feel anything! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

i was never afraid of needles because my mom wouldn't let me have that fear beacause my unlce and cousins are super afraid of needles to the point of making a run for it

As soon as I saw that needle that nurse brings. I scream, and hide in a corner. I wish I could say I put my hands over my head, but I hid in the cupboards, tried to make a break for the door, and just begged. I usually had to be held down.

not everyone can be as brave as me :coolphoto:

Now I think I would be better overall if I just look at it so I do this now. Whenever a med would require blood work or anything, I look at it. Fine. No more panic outside of residual memories.

some people grow out of the fear of needles other never do hell I bet that fear of needles stops a lot of potential drug users

Irony at it's best!

lol lets see what you write with that stroke of genius

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