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Monster Hunter World Subspecies (part 2) · 7:08pm Feb 27th, 2018

Rose Pukei-Pukei

Location: Ancient Forest, Rotten Vale
Element: Fire
Ailments: Poison, Fireblight
Weakness: Water, Thunder
Resistance: Fire
A rare subspecies of Pukei-Pukei, the monster tends to more passive than it's common counterpart. It's wild digestive system allows it to turn it's food into both poison and fire; both at the same time should it be enraged. Although it loses the ability to create stunning poison.

Ivory Dodogama

Location: Coral Highlands
Element: Ice
Ailments: Blastblight, Iceblight
Weakness: Water, Fire, Poison
Resistance: Ice, Blast
Almost a complete 180 of the regular Dodogama, the Ivory Dodogama utilities ice in its attacks. Its saliva is so cold it can freeze rocks in an instant, though the saliva still has its explosive properties. A rock made with this saliva can afflict Iceblight and Blastblight at the same time.

Blazing Legiana

Location: Rotton Vale, Elder's Recess
Element: Fire
Ailments: Fireblight, Blastblight
Weakness: Water, Thunder, Stun
Resistance: Ice
A subspecies of Legiana that has been able to overcome the harsh environments of the Elder's Recess and Rotten Vale. The wind it blows it hot enough to inflict Fireblight, and the tips of its talons contain explosive properties on that activate on a fireblighted enemy.

Dusty Tobi-Kadachi

Location: Wildspire Waste
Element: Thunder
Ailments: Thunderblight, Waterblight, Stun
Weakness: Ice
Resistance: Thunder, Fire, Water, Dragon, Poison, Stun
Almost identical to the regular Tobi-Kadachi, millennia of living in the desert has given the monster incredible resilience to almost every element, making it difficult to take down without proper equipment. It is able to spin its tail to create a dust cloud that inflicts Waterblight.

Fafnir Odogaron

Location: Ancient Forest,
Wildspire Waste
Element: Dragon
Ailments: Bleeding, Dragonblight
Weakness: Ice, Water
Resistance: Dragon
The faster and highly aggressive subspecies of Odogaron. Alongside it's unusually sharp claws and fangs, it also has a gland in lungs that allows it to breathe a draconic substance that causes Dragonblight, though doing so leaves it immobile for a short period of time.

Well hey, that's a lot! Not bad for a guy who's never played Monster Hunter World before, right?

And once again, if anyone has any other ideas for subspecies, post them in the comments below and I'll add them to the next list!

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